The Cheetahs Return. (Discont...

By TheWhovianHalfBlood

2.8K 101 14

Alexandria Bane was given a task, a task to find her friend, Mary's little sister. The last second before she... More

Chapter 1. Fish An Chips, And The Woman In The Shadows.
Chapter 2. The Bronze Raven, The Snake Woman & The Chandelier.
Chapter 3. Lucy's Life Story.
I got tagged, so I'm gonna do it!
Chapter 4. It's Not Much, But It's Home.
What The Characters Look Like.
Chapter 5. They've Found Us.
Chapter 6. I'll Find You! I'll Find You Both! I Swear It!
Happy Hanukkah!!💙💙
Merry Christmas!(A Little Late)🎅🎄⛄️
Chapter 7. A New Animagus And Josie's Back!
Chapter 8. Ginny Weasley Open The Door! And It's A Long, Long Story.
Chapter 9. She Was A Shadow And The Shadows Were Her.
Tag your it, tag, tag your it.
Chapter 12. We're Safe.
Chapter 13. The Cloaked Figure Strikes Again.
Chapter 14. Love That Was Thought To Have Been Long Lost, Is Found.
Chapter 15. Don't Cry For Me.
Chapter 16. Life Isn't Worth Living If You Don't Live At All.
Chapter 17. The Battle Of Hogwarts
Chapter 18. There's An "End" In Best Friend.

Chapter 11. On The Run And The Whispering Snake.

87 3 0
By TheWhovianHalfBlood

Ally POV. ~*~*~*Edited~*~*~*~

I awoke to someone shaking me, I sat up and opened my eyes. "What's going on?" I questiond as my eyes tried to adjust to the light. "Death Eaters. Chris saw them outside when he went out to get something to eat." Lucy replied.

I looked over to where she was and saw her shoving things into my bag, it appears that Chris was the one who had awoken me as he was sitting across from me on the other bed.

"What were you doing outside? You know that you can't leave without my permission." I  soclded him as I stood and made the bed hastily. "I know and I'm sorry, but I wanted to surprise you. Anyway, they'll be here any moment, so we need to get out of here." He told me.

"It's okay, and just let me get changed." I said and tapped my wand on my head. Instantly my pajamas changed into a pair of faded blue jeans and a red and black plaid long sleeved shirt and red Converse, I quickly fishtail braided my dark wavey blueish/blackish hair that came to my waist.

"Alright Lucy, toss me my bag." I said and Lucy tossed it to me, I caught it and heard something fall down. "Ah, that'd be the books." I sighed as I looked at my bag. "you have books in there?" Lucy asked as she pointed towards my bag with a raised eyebrow. "Yup. Now come on, take my hand." I said as I held it out to them.

Chris and Lucy each grabbed my hands and we dissipated just as the door to the room was blasted open.


Lucy POV.

As we landed I felt my feet hit hard ground, but when I went to take my hand out of Ally's and open my eyes, I felt her grip tighten around my hand making it so I could not let go and then I started to open my eyes when I felt the familiar tug in the pit of my stomach and I squeezed my eyes tightly shut again as my feet left the solid ground once more.

When the tugging feeling left, I  began opening my eyes slowly, I wish I hadn't though as my hand was released and then I heard the sound of splashing and then I felt myself fall into water. I opened my eyes under the water, much to the protest of my eyeballs.

I looked around looking for Chris and Ally, doing my best to hold my breath. I was never much of a swimmer, now I wish I had participated when Mason and his sister April had contests to see who could hold their breath the longest underwater.

Ah, Mason. Oh how I wish I knew how he was doing, was he missing me? Has he even looked for me? Or does he not give a dam about me? No Lucy! Do not think about him. He was your best friend, of course he looked for you, I'm sure he's still looking for you. I thought to myself.

Great! Now I'm arguing with myself. I sighed in my head and shoke my head a bit, hoping to clear my mind of those unpleasant thoughts, and looked for Chris and Ally once more. My lungs felt like they were on fire, my thirst for air was becoming unbearable.

If I were Chris or Ally and I was under water and didn't know how swim where would I be? I thought. Drowning, that's where. I thought bitterly. Maybe you should just give in, give up. Take a big breath of the water, let it fill your lungs. What do you have to lose?

It's not like anyone will miss you, your mum is dead, your father abandoned you, your sister is dead, your best friend probably forgot about you, your Aunt mostly likely did too.

What's the point to keep fighting it? Just give in. Give in Lucy. Give in Lucy, and I'll take all the pain away. Give in Lucy and all the pain of loss shall go away. A Snake-like voice seemed to whisper in my mind, it took me a second to realize that the voice wasn't mine, I looked all around me and saw a small sliver snake swimming in the water.

It swam towards me, it was about 20 feet away. Finally I couldn't take the pain and ache in my lungs anymore, the snake was right, what's the point of fighting, I am a worthless human being, no one would notice if I just gave in to a fast death. With my mind a blurly mess, I squeezed my eyes shut and gave in to the quite and blackness not knowing or caring what would happen next.


Ally's POV.

Chris and I broke to the surface of the water and I took a deep breath, we swam over to a beach and I wiped the water from my eyes as he and I crawled out of the water, I looked over at Chris. "You okay?" I asked him. "Yeah." He said as he shoke his hair out.

I couldn't help but feel like we were missing someone, it took me but a moment to realize who was missing. "Lucy! Where's Lucy?! LUCY!!" I yelled as I looked around all over the place, but there was no sign of the black haired girl. Chris's eyes widened as he began looking around like a madman.

"You don't think she.... Do you?" I asked worried as I breathed heavyly. Chris didnt give me an answer as he ran passed me and back into the water.  "LUCY!" He screamed and jumped in. "Chris!" I yelled after him, but he disappeared under the water.

"Who are you?!" Came a male's voice behind me, I whiped around and saw a young man with long/shortish red hair and a scar across his face, he was wearing a light blue longsleved shirt rolled up at the elbows and a pair of jeans.

Behind him stood a blonde young woman wearing a grey dress with a pale blue sweater over top of it and a pair of pale blue ballet plats, both of them had their wands pointed at me. I raised my hands in surrender as I took in their tense faces.

The man's hair resampled Ginny's and he had a similar face, so that would make him... I ran through the list of her brother's in my head. Bill! That's it! He was Bill Weasley,, one of the oldest Weasley brothers.

"Relax, I'm not here to hurt you." I said as calmly as I could. "Good to know. Now who are you." He demanded. I took a deep breath.  "My name is Alexandria Bane, I'm 17 going to be 18 soon. I am a friend of Ginny's." I said.

"Prove it, tell me something that only Ginny would know, something she shared with you." He said, neither of them lowered their wands. "When you were all kids, she once pranked you, Fred and George because you wouldn't let her practice her flying beacuse she was only 5.

She didn't really know how to use her magic yet but she knew how to control it a bit, so she gave all three of you blue hair and she said it wouldn't come out for three weeks, not even with magic." I said hoping that would be good enough proof. It must have been, because Bill and the woman lowered their wands.

"What are you doing here?" He asked me. "Honestly I didn't mean to end up here, Death Eaters were chasing us so I knew we needed to get out of there, so I thought of one of the only places I could. The water.

I came here with my little brother Chris and a girl named Lucy, but Lucy got lost in the water. Chris just dove in there to look for her, I have no clue if either one of them is alright." I sighed worriedly.

"Is that them?" The woman said with a frown and I turned around. Walking out of the water and towards us, carrying a limp body in his arms, was Chris. "Chris!" I gasped and ran over. Lucy was in his arms, her whole body blue covered in little red bites.

I looked up and saw that Chris was covered in them too. "What happened?!" I asked him. "a stupid snake, that's what." He grumbled as he walked passed me, I had no clue how he was able to carry Lucy this far,

But I didn't question him. "Come on inside, we need to heal you. I just hope we can heal her too and it's not to late." The woman said concerned and then she and Bill led us to a small shell cottage.


Word count: 1.479

Heyyyyyyy! How'd you like the chapter? Wonder what's gonna happen to Lucy? You'll find out in the next chapter!

Today is the anniversary of the battle of Hogwarts, I had wanted to post the final chapter of this book today but I still have many to go as I don't want to end this book until I get to around chapter 20. Oh well! R.I.P. to those who died in the battle of Hogwarts, May 2nd 1998.

Keep Calm and Eat, Sleep, And Read on!


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