Muslim girl and... love?

By _lovebird

196K 6.9K 1.3K

This story is about a teenage pakistani muslim girl who goes through some rough paths in her life and doesnt... More

Muslim girl and... love?
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36

Chapter 14

5.4K 188 12
By _lovebird

This can't be true.
This is not happening.
Why me?!

So to sum up everything
I'm getting engaged to the boy who apparently loves me endlessly's best friend?!

What is happening with my life?! Why is it so complicated?!

"Sweetheart! Is everything okay?" My mother had just burst into the living room after I had shouted, apparently loudly enough for my mum and them to hear me .

She came to me and started shaking me. Why was she shaking me?
Oh yeah right I was in SHOCK?!

"Aisha... babe you alright?" Now this was Samara. Samara? Oh I will kill her. How dare she not tell me?

Soon everyone was in the living room looking from me to him and yes him that was Imran.

I just looked down. I didn't know if I was angry, mad, sad or anything else?


His voice was so calm. And why shouldn't it be. I just don't get why I'm getting all hype about it?!

Well maybe because you had no idea that the one you were soon getting married to would be the best friend of the one who had just declared his love for you....

But why had Imran come? I thought he was just joking about everything he had said to me at the party?


I snapped out of my thoughts when I heard my name.

"Aisha can I talk to you?" He turned to look at my mum "Alone aunty?"

I looked at my mum and she was hesitating a bit but then she said

"Only if its okay with Aisha."

She looked at me.

"Yes it's okay. I'm okay mum. I think i just need to figure everything." I hugged her reassuring her that I was okay. "I'll tell you everything later mummy. Promise." I whispered the last part.

And they all went out.

I just kept starring at Imran for about 3 mins which felt like hours.

"Aisha, look I know all this came as a surprise for you and I'm sorry but this is just my way of telling you that I truly meant everything I said to you at the party" he came closer to me "I really do love you Aisha." He was smiling but I just kept a blank face. And kept starring at him.

"Won't you say anything?" He had backed away a bit.

"What do you expect me to say?"

I looked at him for the second time this evening. He was wearing black jeans with a blue shirt. He had his hair in a messy way.

"Anything, what you're feeling right now..? Aisha I mean it I really want to marry you and make you mine and I promise you I will make you happy. Do you.... Do you accept my proposal?"

He went down on one knee.

Wait what?! I looked down and saw him there on his knees proposing to me!

"Will you marry me Aisha?"

I looked at the ring he was now holding in his hands it was a silver ring with a big diamond on. It must have been worth a million or something. I was stunned. I had no idea how to react...


He was smiling his famous cheeky smile.

"I need some time... If that's okay?"

He got up. I saw a bit of...sadden? in his eyes but it quickly vanished.

"You can take the time you will Aisha"

He then came and hugged me.

Argh he's hugging me...! What to do man?

I was standing there with my arms on my side and standing there awkward and I guess he noticed the awkwardness because he moved away and went out the living room to our parents.

I sat on the couch when Samara decided to come and see me. As soon as I saw her I hit her on her arm.

"Oouuuuchh!! Why'd you do that for?" 

"That was for not telling me!!" I hit her again

"Ouch!! And this one?!"

"This ones for taking me to the mall."

I didn't know what to do now. I should never have gone to meet Omer. I should just lock myself in my room and never come out again.

"Aisha I told you I didn't know before we got here. And btw I think its good then at least you have a choice"

"No I don't Samara. Mum and dad doesn't know about Omer. And they aren't going to."

"What?! But we decided you would hear him out and then decide for yourself.." She was ...concerned...for her brother?! Why wasn't she thinking about me!?

"Yes and I did and I know now that I will do whatever my mum and dad say Samara I can't go against them"

"But Aisha at least ..."

"No Samara, you're MY best friend at least support my choice."

"No I won't Aisha because its the wrong choice okay? And I won't support you in something you shouldn't do"

I was wordless.. What's wrong with her?!

"Samara?!" I yelled that pretty loud because mine and Imrans parents came in and looked at us.

"No Aisha. Enough. I'm going now I don't want to listen to this." She turned around went upstairs took her things and went out the front door smacking it shut.

Everyone was looking at me.

"Aisha...what happened?"

"Not now mum. Please. I'm sorry."

I ran out the living room to the stairs where I saw Imran standing there looking at me I don't know like he knew something. And felt sympathy or something for me. I had tears in my eyes so I quickly ran up the  stairs and slammed the door to my room shut.

I sat on my bed with my arms around my knees.
Crying my eyes out.

Uh-oh what will happen know :O any guess ;)

Aaarggghh I'm so sorry I haven't updated for like forever.
I've been sick and so busy with college that I've not been on Wattpad at all :( but I'm sorry and here a new chapter hope you like it :)

Please vote and comment! Luv ya x

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