Curiosity Made the Spy

By TheCrysatlanime

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Hisoka Night is the infamous, international killer, The Night. Known throughout the world for having untracea... More

Curiosity Made the Spy
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

119 6 0
By TheCrysatlanime

Chapter Eight

-Hisoka's POV-

I mumbled as I stood up and glared at the two guys in front of me.

"You," I sneered and pointed a finger at Zane. "You, you..." I tried to think of a mean enough name, which made him smirk.

"Lost for words are we?" He asked arrogantly as I clicked my fingers and nodded to myself.

"Baka." He gaped at me stupidly. Probably wondering what that meant. Nigel, being the kind person he is whispered to him.

"Baka. Japaneses for idiot." Zane nodded and gave me a curious sort of look. His brow was slightly furrowed which only happens when he is thinking hard. My nose was filled with mouth-watering smells which made me impatient to begin eating.

"Now, can you please leave so I can enjoy my lovingly prepared feast?" I asked Zane as I looked over at the table that was covered in the delicious plates of food.

"Whatever." He muttered as he turned and began to head out, over his shoulder, "Everyone’s looking for you, finish up here and then tell a proper teacher where you've been and then start working." The arrogant sh!t timed his little speech so that the doors shut before I could answer back.

This made me growl in distaste and anger, but my anger vanished as soon as I saw the plates full of food. YUM! I jogged over and began to dig into some pizza. I groaned in bliss as the flavours lathered my senses. The door opened and I turned to see the Sleaze Brain- or known to the rest of the world: Kyle- with a smirk on his face and hands in his pockets.

"Hisoka, if you sound like that over food I wonder what you sound like when we-" He never finished his sentence for Nigel had thrown his wooden spoon at his head with - surprisingly- good aim. I turned to Nigel with some shock, but erupted into fits of laughter as Nigel swore that the spoon had flown across the room all by itself.

-Simon's POV-

I paced her class room. Back and forth. Back and forth. Back and f-

"ARGH!" I turned and head butted the chalk board. Where is she? I had left Zane's dorm room a few minutes later after he shut the door and left down the corridor to God knows where, but she wasn't in the kitchen anymore and Nigel held his place of not knowing where she was. Miss Night has to teach; really the whole school is falling apart with her missing.

I carried on to repeatedly head butt the chalkboard, I rested my head on my hands as a very oversized headache took form.


"You are a Dip-sh!t." Hisoka stated from the classroom door. I turn to see her leaning against the doorframe lazily arms crossed and a grin forming.

"No, I am a smart, athletic and all round great guy." I cross my arms as if to block her insults as I finished speaking.

"Sure you are." She says in a singsong voice as she grinned and skipped into the classroom taking a seat in the middle of the classroom at a student desk.

She looked around wide eyed and a small smile on her face.

"This is my classroom..." her musical voice was filled with awe. She got up and started to walk around the room, completely ignoring me...

'This is your chance...' I turned around, trying to see where the voice came from. 'Idiot, I am your voice!' The same echoy voice shouted at me.

-Ah...- I looked back to where Hisoka stood with interest.

She stood at 5'7, her body slim and her curves in all the right places. She wasn't strikingly beautiful but her huge grey/blue eyes, which are a strong contrast to her pale and clear skin, seem to twinkle in a mesmerizing and intelligent way, her short, messed up, auburn hair fell just above her chin and fell across her eyes in a cute way. Her soft looking cheekbones, set high and dusted with the slightest dusting of freckles that you wouldn't notice if you didn't stare, her plump pink lips were parted in amazement as she walked around the classroom.

"Beautiful..." I whispered quietly to myself knowing she wouldn't hear. However, she spun on her heel, her ears seeming to tune into my voice and glanced at me questioningly.

-Could she have heard me? - I asked myself thoughtfully. -No, no one could have such great hearing.-

-Hisoka's POV-

I got up and walked around my classroom- man that sounds weird and unnatural for a sixteen year old to say...                                                                                                                                         

I knew Simon was ogling me, but I was so use to it I ignored it.

"Beautiful..." I heard him whisper quietly. I spun on my sneakered heel and glanced Simon's was enquiringly. Why would he think that? I'm average looking... aren’t I?

'No idiot, you're as good looking as a hippo in a tutu and a top hat.' The answer was oozing sarcasm and that's from my own voice.

-Shut up. - I tell it and then focused back on reality.

"Hisoka? What's wrong?" Simon looked sincerely concerned. I just shook my head and told him that I was admiring the room, but still thinking it needed a paint job. This earned me a chuckled from him and Daniel who had just entered the room.

"Hey Daniel, what's up?" I asked but held my hand up before he could reply. "And don't say the sky, 'cause I'll knock you out." I said in all seriousness, but a grin in place.

"Of course Miss Night." I glared at him at the formal tone.

"Nothing, just that everyone’s worried sick and looking for you." I rolled my eyes and began to write my name on the blackboard.

MISS ASA HISOKA NIGHT. I placed the chalk back in the box and smiled triumphantly. Yep, big enough for everyone to see, but small enough to right around it. I turned to see two fish in the room.

"Daniel, Simon you look like fish." I state as I wipe my hands on a piece of cloth. They both snapped out of their fish mode- what is what I'll call it from now on- to grin at me.

"I didn't know you could do calligraphy!" Daniel exclaimed whilst staring at the board in admiration. I frowned.

"Wait, you can't do calligraphy? I thought everyone has to learn it." I mumble to myself.

"No but it is very beautiful... Could you teach me?" Simon seemed really enthusiastic about the concept but I shook my head.

"Nah, I'm not feeling it." I saw his face fall. "But I could get you my book..." I trailed off but his face glow at the mention of the calligraphy book.

"Miss Night!!!" Mr Adams came hurtling in the room and against my desk, making me laugh quietly. "Miss *gasp* Night! *gasp* There *gasp* you *gasp* are!" Mr Adams was out of breath and had a slight sheen of sweat covering his forehead.

"Yup!" I popped the 'P' at the end with a grin. Mr Adams grinned back but straightened up and scowled at everyone in the room. "Sorry Mr A, I-" I cut off my explanation with a frown.

-Could I tell them?-

'No...' My voice whispered at me, I agreed.

-What if they laugh? Stop me working as an Assassin? A spy?-

"I just thought I'd explore the place again, and then I fell asleep in an empty bedroom on the fourth floor." Mr Adams looked un-satisfied. "When I woke up I went to the kitchen and Nigel made me something small to eat, then I came here. I was never missing; I knew perfectly well where I was." Everyone was in 'Fish mode' at my reasoning and again I told them they looked like fish, snapping them out of it.

"Well... Miss Night..." Mr Adams was messing around with his tie and not looking at me. "That's good enough but you've made everyone miss three days worth if classes." I frown at him.

"Not really, it was more your fault because you ordered it. You could have gotten someone to take my classes or made them do homework during this free time." I said with my reasonable voice. Everyone was nodding and Mr Adams had turned red with embarrassment. Afterwards Mr Adams told me I was starting tomorrow and he joked that I better be there. I thanked him as I left the classroom, running down the corridor to the gym to work off the aches and pains from my three day sleep and to work off that massive breakfast I had.

-Zane's POV-

Two hours of sitting in the school library really makes me feel lazy, so I left the library to go to the gym. Turning into the gym corridor I heard the calming sounds of Enya. I was ready to see a group of guys painfully doing inprov dancing just to see the hot dance teacher; she only comes once a month. I wouldn't bother with the dancing it's too boring.

Instead I found and watched Hisoka doing her Tai Chi practices, her graceful and swift moves made her lithe muscles tense and ripple. I calmed down and began to relax with her every move. The song changed from 'Fire and Ice'-Enya to SKRILLEX - 'Scary Monsters and Nice Sprites'. The song was soft but also strong in places and her moves quickened and became more lethal. Seconds later, it seemed, the music stopped and I was pulled from my trance-like state. My gold/brown eyes locked with her blue/grey ones.

- Nigel's POV-

I threw the wooden spoon ion my hand at Kyle's head before he could finish his crude sentence. He looked shocked and lifted a hand to where the spoon had hit. Hisoka turned to me in disbelieve, I just raised my hands in surrender.

"The spoon flew at him by itself! I swear!" She held her stomach as she erupted into fits of laughter. Kyle just gave me a dirty look before he left in a huff.

After a while Hisoka straightened and patted me on the back.

"Well done my friend, well done." Her grinning face suddenly fell into a serious one. "Now it's time to taste test your hard work." I just nodded my head and chuckled at her as she basically attacked the table of food. I just sat back and watched Hisoka enjoy the food I prepared.

The doors opened half an hour later, as Hisoka just began to eat her way through the desserts, and my apprentice came in. His eyes widened in shock of seeing a slim person wolfing down over fifty plates worth of calories and fat that the person being a girl doesn't help.

"Here Ethan, I'd like you to meet a great friend of mine. Miss Asa Hisoka Night, Hisoka please meet my young apprentice Ethan Fields." I waved between them as an introduction.

"Hello Miss Night. It's -uh- a pleasure to meet you." Ethan shook her hand and stared behind her at the table full of stacked up empty dishes.

"Uh? Sir Nigel, don't you think that's a bit of an over kill?"

"Over kill is underrated." Hisoka stated but still grinned up at the 5'9 Ethan. He has many muscles but doesn't use them, instead he loves food and to cook for others, just like myself.

"Now, now Hisoka. Be nice, Ethan might one day cook for you." Hisoka's eyes noticeably brightened at Ethan.

"Well Ethan do you know anything about me and my food interests?" She asked with mock concern. I laughed at how Ethan looked at me asking for help.

"Ethan, this is the girl I've told you about. The person that eats everything but Brussels’ sprouts and kiwis." He got that knowing look and nodded at me the smiled down at Hisoka in kindness.

"So you're the famous Night? I would have taken you for being a huge fat man, full of himself and thinking there's no need for him to do anything." I took in a sharp breath.

'Shit. Hisoka will murder him.' I looked at Hisoka and her ice-cold glare which she was currently pointing at Ethan. He shivered and Hisoka suddenly smiled, got up and walked towards the table of food.

"I'll let you think about what you've said and what you think you said wrong, whilst I eat my delicious desserts." She was about to sit down but then straightened again. "Oh and Ethan? You got lucky." With that said she sat down and begun to eat her strawberry shortcake.

After Hisoka left, completely ignoring Ethan, to see her classroom I sighed and began to wash up.

"Is she serious?" Ethan came up beside me and began to dry up. I only nodded sadly. "How can something so fragile but hot looking be the Night? I mean she looks sixteen, is that possible? But she can't be because no one becomes a spy or assassin before the age of eighteen and she's supposed to be both? How-" I gave Ethan a pained look that shut him up.

"Sorry." was his reply.

"Okay, well she is sixteen." He was about to protest but held back and nodded for me to carry on. "She became a spy at the ripe age of eleven- she did two years of training- and she did two years of assassin training before she became one. At the age of thirteen she had completed both and then got put on a few missions." I paused to take a seat as we had finished the plates.

"So now she's here?" Ethan asked but I lifted my hand to silence him.

"No, after a year as she turned fourteen she became who she is today. Didn't you notice how the 'Night' only appeared two years ago?" He nodded. "Well now she's been taken off the missions to take a holiday. But Hisoka is just too stubborn so they made a compromise for her to teach here instead." I paused. "She took the offer and now she's on a year break to teach." Ethan nodded thoughtfully and excused himself.

I picked up my newspaper from the counter with a shake of the head.

'Why is everyone so curious now a days?'

-Zane's POV-

After our eyes locked everything seemed to fall away. There was no sound, no movement, no nothing. She was the first to look away as she hastily packed her stuff away. I looked down at my hands for what felt like seconds, but when I looked up the dance hall was void of anything but a book.

I walked inside, picked up the book and looked at the front cover.

'Lonely Werewolf Girl'. I remember reading this the day we first met. I decided to return it to Hisoka because she's in the middle of the book. Opening the book I read a part of the page she's at:

'The conversation ended when Malveria was distracted by the most beautiful pair of silver slippers and practically shot from her chair with delight, a tiny flicker of flame appearing at the end of each of her fingers. Thrix shot her a warning glance. It wouldn't do to be upsetting the models by bursting into flames, and besides, there was always the danger of damaging the clothes.

"I want a hundred pairs," yelled Malveria.

"I can give you four," said Thrix.

"Four will be satisfactory," said the Fire Queen.'

I chuckled to myself as I read this paragraph. It was an odd moment in the book, there were many but this was one of my favourites... I looked up to find myself in front of dorm room 666.

I walked into Hisoka's dorm to see everything- everywhere.

"Humph, you're really disorganised." I puffed out my chest as I found a flaw in her otherwise perfect life. I jumped slightly ad her head popped out from around her bathroom door.

"Nope, one advantage of being disorderly is that you are constantly making new discoveries." She told me in a matter-of-fact tone. Damn she won again. As if reading my mind she laughed from the other room.

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