The Werewolf CEO 1 of The CEO...

By embermarina

431K 15K 1.3K

"You can't go out now. The werewolf is roaming the forests." ........ Alexia Summer had no clue what she was... More

Writing in Progress
Official Trailer
Prologue - The Moon Goddess
Car Crash
Meeting the Monster
Sickening Attitudes
Secret Wonder Abouts
Sharp Servants
Rays of Rage
The Funeral
The Golden Shirt
Falty Confessions
Bro Code Promise
The Little Things
Walk The Line
Arrogant Apologies
Please Don't Go
Too Soon
Complicated Human Love
I Don't Wanna Live Forever
The Vampyr Party - Part 1
The Vampyr Party - Part 2
The Lost Child
Mr and Mrs Dark
Don't Let the Drunkies In
The Forest Wolf
Hello Brother
What Really Happened
Ambrogoi & Selene
Promises Are Never Broken
Deadly Lies at a Reasonable Price
Epilogue - Until Dawn
The Dark Ceo
The Werewolf Ceo Playlist

Missing Memories

8.1K 410 31
By embermarina



Follow me on Instagram! I post updates on the story there! @ emberia_

"Face of an angel looks too good to be true,
Eyes of the Ocean that follow me through.

Pink tinted lips have the need to be kissed,
Only the kisser will never be missed.

Wanting acceptance but getting revulsion,
Speaks to my soul without any emotion.

My mind is possessed with the thoughts of despair.
How can I clear out your voice from my air?"

I jump up in the light brown Bed. Those words kept ringing in my ears as if someone repeatedly chanted them to me until even my body has memorised each line.

My dreams were quite vivid and colourful, but not last night. Instead of running rainbow unicorns I am tasting the wrath of hell hounds and demons who clawed at my legs until I finally showed surrender. It was even more scarier to think that I could not remember half of the events yesterday. 

Founding an elegant black dress and gigantic matching heels on my floor got me thinking of reasons for experiencing lack of memories. Maybe I got drugged? 

Looking at my clothes I find myself dressed in pastel pink pyjama pants and a rosy tank top. So I had the brains to change. 

Taking a warm shower I groan out when my legs protest in pain. What the hell was I doing yesterday? 

I race with solutions and anything but my brain just hands me a blank file with nothing written on it. I am annoyed to bits, it was almost like I was missing something incredibly important yet I still couldn't get the grasp of it.

The last thing I remember is asking Caleb where Alec went and that was it. Smacking a wet hand against the bathroom tiles I examine my dark under eye circles. Drying my hair I quickly transfer my body into soft grey sweatpants and black sweatshirt that gave me a reason to smile.

Pushing my feet into creme fluffy slippers that say Try Beat Me, I walk downstairs. 

"We can find her through a guest list can't we?" My brain detects a familiar voice. Stilling in my tracks I am faced with an unfamiliar face yet somehow I know of her. 

She looks at me quickly, her soft blue eyes that were less vibrant that mine skim over my attire. I almost begin my cursing but collect myself just in time.

"We have guests?" I raise my eyebrow at Alec who looks between the two of us. What does she mean by 'we have guests'. I practically live here! I didn't like her already.

"Um. This is Alex. She's..." Alec looks lost for words and I'm pretty sure this missy wouldn't care about the details of my life since her glare is enough to tell me that I'm going down.

"I'm Alexia. Alec just has a habit of calling me Alex." I want to hysterically laugh at her paled face. What did she think, that she is his world? Bitch don't make me laugh.

"I see." Her voice is quite rough and that's when I register her 'morning' outfit. which consists of male oversized hoodie and boxers. My assumption suggests it all belonged to Alec. Now I'm the one to scowl, here I thought I was the only one that has permission to wear Alec's clothes.

In my brain I have a gun with one bullet.  I point it at an angle, using both my hands I let go of the trigger. The bullet flies directly into the girl before slicing through her and injecting into Alec. Both drop dead to the floor and I smile in satisfaction.

"Hello!?" The blonde waves a hand in front of my face. I must have been caught in the moment.

Shaking my head lightly, I put on a fake smile. "Sorry did I hear you say anything?" I catch brown eyes stare at me for a moment.

"This is Gabriella." Alec introduces the two of us and we simply scowl at each other. "Funny name." I say underneath my name just to annoy her. I notice how Alec's ears pick up the sound of my voice.

Turning on his heel he proceeds to make coffee. Reaching to sit on my usual seat I am almost at my destination when Gabriella shoots right on it.

"That's my seat." I grumble out angrily. For as long as I am aware that is my seat and I don't know any other bullshit.

Gabriella smirks while Alec is not looking before whispering, "Why are you here?" She wants to know. Her  cold blue eyes sharply claw at me.

Before I can answer she sighs sarcastically. "Right, you are the bitch that made half of Alec's men leave the company!" She smiles when noting down my surprised expression.

Alec whips his head in my direction before wordlessly placing the mug on the table. "Gabbie."
Oh so now she was 'Gabbie'. I want to hit her head against the table just at the look of her love struck expression.

"You make the best coffee." She smiles widely before taking a sip from the black mug.
Now I'm the one that wants to smash my face multiple times. Possibly against something really strong.
Alec never made me freaking coffee!

Was I being jealous? Pffffffff.....slap me in the face and ask again.

I want to laugh at myself for being so dumb. Off course they were a couple. That was the girl that one of the paparazzis mentioned when I met Alec.

I reach into the fridge to make myself breakfast. Stuffing my hand into the packet of cookies left on the container I quickly shove one into my mouth.

Avoiding crunching I chew it down before Alec notices. Making myself a cup of coffee, I decide to munch on strawberry cheesecake that had a sign from Mrs Garvin to Alexia.

I grin at that little gift from her and put it on the plate. "I want that." Gabriella calls out gaining my attention.
Her blue eyes stare down the savory goodness and I retract my hand back protectively.

"You don't get any." I smirk when the girl narrows her eyes. Putting on an upsetting expression she blows at a breath.

"Alec!" She nudges his arm and the guy jumps in his seat. Did he fall asleep?

I step closer to see his face, that's when I notice the sleepless red eyes that stare back with no emotion on them.

"Just give her the cake." He grits out and I shake my head still watching his face sigh tiredly.

"She can go get her own!" I exclaim in frustration and stab a spoon into my victim before taking a huge bite.

Gabriella looks at me with revulsion so I continue to chew like a dog until she pleads for Alec to shut me up.

"I still think we should find that..Princess Violet Williams or whatever the hell that bitch's name was. " Gabriella speaks lowly and ever so slightly gazes at me. What did I got to do with this?!

"I'm not searching people up just because one said something wrong." Alec calls out and rubs his tired face.
I wan to reach out and hug him but off course that would be firstly creepy and secondly also creepy.

"But Alec. She literally said she wants to spit in my face!" Gabriella stands on her feet her gestures all over the place.

I stifle a laugh, I loved this Princess Violet Williams already. In fact I would hand her an Oscar for such great deed.

"Are you laughing at me?" The witch looks pissed, I cannot help but plaster a grin on my face.

Sarcastically looking around I say, "Me? Yes." I watch her eyes budge twice their size and suddenly she shrieks out.
The sound is not even close to any animal I have heard of.

Jumping from my seat, I watch Alec push her down. "Gabbie, cmon calm down." He whispers into her ear and she begins to settle in my seat.

"I knew some people had anger issues but to the point where they turn into freaking animals. PFF that's something new." I sip onto my sweet coffee while Gabriella watches me with hate.

I meet brown chocolate eyes who are cold and distant. "Leave." He commands making me frown.

I pass my eyes to Gabriella who begins to wail and sniffle as tears rolled down her face.

"I didn't do nothing!" I say and a fist slams against the desk sending me flying from the seat. Damn those reflexes.

Taking my cup and plate half eaten cake I leave the room. It was a mistake to switch my eyes back to the two personas in the room.

I watch as Gabriella smirks at while me wiping her devil eyes from fake tears.
She is enclosed in Alec's embrace who doesn't see her faulty act.

At moment I wanted to be  Princess Violet Williams and spit her right into that Satan face.

AN- Please let me know what you think!

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