Over But Never Out (PJO/Av...

By Oh_Styx

197K 5.7K 5.6K

The war with Gaea is over, but Annabeth, Jason and Piper are dead. Percy is struggling to get over Annabeth a... More

2. This Girl Is On Fire...
3. Rewards & Oaths
5. Saviour? No, kidnapper!
6. Interrogation
7. Aye Aye Capn'
8. Settling In
9. Family
10. Training
11. The Tasks
12. The First Prophecy
13. Interrogation, Volume II
14. Rescue
15. The Past & The Present

4. Revenge

14.8K 437 515
By Oh_Styx

4. Revenge

Percy POV

I woke up in my bedroom, in my mum's apartment. I groggy sat up, head spinning as I looked around my room. It was just as I had left it, even the moonlace was still outside on my windowsill.

What happened? How did I even get here? The last thing I remember was- They didn't!

How dare they! They knew I wouldn't accept it; I wanted to be in Elysium with Annie. And now I can't even demand they make me mortal again, I told them I wanted no contact. Knowing Zeus he wouldn't let me in to see them, even if I am one of them now.

"Percy! Is that you?" my mum called from the other room.

"Yeah mum, it's me." I replied, sighing as I got out of my bed.

I walked out into the hall and she looked shocked to see me. Oh yeah, haven't seen her in like a year.

"Percy!" She exclaimed and ran over to hug me, "It really is you! I missed you so much."

I smiled as I looked down at her, tears in my eyes, " I missed you too mum."

"Well come on then, we have a lot to catch up on. Do you want me to bake you some cookies? Blue of course." She asked me, joyful tears rolling down her face.

I smiled sadly as I looked at her; I have so much to tell her.

She let me into the kitchen and made me sit down, "So how have you been?" she asked, smiling. "And why didn't you call me!?" she glared at me before her smile returned.

"I'm sorry mum; it's not really my fault. Hera, the lovely goddess, decided to put me to sleep for eight months. Then I was just too busy with war preparation and other things." I told her, not going into detail about Tartaurus and the fact we didn't all survive.

"Ok, I'll forgive you. But you better make sure you call me next time! Why didn't Annabeth remind you? She seems to have the brains of both of you." She asked smiling, my heart clenched as I tried to think of a reply.

"I guess she just forgot; you know how she is when we have war council." I told my mum, hoping she didn't see through my smile.

"There wasn't a repeat of last time was there?" she asked, glaring at me.

I'd almost forgotten about that, last time we did war prep me and Nico got bored of Annabeth taking charge so I made Nico summon a skeleton to dance around behind her. She wasn't happy. Then she blamed me for all of it! Nico is way too good at fake crying.

"No, don't worry. I definitely learned my lesson." I replied, subconsciously rubbing my arm where she had punched me.

"So when is she going to come over, and the other people from your quest?" she asked kindly, "I can make dinner for you."

I rubbed the back of my neck awkwardly as I replied, "I'm not sure, I'll ask though."

"Are you alright Percy?" she asked, taking my chin and looking into my eyes quizzically, "Did something happen?"

Too much.

"No I'm fine mum, I must just be tired." I told her.

"Ok then, so what did the Gods grant you for helping them this time?" she asked, handing me a cookie from the tray she had just got out of the oven.

"Well, I asked them to leave me alone so don't worry about me running off again. And to make Hestia and Hades Olympians." I said smiling, hoping to reassure her.

"Wow, so there are fourteen Olympians now. That was nice of you Percy and I'm glad you won't be running off getting yourself killed anymore." She told me happily.

"Fifteen," I corrected her, mumbling into my cookie.

"What, who else was made an Olympian? Hecate? Morpheus?" she asked, sounding shocked.

"Me," I mumbled even quieter as I took another bite of cookie, "Are there any more cookies left?" I asked, standing up.

"Percy!" She scolded me, "Sit down and explain mister, what does Annabeth say about this?"

"I didn't get any choice! They made me become one, and I don't know how to change it back. I just want to see Annie again!" I cried into her shoulder.

"I'm sorry Percy," she told me, patting my shoulder, "Why can't you go and see Annabeth?"

"Gaea killed her, and now she's in Elysium and I can't be with her." I sobbed.

"Oh Percy... I'm so sorry." She hugged me even tighter as I finished crying.

"Come on Percy, let's get out of here for a while and go for a walk." She suggested, lightly pulling me towards the door.

"Shouldn't I change- oh" I said as I looked down, seeing a fresh set of clothes covering me and as I looked in the mirror I saw my hair was brushed and styled, gods damn you Aphrodite.

Surprisingly thunder didn't rumble, and it didn't earlier when I spoke about Hera. Mwa ha ha, Zeus can't threaten me anymore.

Cue thunder.


"Percy!" my mum scolded, "Stop insulting them, I know that was you!"

She's good.

She pulled me out of the door and we walked down the street, it was weirdly sunny outside for mid-October.

It was weird to be back in the city after travelling across Greece and Rome, but it was a nice change. I missed the city: the noise, the lights, the smells. It was home.

We stopped in Central Park and bought ice cream from a stall. I got bubblegum and she got blue raspberry, I love the fact I can share my blueness with her. I almost forgot about her with all that had been going on but I'm glad I'm here with her now.

"I'm sorry about Annabeth, can't you talk to your father and ask if you can see her?" she asked me, eating some of her ice cream.

"I stopped all contact with them and I doubt Zeus would let me, he is too stubborn." I told her.

"Give it time; I'm sure they will let you. Or ask your other uncle, you know he is nicer." She told me as thunder rumbled through the sky.

People around us looked confused, there wasn't even a cloud in the sky yet it had thundered twice. We just looked at each other and laughed.

"Come on, I need to start on dinner before Paul gets back from work." She told me, standing up and throwing her empty ice cream tub in the bin.

We were walking out of the park when she suddenly remembered she had forgotten her bag, "Wait here, I'll only be a minute." She told me, smiling.

"Are you sure? I can come with you." I offered but she brushed it off with a smile and walked away.

She'll be fine, the war is over. I kept repeating in my head.

She returned a few minutes later with her bag and we set off back home. We reached our building and she got in the elevator.

"I'm going to take the stairs; I'll meet you up there." I told her, "I need to stay in shape."

"Are you calling me fat!" She exclaimed, a hand over her heart as she glared at me.

"No mum! Of course not! You look beautiful." I told her, pulling her in for a hug.

"Don't worry Percy, I know I am. How else would I have got your father?" She laughed, "Let's go to the roof, the sunset looks great from up there."

"Ok, I'll meet you up there." I told her before sprinting up the stairs.

When I got to the top surprisingly I wasn't wheezing, the gift from my time in Tartaurus, seemed to have gone and I was back to breathing normally. My mum was standing near the edge facing away from me when I arrived.

"I love it up here, when you were missing I always felt closest to you when I was up here, I guess it was from being close to your father" she laughed, looking out across the city.

"I am sorry about Annabeth. But tell me, how did it feel to watch the one you love die right in front of you?" she asked, her breath floating away on the wind.

I chocked back a sob as I replied, "It was-" I stopped, how did she know I watched Annabeth die. I turned away, confused, as I tried to remember if I had told her.

"It was all your fault, you let her die. You didn't save her." I heard her yell. I turned back around and she was standing on the edge of the building, hair whipping around her face from the wind, eyes angry and... Gold?

I remembered when me, Jason and Leo were all possessed. Annabeth said we all had gold eyes.

"Give her back!" I shouted at her- It.

"Finally figured out have you? Earth Mother sends her regards." it told me before stepping off the ledge.



Chapter 4!

He'll meet them in the next chap... Probably...

1585 words

Disclaimer - I own nothing except the plot.

QotU - Favourite PJO ship? (can be canon or not)

Mine is Solangelo! It's just so cute :3

Sorry it took a while, had my birthday of the 12th then it was Valentines. But, here it is!

Hello Bob! (and small bob)

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