Holding Onto You (boyxboy)

By ArmchairPhilosopher

2.4M 91.4K 66.9K

"So you're blind?" "Yes" "Well just so you know, I'm hot." Hunter has been blind since he was two and has be... More

Holding Onto You (boyxboy)
Holding Onto You Chapter 1
Holding Onto You Chapter 2
Holding Onto You Chapter 3
Holding Onto You Chapter 4
Holding Onto You Chapter 5
Holding Onto You Chapter 6
Holding Onto You Chapter 7
Holding Onto You Chapter 8
Holding Onto You Chapter 9
Holding Onto You Chapter 10
Holding Onto You Chapter 11
Holding Onto You Chapter 12
Holding Onto You Chapter 13
Holding Onto You Chapter 14
Holding Onto You Chapter 15
Holding Onto You Chapter 16
Holding Onto You Chapter 17
Holding Onto You Chapter 18
Holding Onto You Chapter 19
Holding Onto You Chapter 20
Holding Onto You Chapter 21
Holding Onto You Chapter 22
Holding Onto You Chapter 23
Holding Onto You Chapter 24
Holding Onto You Chaper 25
Holding Onto You Chapter 26
Holding Onto You Chapter 27
Holding Onto You Chapter 28
Holding Onto You Chapter 29
Holding Onto You Chapter 30
Holding Onto You Chapter 31
Holding Onto You Chapter 32
Holding Onto You Chapter 34
Holding Onto You Chapter 35
Holding Onto You Chapter 36
Holding Onto You Chapter 37
Holding Onto You Chapter 38
Holding Onto You Chapter 39
Holding Onto You Chapter 40
Holding Onto You Chapter 41
Holding Onto You Chapter 42
Holding Onto You Chapter 43
Holding Onto You Chapter 44
Holding Onto You Chapter 45
Holding Onto You Chapter 46
Holding Onto You Chapter 47
Holding Onto You Chapter 48
Holding Onto You Chapter 49
Holding Onto You Chapter 50
Holding Onto You Chapter 51
Holding Onto You Chapter 52
Holding Onto You Chapter 53

Holding Onto You Chapter 33

23.1K 885 700
By ArmchairPhilosopher

Brian's pov

The doctor had come at six thirty pm to do his rounds in the icu and he told us the same thing. Finn was stable and needed to wake up.

Finn's parents, Vincent, Mark, Vincent's brothers and even Mr. Edwards and Mr. Smith had all gone to see him during the seven pm visiting hours.

Vincent, Mark, Ryan, Hunter and I spent the night once again in the hospital with his parents. Although I didn't get much sleep because of my crazy thoughts. I spent the whole night trying to figure out why I was getting so worked up about all the attention Vince was getting from all the girls and some guys as well. I knew Vince was awake too but I didn't let my lack of sleep be known.

I knew that I was being a jealous prick but I couldn't help it. I know that Vincent's friends are just concerned about him but I just feel like life is so unpredictable and if this could happen to Finn, anything can happen and I need to keep Vince close to me or I might loose him.

Ever since what happened to Finn, I've been unable to think properly. I'm anxious and snappy and my chest has this unbearable pain as if someone took my heart out and put it on a machine to keep it alive. Why did it feel like that heart was Finn.

"Brian why are you shaking so much. Come here." Vince pulled me into his arms the next morning trying to calm me down but my hands wouldn't stop trembling. "I'm going in, you want to join me?" Vince asked me rubbing my back. Maybe seeing Finn would calm me down.

"So early, will they let you in?" It was six am.

"I'll sweet talk them, I just need to see Finn." He seemed edgy himself.

I nodded and he took my hand leading me to the icu. He rang the bell and a nurse opened agreeing to his request immediately and allowing us in. We entered and geared up before entering another door and I followed Vince all the way to where Finn was lying unmoved and so fragile looking.

"Hi Angie." Vince greeted the nurse who returned it with a big smile. "This is Brian." He told her.

"Hello Brian. Finn you've got another handsome visitor, you're a lucky boy." She spoke to Finn like he was awake. Something started beeping loud but Vince assured me that it was okay.

"Hey Finny." Vince greeted. "How was the visit from Marissa and Heather? Usually it's the girls who swoon and fall into the guys arms but you're the one unconscious here, not cool for your image." He leaned close and actual tears rolled down his cheeks. "Come on my boy, wake up. Its been two days already. I can't see you like this any longer. You can do it Finny just try. Sleeping makes wimps out of us." He straightened up and wiped away his tears. "I can't... tell him to wake up Brian, before I go mad. I can't go through another day like this." He left the room and I was left alone with Finn.

"Hi Finn. Vincent is just really tired, don't stress about him. He'll be fine but he'll be fine even faster if you wake up." I leaned over him, rubbing his cheek. "It's already Sunday Finn, I don't think any of us can go through another day. Especially your parents who are lost without you. Hunter is also disoriented and terrified. Come back for them Finn. And I still remember that you kissed me on Thursday, a lot actually and I don't plan to keep it from our boyfriends so you better get up so we can tell them. We did the same thing we wanted to stop them from doing so I'm not going to tell them alone, I fear for my life." I chuckled but started crying immediately. "Please wake up Finn, you can't let one worthless homophobic basher keep you down. If you are weak than how will Hunter ever learn to be a fighter and a survivor. We all know how strong you are, now prove it. Come on Finn. Wake up, please."

One of my tears fell on his cheek and I lifted my hand to wipe it away when I saw his eyes move. They fluttered open and close before opening once again. I got a huge smile when I saw his brown eyes. His hand wanted to grip onto something so I took it in mine and he relaxed.

"Finn hey it's me Brian." The nurse stood up to monitor him.

"Good morning Finn. I want you to relax okay." She told him.

"Vince." He managed to whisper through the pipes.

"I'm going to get him, just stay awake okay." I left his hand and ran out of the icu. Vince was sitting on the floor again with his head in his lap.

"Vince?" He looked up immediately. "He's awake."

He jumped to his feet. "He's awake?"

"Yeah and he's asking for you." He ran to the entrance but stop by the door.

"What am I going to say to him, I let this happen to him." He hit the door with his fist.

"No you didn't let this happen. Don't you dare take the blame for what that bastard did. Finn needs you now more than ever, this might affect him mentally more than physically and that's why you need to stay strong. Now go in and be the Vincent that fixes everything." I gave him a quick hug. "I'm going to tell the others." He nodded and went inside.

I went over to Finn's parents and shook Mr. Evans shoulder. He got up and looked confused when he saw me grinning like a fool.

"Finn woke up." I told him and he got Mrs. Evans up and they rushed inside.

I went over to Hunter, Mark and Ryan and got them up.

"Wake Up guys." I shook them. They got up stretching and yawning, Hunter asking Mark what the time was as he straightened his clothes.

I could tell that Hunter was wondering where Vincent was and he confirmed it. "Where's Vincent?" He managed to find Ryan and hold onto his t shirt so he didn't feel so lost. Ryan let him hold him leaning against the wall.

"Finn asked for him so he's inside." They all just nodded taking a few seconds to take in what I said. When it did finally enter their half asleep brains, all three of them jolted off the wall.

"Finn asked for Vincent, that means..?" Hunter hoped I would tell him what he wanted to hear.

"Finn's awake." He got this huge smile on his face his eyes lighting up but it immediately turned into a worried frown and he cast his eyes down. "His parents and Vincent are in with him. He even spoke. I was with him when he woke up and he asked for Vincent. He's going to get out of here Hunter. Soon all those machines will be removed and he'll be home. He's okay now Hunter, so just relax."

He took a deep breath and sighed in relief. I knew he was scared so I pulled him into a tight hug. He didn't know what was going to happen, what Finn's reaction to the whole thing would be. He needed Vincent right now to convince him that Finn wasn't going to blame him in any way and I hoped that my comforting would be enough.

"Ryan and I are going inside." Mark told me and I nodded in reply before they entered the icu.

"Let's sit here." I took Hunter to a chair and made him sit, sitting next to him. "When you're ready we'll go inside but until then you just need to know that nothing is ever in our control. Everything can't be fixed and everyone can't be helped. I know that being blind is difficult and it restricts you but it doesn't mean that if you weren't blind you'd have stopped everything that happened to Finn. If you weren't blind the attacker would have probably not attacked Finn in front of you and he would have probably killed him. If you weren't blind you'd have tried to stop him and he would have probably hurt both of you. If you weren't blind doesn't mean you could have stopped what was meant to happen. Good or bad it will happen no matter what."

"Sometimes I think I can do anything on my own but then I open my eyes and I realize how dependent I am. I think I can do everything yet I am too afraid to go in front of someone I care so much about. Vince warned me not to think I'm useless but not thinking about it isn't going to change it. I am useless and that's the truth." He stood up in a rush putting his hand out for me to hold. "Now take me to my boyfriend, I need to face my problems whether I can see them or not."

I took his hand and led him inside not once believing his words. I took him to Finn knowing that what he said wasn't the truth. He wasn't useless, if he was he wouldn't have had an amazing guy like Finn light up with happiness even under all the machines as soon as he spotted Hunter.

Finn motioned for Hunter to come closer and I took him right next to Finn joining their hands.

He pulled Hunter close to him. "Miss me?" He whispered through the pipe.

Hunter nodded frantically his smile finally returning. "Finn I missed you so much. I'm so sorry this happened to you. Are you in any pain? Why isn't anyone taking all these machines out, they are beeping so loud."

He screamed the last part causing the room to go silent. The nurses and other patients who were awake all looked at Hunter who was immediately wrapped in Vincent's arms. Finn was smiling and even though it looked weird with the pipe I could tell it was a warm and understanding smile.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to scream I just wanted the beeping to stop. I'm sorry Finn I don't know what happened." He was jittery and a bit disoriented. Vince rubbed his back trying to calm him. He held onto Vince with shaking hands.

Finn once again got him close to him and pulled him down gripping his cheek and he brought Hunter's lips down to his cheek making Hunter kiss him. Hunter pressed his lips firmly on Finn and it was so beautiful.

After a while of Hunter just staying close to Finn neither saying one word the doctor came and we all left the icu so Finn could be examined. Vince held Hunter's hand as he led us all downstairs for coffee including Finn's parents.

After visiting Finn again and speaking to the doctor who told us they would be removing the ventilator tomorrow, we all left the hospital. Mark and Ryan went home and Hunter and I went with Vince to his house.

We got home with Vince complaining that he's starving and his mum feeding us enough food to last a lifetime but by dinner time he was hungry again.

After dinner we all went back to the hospital to see Finn and seeing him awake and responsive made me happy. But I could see in his eyes and by the forced smile he managed to give that he was very badly affected by what happened. He jumped with any loud sound and he was very cautious and kept his eyes on the door.

Vincent also noticed because he kept distracting Finn every time he turned his gaze from us to the door. He was all the support Finn needed and he was going to help Finn get through this. Finn was also lucky that Hunter came into his life. Hunter's presence alone made Finn feel better and he said all the right things to make Finn happy.

After our visit Vince wanted to stay the night again but after at least an hour of explaining I managed to convince him that he needed to go to school tomorrow. It was only two days of school before Thanksgiving break anyway.

Once he agreed we went home and the three of us all slept on Vincent's bed and I of course woke up to find Hunter snuggled up in the arms of Vince.

We went through the day at school like zombies and when it was finally over we went straight to the hospital. They had removed the ventilator and shifted Finn to a ward. He looked much better and even though his voice was raspy and hoarse he spoke a lot and didn't once show his true emotions. He was so strong and I was so proud of him. When we were leaving so he could rest he held my hand to stop me.

"I need to speak to you." He whispered so no one could hear and because his throat was paining. That vent really hurt his throat.

Everyone left and I sat next to him rubbing his hand. His left arm was in a brace and he still had a lot of bandages and plasters.

"Are you comfortable?" I asked not sure what else to speak about. I didn't want him to speak about what happened because I didn't have any answers for him. The police still had no lead on the suspect and telling Finn that the monster who did this to him was still free wasn't easy for me.

"Yeah I'm fine. Listen I need to tell you something but first you need to promise me that you won't tell Vince." He sounded really serious and it seemed like what he was about to tell me was very difficult for him.

"What is it Finn? Why shouldn't I tell Vince?" Why was he telling me this and not Vince?

"Just promise me. Vince can not know. If he finds out it will destroy everything." It was so painful for him to talk.

"What do you mean it will destroy everything, destroy what?" I didn't understand anything he was saying.

"I know who did this to me." He let out frustratingly.

"What are you serious? That's great, now that monster can be locked up for the rest of his life. You need to tell the police everything." He shook his head slightly.

"No I don't want anyone to know. Not the police and especially not Vincent. Hunter has already lost so much, this will kill him. Promise me you won't tell anyone what I'm about to tell you?" His pleading eyes made me agree.

"Alright I won't tell anyone. Who was it Finn and why will it affect Hunter?" I came close to him rubbing his cheek.

"It was Hunter's father." He let out with a painful cry. "He did this to me. How could he do this to me? He didn't once think what would happen if Hunter found out. I was so scared Brian, I thought I was going die." He cried and I held him close trying to calm him down but my own blood was boiling.

"Hunter needs to know Finn. That bastard needs to pay for what he did." He wasn't getting away with this even if I destroyed him myself. He shook his head and I decided to let it go for now. "Okay I won't tell anyone, now stop crying. You need to just forget about everything and concentrate on getting better. You need to rest." I passed my fingers over his eyes and he closed them taking a deep breath and letting it out. I held him close to me until he fell asleep and left the room. Vince was in the waiting room with Hunter and he had his arm around him. I went over to him needing him to hold me before I burst with anger and killed Austin Haynes.

"What was all that about?" He asked nudging towards Finn's room.

I hugged him tight pulling Hunter close to me as well. "Don't worry about it, I'm going to make everything right. I love you so much Vince, don't ever forget that." I held them both close to me vowing to never let any harm come to them. No one was going to stop us from loving who we want. I was going to fix everything.

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