Unexpected Love - an intercul...

By LeonieHerrgesell

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There was a fine line between love and hate, you heard that cliche all the time. But no one told you that the... More

How it all started:
New assignments and more hate
the assignment with the devil
A agreement between enemies and a bridal breakdown
Bridal dresses and other sparkling things
Parental pressure and other desasters
A pleasant dinner and other revelations
From enemies to best friends - A sisterly bond
The happy bride and the torn sister
The problematic situation of being judged by your sister
The silent promise made by a brother
The unexpected knight in casual attire
The aftermath of being a hero and a fight between best friends
The unconvincing statement of my best friend
The denial of a hint of attraction
The unwanted butterflies in my stomache
The concerned and worrying best friend
The start of the horrendous project
The start of a friendship and the usual fight between enemies
The reconciliation between best friends
Can this be the start of a romance?
The indecisive best friend and the consequences
The threat from a best friend and the proposition of a sister
A talk between friends and the failure of the knight to act..
Is this the end of a possible friendship?
The realization and the betrayal of a best friend
The threats of the Queen Bee and the discussion between friends
The silence between best friends and the happiness of the bully
The courage of the outsider and the announcement of a teacher
The start of the play and the reunition of best friends
The chemistry between two and the jealousy of the third wheel
A heated argument turned romantic and intensive
The girl that came between best friends and the fallout of them
The unwanted audience and the bonding of enemies
The dance between almost lovers and the suggestion of the teacher
The unwanted feelings and the talk between siblings
38. The meeting between nearly lovers and a wordless confession
A cherished moment and the usual banter of enemies
The fight between buddies and the curiosity of the enemy
The estrangement of friends and a surprising proposal
The confusing question and the quality time between siblings
The almost fight between best friends and the unexpected turn of events
The first date and the moment of truth
The Happiness of two and the start of a new friendship
The start of a new friendship and a sweet moment between almost lovers
The wanted almost confession and the distraction
The unexpected turn of events and the swoon worthy statement
The start of a relationship and the evidence of a hidden connection
The feeling of jealousy and the increasing confusion
First confrontation between lovers and the decision of the third wheel
A sweet moment between two persons and cultural differences
The start of something and the comforting warmth of a sibling
A fateful dream
The observing friend And A Magical Moment
A night out and unwanted feelings
57. Denial and other confusing feelings
58. An understanding between friends and the almost confession
The Aftermath Of The Almost Confession
The realization and the promise

The moment that changed everything

210 10 8
By LeonieHerrgesell

my lovely readers,

here is the latest chapter of unexpected love. I am so thankful for all of you and I decided as It is valentine's day; I will post the next chapter. The picture show the two and their outfits. I hope you will enjoy it and make sure to read the whole chapter as there is another surprise for you waiting at the end. So read the WHOLE chapter.


It was a kiss to level mountains and shake stars from the sky. It was a  kiss to make angels faint and demons weep...a passionate, demanding,  soul-searing kiss that nearly knocked the earth off its axis.—Lisa Kleypas 

Jasmeet's POV:

Finally I was home; this day was really too much for me. I just ran up the stairs and dropped onto my bed. I was happy to be home. After, the queen bee humiliated me again, Aryan and I made up and the rehearsal of the play in which I was now the main lead, I was very exhausted. My life was crazy now since the teacher told Shawn and me that we had to complete the next assignment. I thought that my sister getting married would be the only exciting thing; however, I could have not been more wrong about this. Samara was getting more nervous as her big day came closer. I knew that she was sad that she had to leave her home in order to start her life with her one true love.
Now only 17 days laid between her and the moment she was saying I do before the holy book of the Sikhs. Her dress was also not fixed so she was very annoyed and a screaming mess. Yesterday evening, she locked herself into the room and refused to come out. My parents were desperate; Samarpreet was a bride hard to handle. She threw tantrums all the time and we all were relieved when she told us that she would leave for the weekend with her best friends to enjoy a spa treatment in the famous town of Brighton. It would be quiet but I would also enjoy that finally no one was screaming almost all the time: My wedding will go wrong!

The ring of my phone startled me and I pulled it out of my purse which lay on the floor. I saw immediately that I got a message from Shawn Bradley.
Kaur, let us meet up tomorrow for our project. We have to complete it on time. When is your rehearsal, maybe afterwards? I read on the screen.
I groaned, I nearly forgot that I had to work with my bully for the history project. I replied him very fast:
Ok, Bradley, let us meet at the audition hall at 16:00 pm. Before that, my practice will not finish.
Not one minute later, I read: Ok, Kaur. I was so annoyed when he called me Kaur; it was like that I was not a person. However, this was Shawn Bradely and he was clearly a despicable person.

The moment I pulled up the parking lot after picking up Aryan, I received very weird stares from my classmates, who were pointing at me and said something inaudible to their friends. I whispered into Aryan's ear: "What is wrong now? Why are they staring at me? Is there something wrong with my outfit?" I decided to wear jeans with a simple pullover in a greyish tone with a word attached to it. I wore simple sneakers, as I liked them the most and they give me a feeling of comfort. I felt pretty, a watch encircled my wrist and sunglasses hid my eyes. I wore my hair in a braided side fishtail and my eyes were also circled with eyeliner and I used mascara to highlight them. However, my whole appearance was a sight my classmates have not seen before; maybe this was the reason they stared at me.I also could not find a stain or anything else suspicious. He observed the crowd carefully and replied me me after some time:
"Jassy, you are the main lead in the play. By now, everyone must know this. I think that there are rumors about Enzo and you that you two are even dating!" At the mentioning of Enzo, my cheeks turned a red shade. Aryan wiggled his eyebrows at me knowingly; I knew that he knew that there was something developing between the two of us. Thank God, I did not see the source of my confusion, which was a relief for me.
"Dating? This is so wrong! In which world we would do such thing? This time, the rumors, have gone too far! I mean only because we play in the same play does not mean that we are falling for each other!" I countered Aryan.
He just told me: "Well, you cannot deny there is something there!" I opposed his sentence by giving him a serious glance and he decided to drop this topic, as he did not want to cause any fight between us.

The whole school day was uneventful and I was nervous about the rehearsal; I did not see Enzo or Shawn. Nathalie also did not made my day a living hell; she did not spare me a second glance when I saw her in the halls; I doubted that this argument between us was over. I knew that she had more in store for me. However, I was happy that she gave me a break today; it was much needed. Back to Enzo; I still could not describe what was between the two of us.
The only time I saw him, was in the corridor. He wore a worn out jeans and a white shirt hidden under a jeans button up shirt. His outfit made him look handsome; I lowered my gaze and Aryan who stood next to me, nudged me into the shoulder, which made me look up. The moment my eyes moved up, they immediately met Enzo's dark brown ones. I nearly melted in a puddle of my mushiness. It was similar to the moment we shared in the audition hall. Was I really falling for him? I did not know back then that my real life just started. As I was feeling shy, I lowered my gaze and I felt my cheeks turn red.

My best friend just laughed at my reaction playfully and pulled me into a dark corner: "Jassy, you have to tell him that you have never been kissed before. I think that he should know. I mean, he will take it from you!" I stared at him in disbelief and remarked: "Yeah, sure. Aryan, I cannot tell him that. I mean, I am not like this!" Aryan responded me in a strict manner:
"You want your first kiss to be in front of so many other students, then do not share this. But if you tell him and maybe he will make it special for you. I think he is a nice boy. Although I still do not trust him!"
He was right somehow, I agreed and I decided to talk to the boy who messed with my head before rehearsal. Although it made me feel unsettled and I was so nervous. Did I really want to admit this to this boy? Moreover, it was hard for me to admit this to this boy; as I wanted to avoid him like the plague. Fate however, decided that this was not an option, and that it was important for us to perform in the play as our lives were about to be seamed together.

"Enzo, I wanted to ask you something! Actually, I have to tell you something!" I told him when he approached his locker. I made up my mind to wait there, as I knew that his class finished later than mine did. He seemed surprised to see me next to his locker; his eyes showed his astonishment. To my relief, Shawn was not there which made everything much easier. I did not want to tell him that in the presence of the boy I loathed.

"Jasmeet, what are you doing here? What do you want to ask me or tell me?" he asked me in a soft voice, barely audible. I was somehow not able to form a sentence, which resulted in the boy nudging me into the shoulder. I looked up and replied him persistently: "I cannot tell you here. It is too crowded here! It is a private issue, so let's go somewhere else!"
He raised his eyebrows, clearly wanting me to elaborate my statement, and I did not answered him; I just took his arm to pull him into the dark janitor room where no one could see us. I locked the door and decided not to put on the lights in order to conceal my embarrassment and my red cheeks. "Jasmeet, what are we doing here?" he asked me perplexed; clearly not comprehending what just happened and why I pulled him into a small room after telling him to keep his distance. Just then, I realized that he stood nearer than before and his scent seriously messed with my head. I tried to create as much distance as possible, by leaning into the closet and tried to compose myself by saying slowly: "Enzo, there is something I have to share with you! You know that we are now colleagues in this play!"

  He did not let me finish my sentence and interrupted me: "What does this have to do with the fact that you pulled me into this dark corner?" He was clueless, and I explained him hesitantly: "I did not want to do one thing in front of everybody!" "Which thing?" he interjected confused. I was once again speechless and could not answer him in a coherent sentence; as his proximity really affected me.
Then out of the sudden, a knowing look spread over his face; and he whispered into my ears, tickling me with his breath: "Jasmeet, I know why you are nervous. You will loose something or more precisely, you did not do this thing yet. This is the reason why you are so nervous!"
Now he confused me and I pretended not to understand him, although I had a suspicion: "Enzo, what do you mean? I have no clue what you are talking about!" The boy in front of me smirked at me and mouthed into my ears:
"Jasmeet, you have never been kissed? Is this right?" After he said this, he leaned backwards and examined my facial expression; looking content and happy that he was able to decode my . I never felt so embarassed like this before. I hid my face in embarrassment and denied this vehemently: "Enzo Morales, now you are fantasizing. This is not the thing; I wanted to share with you! It is something different!" My statement clearly seemed unconvincing and he disagreed with me; staring at me in an intensive manner:
"Jasmeet Hailee Kaur, I know that I am right. You are the type of girl who waits for their first kiss. It is not in your nature to share this thing with everyone and you are for sure someone who clearly does not want it to be it public! I observed you and I think that I know you in a way!"

His words surprised me, as he was totally right about this. How could he know me in a way so well; or how could he guess those things? He did not know me at all! We were just strangers and classmates; just attending the same school for years. But why was something pulling us together? "Well, Jasmeet, you know that there is something between us!" he told me in a sincere tone, a soft and caring . Did I just say those things aloud? I seriously needed to stop talking to myself or to voice my thoughts. This was getting me in real trouble. I was in trouble the first moment I fell into his arms. He really changed something in me and I liked him more than I was supposed to. I knew that this sounded crazy but I think fate decided to seam our stories together. It was like it was destiny that he was there in that moment. I felt more at ease these days; I felt like I was happy and on cloud nine. For the first time I accepted this; although it was really hard for me to do this. I did not reply him any more; I just observed his face and his gestures.

"Jasmeet, but why did you bring me to the closet!" he wanted to know out the sudden. I just replied courtly: "Enzo, I am really embarrassed to say this; but as you said I do not want to do this in public for the first time! I know that today Mrs. Stevenson will expect us to do this scene, as we have so much to catch up!" My classmate just looked at me shocked and then he responded me: "Well, so you brought me there to end your agony!" The choice of his words shocked me and punched him into the shoulder playfully, which earned me a glare from him.

Suddenly, he came closer and closer, I could not move; his lips came nearer. Then suddenly I could feel his minty breath on my face; just an inch away from my mouth. His scent was messing with my head and I was like frozen; I could not do anything. What was happening to me? Was I falling in love? On the other hand, was I about to loose my first kiss to this boy, to whom I would never, thought of giving it to him? I did not know this back then that this was the way things were supposed to be.
My heart started to beat faster and he looked at me with a smirk, clearly enjoying that he was affecting me. The butterflies in my stomache also errupted. I could also see clearly the freckles on his face; he looked adorable. His wavy and soft hair fell him onto his forehead and I felt the need to stroke his hair. His dark eyes also fixated me carefully and I got lost in them. I fell deeper and deeper into the sea of darkness. Back to his comment, I wanted to make smart come back but I could not articulate any sentence in my head. I just thought about him and could not form any sentence that made sense so I decided it was better not to speak a thing.

Then out of the sudden, I felt his soft lips on mine; a thing which I did not anticipate at all. In the first moment I was frozen. It was as if magic finally happened; I felt a knock on my heart. The moment his mouth touched mine, I felt a spark of electricity going through me. I was too shocked to respond to his act; only when I felt his arms encircle my waist; I realized what was happening. It seemed like I became another person because I responded to his kiss, which clearly affected him as well by the soft moan of him. I noticed this as he slipped carefully and in a careful manner his tongue into his mouth and in this moment, it seemed like something stronger than just mere coincidence connected us. I forgot that we were in the janitor's closet and it appeared as if time stopped. It was just us, and this kiss, which was making me breathless. Without his support, I was sure that I would have fallen down, however, his arms secured me.

Then after many moments, we pulled apart and just stared at each other in astonishment and confusion. He looked flushed and his cheeks were red; a result of our kiss which turned pretty intensive. I was positive that I was as red as he was. His face mirrored my feelings I felt at this moment. What just happened? Why did we get lost in this kiss? And what was happening between us? I asked myself.


So what do you think now? What will happen now? You know that the rehearsal is still happening, so what will happen now? I am curious to find out your opinion about this chapter. I hope that you like it and you loved the kiss between Enzo and Jasmeet. They are adorable together or what do you think? Let me know in the comments sections below!!!!

See below the teaser for the next update:

Shawn's POV:

"Jasmeet, you and Enzo? Is there something between you? You were so comfortable around each other, while the rehearsal!" I asked the girl in front of me. Currently we were seating in the library where we were allowed to talk. We worked nearly an hour in silence.
When she heard my words, she looked up in disbelief and denied vehemently by saying:"Bradley, get it in your thick skull. There is nothing more going on than just being partners in a play. Do not get any idea! By the way, why are you so interested in this?" I was mad when she decided to ask this question; I dreaded this. I also did not know why I was so interested in this. I did not like her at all, or did I like her? No, she was the girl who rejected me back in fresh man year and I did not want to see her in any other way. I retorted: "Kaur, I do not like you. You are the most despicable person ever to walk on earth!"
"Shawn, is that the only thing you can do: insult me? This is really something bad. You should not be so mean to other people. How will you ever have someone who loves you; if you behave like this?" she said as a matter of fact; she did not seem affected by my words at all. She was like usually not touched by my words. I was really stunned that she dared to say these things to me. She really needed to learn to shut up; I could not deny that her words somehow stung my heart. Was I not worthy of love? Was I going to leave my whole life alone? I insulted her:"Well, at least I am not in love with someone who will never ever reciprocate your feelings. Enzo will never ever like you. I know you like him! But you are nothing in comparison my best friend!"
So let me know what you think will happen next! I am very curious about your opinions!!!

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