Legends Lost: Galdin (Book 1, Chapter IV)

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Note: This is the 14th chapter in my fantasy novel, Legends Lost: Galdin. There are 52 chapters total and I will post 1 chapter every Friday. But if you wish to read the entire book now, it is available for purchase on Amazon, iBookstore, Kobo, B&N, and Smashwords.

Chapter XIV

A Noble Lady

Morning dawned on a solemn group of people as they gathered around a freshly dug grave and a body lay before it. Galdin's mother and Trya had done a splendid job in preparing the body for burial. Nylana looked every bit like the noble woman she was. Flowers dotted her golden brown hair. Galdin's mother had placed red powder on Nylana's cheeks to make them glow. She appeared as beautiful in death as she was in life.

The wind brushed past them as though to offer its condolences. Suddenly, the world seemed a sadder place.

"We are gathered here today," said Galdin's mother, "To say farewell to a woman beloved by her people. The lands of Tesnayr will never be the same without her love and grace. Farewell, my lady."

Ryk placed a bouquet of flowers in Nylana's hands. Tears dotted his cheeks. He said nothing.

"She was far braver than I," said Galdin, "I only wish I had treated her with more kindness."

"I'm sure she knows," said Trya. "Pig-headed the both of you. The elves will mourn this day."

A baleful scream filled the air. A lone man with black skin ran up to them in frenzy. Galdin prepared to defend them all when the stranger halted before Nylana's lifeless body. He dropped to his knees.

Leaning over Nylana's still form, the man cried out in anguish. "I have failed you, my lady. It should be me laying there not you."

The black man plucked a flower from the bouquet Ryk had placed in her cold hands. Gingerly, he stuck it in her hair removing stray strands from her face. "Curse you voice on the wind," shouted the man, "I prayed that you'd lead me to her while she lived. But you brought me to her grave. Curse you all."

Galdin and the others stood still watching him. Clearly, this man knew Nylana. None wanted to disturb him unsure of what he might do considering his outburst upon seeing her.

The soft cry of a bird distracted them. A brilliant bird of gold and red swooped low and landed near Nylana's head. Galdin moved to chase the animal away. Recognizing the phoenix, Trya grabbed his arm holding him back.

The black man looked into the phoenix's sad eyes.

"You curse what you do not understand," the bird said.

Gracefully, the phoenix bent low over Nylana. A tear escaped its eye as it placed its head upon her chest. Gradually, a glow of gold and white light emanated from it. It grew in intensity enveloping all of them. Slowly, the light died until only the sun warmed them.

The phoenix had gone. A blue rose rested in its place. A sharp intake of breath alerted everyone that Nylana lived. Her eyes fluttered open focusing on the black man kneeling beside her. Slowly, she lifted a hand to his cheek. "Narúl," she whispered, "I knew you'd find me."

Elated, Narúl took her hand kissing it. "My lady, you live. Forgive me. I should never have let you go to Pras'quel alone. If I had accompanied you-"

"It would have made little difference. You would have died like the others."

Narúl helped Nylana sit up. He had her lean on his shoulder as he helped her stand. The others gathered around them in excitement at the miracle they had witnessed. Slowly, they led her into the cabin so that she could rest. Only Trya remained outside.

She stared at where the phoenix had been. Suddenly, the world felt different. It felt more barren than before. There was only one phoenix in the world and it had given its life so that a woman might live. Now its magic had gone, and so had life itself. But only Trya noticed it.

At dawn the next morning they left Galdin's mother for Norlyk. Despite attempts to make her rest, Nylana insisted on returning home. "I am fine," she had told Narúl during one of his protests. "It is time I return home."

"And what of this man," Narúl gestured to Galdin. "I do not trust him."

"But I do. And if it wasn't for any of them, I would have died in Pras'quel."

Nylana walked over to Galdin's mother. "Thank you for your kindness."

"You are most welcome," replied the old woman.

"I will return as soon as I am able," said Galdin as he bade farewell to his mother.

"You'll not return," said his mother. "Oh, do not look at me like that. There is a change within the air. Take care of her, Galdin. She needs you."

"I will return."

His mother smiled at him giving him a gentle kiss on the cheek. "My door is always open."

All of their farewells said, they traveled down the road that led straight to Norlyk. Galdin's mother watched them leave. A horrible cough sounded as she brought a handkerchief to her mouth. As she pulled it away, a spot of blood rested in the center. Carefully, the woman folded it and put it away.

Galdin turned around and waved at her. She returned the wave with a broad grin. "Farewell, my son. Take care of yourself."

Tune back Next Friday for the next chapter.

You can buy this book and the rest of the Legends Lost series at Amazon, B&N, Kobo, iBooks, and Smashwords. You can follow me on Twitter (JMRUL), or like my Facebook page. For more information, see www.legendslosttrilogy.com. Your support is appreciated. Thanks for reading!

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