The Speedster and the Telekin...

By mabaronlovesbts

12.1K 155 2

After the events of the black hole in Central City, the Flash was considered the hero of the city. But over t... More

Book 3!!!


180 2 0
By mabaronlovesbts

In S.T.A.R. Labs, Cisco was working on finding Barry since he was taking forever on coming back here. "Where is he? Where is he?" Wells asks as I bite my lip in worry that something bad had happened to him. "I don't know. I can't find him anywhere." Cisco says which makes me even more worried. "Yeah, well, he better show up soon because he's been gone for hours. We only have so many of those left before Zoom needs the speed." Wells says and Cisco suddenly chuckles. "You're talking about Barry." Cisco says and I look at him oddly. "Yeah, don't worry about him. He'll be fine." Cisco says and I just look at him. "Who did you think I was talking about?" Wells asks him. "I thought you were talking about me." Cisco says and I raise a brow at him. "You?" Wells asks looking at him. "Yeah, we found Barry's double, and Tori's double is probably with Barry, so where the hell am I?" Cisco asks and I furrow my brows and shake my head. "You know, I always thought, in another life, I was, like, I don't know, like, a really wealthy, famous inventor. You know, sort of like the Earth-2 Elon Musk. Only with less RBF, obviously." Cisco says and I shake my head. "Well, here's some advice for you. How about spending more time looking for Zoom and less time worrying about what someone, who is not you, is doing with their life." Wells says and I hear Cisco sigh. 


After a while, Barry walks into the office and I dash up to him and hug him tightly. "What happened? I thought something happened to you." I say and he holds onto me tightly. "Barry, what's wrong?" I ask him as I pull away slightly and look into his green eyes. "Turns out you are a cop in this earth, and we're married in this earth." he says and I nod. "Guess I'm still bad-ass in this earth too, and I'm your wife." I say and he chuckles, but then frowns. "Two metas actually came looking for me. It was Caitlin and Ronnie." Barry says and I widen my eyes. "Killer Frost and Deathstorm." Wells says and I turn to look at him. "You know them?" Barry asks as he takes off the glasses. "More importantly, they know you now. They know that you're here." Wells says and Barry runs a hand through his hair. "So Caitlin and Ronnie's dopplegangers are evil? Those are some dope names, though." Cisco says and I narrow my eyes at him. "This was supposed to be a surgical mission, Allen. Find Zoom's lair. Rescue Jesse. Get in, get out. Not get involved." Wells says and I just look at Barry. "Alright, well look, I'm involved, ok? Richard's in the hospital. They nearly killed him." Barry says and I widen my eyes just hearing that. "Tori, he isn't your dad. He's alive and safe on your earth. So is Caitlin. These people, Barry, they're mere reflections. As far as your life is concerned they don't exist." Wells says and I look at him. "Killer Frost, Deathstorm, they know that you're here, and it's not long before Zoom does too and then my daughter's dead. And that's on you." Wells says and I look down at the ground. 

"Jesse still has time, ok? Tori and Richard need me now." Barry says and I look at him with a frown.

"Tori is right in front of you, Barry!" Wells says and Barry looks at me.

"Yeah, she is in front of me. But the other Tori needs me now! No matter what Universe I'm in, they are my family! I would think by now, you should get how important family is. I'm going, Wells, I have to." Barry says.

I watch him walk out of the office, but then I dash after him. "So you're gonna go with out saying bye to your girlfriend?" I ask him in a calm way and he stops in his tracks and turns to me. "Tori, I didn't mean for it to sound bad." he says to me calmly and I look at him. "I know, Barry. But you have to remember what Jay said to us. He said to not get sucked in emotionally. I don't mind that you care about my dad being hurt, Bar, but this isn't our earth. Remember that." I say to him, but he just looks down. "I'll see you later." I say walking up to him, peck his cheek, and walk back to Cisco and Wells. When I walk in, I just see Cisco and I look at him, "Where'd Wells go?" I ask him and he just shrugs. "Beats me. He just told me to find Zoom, then left." he says and I nod. "You talk to Barry?" he asks me and I nod. "I know he cares about my dad and me, and even if I wanted to stop him, I couldn't. Because he'd just go anyways." I say and Cisco nods. "I know. He's just stubborn like that." Cisco says and I laugh and nod.


After a while, Barry walks in and looks at both Cisco and I. "I'm gonna need your guys' help. Earth-2 Tori's gonna try and get Killer Frost and Deathstorm. Richard died." Barry says and I feel my heart break, but I had to remember that this wasn't my earth. "Cisco, you're coming with me to go see her. Tori, I'll come back for you, but be in your suit." Barry says and I nod. "I'll be back." he says and I nod. As both him and Cisco walk out I go to my bag and change into my suit. By the time Barry was back, I was ready and he was in his suit looking at me. "Ready?" he asks and I nod. "Ready as I'll ever be." I say and he sweeps me up. He tells me the plan when we arrive at the location and we wait for the signal. So far we heard talking through our ear piece and Cisco had found his doppelganger. "Flash! Hummingbird! Save us!" we hear Cisco say and Barry speeds us in as he knocks Deathstorm back and I kick Killer Frost in the stomach and she falls back. I then push Reverb, as Cisco's doppelganger called himself, back with my telekinesis. "Hey, that didn't hurt you, did it?" Barry asks him and I narrow my eyes at him. "No. Why would it?" Cisco says and Barry shrugs. "And who the hell are you two?" I hear a voice ask and I turn to see myself and Deadshot. "Look, Detective, just get out of here, alright?" I say with my voice modulator turned on. "No. Not without them!" my doppelganger says and she grabs the gun from Cisco and shoots Killer Frost. Boy was I stubborn! Deathstorm shoots a fireball at my doppelganger, but I put up a force field to protect everyone as Barry speeds away with my doppelganger, and I see Deadshot dive behind a wall.

"Round two." Deathstorm says throwing a fireball at Barry.

"Well, it's round one for me." I mumble as I put a force field in front of Barry and he looks at me. Suddenly, I see Barry get thrown to the wall and I widen my eyes. I hear Cisco scream and I turn to see him get punched by Reverb. I dash over and kick him, but suddenly, he uses his power on me, and I fly back slamming into the wall and having the breath taken out of me. I look up to see Reverb and Deathstorm attacking Barry and I try to get up, but I couldn't. "Stop! The both of you!" Killer Frost says and I look at her. "Zoom wanted him alive! You know what Zoom will do if you don't obey him!" she says and suddenly, not even in a blink of an eye, Zoom appears and he kills Deathstorm. "No!" Killer Frost yells and I widen my eyes in fear as I look at him. "That." Zoom says in his deep frightening voice as he walks up to Reverb. "What did I say you should do if encountered a speedster?" Zoom asks Reverb. "Leave him unharmed." Reverb answers and Zoom looks at a pained Barry. "Does this look unharmed to you?" Zoom asks motioning to Barry, then he stabs Reverb in the heart and I stare in fear. Zoom suddenly speeds over to Killer Frost grabbing her by the neck and choking her. "I'm happy to see at least one of you knows their place." he says and he lets her go, but she falls to the floor. He suddenly speeds over to Barry, grabs him, and speeds out. "Barry!" I yell and I start to feel the tears form in my eyes and I start to hyperventilate. "Tori, calm down." Cisco says kneeling in front of me, but I just keep hyperventilating. "Zoom has him. Zoom has Barry, Cisco!" I say as tears flow like a river down my cheeks. "We'll get him back, Tori." Cisco says as he wraps his arms around me and I wrap my arms tightly around him and sob in his shoulder. "Come on. Let's get back to S.T.A.R. Labs." he says as he helps me up and we make our way out of the building. All I could think about at this moment is Barry. What could Zoom do to him? Worry starts to settle into my heart as I think of Barry. I just hope he's ok.

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