I Still Remeber John Watson's...

By GabrielleMartin661

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When John leaves to go to war he leaves behind a teenaged daughter. He leaves her with Harry, his sister. Har... More

Chapter 1 221B
Chapter 2 A Real Room
Chapter 3 Family Reunion
Chapter 4 Pink
Chapter 5 Texting a Killer
Chapter 6 Don't Let Go
Chapter 7 Doctor Visit
Chapter 8 Rachel
Chapter 9 Killer Cabbie
Chapter 10 Overdose
Chapter 11 Transport
Chapter 12 Dead Man
Chapter 13 Tunnels
Chapter 14 Gas Leak
Chapter 15 Shut Down
Chapter 16 Bomber
Chapter 17 A Killer, A Painting, and Stars
Chapter 18 The Pool
Chapter 20 Power Play
Chapter 21 Irene Adler
Chapter 22 Christmas
Chapter 23 He Fell out a Window
Chapter 24 Fucking up Plans
Chapter 25 Baskerville
Chapter 26 Panic
Chapter 27 It's Not The Sugar
Chapter 28 Plans
Chapter 29 He's Back
Chapter 30 Court
Chapter 31 The Final Plan
Chapter 32 Death
Chapter 33 Not Dead
Chapter 34 Fire
Chapter 35 Missing Train Car
Chapter 36 Bomb

Chapter 19 Boyfriend

1K 37 17
By GabrielleMartin661

A/N: Anyone else get the movie reference above? Comment if you do!

Chapter 19

Bella's POV

Sherlock and John called an ambulance and I was loaded into it. The pain was causing me to black out then focus back in. "We're both riding in with her," I heard John say. "I'm her father!" I heard him yell as I felt the pain medicine start to take effect.

"Boyfriend," Sherlock said. I was aware of when we moved again and I knew I would be spending some time in the hospital.

"Sherlock," I said holding out the memory stick. Mycroft would need those and if I had to have surgery I didn't want one of the nurses to take it.

"Of course, I'll make sure Mycroft gets it," Sherlock said taking it from me. "You did your job Bella, rest now. I'll call Lestrade and let him know what happened and that you won't be in for a while." I nodded my thanks as I lost all strength to talk.

"Bella," I heard John call. "Bella, don't fall asleep." I wanted to tell him to fuck off but I blacked out.

Sherlock's POV

I paced around the waiting room as John did while Bella had been taken to the OR. Mycroft was coming down to get the plans. "Sir?" a nurse asked coming up to me. "Would you like some dry clothes?"


"Your clothes are wet, would you like a set of scrubs to change into?" she repeated.

"Yes, thank you," I replied. I had completely forgotten about having been wet from jumping in the pool. I had my mind on other things. Who had called Moriarty? What was the whole point of that meeting? Was Bella going to be okay? It took me almost two years to earn her complete trust and I knew there were still things that she hadn't told me. How far back would this set her? She was already dealing with the fact her father had just moved in with us nine months ago.

"This whole thing could've been avoided. Bella didn't have to go through this," John said walking up to me.

"How do you figure that?" I asked.

"If she had never met you..."

"She'd probably be dead," I cut across him. "Her own words John, "if I hadn't met you I would either be in jail or dead." Do you think I wanted her in harm's way? She's become more than a friend to me."

"So Bella succeeded did she?" Mycroft asked coming into the room as a set of scrubs was handed to me.

"Thank you, of course, she was Mycroft. When has she ever failed to complete a job you gave her in less than a week? She had the stick in 12 hours, I asked her to wait another day before handing it over."

"Impressive of her, did you get what you wanted by using the plans? It seems it got Bella sent to the OR," Mycroft said studying his umbrella. I ignored him and left to put on my dry clothes. I put my wet clothes in a plastic bag and came into the waiting room and paced. It was mid-morning before we heard anything.

"Bella Watson," a nurse called carrying a clipboard. John and I both jumped up, running straight to her. "She should be awake soon and the doctor will be in to explain everything to all of you at once. She has casts on her arms and shoulders, so be prepared for that." With that, the nurse led us to Bella's room. I was shocked to see casts on both arms that started at the second knuckle and went up to her collarbones.

"Oh my god," John said echoing my thoughts.

"She should wake up in the next 20 minutes, the doctor will be in check on her in 30," the nurse said leaving. I moved to sit on the edge of her bed.

"I'm sorry I didn't walk with you that night Bella or stop you. If I had told you to just go to bed and lock yourself in your room instead you may not be here now," I said wanting to take her hand. I just brushed her hair out of her face as John pulled a chair up on her other side. I just stroked her hair and face.

"She's so still," John said watching her.

"She's heavily sedated; the painkillers also help keep her under. She should wake soon though, her heart rate has increased slightly."

"I'm a bloody doctor I think I know what's going on!" John shouted.

"Oh shut the fuck up," Bella muttered.

"Bella?" I asked brushing more hair off her face.

"Hey Lock," she said in a hoarse voice that was no more than a whisper. "Nice outfit." I laughed at that. She was drugged out of her mind and just waking up from surgery and she was still making jokes.

"Ah, Miss Watson, you're awake," the doctor said coming into the room.

"Working on it, now how long do I have to stay here and how long do I have to wear these bloody casts?" She was always really good about getting straight to the point.

"Well the casts are going to last about six weeks at least; several bones in your arms were broken. You're going to have to stay for at least a week so we can make sure you're healing properly. After that we'll discuss if you can go home, your father is a doctor, yes?"

"Yes," Bella answered but I could tell she wasn't particularly thrilled with the idea of her father being her doctor. He probably wouldn't let her do anything. "Now what about food? I'm starving," Bella said.

Her doctor laughed. "Yes you can eat; I'll have a menu sent up. Just don't be eating any steaks for a day or two, stick with fruits and vegetables." He then explained in great detail what had been broken and what damage may have been done and that she may have pain after she was healed. She had metal pins and screws in her holding some of the bones together.

The week in the hospital seemed to past quickly and Bella had figured out how to feed herself using her feet. They had given her a cup like service dogs used so she could carry it in her mouth from place to place and get her water at the tap or have someone else pour her drink. The shower was the hardest part for her since she didn't like to be touched by strangers. Molly often helped her and got her redressed. "Hey Lock?" she asked as we walked around the hospital.

"What is it, Bella?" I asked pushing her IV pole. They had the needle in her thigh; she was thoroughly annoyed with the whole thing.

"You said you were my boyfriend when the medics were loading me up. Is that something you would want? For me to be your girlfriend?" she asked. I thought for a bit, I had answered right away when the medics asked how I was related to her. I wasn't good at this sort of thing. She patiently waited for my answer; others always pushed me for an answer. She just waited.

We made it back to her room and she grabbed her cup and went into the bathroom to fill it. The nurse came in and unhooked her IV so she could get up on the bed. She opened up a banana and started eating it, offering me some. I shook my head still thinking. "I think I would like that. I'm not good at that sort of stuff you know," I said.

"Either am I, didn't exactly have a good example from my aunt and you're better at it than her. At least you're there when I need you," she replied. I guess she had a point, I had saved her life; every time she called upset I had come home to be there for her. She had also done the same for me, every time I got high and was in some drug house she was able to find me quicker than Mycroft. She always found me, always; and she always stayed with me.

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