Royally Mated

By Taliii__

918K 31.2K 4K

#14 Werewolf┊A small, seductive grin overcomes his face, as he leans in closer towards me. I feel his breath... More

Royally Mated-Intro
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80.4K 2.6K 468
By Taliii__

Quick A/N from the author in the present 2020- this book was first written 4 years ago when my writing was pretty cringy. Just a heads up, things that happen in this book are kinda jokes, laugh, please, and don't take it too seriously :)

Her soft silky brown hair falls perfectly around her shoulders, swaying ever so slightly as the wind howls in the night. A wisp of a girl she was, so small and delicate. Her beautiful figure floats about as she walks aimlessly around the forest, unaware of the dangers hidden inside. I had found her not long ago while she was admiring the nature and beauty of the forest, and the image of the smile that graced her face that day had imprinted itself in my mind. I love her smile.

At the sight of her, I had instantly felt our bond, as it tugged at me, wanting me to move towards her. She was my soulmate -- she was my everything and she didn't even know it yet. After I had met her, I knew I could never let her go but I knew we couldn't meet quite yet. So, I began admiring her from a distance, like tonight. She continues to walk as the leaves crunch beneath her feet and wanting to get closer I move towards her only for the branch to snap beneath me. Her head turned, as she looked right towards me- although I doubt she knew that due to the fact the forest was dark, only barely being illuminated by the crescent moon. My fangs began to protrude, as I want and need for her were beginning to overcome me.

I want to mark her.

I calm my wolf, pushing away the thought. She wasn't my kind, I need to wait.

After watching her for some time, I had begun to notice how different we both truly were. She is naive, innocent,  and trusting. She looks for the good in everything and everyone. I am a savage man, aggressive -- dangerous. It makes me wonder why the Moon Goddess chose to bind us together, with her being so much purer than I, so much better than I am. This woman is my soulmate none the less, and I intend to have her soon. 

Since I've found her, it's become harder and harder for me to control my wolf and stay away from her, but he growls over the fact that we can't have her in our arms, how every night we can't have her beside us in our bed, he completely yearns for her as do I. When my wolf is unleashed on the full moon, I have no doubt that he'll go to her, to her cabin, and take her back to where she belongs. I worry how he'll act -- I know for sure he'll be rough with her. I must secure her before then.

Every day and every night I watch her make sure she gets home alright, that her eyes won't have to look at the forest with worry towards an unknown sound, for I make sure nothing bothers her when she is here. And when she disappears into her cabin at the end of the day, I wait. I wait until she falls asleep and I know she's safe, that I know no one can harm her. Then, much to my distaste, I leave. I go back to my home, slip past the guards, and then lay awake and alone waiting to see her again. I always manage to not get caught, and even if I were to get caught it wouldn't matter. I'd leave anyways and seek out the one who makes me whole, the one who I love more than everything else.


Her name rolls off my lips like it was meant to only be said by me. Rose, a name that describes her perfectly, for she is beautiful like a flower. Well, that's an understatement, for she is more beautiful than the rarest diamond, more beautiful than all flowers in the world. To me, Rose is more beautiful than everything else on this wretched earth that is corrupt. She's too pure and good to even breathe the same air as everyone else. As cheesy as it sounds, Rose is my sun, my moon, and all my stars at the same time.

Rose pulls open the wooden door to her cabin, and before she slips inside she takes one last look outside, and her emerald eyes scan the forest. Eventually, she slips inside and closes the door so quietly almost as if she doesn't want to disturb the nature around her. It's necessary that I watch her. I couldn't go to sleep each night, or live my life if I had not checked up on her and she ended up getting hurt -- or worse, died. I would take my own life so I could meet with her up in the heavens if something like that were to happen.

Now that she has finally gone to sleep, which I can tell by the soft snores sounding almost silently from her cabin, I leave back to my castle where I am kept 'under protection' as they call it. I more think of it as being locked up against my will.

With one final goodbye, I run into the forest, looking back every once and awhile towards my precious flower, who sleeps peacefully in her bed, unaware that I'll be back soon to see her again and eventually take her.  


So here's the prologue, it will be slow and boring in the beginning but will get better bare with me! I hope you liked this quick teaser at Jasper and Rose  ;)

The first chapter will be up soon, please leave some comments about how you like it so far!

Anyway, love all you lovely humans. (Now let's go eat food!)

Vote and comment?


UPDATE: For those who read the original version of this book, you might notice these chapters a little bit different! This book is currently under construction, so expect the same for other chapters soon!

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