Jerrie One-Shots

By For_Legit

678K 15.3K 4.8K

Yeah...the title is pretty self-explanatory. These are requested Jerrie One-shots More

Jerrie One-Shots
In The Morning
Choose Me, Not Him
So Wrong, Yet So Right
Tutoring The Softball Captain
I Get What I Want
Don't Play
I Know You Want To
Texts To My Heart
I Never Said I Didn't Love You
Fun Under The Sun
Hate That I Want You
My Soldier, My Love
The Principal's Daughter
Save Me (Part 1)
Save Me (Part 2)
Save Me (Part 3)
If Only You Knew The Truth
Can't Live Without You
Winning Her Over
Ghost Hunting?
Ghost Hunting? (Part 2)
Somewhere Only We Know
A Soldiers' Love Is Forever
In The Office
Steal A Kiss
She Came To Give It To You (Warning: Not finished)
Let Me Explain
I Love You...And Your Eyes
Be My Captain
Ghost Hunting? 2.0
Ghost Hunting? 2.0 (Part 2)
Black Magic
Insane (Part 2)
Trojan Princess
Meant To Be
On The Sea
Take Care Of Me
It's You
Winning Her Over (Part 2)
An Old Flame
Don't Let Go
Don't Let Go (Part 2)
Jerrie Time
Benchwarmer & Varsity
The Sisters
Falling Again
It's You (Continuation)
The Sisters (Snippet)
Put A Ring On It
I See You
Random (Part 2)
Wrong Room
The Sisters (Announcement)
My Hero In Shining Glasses
Communication (Beginning?)
Random Part 3
The Door
Christmas List

She Came To Give It To You

5.9K 161 44
By For_Legit

A/N: this is based off of: 'jade goes to a bar or something with leigh and jesy, and she meets perrie. then perrie comes back another night just to see jade, and she flirts with her and stuff, and then they do the diddly do' after seeing this prompt, the only thing that came to mind was the song 'She Came To Give It To You' by Usher, don't ask me why :p

Okay...I FINISHED IT!!!!


"Oh, oh, I know! What about that other lad...uh, what was his name? Liam?"

"He's a friend, nothing more."


"Eugh, no! There's no way I'd ever date him."

"Oh! How about that Niall guy?"

"No, Leigh-Anne! Ugh, will you two stop already?"

"See, this is why we want to hook you up with someone. You're so grumpy when you're single," Jesy says, swirling her straw around to move of the ice away in her drink. She takes a small sip, then scrunches her face up, subtly moving the drink away when she realizes she accidentally drank Leigh-Anne's drink (which was way too strong for her).

"I've been single the entire time I've known you two," Jade says.

"Exactly," Jesy replies, making Jade gasp. "Look, whether you like it or not, we're going to hook you up with someone. We wanna see what our little Jadey looks like when she's been struck by Cupid's arrow."

"I bet it's adorable. Oh I can just see it now...she'll actually try to look presentable in the mornings-"


"-and she'll buy dozens of mints once she realizes her breath smells putrid,-" Jade frowns, bringing her hand up to check her breath, "and she'll finally act like the girl she is! Ugh, so cute!" Jade rolls her eyes once Leigh-Anne finishes, reaching across the table to flick her forehead.

"I don't even know why I'm friends with you two. You're so mean to me."

"We just want to help you, Jadey! We're older than you, so therefore we are wiser than you, and we know what's best! We know the opportunities that will come to you once you embrace your inner woman."

"Hey! What's wrong with my outer woman!?" Jade whines.

"We're at a bar and you have your hair up in a bun, your make-up doesn't exist, and you're wearing sneakers to match your flannel," Leigh-Anne says, she being the fashionista of the group.

"What's wrong with my flannel?!"

"We're at a bar!"

"Well unlike some people, I actually like to be comfortable when I go out."

"Comfort doesn't get you laid, Jade." Jesy deadpans, Leigh-Anne nodding along beside her.

"Not everything in life is about having sex."

"That is life, Jade! That's everything that life revolves around! Why do I have a life? My parents did the naughty naughty. Why do you have a life? Because your parents did the naughty naughty! We're all alive because someone did the naughty naughty! Ha ha! For once you're not the smart one!" Jesy explains, doing a karate chop over the table to express her pride and happiness over her 'victory'.

"Okay, but that doesn't mean-"

"Please! I want to go home! Leave me alone!"

Jade and the other two on the table frown, turning their heads left and right to try and see what the source of the sudden yelp was. They seemed to be the only ones who cared about the mysterious damsel in distress, because the cries and grunts continued.

"What's going on?!" Leigh-Anne asks.

"Why are you asking me? If I had known, I would've done something about it by now." Jesy answers, Leigh-Anne glaring at her once she's finished. The two of them continue to glare at each other for a few more seconds until they start slapping each other's hands, and pushing each other in a small little brawl.

Jade continues to survey the area, her eyes finally locking on a crowd of men flocking around a blonde young woman, and when she turns around, Jade becomes mesmerized by the girl's metallic blue eyes and plump pink lips. Before she can even process what's happening, her feet are carrying her over to the scene, a plan formulating in her mind once she realizes that she needs one in order to save herself from getting beaten to a pulp.

When she get's as close as possible, she carefully wedges her way between two brute looking men, trying not to make them spill their drinks on her. After a few failed attempts, she finally get's through, almost bumping into the blonde because of how hard she had to push to get between the guys.

The girl looks at her, silently pleading for her to help.

"There you are!" Jade exclaims, wrapping her slim fingers around the girl's wrist. "Where have you been?! We've been looking all over the place for you-"

"Hey! We're talking to the pretty little lady over here, and we assure you she's fine. Now get lost!" one man slurs, barely able to stand up straight because of how drunk he is.

"Uh-huh, yeah, I'm sure she's perfectly fine with you." Jade mutters sarcastically, waving the guy off. "Anyway, look, we gotta go! The taxi is waiting outside."

"I would love to, but these guys won't leave me alone," the girl says, going along with Jade's while Jade turns her head to glance at the five guys surrounding them.

"What were you thinking!?" Jade exclaims. "How do you think Jake is going to react to this?! You know what happened when he found out you were talking to that other guy-"

"I know, but I thought that-"

"Uh-uh missy, we're leaving before you do anything detrimental to your relationship with him. Let's go." Jade tugs the girl along behind her, shoving her way through the crowd to get the blonde to safety. She manages to get them outside, and when they exit through the doors she let's go of the girl's wrist. "You alright?" she asks.

"I'm fine, thank you." Jade smiles at the girl's response, her heart skipping a beat when the blonde returns it and reveals her dimple. "Thanks for saving me back there."

"Oh, it was no big deal, really-"

"You're my hero." The girl leans forward into Jade's personal space (though she doesn't seem to mind one bit), her index finger starting to trail up and down Jade's forearm, a shiver running down her spine at the feather-light touch. "Does my hero have a name?"

"Jade. Jade Thirlwall."

"Well, Jade come here often?"

"Usually just whenever my roommates have time and they decide to drag me along. That seems to be every Friday now."

"Well, I gotta go, but I'm sure we'll be meeting again," the girl says, her finger now trailing up Jade's chin as she walks away, making Jade's body lean forward and follow her finger, not wanting the contact to stop.

"Sounds like a plan," she says when the blonde's hand returns to her side. "Though, I never got your name, blondie."

"It's Perrie."

"I'm guessing you don't want me to ask if you're a platypus?"

"I don't think I'd mind if you asked me. You're too cute for me to get mad at."

"Are you flirting with me, Perrie?"

"I was supposed to be leaving a few seconds ago, but I'm still here having a conversation with you. Does that give you a hint?"

"Here I was just thinking you were being polite."

"You're so oblivious, cutie. We're gonna have to work on that."

"If it means spending more time with you, then when do we start?"

"If everything goes according to plan, then I'm guessing sometime very soon, Jade."


"And you didn't go home with her?!" Jesy screeches.

Jade rolls her eyes and hides her face in her hands, Leigh-Anne sitting beside Jesy and bobbing her head along to the music playing in the club, barely paying attention since she's already about five strong drinks in.  Jesy, however, is very focused on the current conversation.  They're out again, yet another Friday night that the Geordie was unable to escape the claws of her older two friends as they forced her into the taxi.  Somehow the incident with the blonde girl from last week has come up, Jesy curious about it while Leigh-Anne was barely aware the event even happened.  

"She was obviously flirting with you!"  Jesy reaches across the table, slapping Jade's arm repeatedly while she squirms and tries to move back, muttering "Ow, ow, ow, ow, OW".  "You could've had sex!  Sex, Jade!  Do you even know what that is anymore?"

"I'm very aware of reproduction, thank you."

"Ew, no, don't call it that.  That's gross.  Gosh, why do you ruin everything?"

"Sex with me so amaaaaaaaaayzaaaaaaang" Leigh sings, very off-key and pitchy due to her drunken state.  She starts trying to twerk while sitting down, Jesy scrunching up her face and scooting away from her a bit.  "Jaaaaade," Leigh continues, not singing anymore, also trying to put on a serious face while slightly cross-eyed.  "We should have sex.  I'm so good at it."

"You are gone, aren't ya?"  Leigh just brings a hand up to pat at Jesy's face in response, she getting lazy and sloppy in her movements so she just ends up smearing her fingers across the eldest girl's features.  

"Have we had sex, Jes?"

"No, and we're going to keep it that way."  Leigh nods, accepting the answer and going to fiddle with the napkins on the table.  "I can't wait to tell you about this when you're sober."  Jesy watches the drunken mess as she goes back to singing and bopping her head.  She then turns to look across the table at Jade, seeing how the girl had one leg out of the booth and looked like she was preparing to run.  "Oi, don't think you're getting out of this!"

Jade slumps back down into the seat in defeat.

"Why didn't you sleep with the blonde?"

"Her name is Perrie, and you know I'm not like that.  Plus, she was probably just drunk.  I doubt she's anything but straight."

"She was flirting.  Get it?  Flirting.  Flirting.  That never happens to you!"

"Yes, thank you for reminding me that nobody finds me attractive.  Also-"

"Wait, hold up-"

"emphasizing different parts of the word doesn't mean that the message-"

"Is that-?"

"gets across any clearer.  I would appreciate it if you guys would stop treating me like a five-year-old-"

"Stop your yacking and look!"  Jesy once again reaches across the table, this time grabbing Jade's cheeks and forcing her to turn her head, making sure that she can have clear view of the door to the bar.  

Blonde hair and blue eyes....and a very alluring dress that leaves little to the imagination, the material hugging the blonde's body in a way that should be criminal, the V at her neck dipping much lower than necessary, making it breasts galore.

Jade's jaw drops.

Jesy pushes it back up for her since she still has hold of her face. 

"By your reaction I'm guessing that's definitely Perrie, huh?"  Jade wordlessly nods her head, her gaze still locked on the blue-eyed woman as she enters and makes her way through the crows.  "How strange... You told her you come on Friday's.  It's a Friday.  We never saw her here before last week.  She's dressed like that.  If my deduction is correct, I'm guessing that maybe she came here specifically for you."

Jade seems to snap out of her trance, shaking her head and pulling herself free from Jesy's hold.  "You can't possibly know that for sure.  There isn't enough evidence."

"Not even that?"  Jesy nods her head over at something, Jade eyeing her curiously before taking a look for herself to see what the older girl was talking about.  She squeaks and ducks her head when she sees what Jesy meant.  

Perrie is walking over to them, a predatory gleam in her gaze as her hips sway way too sensually for such a simple thing as putting one foot in front of the other.  Her steps are obviously purposeful, and Jade is definitely the target.  

"Am I right yet?" Jesy inquires.

"Shut up!" Jade hisses, her teeth clenched together while her eyes send a warning and dangerous look.  She unknowingly makes the blonde headed her way flush a bit at the sight of her tough demeanor.  


Just the sound of her voice makes Jade squirm, memories of the last time they were in proximity to each other flashing through her mind.  The way the blonde touched her and purred out her words... 

"Hello!" Jesy chirps, very pleased with how the night was going now.  

Leigh-Anne takes a break from her very serious studying of the coaster under her drink to observe the blonde, her eyes narrowing suspiciously as she leans back and brings a hand up to rudely point at the poor girl.

"I don't know you!" she drunkenly slurs, very loudly at that.

"Thanks for the four-one-one, Leigh," Jade murmurs, Jesy face palming.  Perrie giggles at Jade's words, and wow if that wasn't the cutest thing the brunette has ever heard...

"She's the blonde."  Jade freezes up at Jesy's explanation to the inebriated girl, glaring at her because she does not like where this is going.  

"Yes, I see blonde," Leigh says blankly.  "I know she's blonde.  But who is she?"

"Her name is Perrie."


"Shit," Jade mumbles, hiding her face.

"THAT'S THE GIRL JADE WAS JUST TALKING ABOUT!"  Apparently she's been paying attention more than the other girls have given her credit for.

Jesy smirks as Jade's face goes red.  Because she's hiding her face she doesn't see how Perrie just grins at the words, obviously pleased to hear it.  She sends a flirty glance to the brunette, hoping to meet her eyes, but seems disappointed when she doesn't.  Jesy takes note of all of this, kicking at Jade's legs under the table.  She manages to clip the girl's shin, Jade looking up from her hiding in preparation to demand why the older girl thought that was necessary, but she pauses when she feels a warm hand press against her shoulder.  

"So, you talk about me?"  Jade wants to just disappear, already awkward enough, but now she has this huge disadvantage against her.  " about instead of talking to them, you talk to me."  Perrie smiles devilishly as she carefully slides a small slip of paper onto the table in front of Jade.

The numbers are typed, and Jade blushes when she realizes this must mean that Perrie has had this prepared a while in advance.  Maybe Jesy is right...

Perrie leans into Jade's personal space, Jade once again not minding at all as the blonde's perfume and scent engulfs her.  "Please," she whispers against the shell of the brunette's ear, practically whimpering since it sounds so needy.  Shivers explode down Jade's spine, getting a hint of how much the blonde wants her.  

Perrie clamps her teeth down around Jade's earlobe, nipping at it a few times before moving back.  Jade's pretty sure she's never felt this aroused before in her life, and it kind of worries her because it's stemmed from something as simple as that...

"Bye, Jade."  The blonde sends a wink before promptly turning around and walking off.

"Holy shit that sexual tension was way too much to handle," Jesy breathes.  "Damn, it was suffocating me over here."

"Ha-ha, very funny," Jade says sarcastically, twiddling with her fingers as she tries to calm herself down, not wanting Jesy to be able to tease her.  

"She's ready for you Jade.  Like, extremely so.  She wants you.  And, she wasn't drunk this time!"

Jade just blushes, focusing her attention on a knocked out Leigh-Anne in order to distract herself.

"You are going to text her right when we get home."

"Who said?"

"I said."

Jesy ends up falling asleep right after she gets Leigh-Anne safely tucked into her bed.

Jade doesn't contact Perrie.


Jade grumbles to herself, standing at the bar as she waits for the bartended to finish making Leigh-Anne's drink.  Yes, she's getting Leigh's drink and not her own.  Yes, she is tired of hearing Leigh whine about wanting another one but not wanting to get up to get it herself.  

"I have a bone to pick with you."

Jade jumps a bit at the hand that welcomes itself to rest on her back, slim fingers slowly dipping lower.  She tries to pretend she doesn't feel it, but it's very hard when the intoxicating presence of a very familiar blond is near.

"Which one?  I have over two hundred."  Jade is pleased with how well she delivered that line.

Perrie just steps closer, causing Jade's breath to hitch because the corner of her eyes have betrayed her and allowed her to get a glimpse of yet another neck line that dips much farther than most, a purposeful tactic meant to make people drool.

Jade can say that the tactic definitely works.

"You haven't called me," the hand moves down, fingers playing along the top of Jade's jeans, ready to travel lower, "or texted.  Why not, cutie?"

"I-uh....I wasn't sure if you actually wanted me to?"  The questioning in Jade's tone makes Perrie's heart swell.  The brunette is adorably awkward, but she's starting to notice its because there is a genuine underlying lack of self-confidence.  She never expected it by the way Jade was keeping up with her flirting the first time they interacted, but she definitely doesn't feel any less attracted to the brunette after coming to this conclusion.  If anything, it makes her want Jade more, because she wants to help the girl feel like she's worth more than she thinks.  She's worth a lot more than she thinks she is.

"Baby," she says, causing Jade to look up at her and make solid eye contact for once.  "I don't just go around handing my number out, ya know?  I only give it to you if I want you to use it."

"You must be mistaken."  Before Perrie can question what that means, Jade is already grabbing the finished drink and disappearing into the crowd to get back to her friends.  The blonde is left confused, and also extremely frustrated.  She just wants to have Jade show that she wants her.  She knows the brunette does, her squirming and blushing an obvious enough signal, but she wants the solid proof before she takes her like she so desperately wants to.  

She spots another familiar face slipping out of the bathroom, and she quickly scurries over before the girl can return to her table.

"Wo-hoah-ho, it's blondie!"  Perrie is pleased to see that Jesy remembers her, smiling in greeting and chuckling at how Jade's friend addressed her.  "Have you seen Jade?"

"Yeah, I already spoke to her."

"Nice," Jesy muses, a smug look on her face as she holds up an 'ok' sign with her fingers.  

"Not nice," Perrie starts, getting Jesy's attention almost immediately.  "It didn't go so well.  Why is she so opposed to the idea of me liking her?"

"Ugh, beats me.  I've been trying to tell her you're not just messing with her, but eh, I guess it's just hard for her head to grasp around that.  Which is weird, considering how fucking smart she is."

"She's smart?" Perrie asks, a goofy smile on her face as she looks off to the side, considering the thought.  Intelligence is attractive.  Gosh, she and her cute little flannel, and the ways he ties her hair up instead of leaving it down.  She's humble, funny, extremely hot without even trying, and now she's smart too?  Damn...

"Yeah.  Why, you like that?  Ooohhh, if you guys have sex and she roleplays as a teacher, you have got to tell me and Leigh."  Perrie flushes as she pictures what the older girl is describing.  "You're imagining it, aren't you?"

"Shut it!"  Jesy just laughs.  "Look, I came to you because I have a favor to ask."


"Loosen her up."

Jesy smirks.  "Aye, aye."


"Just go over there if you're so mad about it."

"I'm not mad," Jade snaps, of course giving away the fact that she is, indeed, mad.

Leigh-Anne sighs, this time being the sober one while Jesy lets go and has fun.  It's been a hard week at work for the eldest girl, so they're letting her have this night.  Which is also why Jade accepts when Jesy puts three shots in front of her.  She downed them easily even though she isn't one to drink.  She may not drink much, but that doesn't mean she doesn't have experience. 

"You're obviously not happy about it.  You're holding your glass so hard that your knuckles are going white."  Jade lets go of her glass (a vodka soda courtesy of Jesy) pretty much on cue; anything to keep Leigh from having a solid point.  "You're still looking."

Jade groans and whips her head back so that she's looking down at the table instead of the scene out on the dance floor.  She isn't one to let her emotions take control, liking to keep them hidden because she's tired of being taken advantage of or played.  But, thanks to the drinks Jesy has made her consume, no matter how few, she's already losing her grip on keeping things at bay.  

Perrie is out there dancing, though she isn't alone.  There's some guy with her (well, behind her), all handsome and muscle-y, and while Jade Thirlwall does not get jealous, she doesn't particularly like what she sees either.  She's grinding back against him, fluid and sensual, tilting her head back as though she enjoys it.  However, Leigh-Anne, since her vision isn't green like Jade's,  has been able to note how Perrie has been frequently searching Jade out, looking in their direction multiple times and looking a bit hopeful before frowning and going back to focusing on her dancing.  She wants Jade to see, and she wants the reaction that Jade is trying to hide.

"Dude, I'm telling you.  Just go.  Talk to her."

"She doesn't want me."

"Yes, she does.  Jade, she's only here for you.  I've been coming in here on other nights without you and Jes, and I never see her here.  She only comes on nights when she knows you'll be here.  She keeps wearing sexy dresses to catch your attention.  She keeps talking to you and finding a way to be near you without you even realizing it sometimes.  She literally watches you all the damn time.  I may be drunk a lot of the time, but even in that state I can still see how clearly she wants you.  Plus, she gave you her number."

It's true that Perrie has been relentless in her attempts to always have a way to have a conversation with Jade.  She's circled around their table a few times, watching and waiting for Jade to make a move to go somewhere so she could follow and approach her.  She's been dressing more and more provocative, and when Jade is near she purposely changes her stance (such as leaning forward just a tad to show her cleavage, or stand so that her spine is curved and her bum is sticking out much more than usual).  She lingers even when Jade thinks their conversation is over and she's left to go somewhere.  It's so freaking obvious to everyone but Jade.

"But still-"

"Jade!"  Leigh-Anne is tired of this.  She's going to put an end to it.  "She comes here every night for you.  Nobody else.  She wants to give it to you.  And by the way I've seen her look at you, she wants you to take her like you want to.  Stop being such a wuss and go over there.  Take what's yours."

Jade is quiet, and Leigh-Anne is about ready to launch into another argument before she sees her younger friend pull her hair free from the tie that holds it up.  She shakes her locks out a bit, and it's like witnessing a flower blooming or a butterfly breaking free from a cocoon.  She then shocks Leigh further as she takes off her flannel, revealing a strapless black top, the rare sight of Jade's shoulders being exposed causing Leigh-Anne to feel like she wants to cry at how much the girl in front of her is growing.  Jade stands then, her white jeans contrasting very beautifully with the black top, her hair flowing effortlessly.

"Well, little does she know that I came to give it to her, too."

"GET IT, JADE!" Leigh cheers as Jade leaves the booth and walks into the crowd with determination radiating off of her.  She can't believe that Jade is actually doing this and that she was already prepared to.  It's so beautiful to see this Jade  instead of the usual shy girl that stayed hidden behind jackets and layered clothing.  

Perrie's heart starts to race once she spots the brunette, barely able to recognize her with her hair down and skin showing.  Her knees get weak at the intense gaze Jade is giving her, unwavering and shining with clear intent.  The guy behind her tries to keep grinding on her, but she can't bring herself to move with him, not even push him off of her like she's wanted to since the beginning.  

It's fine, though, because Jade does it for her.

She squares up and growls as she shoves him away, Perrie swooning at the sight while also smirking, having hoped that Jade would get angry and jealous.  

She's not expecting to be tugged forward and pressed up against the brunette after that, but she quickly relaxes and takes advantage of it.  Her fingers weave themselves in the smooth locks of hair that she's never seen free like this, her hips easily finding a rhythm against Jade's as they dance.  There's tension building with each second, heat intensifying between them as they yearn to touch and feel, taste and savor.  

"You look different," Perrie states, their hips rocking together.

"Is that good or bad?"

"So good, baby.  But, I kind of miss your flannel."  Jade laughs, rich and hearty, and Perrie's face lights up as she witnesses it.  Gosh, she really likes this girl.  

"Is that so?  I can go get it if you want-"

"No!"  Perrie tugs Jade closer, wanting to make sure that she doesn't even think about leaving her.  "You aren't going anywhere."

"Anywhere?  That's a shame... I was kind of hoping to get out of here."

Flirty Jade is back.  Jesy did her job.

"To somewhere specific?  I might be able to make an exception..."

"Well see, I'm kind of hungry, so I was hoping maybe to go to a restaurant or-"

Perrie grips Jade by the nape of her neck, tugging her head down so that their faces are only a mere centimeter apart, a wild look in her eyes that flashes with something rivetingly carnal.  Jade swallows thickly, her body hyperaware of the fingers that wrap around her wrist and lead her hand down the blonde's stomach, lower, lower...and lower.

"I can feed you."  Jade is already gone, her mind lost to the sexual undertones and the tension flowing around them, her fingers and where they touch making her practically turn to putty.  "I have something that I'm sure you'd love to eat."

Jade just kisses her, all hot and hungry, losing all inhibition as her primal instinct takes over, wanting to ravish the blonde in front of her.  She cares a lot about Perrie, and she's sure her feelings run much deeper than lust, but right now she's stuck in the haze of anticipation and desire, and she reasons that they can come back to the whole 'feelings' thing after the hunger dissipates.  

But right now?  Yeah, no.  They've waited way too long for this.

"Take me home."  There's no question about it, and Perrie's voice doesn't even hint towards anything other than a command.  She needs Jade.  There's no time for beating around the bush, not anymore.

"Sure thing, princess."  Jade leans back in for another deep kiss, their tongues meeting and rutting against each other smoothly, as if they've done this a million times before.  But, once the brunette's hands firmly plant themselves on Perrie's backside, squeezing possessively to make the blonde gasp and release a strangled moan...yeah, Perrie doesn't want to wait anymore.  

"You can treat me like a princess after, okay?  But right now, we gotta go."

They scramble out of the club, Perrie leading the way and reaching an arm back to keep her fingers hooked between the waistband of Jade's jeans and the girl's bare skin, using that to tug her along behind her and make sure she doesn't get lost in the crowd or slow them down at all.  Jade's definitely okay with the walking style, enjoying the touch.  

Meanwhile, Jesy and Leigh-Anne watch, both wearing amused smiles.

"Our little Jadey is all grown up," Jesy slurs happily, excited to see where this new relationship might be headed.

"Yeah," Leigh agrees, watching them with a dopey smile.  But then she suddenly gets serious, realization dawning on her.  "Wait, Jes...where are we gonna sleep tonight?"



A/N: okay, so it's not exactly what I had in mind when I first started writing it, and I lost the idea for a majority of the plot.  But, I have finished it.  

Side note: I notice that my writing is a bit stronger when I'm writing from first person point of view, so from now on I think I might stick to that formula, if that's okay with y'all XD 


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