A Dragon's Mate.

By LeahBates2

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Harry thought that he the perfect life. Friends who cared for him, mother and father-like figures and people... More

Chapter 1 - Harry Learns the Truth.
Chapter 2 - Family Time.
Chapter 3 - Talks of Betrayal and the Inner Circle.
Chapter 4 - Meeting some Unexpected Friends.
Chapter 6 - Meeting of Mates.
Chapter 7 - Charlie Learns the Truth.
Chapter 8 - Bulgaria.
Chapter 9 - End of Summer.
Chapter 10 - The Proposal.
Chapter 11 - Marriage and Bonding.
Chapter 12 - The Honeymoon.
Chapter 13 - Durmstrang Attacked.
Chapter 14 - Daily Prophet and Arriving at Hogwarts.
Chapter 15 - Time at Hogwarts.
Chapter 16 - Returning Home.
Chapter 17 - Kidnapped.
Chapter 18 - The Birth.
Chapter 19 - Introduction.
Chapter 20 - Vacation in England.
Chapter 21 - An Article and Preparing for a Raid.
Chapter 22 - The Raid.
Chapter 23 - Final Plan's and Spy.
Chapter 24 - Morning Talks and Storming Hogwart's.
Chapter 25 - The Battle Begins.
Chapter 26 - Truths (Part One.)
Chapter 27 - Truth's (Part Two.)
Chapter 28 - Time in the Dungeons.
Chapter 29 - Trials.
Chapter 30 - Punishments.

Chapter 5 - Inheritance.

54.7K 1.3K 945
By LeahBates2

Raphael was getting more nervous as the days and weeks went by.

Raphael had only been with his family, only been dark for two months and he had a feeling that something big was going to happen soon. He had begun his training with his father and all of the death eaters.

His mother taught him potions, now that he didn't not have Ron and Hermione in his way he found that he quite liked potions and having his mother teaching him. Potions was shared with all of his friends.

His father taught him the dark arts, they had started of very small even thought Raphael wanted to do the bigger stuff, his father had told him they would work up to it. This lessons was between Raphael and his father, though he did have some lessons with his friends when duelling, this was another class he liked.

Lucius taught him about politics and how to act as a Pureblood, he learned how to hold his frame, how to speak to others and how to debate. This class was also done with his friends but was very boring.

Sirius and Remus taught all of them together so Raphael had his friends, though they taught different things. Sirius taught them all about Animagus forms and how to learn what they are, even though they are creatures they will have animal forms too. Remus taught them about magical creatures, every creature there was in the magical world they were explained to them in case they ever met one. Sirius would have an hour and then Remus would have an hour, this was another lesson they all enjoyed.

Bellatrix and Rudolphus were in charge of the torturing lessons, though this too was in two parts and done with his friends as well. Bellatrix taught them the spells you can used to torture, there were two lessons for each spell the first Bella would explain and demonstrate it and the second they would try and copy, the next lesson would be a new spell. Rudolphus taught them how to get information the muggle way with fists, feet and weapons other then wands, he also taught them what questions to ask to get the best information.

The healer of the dark taught them all together as well, he taught them which spells can be used to heal as well as muggle ways too. This would come in handy so they would know what to do if any of them were hurt.

Blaise's father taught them Transfiguration, this was also done as a group and was a lot more fun then it was when McGonnagall was teaching them the lesson. An instead of turning animals into goblets all of the time they learned how to turn things into food and water in case they were stranded, how to change plants into bandages to heal and how to change people into more manageable objects.

Theo's mother was a Seer, like Luna, and she taught them Divination. This was done as a group but Luna was the only Seer in the group, this lesson was more fun and more informative then those of the ones he went through at Hogwarts, this Seer was a real one. Raphael's mother and father wanted them all to have little bit of Seer power, being able to sense when things are right and wrong, only Luna would be able to see the future.

It was like a Hogwarts timetable but this one they enjoyed. On top of these lessons they had an hours lunch, half an hour breaks between of the lessons (if there were two lessons in the same room like Sirius and Remus then they would have half an hour between them) and even an hour at the end of the day for those who want to go flying.

Raphael enjoyed this more than Hogwarts. He had all his magic and all his power now he felt that spells came easy to him, he liked practicing the dark arts and potions, he liked learning to become an Animagus, he liked learning about all of the magical creature and he even liked the torturing lessons. He also liked how they had breaks in between all of the lessons, in Hogwarts you went from one lesson to another with no break, lunch was also a fun affair. It was with the Inner Circle, none of them had been introduced to he lower ranks, and it was spent talking, laughing and having a good time.

And then things changed.

Raphael had been in the middle of a potions lesson when he began to feel pain all over his body, he didn't think much of it and didn't say anything. Half way through the lesson he fell of his chair with the amount of pain he was in.

His mother noticed right away, stopped what he was doing and ran to his son, his friends all gathered around him as well. "Raphael, can you hear me? What's wrong?" Severus asked frantically. He called his mate through their bond and Tom arrived a few moments later.

"Severus, what has you s...?" Tom trailed off when he saw who his mate was holding, Raphael's face was screwed up in pain. "Severus, what is wrong with him?" Tom asked, also frantically.

"Pain, all over." Raphael managed to get out.

"What kind of pain son?" Severus asked as gently as he could.

"Feels like body is changing." Raphael said, after that the pain became too much for him to speak.

"Oh God, he's going through his creature inheritance. Take him to his room." Luna said, she was a Seer she had seen this coming.

Tom and Severus lifted Raphael up together and carried the boy to his room where they lay him on the bed. Everyone from the class was in the room, Lucius, Bella, Rudolphus, Theodore and Blaise's father had all come in as well.

"Raphael, I need you to swallow this, it will numb the pain until you pass out." Severus ordered gently.

"Is it a good thing for him to pass out?" Lucius asked, he was a made Veela meaning a potion made him into a Veela, so he didn't have to go through this.

"Yes the pain of a creature inheritance is severe, no one is able to stay awake long enough through the process. This will numb his pain until he passes out." Severus explained.

"He will have a mate soon, it shouldn't take them very long to find one another." Tom said to the room.

Raphael was still awake and he tilted his head in question, Tom understood it.

"Oh your becoming your destined creature, your destined mate will be able to feel this. This is the mate bond slipping into place and letting you both know that your mate is out there. As soon as you fully change he will sense the bond of his mate and leave wherever he is to find you." Tom explained, Raphael smiled it wouldn't be long and he would have someone to love him.

Raphael managed to stay awake for another hour before he fell unconscious. "He lasted more then me, I passed out in 10 minutes." Lucius said with a smile.

"Me and Fred went through ours together we lasted 20 minutes." George said.

"I lasted 15 minutes." Draco said.

"I lasted 5 minutes." Blaise said with a blush.

"Well I was turned into a Werewolf not born one, but I was in pain and passed out half an hour after being bitten." Bill said.

"A potion made me into a Veela, I didn't feel any pain and I didn't pass out." Lucius said with smirk, the twins stuck their tongue out at him.

"Turns out me and Percy went through ours at the same time too, I passed out after 25 minutes, Percy went out after 20 minutes." Blaise said.

"I went out after 10 minutes also. If I remember correctly, the scary dark lord only lasted 10 minutes as well." Severus said with an evil smile on his face, while Tom looked horrified.

Every head turned to the dark lord with shock. "You only lasted 10 minutes?" Lucius asked.

"Yes I did, an I am proud I reached that far." Tom said blushing brightly.

"Well I was bitten as well, but I was in pain and passed out after 15 minutes." Remus said.

"I'm not a creature so I didn't have any pain or passed out." Sirius said proudly, though one look from Remus and he told the truth. "Oh fine I passed out after I became my Animagus form for the first time." He said with a blush, the others in the room all laughed.

"I passed out only a few moments after mine started." Rudolphus had not problems hiding it.

"I'm not a creature, but I will be a Vampire when I am ready for Rodo to bite me. I get the feeling I will last a little longer, I have a strong pain tolerance." Bellatrix said.

Cedric Diggory lasted 45 minutes before passing out, Oliver Wood lasted 35 minutes, Marcus Flint lasted 25 minutes and Luna Lovegood lasted for 15 minutes.

"So Raphael lasted longer then all of us? No surprise there." Draco said with a smile.

"I wonder what he will be. The prophecy said that he would become the oldest creature in wizarding history, so what is that?" Draco asked.

"I have no idea Draco, there are many different theories over which creature was the first in wizarding history, no one had been able to agree on one." Severus said.

"Looks like we will just have to wait and see." Tom said.

It took three days for Raphael to wake up and when he did he was shocked. Everything looked different.

He could see clearly without his glasses, he could smell lots of different things and he could hear lot of different things. He was left wondering what he was.

Everyone else in the manor had heard him wake up and were up to his room in only a few moments, when they entered they were shocked.

"Hey guys. Why are you staring at me like that?" Raphael asked, as they all looked at him in shock.

"Raphael go look in the mirror." Tom said, not taking his eyes of his son, the others around him doing the same.

Raphael did as he was told and when he looked he gasped too, he was so different yet the same. He still looked like his mother and father but now there were some notable differences.

His hair was still black but it now had streaks of red, blue and purple imbedded within, his was very pale but healthy looking and when he ran his hands over it, it was smooth and hard, what looked like scales could be seen on all of the revealed skin, but his eyes were the strangest. They were amber in colour but only for a few moments then they would switch, they would become amber, then they would become red, then blue, then purple, then green then black and back to amber. Each colour stay for a little while before the next colour takes over.

"What am I?" Raphael asked.

"I think your a dragon." Tom said shocked, this made sense.

"What makes you say that Tom?" Lucius asked.

"Well think about it. The prophecy said the oldest creature, dragon is considered by most to be the oldest creature, dragons have heightened senses like Raphael does now, they have different colours on their bodies and manes, they have impenetrable skin and their eyes change from one colour to the next. It all fits." Tom said, everyone else in the room looking at Raphael in awe as they heard the words as truth.

"A dragon?" Raphael said shocked.

"Yes. You will have this form and a dragon form, the dragon will not be your Animagus form as the dragon is a part of you the Animagus is something you become with time." Tom explained.

"So I will have more then one animal form?" Raphael asked.

"If you are a dragon yes, and most likely you will have more then one Animagus form too. You are powerful and the oldest creature known to wizard kind, you will have more then one animal form beside the dragon." Severus explained shocked.

"Wow, this is so cool." Raphael said excitedly.

"Well Sirius, looks like you will be teaching on how to become a dragon before he continues with his Animagus form." Draco said. They had all been told that they were powerful and would most likely have two animals each, but Raphael probably had a few more then two now.

"Yes I guess so." Sirius didn't mind one bit.

Raphael then suddenly smiled and squealed, every head turned to look at him in question, when Raphael turned and heard the unasked question he smiled.

"He is coming." Raphael said.

"Who is my son?" Tom and Severus asked together, causing the room to laugh at them.

"My mate!" Raphael said loudly, the others in the room smiling when they heard this.

Meanwhile quite far away from our dark Prince a young man was awoken with a feeling of happiness in his heart and he smiled. He quickly packed his bags and walked out of the house he had been living in for many years.

"I am coming my mate." He whispered before taking of into the night.

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