Auschwitz Awe

By jikookfantasy

15.8K 336 105

highest ranking - #24 in historical fiction!! Denise Marie is a jew. She, along with her family is taken to A... More



3.1K 68 23
By jikookfantasy

It happened yesterday, when my family and I were peacefully having breakfast.
Laughter echoed through our house as we laughed at something father said.

Suddenly our front door burst open and the SS entered. They had huge guns in their hands as they asked all of us to stand.

"Ah. More Jews! Fill em up in the truck!" They has said.

We didn't know that we'd be caught this soon.

They took us to Westerbork, a transit camp. Where we spent a night in the small, ugly huts.

Today, we were in the truck as we were being taken to the Auschwitz concentration camp. I had feared this place this most.

"Are you hungry Denise?" My father asked me. He looked completely drained out.

"No papa." I replied.

It was a lie. I was very hungry, but I didn't want to stress out my parents.

"Don't lie  to me sweetheart. Y-You know we'll get through this." He said with a broken smile.

"Oh Denise. Stay strong." Mother had said as a tear dropped from her eye.

"Mama I love you." I replied.

She smiled back at me before looking off into distance.

"How hard it is to keep your mouths shut, Jews?" One of the officers asked.

No one replied.

"I asked you, you bastard." He said before using his gun and hitting my father in the shoulder.

"S-Sorry." Father blurted.

"That's more like it now you Jew." The officer laughed.

"Now all of you scream, 'ALL HAIL THE FUHRER!'"
The Nazi officer yelled.

"Now!" He yelled again and all of us shouted it, meekly.

"Vermins you are Jews." The officer laughed before walking inside of the truck.

My eyes filled with tears, this was going to be my future now. I was going to rotten like every other Jew.


"Get off everyone, now!" The officer screamed, hitting his gun against the truck.

We had reached. And I was scared. I wish I could run away with my family and never look back. I wish.

"Girl you need more time to get off huh? You a princess you think huh?" The officer asked a little girl who was with me in the truck.

"Don't hurt me!" She squealed.

"Oh no child. I will not hurt you at all." He laughed before he picked her up and threw her on the ground.

"I just asked you to hurry up which you didn't. Stupid Jew." He said and the girl got up crying as he parents' heart broke.

"Mummy!" The girl cried and went to her mother and father. She had gotten a few bruises.

I shivered even thinking about what that girl must be going through. These people were animals.

We were made to walk in a straight line and then there were four lines, separating males from females.

"Women below 130 pounds, first line! Women above 130, second.
Men below 160 third line, men above 160 fourth line." The nazi officer shouted.

Why were they doing this?

"We'll meet inside, later. Take care my girls." Father said before pecking mine and moms foreheads.

I followed my mum in the first line, below 130. Most women were in this queue. Only 10 women were in above 130.

My father was above 160, so he went in the fourth line.

"All new entries. Welcome to Auschwitz Concentration camp. Here this will be your worst nightmare." An announcement was heard.

"The wires separating queues now have electric current, so if you don't want to die, don't touch it." The voice continued speaking.

"To clarify your doubts, women above 130 and men below 160 are being taken to gas chambers for death. If you try to change your queue you will fail."

People started screaming and many tried to change their queues but died of electric shock.

The whole scene was horrifying, many people crying and fighting for their lives.

Thank god my weight wasn't too much.

"All men to get their heads shaved and all women to get the hair always in a braid. Easier to pull." The man on the speaker looked like he was having fun.

The queue suddenly stopped moving when I saw what was happening in front.

Our hair were being braided by a male officer only. And he looked at all women with complete perverseness.

When it was my turn, he smiled at me evilly.

"Hello beautiful. What is your name?" He asked as he took my long hair in his hands.

"D-Denise." I whispered.

"What a pleasant name, Denise. Will you be a good girl and sit on my lap so I can braid your hair easily?" He asked.

But no other woman had before, then why should I?

"But no one did."

"They weren't beautiful like you, Denise. Now do as I say." He said in a more commanding voice now.

I nodded before sitting down in his lap.

"Very good." He muttered and his hands roamed my hair.

When he was done he gave my hair a slight tug.

His hands went below my waist and then up. His hands traced the outline of my breasts.

"So nice." He laughed as he touched my in places without my permission.

"Stop!" I almost screamed.

"I own you, you slut!" He growled before throwing me down on the ground.

"Next," he muttered.

I got myself up and limped further. Thank god mother didn't see that. I felt used and pathetic. Was I going to be treated like this now?

"All men to change their clothes and same with women." The announcement said.

Up in the queue a man was handing the woman clothes and they were being asked to change there and then.

Oh no! I couldn't do this.

"Take off your undergarments also. No undergarments allowed. Only this striped dress." The man said rudely.

He didn't look perverted and seemed least interested in seeing women.

My mother was about Togo when I closed my eyes; I didn't want to see her. She would feel embarrassed.

"Next." He said.

My heart was beating fast— I had to get naked in front of unknown people.

I picked up the dress from his hand- it was tattered. Did someone wear this before me? That thought made me feel nauseous.

"Fast, girl." The gruff man said.

I didn't reply to him but started taking off my own dress and removed it. Underneath I was wearing my under garments.

I really had to remove them?

I quickly removed them before wearing the dress as fast as possible. I rushed in front.

The dress was very tight for me. It was the size of a 12 year old where as I was 17.

It was very low cut, my cleavage was very visible. I didn't want to look like a prostitute. The dress ended right below my hips, my dignity was least saved.

I walked a bit more before another announcement was heard.

"All men and women to get a tattoo and wear their golden star. If they lose it, they will be gassed."

Gassed for just losing a star? Where is their humanity?

And a tattoo? It must hurt. I couldn't imagine getting one. But tattoo of what?

My mom was way ahead of me now and only a girl was in front of me who was as afraid as me.
Her turn came up and she stood next to the tattoo maker who held a needle in his hands.

"Do not move otherwise you will be hurt." He said.

The girl nodded and he brought up the needle to her arm.

He started when the girl winced and started crying.

She moved.

"Don't move!" He scolded her before slapping her twice.

I shivered.

After she was done, it was my turn.

"Do not move otherwise you will be hurt." He said what he had said to that girl.

I stood still,

Do not move. Whatever happens.

He brought the needle up to my arm and started moving it.

"Oh.. ouch.." I winced. It bloody hurt like anything. It felt like as if someone someone was drilling my arm.

When I was done, my arm was bloody and numb.

And then she handed me a golden star made out of brass.

"Move you're done."

I moved further and tried to take a look at my tattoo.


A number? Am I the 88762'th prisoner?
So many people live here?

"That's it men and women. That's all you have to go through for now. You may go inside the camp." The announcement said for the final time.

I almost ran inside and tried to look for my mother.

"Denise!" My mother tapped my shoulder and I turned around and engulfed her into a hug.

"Mama!" I cried out to her.

"Oh Denise. Are you hurt?"

"No mama. I'm fine now." I said tears on my face.

"Attention everybody." A deep but attractive voice said.

I looked around to him and found out his voice was as attractive as his face.

Stop crushing on the person who wants you dead.

"All women follow me and I will lead you to your quarters. You will sleep by 10 and wake up at 5. Today you will just go and have to relax. Tomorrow your hard luck starts. Well, follow me." He said before started walking away.

"I'm going to the front mama." I told my mother and she nodded.

I walked to the front of the group, I was right behind the man.

He had short blonde hair, and bright blue eyes. Nazi.
But he was very handsome. He was tall and lean. He was very attractive.

We reached our quarters and there were bunk beds inside, very dirty ones.
The place was filled with other prisoners too.

"Find a place for yourselves. I will come for patrolling at 10. Everyone should be in bed by then." He yelled.
He suddenly turned around causing to walk into him and my face hit his hard chest.

I looked up to him, in those blue mesmerising eyes.

"Watch it, girl." He said softly, politely. The most polite I've heard in here.

"Sorry." I whispered.

And I started looking for a bunk bed to sleep in, with my mind on those blue eyes.


Hey guys! I hope you liked the first chapter of "Auschwitz Awe"

Keep on reading to know more about holocaust and love <3 a forbidden love!

I love history so I wanted to write about one of the very sad eras of time. The holocaust.

Updates every Sunday (this will start from next to next Sunday."

Thank you for reading!

- tamzx

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