Soft on the Inside

By oreommeow

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Old Title E Scary Guy & E Strong Girl. This is a story about a strong personality black fat girl name Toni Pe... More

Chapter 1 - Grey
Chapter 2 - Toni Pearson
Chapter 3 - The Project
Chapter 4 - One of Toni Secret
Chapter 5 - A Request of a Lifetime
Chapter 6 - Putting Cameras
Chapter 7 - Finding Him
Chapter 8 - Heart Beating & Delicious Food
Chapter 9 - Protecting Toni
Chapter 10 - Nightmare & the Song
Chapter 11 - Dark Secrets
Chapter 12 - Bookstore
Chapter 13 - Warning the Principal
Chapter 14 - The Fight
Chapter 15 - The Fight 2
Chapter 16- Forgiveness and the Truth
Chapter 17 - Recovering
Chapter 18 - Visiting Mum and Dad
Chapter 20 - Reuniting the McCall family 2
Chapter 21 - Saving Angie from Max
Chapter 22 - Confession
Chapter 23 - McCall Family Gathering
Chapter 24- The Truth about the Accident
Chapter 25 - Moving Out
Chapter 26 - Irving Found!
Chapter 27- Finding Grey
Chapter 28 - Revenge 1
Chapter 29 - Revenge 2
Chapter 30 - Graduation Day
Chapter 31 - Letting Go & Moving On
Chapter 32 - After 10 years

Chapter 19 - Reuniting the McCall family

98 7 0
By oreommeow

Toni, Jack and Grey were sitting at the study corner. Jack and Toni were revising their work while Grey was sleeping beside Toni. Jack was doing his work when he felt someone was in front of them. He look up and saw a beautiful mid age woman standing looking at Grey. Jack took at Toni and tap her shoulder. She look at Jack and look at where he was looking and she too was shock to see a stunning mid age woman looking at Grey. Toni look at Grey who was sleeping, she tap his shoulder a few tap. First time was a light tap but after a few time she got a bit harder. After she tap his shoulder harder 4 time, Grey got mad and woke up.

"Shit Toni why are you waking me up?" said Grey angrily. Toni then points her finger at the woman in front of him. He turns his head, and immediately he got more angrily. Everyone around them felt a dark aura coming out from him. He stood up and says,

"I'll meet you at home. Tell Carl to send you back." Grey then walk away but then the lady run in front of him and says,

"Wait!!!!" Grey pushes her aside and walks away. Toni and Jack saw what happen. The lady turns around and smiles at them. She then walk towards them and says,

"You guys must be his friends?" Toni and Jack stood up and nod their head.

"Let me introduce myself. My name is Alice McCall his step mother." she said.

"Oh...I'm Toni and this is Jack." said Toni.

"Um... would you please do me a favor?" said Alice. Toni nods her head immediately. Alice then took out a box which was wrapping nicely and handle out to Toni.

"Would you please give him this?" said Alice. Toni took the present and says,

"This is for him?"

"'s his birthday present from Jenny his little sister. She knew that he would not be coming home to celebrate his birthday. We thought that maybe he would like to come back this year as Jenny is going to London and we want to celebrate her goodbye party together with his birthday but he keep rejecting everyone who is trying to call him." Said Alice sadly. Toni walk closer to her and says,

"Let me talk to him. I will try console him to go. When is the party?"

"This Saturday. Jenny really wants to see him before she leave." said Alice.

"I'll try I can't promise though." Said Toni again.

"I understand. If that the case, if he agree you may come along together a few of his friends. We'll be happy to host all of you." Said Alice while she pull Toni into a hug.

That night right after dinner, Grey was watching the TV. Toni wanted to give him the present that Alice had given to her. She knew what is Grey reaction is, she was scare that Grey will scold her. She look at Grey while she was wiping the plate. Grey turn to look at Toni who was staring at him.

"Toni!!!Toni!!!" said Grey. Toni regains herself, her hand accidentally drop the plate to the ground and breaking the plate. Immediately Toni squat down and pick up the pieces when one of the broken piece poke her finger.

"Ouch!!!Shit!!!" said Toni. Grey her that she hurt her finger, quickly he run into the kitchen and squat down looking at her finger.

"Let me see!!!" he demanded while he pulls her finger. He saw blood flow out from the wound; he immediately put her finger into his mouth and suck her blood. Toni was shock and was taken aback when he did that. She felt both embarrass and quite jumpy at the same time. When she realizes what she was feeling she immediately pull her finger back and stood up. She walks to the kitchen counter, tire the paper towel and put some pressure on her wound to stop bleeding.

"Grey seriously...sucking my finger? Shouldn't you put some pressure first? Is not like I was being bitten by a snake." said Toni. Grey looks at her and says,

"Who drop the plate?" said Grey while he took out a plaster from one of the drawer and walk to Toni. He took the paper towel away and covers the wound with the plaster.

"But it does not mean that you can put my wounded finger into your mouth!!!" said Toni. After Grey had cover the wound and look at her,

"I can put something else in my mouth other then you finger." Said Grey teasing her. Toni became very shy, her whole face turns red. Toni smacks her hand at Grey shoulder and says,

"I'll kill you if you dare." Grey smirk while he took the broom and dust pan at the corner of the kitchen and sweep away the broken plate. Toni look at her and says,

"Grey I want to ask you something but you have to promise me that you would not scold me! Grey threw the broken plate into the dustbin and look at her.

"I wouldn't! What is it?" said Grey. Toni took the present that Alice given to her out from the drawer and hand it to Grey.

"She give me this. She said it from Jenny your little sister, Jenny is going to London soon and she really want to see her brother before she leave." Said Toni. Grey look at the gift and look at her.

"I don't have a sister. My mum die how can she give birth to another child if she is dead?" said Toni while he walk back to the living room and sat back down at the sofa. Toni follow him and says,

"Why don't you see them? They must be worry about you!"

"Toni I don't want to scold you so please stops asking me or telling me to go and meet them." said Grey angrily.

"Grey I know that I am not supposed to get involve but."

"Then don't get involve!!" said Grey before Toni can finish what she wanted to said.

"Grey please!!! Don't you want to see your family? Don't you think your mother want to see you like this?" said Toni. When Grey heard what Toni said he stood up and push her towards the wall and shouted,

"She would want me to get that bastard who kills her!!!No one else in the family want that more than I do! My dad he got marries to that bitch less than 1 year of my mother dead. How could he? How could he do that to her?" tears fall out from his eyes. Toni felt what he was feeling.

"You don't understand what I felt, no one will." Said Grey, he turn around and walk into his room when Toni grab his hand and pull her towards her making him stand very close to her. She took his hand and place it at her heart. Grey look at his hand , he wanted to pull his hand away but she pull it back.

"This heart of mine dies when they left. I wish ever second of my life that I will kill that person who took away my parents life but until then I want to stay alive. I might not understand what happen between you and your family. But I too have felt what you felt. Yes your dad should not have remarried but he might have a reason to do so. He has you and your brother he need to continue so that both of you can. At least you have them, at least when you have taken your revenge you have them where do I go when I got my revenge?" said Toni tear roll out unconditionally. Grey look down, she was right for the last few years, no matter how much he hated his family but never once his father cut him out from his financial. Even his brother will visit from time to time to see how he was going.

"That poor girl is waiting for you to see her for the last time, at least let her see you. Can't you just do that? She did not know anything, she is an innocent girl who just want to see her brother, why are you punishing her for something that she did not do." said Toni. She let go of his hand and place it at Grey face, they look at each other eyes and Toni says,

"Don't push everyone away Grey, its lonely there. It will eat your heart slowly and I don't want to see you regret. I can't bear to see you like this." Grey tear roll out from his eyes. How can he argue with her when everything she said is true? Grey then pull her into a hug and hug her.

"Fine... I'll go but never never said that you have no one. I hate it, I kill you the next time you said it." Said Grey again emotionally. He did not want to go but after Toni talk to him, he will see them again but mostly he want her to be part of his family importantly him. He did not want her to ever think that she is alone, as she will now would never felt that feeling again as long as he live and he too will not felt that as long as she live cause he the great scary Grey had fall in love with the one and only Toni.

P.S Comment and Vote. TQ

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