We're The Back Pocket Believe...

By keep_the_secret

501K 10.7K 4.5K

Hazel Reede was average. Actually, she was a little below that. She is fifteen when her family dies and leave... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Author's Note

Chapter 15

14.8K 304 172
By keep_the_secret

“The simplest solution , is of course , to the bring the kids along with the band on tour” Nano said , keeping his cool throughout the entire conversation . No doubt he and Matt had discussed this earlier .

“That sounds okay” Rian said , “We'd need to get a bigger bus , though – and what about school ?”

“We don't have to go to school” Sam said quickly , but Nano shook his head .

“No , it's against the law for you not to get an education . We'll home-school you , just on a bus .”

“Who'll teach us ?” Charles asked .

“We can take turns” Matt suggested , “Dibs on English !”

“No fair ! I want to teach English “ Jack complained .

“Wait , wait” Alex said , “So – they're going on tour with us ?”

“Yes”Matt said , “I mean , as long as that's okay .”

“Now that matter is resolved” Nano said , “There is one more thing .”

“The press wants to know about the whole Second Chance scheme . They want an official date for the release of the reality show , they want exclusive interviews with the band and their new 'daughters' . And , they want a red carpet party , to celebrate .”

“That sounds doable “ Rian said slowly . “So , when -”

“The reality show ; not sure . In a few months , still . Interviews will be held on the tour , before concerts . And we were thinking we could have a party next Friday . Rent out a club in New York , invite as many people as we can . That sound okay ?”

“Will we be able to invite people ?” Charles asked . Nano nodded .

“Of course” He said , “It is your party .”

By the time we got home , it was already half nine . Rian went to the kitchen and cooked Pommie and himself up an omelet .

“He really likes her”Alex said to me , “Thinks of her like a kid sister . It's sweet , right ?”

“Yes” I said , “It is .”

I slipped off to the privacy of my bedroom , and pulled out my cell phone . I liked it , a lot .

“Hey , Darren ?” I said into it , as soon as he picked up .

“Hazel ! I knew you'd call ! What's up ?”

I found myself relaxing into Darren's familiar voice . Even though I didn't know him that well , it brought me back to when I was just a normal kid , not one who got adopted by a rockstar .

I began to tell him everything that had happened over the past few days , starting with being on the plane , ending with meeting his parents .

“Oh , and you were right” I told him suddenly .

“I always am” He replied , “But what about this time ?”

“They are having a party” I said , “Next Friday . And this phone call is officially your invitation .”

“Yes ! Thanks , Hazel . Who else is coming ?”

“Well , I haven't asked them yet , could you do it for me ? Emma , Tashie , and Sasha .”

“Sasha ? Really ?” Darren groaned .

“Shut up” I said , laughing . “She can be alright … sometimes . Well , I'm just inviting her because Tashie will want her to come , I guess .”

Darren sighed . “Fine , I'll ask them . But you might want to call them too , they all want to talk to you .”

“Okay . It was great to talk to you , I guess . Bye !”

“See you , babes “ He said , before hanging up .

Alex was calling me . I walked to the landing and shouted down ; “What !”

“Come here” He said , “And bring your guitar !”

Curious , I grabbed Steven's guitar and went downstairs . Alex sat in the living room , his own acoustic in his lap .

“Here” He said , tossing me a plastic bag . “That's yours .”

Inside was all the guitar things we'd bought the other day .

“It's been exactly a week since your last lesson” He said , “I think we should get started , don't you ?”

For about an hour , Alex made me play the things we'd gone over before .

“I know it's just scales and boring shit like that , but your fingers need to get used to the strings again “ He'd say , whenever I complained .

After a while , he gave in .

“I guess I'll start teaching you a song now” He said , “Any favourites ?”

I shook my head .”You're the music expert .”

Alex began teaching me the first few notes of a song by All Time Low , called Therapy .

“I've heard this before” I said after a while . “Charles did a cover of it , didn't she ? She played it for me earlier .”

Alex nodded . “Yeah . She's got a great voice , right ?”

I agreed , then turned back to the strings . Plucking them cautiously , Alex smirked .

“You'll do well” He said , “You pick things up easily , and you connect with your instrument .”

I smiled , but at that precise moment I made a wrong note , C instead of C Sharp . Alex laughed .

“Don't worry about stuff like that” He said , “Just keep going .”

We played well into the night , when I got confused Alex would pick up his guitar and show me how it was done . The two of us kept playing until Rian blundered downstairs , and told us to be quiet and go to bed . With slightly more swears .

“Fine , dude , we'll go now” Alex said , laughing . He yawned then , and blinked , as if only noticing now how tired he was . “Come on , Halo .”

The next morning was Monday . I could tell because Jack was lying on top of me , singing it into my ear .

“Time to get up , Hazel , Hazel , It's Monday , and it's time to get up” He sang , to the tune of I Feel Like Dancing . I groaned , and rolled over .

“Go away Jack” I mumbled into my pillow . He simply laughed , and continued .

“Jack , shut up !” I yelled . He whimpered a little , before climbing off of me .

“Sorry , Hazel” Jack said , “Alex sent me up , he said you had to get out of bed because the cameramen are here .”

“Oh , okay” I yawned , “Sorry for shouting at you .”

“It's cool” Jack said , shrugging it off and beaming at me .

I took a quick shower , then got dressed . Downstairs , everyone else waited for me , along with five cameramen who were leaning over their instruments , adjusting them to the light and dynamic of the room .

“Hazel !” Ritchie said , coming over to shake my hand . “So good to see you ! You look well .”

“You too” I told him , before slipping over to Alex . He smiled at me , and held out his hand for me to inspect his fingers . They looked red and raw from last night . Glancing down at my own hands , I realised that they were much the same , if not worse . The tip of my thumb had dried blood on it , obviously it had bled lightly through the night without me noticing , and a small blister was forming on my middle finger .

“Alright people” Ritchie said , “We're going to have some interviews going on in the living room , we'll be doing that one at a time at first , then maybe later we'll get some done in pairs . The rest of you will stay in the kitchen , where you'll just act like everything is normal and there aren't any cameras watching you're every move .”

Sam was brought into the living room first , with two cameramen and an interviewer . Ritchie satyed with us for a while , then switched to her , and really just walked in and out of the two rooms to make sure everything was running smoothly .

“So” Rian said awkwardly . The camera beeped softly and zoomed in on his face as he started to speak . “The party on Friday , where are we having it ? Not here .”

Alex shook his head .”I was thinking that we could rent out a club in New York . Book some hotel rooms for us , and some friends .”

“That sounds rad” Zack said , “Hey , is anyone going to make breakfast ?”

“Yeah , I'm starving” I agreed .

“Fine” Alex sighed , “Here , I'm not cooking anything , so it's only cereals .”

Alex poured us each a bowl of cereal , one of those ultra sugary ones you'd expect to find in the hoard of a five year old .

Rian winced . “Sweet” He hissed through a mouthful of it .

Jack grinned . “My favourite” He said , rubbing his hands together in glee .

“Giving him that might have been a mistake” Alex said , frowning .

After a meal , the atmosphere relaxed dramatically . The cameras still rolled , but we all talked more freely now , after getting used to them .

“We've done something like this before” Rian said to me , “But it was during a tour then . We shot a DVD , called Straight To DVD . We have it inside if you'd like to check it out later .”

“That'd be cool” I said .

Soon they called Jack inside to the living room , and Sam was released into the kitchen .

“They were really just interested in what the past couple of days have been like” She told us , as we bombarded her with questions . “They asked what it was like living with Jack , did we spend much time all together , the eight of us , and if we have any plans for the next couple of weeks .”

“Did you tell them about the tour ?” Alex asked . She nodded .

“Yeah , I mentioned it , but I told them I didn't know much about it . I think they already knew anyway , because they were actually the ones that brought it up .”

“Matt probably told them” Zack said , sighing .

“Will Matt be going on tour with us ?” Charles asked .

“Yes” Said Rian , “Matt , our merch guy Vinny , our guitar tech Danny , drum tech Grieco , our sound dude Evan , light technician Jeff , and the assistant tour manager Matt Colussy .”

I gulped . “That's a lot of people ...”

Alex laughed . “You'll get to know them quickly enough , don't worry . You tend to make friends with people faster when you're stuck in a bus with them anyway .”

“Will it be a big bus ?” Said Sam hopefully . Alex nodded .

“Fairly big . Usually we'd have a ten-bunk bus , because that's all we need , but this time we'll have to go with twenty because of you lot , and the cameramen .”

“They'll be sleeping on the bus ?” Charles asked , “I thought shooting was only from two until ...”

“We always have a couple of extra people taping stuff” Ritchie said , coming into the room , “Just in case . And , Pommie , you can go inside now .”

“How long does the Warped Tour last ?” I asked .

“About three months” Zack said , “Starts about half way through June , ends early August .”

“What's the first venue this year ?” Jack said .

“Utah” Answered Rian , “Salt Lake City . And before you ask , the last show is in Oregon .”

“Thanks”Jack said .

We discussed the upcoming tour for a while . Alex , Rian , Jack and Zack told us about the previous tours they had done ; the fans , the music , the bus . Other bands that would be going on tour with us , interviews that were often done along the way . Parties that went on until five in the morning , naps that lasted until the same time that night . Alex , Jack and several crew members , staying up to watch movies in the back lounge ; the whole bus dedicating every Tuesday entirely to popcorn .

“Hazel” Ritchie called , “Your next .”

The living room looked different from how it had been last night . It was brighter for a start , although the curtains were closed so people watching wouldn't know where Alex and Rian lived , new lamps and torches had been brought in until it looked kind of how I'd imagine it would in the Arctic , with a gleaming white sky above you , which was mirrored by the blinding white floor beneath .

“Sit down , Hazel” Ritchie said , “Make yourself comfortable .”

The sofas had been moved around to create more space for the cameras , as had the coffee table in the centre of the room . I chose a seat , and immediately the cameras were switched on and aimed at my face .

“Hello Hazel , I'm Megan” A young blonde said , sticking out her hand . “I'm going to interview you , if that's okay .”

“That's great” I told her , although the butterflies in my stomach had begun to gnaw on my intestines . “It's nice to meet you Megan .”

“I'm going to start off with some easy questions” Megan said , sitting down in front of me . “Who were you adopted by ?”

“I was adopted by Alex .”

“Do you think you and Alex get on well ?”

“I think so .” I paused , trying to think of something to add . Megan's eyebrows raised as she waited for me to elaborate .

“When Alex came to the Home I was in – you know , the first time I actually met him , me and him really hit it off . We kind of had to , I guess , because … It was like when someone's picking teams in Gym , and there's always a couple of people left over ? They kind of have to start talking and becoming friends , because they're the leftovers and they're the only ones that will ever appreciate them properly , if you get what I mean . You see , when Alex came to the Home , there was a rumour going around that Zack was the only one who hadn't picked who he was adopting , so everyone paid attention to him . Me and Alex were both just hanging around , so we started talking and … I guess you can see how it turned out yourself .”

Megan nodded , smiling at me . “Why weren't you over with Zack ?” She asked , “Didn't you want to be adopted ?”

I hesitated again . “Em , well , I did want to be , yes . But … I thought I'd have no chance of being adopted , because the band had gone to three Homes , each with about thirty children , which makes around a hundred children they'd met in total . And against that , I didn't really have a chance .”

Better to leave Mum and Steven out of this .

“Obviously you had more of a chance than you thought” Megan said , “What do you think made you stand out a bit more for Alex ?”

“I think … Probably because he started teaching me guitar about twenty minutes into our first meeting . You see , my brother used to play guitar , so I have his old acoustic , but since I didn't actually play I had no use for it . Alex offered to teach me how , and we spent hours up in my room , just strumming away . I really enjoyed it , and obviously Alex does too , so we really clicked after that .”

Megan went on to ask me questions about moving in with Alex , and living with him . She brought up , like Sam said she would , plans we had for the future and the tour . I answered as best I could , until Ritchie came in with Alex behind him .

“That's it for now , Hazel” He said , “ Alex , go ahead and sit down .”

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