The Speedster and the Telekin...

By mabaronlovesbts

11.8K 154 2

After the events of the black hole in Central City, the Flash was considered the hero of the city. But over t... More

Book 3!!!


199 3 0
By mabaronlovesbts

When we get to the woodlands, we walk through the forest looking for Killer Frost through the thick fog. "You sure this is the place?" I ask Barry-2 as we stop walking for a bit. "This is definitely the place." Harry says and I suddenly see Killer Frost come out from behind a tree. "You lost? Or just back for more fun?" she asks and Harry cocks his gun as Tori-2 lifts her pistol, Cisco lifts his gun also, and I just stand there staring at her. "We just came here to talk." Harry tells her while he points the gun at her. "Oh, really? Do you bring your little toys to every conversation you have?" she asks pointing to the guns. "Or do you just wanna see me burn again?" she asks again. "Considering you killed my father, the thought crossed my mind." Tori-2 says as Killer Frost walks away. "Tell us. Where does Zoom keep his prisoners?" I ask her and she looks at me. "You really don't know how to use your abilities, do you, breacher?" she asks Cisco as I glare at her. "It's a work in progress, Elsa." he responds and I would comment back on that, but I don't. "Zoom killed the love of your life. This hurts, even for somebody with a heart as cold as yours." I say to her and she just looks at me. "And you think that would make me turn on Zoom?" she asks me.

"The enemy of my enemy is my friend, right?" Cisco says to her and I roll my eyes at him as Tori-2 looks at him. "What? Don't tell me it doesn't work like that over here."

"If I tell you, he'll kill me." Killer Frost says. "But if I kill you and take you to him, I bet he'd be pretty pleased with me."

Her hands start to release smoke, like how liquid nitrogen would, as she walks over to us. "Maybe even let me off my leash. So take a wild guess. What do you think I'm going to choose?" she asks with an evil smirk. "Move!" Tori-2 says and both her and Barry-2 move out of the way with Harry and Cisco as I cover myself with my force field. "That did not go as planned." Cisco yells and I scoff. "Her name starts with "Killer." This comes as a shock to you?" Barry-2 says with a slight anger. "You're pretty brave to be standing here alone." she tells me and I glare at her and take my force field down. "Zoom took someone I love, and I need to get him back." I say to her and she just smirks. "Let's see what you've got." she says as she shoots ice shards at me and I put my force field up again. "You four run when I start attacking her, alright? Tori, Cisco, and Harry, try to shoot her down." I say to them telepathically and I put my force field down and do a front  flip over ice shards and kick her. The four run, and the three who were armed shoot at her while I try to punch and kick her. I kick her stomach, making her stumble back, and use my telekinesis to pin her to the tree. "Now, can we have that little talk again, and this time, don't try anything." I say to her.

I let her go and she sits on a tree stump and looks at all of us as Tori-2 points her pistol to her head. "Where's Zoom's lair?" she asks her and I just look at Killer Frost hoping for an answer this time, but she stays silent. I hear Harry cock his gun and I walk up closer to her, "Where is it?" I ask her and she glares at me, which I return. "If I tell you, he will kill me." she says to me and I cross my arms. "He'll kill you anyway, Caitlin." Cisco says to her and she glares at him. "Stop calling me that. It's not my name." she says to him. "Yes, it is. You just don't wanna hear it because it reminds you of someone you used to be. Trust me, I know that person very well." Cisco says to her. "You don't know anything about me." she says to him in disbelief. "I know the Caitlin Snow on my Earth. I know that when she loves someone, that person is her world. That person was Ronnie Raymond. And he died, too. That devastated her, and I can see it's doing the same to you." Cisco tells her and she breaks eye contact with him. "Zoom took that. His daughter, her boyfriend, which is my friend. He's gonna take them away from us, just like he took Ronnie from you." Cisco continues to try to persuade her.

"Caitlin. All you have to do is tell us where he's keeping them. And then you'll never hear from us again, and then you can go. Please." he finishes saying.

"Fine. I'll show you where it is. But that's it." she says standing up from the stump.

"That's all we need." I say as we follow her.

"Where are we going?" Barry-2 stutters.

"Ascension Cliffs." she replies and I look at Cisco.

"Good job." I say to him and he smiles and nods.

"Anything to get Jesse and Barry out of there." he says and I nod.


As we follow Killer Frost through the forest, I stay silent with my arms crossed and just hope Barry was ok. He had to be ok though because Zoom wanted him for his speed, but who knows how long Zoom would keep him alive. We eventually arrive at Ascension Cliffs and I look at it with a straight face. "Well, well, well." Harry says looking at the cliff as he puts his gun down. "We're going up there?" Barry-2 asks in confusion. "That's where Zoom's lair is." Killer Frost replies and I understand why Zoom's lair would be here. There's no way for a meta like me, or any human to get in. "A place only a speedster could get to." Harry says and I nod in agreement. "They're like the Cliffs of Insanity. So how do we get up there?" Cisco asks Killer Frost and she lifts her hands as cold fog comes off of them. "I can make you something to climb on, darling." she says to him. "Are you serious? You want us to, what, just climb to the top of those cliffs on ice?" Barry-2 asks her with a laugh, but she stares at him with a straight face. "Got any better ideas?" she asks him coldly. "No, ma'am. I'm just... You know, I've got... You know, I'm wearing wing tips here. They, um, don't have much tread." Barry-2 replies and I roll my eyes. "Barry, Barry, um, maybe you should stay behind, yeah?" Tori-2 says to him.

"No. Hey, no. I'm not letting you go up there by yourself." he tells her.

"It is ok if you don't wanna go, if you don't want to do this." she tells him.

"You're my wife. I'm not leaving your side." he tells her and she nods.

"Can we go?" Harry asks and the two nod.

"Let's go before I change my mind." Killer Frost says and she makes a staircase out of ice. We climb up the staircase carefully and head inside the lair. I look around the dark room watching for Zoom, but also looking for Barry. "Barry?" I call him in a whisper as Cisco and I walk ahead of the group. "Barry?" Cisco calls a little louder and that's when we come upon three cells and I see him in a glass cell. I dash over to his cell and look at him in relief to see that he was ok and alive. "Tori." he says standing up and putting his hands on the glass and I do the same. "I was so worried about you." I say and he gives me a small smile. "How did you find this place?" he asks me and I turn back to look at Killer Frost. "Had some help." Cisco replies and Barry looks at Killer Frost. "Don't even get me started on this guy. Oh boy." he says as he points to Barry-2 and I shake my head as I stare into my Barry's green eyes. "Dr. Wells." Barry whispers and I see Harry run up to the cage over to where his daughter was kept. "Stand back." he tells her and he lifts the cell door and then hugs his daughter tightly. "I'm here. I'm here. Come on. Let's get you out of here." he says and he pulls on the chain to that had her cuffed to the pole, but he couldn't get her out. "Frost." he calls Killer Frost and I turn to her to see her lift her brows. "A little help?" Cisco asks her, but she shakes her head. "Not part of the deal." she says to him and I glare at her. "Frost!" Wells yells angrily at the meta wanting to get his daughter out of this place as soon as possible. "Hey, hey, hey. Bringing us here wasn't part of the deal either, but here you are. Something tells me you're not as cold as I thought you were." Cisco says to her.

"Maybe. Maybe not." she says as she starts to walk over to the Harry and Jesse. She puts her hands on the chain making them freeze, then it shatters into pieces. She walks over to Barry's glass cell and I move aside as she puts her hands on the glass to freeze it, but it doesn't seem to freeze. "What's going on? Why isn't it working?" Tori-2 asks and I wondered the same thing. "I don't know. I've never had this problem before." she responds and I frown as I look at Barry in worry. "Dr. Wells." Barry says and I look at Harry hoping he had an answer to why the glass wouldn't freeze. "Carbyne. It's some form of carbyne. This cell's made of some form of carbyne. You'll never be able to freeze him out of there." Wells says and I look at Barry. "You can't phase out of there?" I ask him and he shakes his head. "Just go, alright? Before Zoom comes back." he says and I look at him. "No. We're not leaving without you. I'm not leaving without you." I say to him as tears roll down my cheeks. "Tori, I can't get out of this cell. I've tried. A lot. I'm not fast enough to phase through this. You got... Just leave alright?" he says looking at me and everyone else, but I shake my head. He looks back at me with those soft eyes I've always loved, "Just leave." he says softly and I shake my head again.

"Do you know what we did here, Barry?" Barry-2 asks him and I look at him as he walks over to the cell. "We convinced her, Killer Frost, to show us the way. Then we climbed some insanely steep cliffs outside on foot holds made of ice. Ice. And all of us risked our lives, knowing Zoom was after us, to rescue Jesse and you. Now, I don't know you and you don't know me, but I can tell you that, today, I did things that I never thought because I needed to prove to my wife and to myself that I could. And now if I can do the impossible today, so can you." Barry shakes his head saying that he can't. "I'm just Barry Allen. But you're the Flash."

I see tears well up in his eyes as he stares at Cisco, then me in my tear filled eyes, then back to Barry-2. "If you tell yourself you can phase out of there, you'll do it." Barry-2 says and I nod in agreement. Barry closes his eyes, lifts his hand, and starts to vibrate his hand through the glass. He looks at us with wide eyes and I smile at him as Tori-2 walks up to Barry-2 and they back away. He then vibrates his whole body and phases through the glass. Once he was out, I jump into his arms and sob uncontrollably as I wrap my arms around his neck and his arms wrap around my waist. "I was so worried." I say pulling away slightly as he presses his forehead against mine. "I know." he says and he kisses me. "Ok, lovebirds, there's a time for making out later. Let's get out of here." Cisco says and I nod in agreement. "Wait, wait. Hey, hey, hey. We're not leaving him." Barry says motioning to the man in the other carbyne cell. "Barry, there's no time." Harry says and I suddenly hear a woosh and turn to see Zoom. "He's not going anywhere, and neither are any of you." Zoom says as Barry pulls me behind him protectively and I look at Zoom in fear. "Thank you for bringing them to me." Zoom tell Frost and I glare at her. "You double-crossed us?" Cisco asks as she looks at us. "He killed Ronnie." I say to her and she looks at us from over her shoulder. "Guess my heart is as cold as you thought after all" she responds and I try to hold myself back from attacking her, because one move could be my death by Zoom.

"Just so you know, you would be so disappointed in you right now." Cisco says.

"Zoom, let them go." Barry says walking up to him.

"All you need is me and Barry." Wells says to him.

"You're right. I may not be able to kill you yet, but I can kill them." Zoom says.

I suddenly feel a gust of wind and see Jesse by Zoom's side. "I told you I'd kill you in front of your father." Zoom says to her as he lifts a hand to stab her. "No, no!" Wells yells, but ice suddenly hits Zoom making him release Jesse. "Get out of here." Killer Frost says to us as she walks over to Zoom. "Caitlin." Cisco says in surprise to see her do this for us. "You were right. He killed Ronnie." she says as she blasts ice at Zoom. "Thank you." he says and I look over to Barry. "I'm not leaving without him." Barry says pointing to the man in the cell. "Barry, there's no time. There's no time!" Wells says and I look to see the ice start to break. "I can't hold him forever." Killer Frost says and I put a hand on Barry's arm. "We gotta go, Barry." I say and he nods. "Alight. Hey, I'm coming back for you when this is all over, alright?" he says to the man and the man nods. Barry scoops me up and speeds us out of the lair and with the others. "We need to get back to S.T.A.R. Labs." Harry says and Cisco nods. "We need to go, like, now." I say and we all dash into the forest, then Barry speeds us one at a time to S.T.A.R. Labs. I walk over to Tori-2 and Barry-2 and they look at me and Barry who walks up next to me. "You guys need to get out of Central City, alright?" Barry tells them and I nod. "Any place you think you think you'll be safe from Zoom?" I ask them and they look at each other. "Yeah. We have some family in Atlantis that can help us." Tori-2 responds and Barry-2 nods.

"You may have not been struck by lightning over here like I was, but today, you risked your life to save somebody you didn't even know. That's a hero, Barry." Barry tells his doppelganger and I nod.

"Thank you, both." I say and they both nod.

"One question, is my father still alive on your guys' Earth?" my doppelganger asks and I nod.

"Yeah, he is." I respond.

"Dale un abrazo para mi cuando lo veas." she says to me in Spanish and I nod.

We say our goodbyes to our doppelgangers and walk over to Cisco, Harry, and Jesse. "Hey, you guys need to get someplace safe, too. Where are you going?" Barry asks them. "The only place we can." he responds and he walks away from us and Jesse follows her dad. I look over to Barry and he looks at me. "We have everything, right?" he asks me and I nod then look at Cisco and he nods. An alarm suddenly blares out and I knew that meant Zoom was here. "Wells, if you're coming with us, we have to go." Barry says to him and we all head down to the basement where the breach is. When we get to the basement, Barry wraps his arm around my waist and Cisco's to speed us through the breach. "Barry, take Jesse first." I say and he looks at me with a frown. "She's more important than me. I'll be fine." I tell him and he nods then takes Cisco and Jesse through the breach. Just as Barry left, Zoom speeds in and grabs me by my throat and grabs Wells. Barry suddenly comes back and stares at Zoom, then Harry, then me, but he keeps his eyes on me. "Forgetting someone, Flash?" Zoom asks him and I look at him from the corner of my eye. "Let them go." Barry says to him careful not to do anything that can harm us. "Close the breach." Harry says to him, but Barry shakes his head not wanting to leave us. "Tell Jesse I love her." he says again. "Tell her yourself." Barry says and I see Harry stab a tranquilizer dart into Zoom's chest. Barry speeds over, grabs us, and we speed through the breach. We were suddenly back in our S.T.A.R. Labs and I look around. "Close it! Close it now!" Barry yells and I turn to see Jay throw the Implosion Reactor into the breach.

I see the breach start to react and I turn to see my dad standing there. He walks up to me and I hug him tightly remembering what my doppelganger had said, but also because I thought I'd never see him again. I look over to see Jay standing in front of the breach as he looks at Caitlin with a loving smile. But that's when something horrible happens in front of all of our eyes. Zoom's arm stabs Jay in the heart and I look in fear as he was pulled back into the breach. "No!" Caitlin yells and the breach closes for good.

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