Legends Lost: Galdin (Book 3, Chapter XVI)

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Note: This is the 48th chapter in my fantasy novel, Legends Lost: Galdin. There are 52 chapters total and I will post 1 chapter every Friday.  But if you wish to read the entire book now, it is available for purchase on Amazon, iBookstore, Kobo, B&N, and Smashwords.  

Chapter XVI

Hope Restored

 Dawn peeked over the horizon as Nylana sat alone staring at the armies before her twirling the feather in her hand.  She had been sent to find something that would restore hope and found it.  She had no idea what it was for.  The first rays of sunlight glittered on the feather as it turned a brilliant gold.

A tune escaped Nylana's lips as she pondered the mysterious feather.  She sang the same song that all children learn in the lands of Tesnayr.  The song that Quesha had recited when she appeared in Norlyk that day they met with the council.

"A coin for your thoughts," said Petra as he sat beside her.

"Here," said Nylana, "This is what you sent me after."

Petra took it examining it.  "An odd feather.  What are we to do with it?"

"That is what I am asking you.  You sent me after a lost relic and this is what I found, but I have no idea what to do with it."

"I'm sure you'll figure it out," Petra handed her the feather again.

"Armies of the five lands; men of Tesnayr," said Krispyn as he stood above everyone. 

Nylana and Petra jumped to their feet and joined the gathering crowd around Krispyn.

"We have been faced with a difficult choice," continued Krispyn, "Vasagius has offered sanctuary if we surrender to him now.  If we refuse, he has vowed to kill us all.  Since this goes beyond the confines of any kingship, I lay this choice before you: whatever you choose, no one will think ill of it.  If you wish to return home, then leave now and good luck.  If you wish to stay and fight, then remain."

"It is too dangerous," said a soldier.  "It is not worth the sacrifice."

"Then what is?" asked Nylana, her voice echoing throughout the hills and the valley.  "What shall we fight for?  If we turn away now, who will take our place?" 

Nylana walked regally before the men.  She scanned their faces noting the fear and hopelessness that dwelled within them.  "All of you have sworn oaths to the lands of Tesnayr—to my brother!  And yet you cower here.  Where is your honor?  Where is your courage?  Will you not take up arms to fight for those you swore to protect?"

"But we will die," said a voice.

"Yes, death is certain," replied Nylana.  "And let us meet that end head on and with honor.  Confront it like the men you are.  I ride to meet Vasagius.  Who will ride with me?"

"I will," said Galdin, stepping forward.

"Will you say, yes, if I come?"  Ryk stepped forward.

Nylana smiled at Ryk's question.  "If you survive."

"Then I am yours to command," said Ryk with a bow.

A harsh clearing of someone's throat forced Nylana to turn around.  "You know I'm in," said Lord Belznyc.  "I'll go anywhere where there's a good fight."  He looked foreboding with his battle axe resting against his left shoulder.

"Are there no others?" shouted Nylana.

Narúl stepped forward, his hand on the hilt of his sword.  "I have been by your side our whole life.  I will not abandon you now, or ever."

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