In My Mind

By WrenSpellman

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I used to be normal. I had a good life, kick-ass friends, and teachers hated me. Now, I'm stuck going to a sc... More

The Monster Within
Chapter I: The Day Before
Chapter II: Just a Dream
Chapter III: Sienna
Chapter IV: Mate's the Word
Chapter V: Lulu
Chapter VI: Think Human
Chapter VIII: Non-Independance's End
Chapter IX: Seperation
Chapter X: Mates All Around
Chapter XI: Day One, Part One
Chapter XII: Day One, Part Two
Chapter XIII: Day Two, Part One
Chapter XIV: Day Two, Part Two
Chapter XV: Day Three, Part One
Chapter XVI: Day Three, Part Two
Chapter XVII: Day Four
Chapter XVIII: Day Five
Chapter XIX: Day Six
Chapter XX: Goodbye
Chapter XXI: Operation
Chapter XXII: Secrets
Chapter XXIII: Cars
Chapter XXIV: Bite Me
Chapter XXV: Bun in the Oven
Chapter XXVI: Hurting Hearts
Chapter XXVII: Occupancy
Chapter XXVIII: Breathe
Chapter XXIX: Shift In Power
Chapter XXX: Caught In The Act
Chapter XXXI: The Guest
Chapter XXXII: Hard as Stone

Chapter VII: Putain

655 11 1
By WrenSpellman

WARNING: This chapter gets a little steamy!

Mrs. Honey clapped her hands once, drawing our attention. "I think now is a good time for you three to go get dressed."

Us triplets glanced down at the blankets wrapped around our bodies before looking up at everyone and blushing. They thought it was funny and started to laugh, which made us blush even more. I burried my face in my hands. How could I not have noticed I was standing practically naked in front of these people?

"What are you guys laughing at?" Mrs. Honey asked. "I still remember when I had to help you with your second changes."

That shut them up. I looked up to see Jaxon cough awkwardly and Wendy hide her face. Lulu scratched the back of his neck. I raised an eyebrow at him. His eyes widened slightly before she shook his head and looked away with embarrassment. After recovering himself, dropped me off at my dorm where I showered and dressed. I felt dirty from being on the cold classroom floor. I walked out of the bathroom, pulling my hair up in a bun, only to see Sienna and Jaxon practically doing the nasty.

"Oh my god!" I exclaimed.

Sienna jumped off Jaxon, her face turning a crimson red. "What are you doing in here?!"

"What the fuck?! This is my dorm too! Couldn't you wait to have sex until I was gone?!" I was yelling at this point. "You know what? I'm going to stay the night with Lucien."

I opened the door and headed out. I glanced back to say bye, but caught site of a naked leg. I quickly closed the door. I did not want to stick around any longer. I quickly leaft the girl's dorm, only to bump into Erin.

"Fancy seeing you here, Nity. Glad you decided to walk on two feet instead of four." She joked.

"What are you doing in the guy's dorms?" I asked.

She smirked. "Not what, who."

I was taken aback. Erin didn't look like the person to fool around with guys. She looked like a girl that could care less about everything.

"Don't look so surprised. Its part of my job description."

My jaw dropped and my eyes widdened.

Erin cracked up laughing. "I'm joking! Geez! That's not my future job. It's Amber's."

My eyebrows pulled together. "Isn't Amber that really shy girl that sits in the back of class and doesn't talk to anyone?"

"Yup. She's the future Putain."

"What the hell is a Putain?"

"Its French for whore." She said bluntly.


She shrugged. "The job is passed down from her mom. There are two in every pack; one girl and one guy. They relieve the unmated people's sexual urges during mating season."

"That's horrible!"

"That's pack life. You try being unmated during mating season. Plus, she's been being prepared for this practically her whole life. No one really looks down on her for it. Its actually, sort of, an important job in the pack." She glanced down at the watch on her wrist. "Sorry, I have to go. I have training in a few minutes." Erin walked passed me and down the hall.

"Wait!" I called after her. She paused. "What's your job going to be when we get out of here?"

"Good question."

She turned the corner, leaving me standing in the middle of the guy's dorms hall. I slowly walked the rest of the way to Lulu's dorm. He told me that he would be here if I needed him. I knocked on the door softly. There were muffled voices from the other side of the door. A few more seconds passed before the door finally opened. Eddy stood there in all his cocky glory.

"Good evening. What can I help you with, Miss. Serenity Sin?" He asked.

I tipped my head to the side and cocked a hip. "What's your full first name?"

He mumbled something I didn't catch.

"What was that?" 

"Edward!" He exclaimed, storming back into Lucien's room.

I laughed, stumbling in after him. "Edward? Really?"

Lucien sat up from his bed, a smile on his face. "I sense a lot of Twilight jokes in your future, Eddy."

He groaned and slumped down into a chair.

"That's okay, Edward, Wendy is going to get it worse." I climbed onto Lucien's bed and locked gazes with him. "Sienna and Jaxon are doing it like rabbits in our room. Can I stay here for the night?"

"Of course. You can stay here any time you want." He said cupping my cheek with his hand.

"Okay, I'll take that as my cue to leave. I guess our guy time was cut short, Luke. See you around." Edward stood from his seat and left the room, closing the door loudly behind him.

I giggled. "Are we really that bad?"

"No. It just goes along the same lines as not interupting Alphas or Betas when they're with their mates." He leaned in close, our noses almost touching. "You know, we never got to finish what we started earlier."

"Who said we started anything?" I breathed.

He growled warningly in a playful way. "Kiss me."

I pretended to think about it. "Nah, I'm good." I lied. I wanted to do way more than just kiss him, but I wasn't going to clue him in on that.

He growled again, but this time it was the same growl that sent shivers up my back and took the air right out of my lungs. My skin tingled and heated. My only response was to crash my lips onto his. I could feel him smile slightly before it was wipped off of his face when I teasingly bit his lower lip. Our lips moved together like we had practiced this many times before. The kiss started out slow but soon turned hungry. Lucien swept his tongue along my bottom lip, asking for entrance. I denied him what I knew he wanted the most at that point. Knowing I wouldn't deepen the kiss at his demand, he decided to straddle me. He pinned my right arm to the mattress before trying to do the same to my left. I didn't let him. I tangled my fingers in his silky soft hair and tugged slightly, eanring a small groan in response.

Finally, after showing Lucien that he was not in charge, I opened my mouth to him. I knew he would be smiling if we weren't in this situation. He slowly glided his tongue into my mouth. I let him take control, because I didn't know what to do. I've only made out with someone once, and that was because of the stupid truth or dare game. Lucien seemed more than happy to take over. His free hand ran the length of my side. My breath hitched when he lightly grasped my breast. This was new. No one has ever touched me like he was. I think I liked it. I untagled my fingers from his hair and placed my hand on his chest. I slowly felt my way downward. I stopped from nervousness, my hand resting on his rock hard abs. I had no idea if he even liked how I was touching him. What if I did something wrong?

"It's alright." He mumbled against my lips, as if reading my mind.

Building up confidence, I lowered my hand the rest of the way to the button if Lucien's pants. He breath caught when he realized what I was doing. Before I started to undo his pants, he broke our lips apart and sat up. My eyes widdened. I knew it! I ruined everything. Lucien shushed me. He pulled his shirt over his head and threw it to the floor. Oh. My. God. Literally. He had the body of a god. He shyly started to lift my shirt. Yes, shyly. Suddenly getting impatient, I pushed his hands away. His face fell. I guess he was worried about messing up too. I smiled before taking my shirt off. He stared hungrly at my newly exposed skin.

Someone pounded on the door. "Serenity, you in here?" A voice called.

Lucien and I both growled at whoever was on the other side of the door.

"Who is it?!" Lucien demanded, his voice low and threatening.

"The only person with enough guts to knock on the door, knowing I was interupting something."

"Erin!" We complain at the same time.

I glanced at Lucien with an odd look. It was weird saying something at the same time he was. I was used to doing that with Sienna and Stone. Occationally it would happen with onw of the twins, but that was rare. Its never happened with someone other than one of my siblings. Lucien and I fixed ourselves up. I ran my fingers trhough my knotted hair a few times, trying to get it to look presentable. Erin obviously got impatient because the door swung open. She walked in like she owned the place.

"What do you want?" Lucien asked rudely.

I smacked his arm and stood between him and Erin.

She turned to me. "Okay, well, like I told you earlier, I had to go to training. When I got there, Alpha Sin, your dad, was there to help. I was really nervous, 'cause, you know, he's the Alpha."

Lucien let out an annoyed growl.

She smiled, rambling on, on perpose. "So, we weren't even halfway through training when Alpha Sin thought it would be a good idea if you were there. Luna Sin didn't think it was a good idea until Alpha told her that it would be good for you to know what you are going to be looking after as either Alpha or Beta female."

"You took five minutes to tell me that my dad wants me?" I was a little annoyed.

She shrugged, a smile plastered on her face. With a sigh, I laced my fingers with Lucien's and followed Erin to wherever her training was. It turned out she trained in the gym. There were practice dummies linning a wall. Weapons were lied out on two tables. Most were knives and other sharp things I didn't know the names of. A few guns were there as well, along with a whip, a bat, and a... steak? What, is she a vampire hunter or something? 

Dad was sitting in a comforable looking chair, Mom standing behind him with a hand on his shoulder. They both looked powerful, royal almost. They were what I would think a king and queen would look like while getting a portrait painted of them. It was a little odd seeing them like that. Mom only ever dressed like she was now when she was going somewhere important. Same with Dad.

Lucien bowed his head like people do to us. "Alpha. Luna." He greeted them.

"You don't have to greet us so formally." Dad told him before looking at me. "Serenity, I would like you to take mine and your mother's places and watch over Miss. Smith."

"Okay...?" I said, dragging out the word.

Dad continued to talk, but I blocked out his voice. The tone he was using was the same one he used when he lectured. I never listened to a word we said when he talked to me like that. He always somehow made me feel like I was a dissapointment. Like I was set out to do something important, but failed and screwed everything up. Sometimes, I even felt like he was putting the world on my shoulders. He stressed me out with the sound of his voice. I'm freaking weird. 

"Serenity, are listening to a word I am saying?" Dad asked, snapping me out of my weird thoughts.

I avoided meeting his eyes. "Of course I am."

He let out a tired sigh and pinched the bridge of his nose. "How is it that I can keep the attention of thousands of soldiers for hours, but holding my own daughter's attention for more than five minutes is impossible?"

"Because when you talk to me, you're not as interesting as you think you are?" I suggested, making Erin snicker.

He let out a frustrated growl. She quickly shut up.

"Oh, lighten up, Victorian." Mom said, gently rubbing his arm.

Lucien started rubbing small circles on the palm of my hand with his thumb. I glanced up at him with a raised eyebrow. The look in his eyes told me that he was still thinking about what we were doing in his bedroom. I blushed and tried to consentrate on my parents. Erin was mindlessly playing with a very sharp look knife, obliviouse to everyone.

"Serenity, do you know what you need to do?" Dad asked.

I dropped my head back and groaned.

"That's not an answer." He was starting to sound really annoyed. "Give me a proper answer."

"Victorian, leave her be. If she doesn't understand, then let her mate explain it to her more. I know for a fact that he has started his training." Mom told him. She pulled him to his feet with ease. "Let's go oversee some more things before night falls." She sent me a wink before leaving with Dad.

Lucien sat in the chair Dad had occupided, placing me in his lap. Erin was doing things her instructor told her to do. For the most part, all she did was play target practice with throwing knives. She didn't miss at all. It surprised me, because her who-gives-a-shit attitude was nowhere in sight. She was focused and didn't let anything destract her. Well... she didn't let much destract her. At one point, her intructor had to yell at her for juggling the knives instead of throwing them. At the end of her training, Lucien and I were told we could leave.

"Let's go back up to my room and see how much trouble we can get into." Lucien whispered in my ear, his intoxicating breath sweeping across my neck and sending shivers down my back.

My wolf howled in excitement. 

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