Unexpected Love - an intercul...

By LeonieHerrgesell

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There was a fine line between love and hate, you heard that cliche all the time. But no one told you that the... More

How it all started:
New assignments and more hate
the assignment with the devil
A agreement between enemies and a bridal breakdown
Bridal dresses and other sparkling things
Parental pressure and other desasters
A pleasant dinner and other revelations
From enemies to best friends - A sisterly bond
The happy bride and the torn sister
The problematic situation of being judged by your sister
The silent promise made by a brother
The unexpected knight in casual attire
The aftermath of being a hero and a fight between best friends
The unconvincing statement of my best friend
The denial of a hint of attraction
The unwanted butterflies in my stomache
The concerned and worrying best friend
The start of the horrendous project
The start of a friendship and the usual fight between enemies
The reconciliation between best friends
Can this be the start of a romance?
The indecisive best friend and the consequences
The threat from a best friend and the proposition of a sister
A talk between friends and the failure of the knight to act..
Is this the end of a possible friendship?
The realization and the betrayal of a best friend
The threats of the Queen Bee and the discussion between friends
The silence between best friends and the happiness of the bully
The courage of the outsider and the announcement of a teacher
The start of the play and the reunition of best friends
The moment that changed everything
A heated argument turned romantic and intensive
The girl that came between best friends and the fallout of them
The unwanted audience and the bonding of enemies
The dance between almost lovers and the suggestion of the teacher
The unwanted feelings and the talk between siblings
38. The meeting between nearly lovers and a wordless confession
A cherished moment and the usual banter of enemies
The fight between buddies and the curiosity of the enemy
The estrangement of friends and a surprising proposal
The confusing question and the quality time between siblings
The almost fight between best friends and the unexpected turn of events
The first date and the moment of truth
The Happiness of two and the start of a new friendship
The start of a new friendship and a sweet moment between almost lovers
The wanted almost confession and the distraction
The unexpected turn of events and the swoon worthy statement
The start of a relationship and the evidence of a hidden connection
The feeling of jealousy and the increasing confusion
First confrontation between lovers and the decision of the third wheel
A sweet moment between two persons and cultural differences
The start of something and the comforting warmth of a sibling
A fateful dream
The observing friend And A Magical Moment
A night out and unwanted feelings
57. Denial and other confusing feelings
58. An understanding between friends and the almost confession
The Aftermath Of The Almost Confession
The realization and the promise

The chemistry between two and the jealousy of the third wheel

181 7 3
By LeonieHerrgesell

my lovely readers,

the next chapter is up, so let us find out what will happens next. It is for sure worth reading and I am sure all of you will love it. The picture shows the scene they are portraying. I can promise you that many more exciting parts are to come, so do not stop reading my story. It is definitely worth reading. The next chapter will be really something else and will make you for sure curious what will happen next. And make sure to read it until the end, as there is a surprise waiting for you!


Infatuating  yourself with someone simply for what they look like on the outside is like choosing your favorite food based on color instead of taste. It makes no sense.  Its innate, invisible, unquantifiable characteristics that create lasting attraction.- unknown

Shawn's POV:

The moment I heard that Enzo and Jasmeet had to participate in the school's dramatic production, I was surprised. They were not the usual type of person who would go for this. However, Enzo told me that Mrs. Stevenson practically forced them. "Shawn, I am not ready to play in a play! I just do not want this to happen!" he confessed to me when we were walking to lunch. I nodded agreeing. He was not the person who would go for dramas; on the contrary, he has no talent for this kind of genre.It was clear that he was like a soccer player and sporty like me. Playing in a theatre was nothing he ever planned to do.

"Enzo, it will be okay. Just think of it, as your ticket to university. I am sure that this will help you to overcome these negative feelings!" I replied him. This earned me a sceptical look from my best friend and I just pulled him to lunch. We sat down and he continued to complain about the forceful act of Mrs. Stevenson. Mason also was very taken aback when he found out that he had to play in the school's dramatic play. It was also a fun for Mason and me to annoy him by reminding him repeatedly that he had to play soon in this play. Enzo could get angry and I liked to mess with him as it was something refreshing to see him all riled up.

"Which play is this by the way?" Enzo asked me then when we were walking in the direction of the audition hall. I just answered him: "I have no clue, but I think that it could be so romantic!" His face fell and he prayed loudly: "Please do not be romantic. Then it will be fine!" I agreed hoping for the best, as I did not know which play Mrs. Stevenson chose this year; and his face showed me clear annoyance and that he was not pleased about his. I told him then that I would call him in the evening when he proceeded to go to the performance hall.
I had no interest in joining him or attending the practice, so I went to my car to go home. When I nearly reached my car, I was suddenly interested in watching Enzo and Jasmeet, so I turned on my heels and went back to the hall. When I saw the board where all the news hang, I realized that the play was Romeo and Juliet. I thought to myself: Oh no, this would mean that they could fall for each other. It was clear that by playing the characters of the most romantic play ever written, that there was a high chance of them falling for each other. Enzo and Jasmeet; I knew that by saving her, there was some attraction making its way to the surface and I feared that this would be amplified by the fact that they had to spend so much time together rehearsing. Wait, where did this thought come? I had no interest in Jasmeet Hailee Kaur; I reminded myself.

I sat in the darkened back of the big room, as I did not want to attract attention and did want to get questioned why I chose to attend this rehearsal. Enzo and Jasmeet seemed to concentrate on learning their lines and the other cast practiced their scenes. Suddenly I noticed that they stared at each other and it was clear to me that it was intense. Both looked flustered and clearly affected by the presence of their opposite. The Indian girl then excused herself to go somewhere and I was positive that I was right about my thoughts regarding these two. I felt some sting in my heart and I wondered if I was jealous of their obvious connection. I could not be feeling something for Jasmeet; I hated her guts. She was the girl who rejected me some years ago and had to been very nice to me.I could not like her; she was my partner in my hated history assignment. I also believed never in love or anything close to it.

Enzo's soft voice startled me pulling me out my thoughts:
If I profane with my unworthiest hand
This holy shrine, the gentle fine is this:
My lips, two blushing pilgrims, ready stand
To smooth that rough touch with a tender kiss.

While speaking he glanced at Jasmeet, whose eyes he just met and whose appearance enchanted him in a way. After all, she was the stranger, who just poached his heart. She replied him looking into his eyes, in a soft and sweet manner: "
Good pilgrim, you do wrong your hand too much,
Which mannerly devotion shows in this;
For saints have hands that pilgrims' hands do touch,
And palm to palm is holy palmers' kiss.

It was evident to the whole room and me that while they recited their lines, they never left each other eyes. Everyone was holding their breath as they read their lines fluently, Mrs. Stevenson smiled contently and happily as if she just won the jackpot. The two students were in a way able to bring the stage to life and the attraction between the two was noticeable all the way back to the row where I was seating. Time seemed to stop as well, unconsciously the teacher chose the right students for the lead of the most romantic play of the century. Their hands touched and just magnified the whole moment making it very real and believeable.

However, when the moment for the kiss came, both reliazed their proximity and backed away from each other. Jasmeet then said: "Mrs. Stevenson, I will do everything, I just do not want to the kiss right now!" Enzo nodded agreeing, and Mrs. Stevenson observed them closely and replied them: "Miss Kaur and Mr. Enzo, you performed very well, you surprised me, I am happy I chose you. Keep it up that way and we will be able to attend the contest of school's play!" she turned to the rest of the cast; "So, as you have seen, we have now Romeo and Juliet, and therefore we can all go home. Tomorrow I want all of you to be on time and then we will start the rehearsing!" Everyone started to pack their things and slowly left the room. I was still in daze; did this moment really happen?

"Shawn, you are still here?" asked me the voice of my best friend. I replied him: "Yeah, I was so curious how it will go between the two of you. You have talent, I did not know this about my best friend!" He just shrugged it off: "Man, no I have no talent; it is just that maybe Jasmeet and I have chemistry!" I repeated after him:"You have maybe chemistry. Dude, this was so intense! The whole room held their breath!" He looked at me questioninly and I just moved my head to show my sincerity. Enzo smiled at me and we left the hall together to go to our cars.

Enzo POV's:

As soon as I stood on the stage, I could feel eagerness flowing through my vains and I was suddenly very excited to play. Finally, Jasmeet came back; the eye contact with me clearly affected her. I smirked at this and we started to recite the lines of the greatest's lovers. It surprised me that the words rolled off my tongue easily and I never left Jasmeet's eyes. There was magic, I could feel it. The voice of the girl also said her words with care and feeling. It seemed like we were really strangers meeting at a party and falling in love with each other. The way her eyes bore into mine, was magical.

Normally, my peers would talk as they could never shut up, however, now they were silent carefully listening to our words and absorbing everything which was recited. We moved closer to each other and I could sense her proximity, which affected me as I could feel my heart beat to increase. She smelt foreign, like spices and a hint of orchids. Her eyes were so deep; dark brown and they were so beautiful, and I got lost in them. It seemed like no one was in the room and we were all alone; we spaced out and created our own world.
Suddenly when the famous kiss was due and we were only a couple of inches away from each other, Jasmeet said composing herself, creating some distance between us:
"Mrs. Stevenson, I will do everything, I just do not want to the kiss right now!" I agreed with her as I did not want the kiss to happen in front of all the other students. Wait, did I want to kiss her? Was I insane? After the teacher dismissed the whole cast, I noticed suddenly Shawn. I thought that he already left; apparently, his curiousity got the better of him and he decided to stay. I approached him by saying: "Shawn, you are still here?"

He looked up, clearly he was lost in his thoughts, and replied me: "Yeah, I was so curious how it will go between the two of you. You have talent; I did not know this about my best friend!" I just shrugged if off, hoping that he was not thinking about the magical moment we just created. I did not want to explain myself again. Thank God, he just went with me to the parking lot and we went our separate ways. In my car, I thought about the rehearsal I just attended and the way her hands fitted perfectly into mine. I could not fall for her; I just could not.

Shawn would kill me; he made clear that he did not want us to hang out or even talk. I would loose him if I decided to act on those feelings. Somehow, I had to make sure to keep my heart safe as I was on the verge of loosing it or had I already lost it? Jasmeet was truly a beautiful girl and I wanted to get to know her better. I smacked my head and just started the motor in order to go home. I had to forget the feelings I slowly developed as there was no hope for us. I was a boy and I did not deal with feelings; I was always the cold one who never looked at girls. It was strange that I never had even a girlfriend. Moreover, Shawn was my best friend and I could never do this to him as he would consider this an unforgiveable thing. Therefore, I decided to close my heart, to see her only as a working colleague and the enemy of my best friend! This was the best for all of us!


So this was the next chapter, do you think that Enzo is falling for Jasmeet? Or do you think he will be able to control himself and prevent himself from falling for her? And what about Shawn? Do you think that he is also interested in her? I am curious to find out what you think about this chapter.


Sarah He.

P.S: I have a small teaser for you from the next chapter. So do not stop reading!!! This will be of high interest for you!! So enjoy: 

He came closer and closer, I could not move; his lips came nearer and suddenly I could feel his minty breath on my face; just an inch away from my mouth. His scent was messing with my head and I was like frozen; I could not do anything. What was happening to me? Was I falling in love? Or was I about to loose my first kiss to this guy, to whom I would never thought of giving it to him? I did not know this back then.

My heart started to beat faster and he looked at me with a smirk, clearly enjoying that he was impacting me. The butterflies in my stomache also errupted. I could also see clearly the freckles on his face; he looked adorable. His wavy and soft hair fell him onto his forehead and I felt the need to stroke his hair. His dark eyes also fixated me carefully and I got lost in them. He Back to his comment, I wanted to make smart come back but I could not articulate any sentence in my head. I just thought about him and could not form any sentence which made sense so I decided it was better not to speak a thing. Then out of the sudden I felt his soft lips on mine. It was like magic finally happened. The moment his mouth touched mine, I felt a spark of electricity going through me.


Who did kiss her? Give me any guesses!!! I am curious to find out what you think and who you suspect to be behind this. Or is this just a dream???? Let me know. I am really excited to find out what you think!!

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