The Speedster and the Telekin...

By mabaronlovesbts

11.8K 154 2

After the events of the black hole in Central City, the Flash was considered the hero of the city. But over t... More

Book 3!!!


154 3 0
By mabaronlovesbts

I feel my senses start to come back and I flutter my eyes open to look around seeing that I was in the hospital. I look to my right to see my dad look at me with a kind smile. "Mija, are you ok?" he asks me and I lay my head back. "What happened?" I ask not remembering what had happened last. "Joe told me everything. A piece of glass from the car pierced your shoulder. But you're gonna be alright." my dad says and I groan. "That was brave of you to risk yourself for Iris." dad says and I chuckle a little. "It's what I do, daddy." I say to him hearing him chuckle, but then remembering that someone was missing in this picture. "Where's Barry?" I ask him as I turn to face him, but he frowns. "He had to go back to S.T.A.R. Labs. He said he had to get Tar Pit." dad responds and I sigh and nod. I suddenly hear a knock on the door and see it open showing the West family. "Hey, Tori. How are you doing?" Iris asks in a sweet voice as she walks in. "I feel like I could nap for a week." I say and she chuckles at me. "That's probably the grogginess from the sedative." Joe says and I knew he must be right. I look over to Wally seeing him hold a bouquet of flowers and I smile at him. "I wanted to thank you for saving my sister, Tori. And I'm sorry about the injury. I brought flowers for you." he says placing the bouquet on the little table in front of me. "Thank you, Wally. They're beautiful." I say to him with a smile and he returns the smile. I suddenly hear a ringtone go off and I turn to see Joe look at his phone.

"It's Barry." he says and I sigh.

"Go." I tell him and he looks at me. "I may be missing the action, but it's worth it knowing that Iris is ok. I'll be fine. Tell Barry that his girlfriend said hi."

"Will do. I'll keep you updated on the action." Joe says and I nod.

"So is it just the three of you keeping me company?" I ask and they nod.

"Barry, had things to deal with before he came to visit you." Iris says.

"Yeah, I kind of guessed." I say to her.

"Get some rest, mija. You need it." dad says and I nod laying back down and shutting my eyes finding sleep almost instantly.


I wake up not knowing what time it was, but judging from the sky seeing that it was dark, I guess it was probably midnight. I look to my right to see Barry sleeping there where my dad used to be. He wakes up and looks me in the eyes as he leans forward about to say something. "Before you say anything, this is not your fault. I made the choice to risk my life for Iris, it's what we do anyway." I say and he gives me a small smile, but I can see sadness behind those eyes that something else happened. "Barry, what happened?" I ask him feeling my heartbeat increase just by the sound of the machine, Barry can tell that I was worried. "Barry, tell me." I tell him and he sighs. "Wells was stealing my speed to give to Zoom." Barry says and I widen my eyes at him. "He was working for Zoom?" I ask and he looks down confirming my question. "Barry, I want out of here." I say and he looks at me with wide eyes. "Tori, you can't get out of here you need to heal." Barry says, but I shake my head. "I'll be fine. It doesn't hurt as much." I say to him and he sighs. "I'm gonna end up regretting this." he says and I smile at him.

Barry had argued with the doctor trying to get me out of the hospital, and he eventually did get me out. After I change into my regular clothes, he picks me up bridal style, grabbing my stuff as well, and speeds me to the house into his room. "We'll go to S.T.A.R. Labs first thing tomorrow morning, ok?" he says and I nod as he lays me on his bed. I watch him grab a box and pack some of the stuff in his room. "You ok?" I ask him knowing that it must've hurt a second time to see that Wells had betrayed him, and that this Wells was from a different Earth. "Yeah. It's just deja vu. Almost like we're kind of reliving last year." he says and I nod. I watch as he continues to pack his stuff and I just sit on the bed feeling useless. "Need help?" I ask him and he looks up at me. "No, I can handle this. Just get some rest, Tori." he says and I shake my head. "I'm not going to sleep if you're gonna be up, Barry. I know finding out that this Wells betrayed you was hard, again, but you can't deal with it alone." I say to him and he stops his packing then looks up at me. He stands up, walks over, and sits next to me on the bed. His arms wrap around me and I nuzzle into his warmth. "I'm sorry you got hurt." he says to me and I pull away slightly and look into his green eyes. "What did I say? It's not your fault, Barry. Don't put yourself in the ringer." I say to him and he just pulls back the collar of my shirt to look at my bandaged shoulder. "Barry, stop that." I say pulling the collar back over my skin, and I put two fingers under his chin and look at him. "I'm fine, ok?" I say and he nods and pecks my lips then we fall asleep.


The next day, we head to S.T.A.R. Labs first thing in the morning like Barry had said and I stayed in the Cortex, since Caitlin wanted to check my injury, and Barry went down to the pipeline to talk to Wells. "Is Barry doing ok?" Caitlin asks me as she looks at my stitches. "He's doing ok. He blames himself for this, but I've been trying to tell him that it's not his fault." I say then she puts a bandage over my shoulder again. "Well, he can be stubborn at times. And you know that better than any of us." she says and I nod with a little chuckle as we walk out of the medbay. I look at the screen to see Wells talking to Barry. I head down to the pipeline and watch from behind Barry and Joe. "I'm doing what I have to do to save my daughter." Wells says and I look at him confusingly. "Yeah, at any costs, right? At the cost of my girlfriend?" Barry asks him and Wells looks up to look at Barry, but then looks at me. "I told you I would betray you. I told you I would have to choose." Wells says to us. "You chose wrong." Joe says from behind Barry. "Really, Detective? Because I just sacrificed my daughter. Because I sentenced my daughter to death to save him." Wells says motioning to Barry. "You want a pat on the back?" Joe asks him.

"I want you to send me home. Send me back to Earth-2" Wells replies and I look at him confusingly again. "Think about it. Zoom wants you to get faster, he wants you to have more Speed Force in you when he finally takes it. Send me back, use the Implosion Reactor to shut down the breach. Shut down all the breaches. Close them all. And Zoom will never be able to cross over, ever again. And that'll be the end of it."

"What about your daughter?" I ask him as I walk up and Barry looks back at me in surprise.

"Jesse's my battle to fight. Not yours." he responds to me.

Barry grabs my waist, but I look at him and shake my head, "I wanna talk to him." I say to him and Barry nods then both him and Joe walk out. Once the two were gone, I look back at Wells and he looks at me. "You know, when the other Wells did this, it broke Barry because he looked up to him. With you here, he thought he could actually experience that again and that you wouldn't do the same thing, but he was wrong." I say shoving my hands in my back pockets. "Well, what do you expect me to do, Gomez? Let my daughter die?" he asks me with a shrug as he crosses his arms. "No. I know your daughter is important to you, just like how Iris is important to Joe, and Barry and I are important to my dad. You'd do anything for your daughter, but did it ever occur to you that we could help you instead of making the decision to work with Zoom to try and take my boyfriend's speed?" I ask him as I narrow my eyes at him, but he stays silent. "I'm sorry about your injury." Wells says and I pull the collar of my shirt back to show the bandage. "This was just a minor injury, but what Zoom could do to Barry could be fatal." I say to him as I pull the collar back over my shoulder and see him look down. He stays silent, and I decide to leave him to think shutting the pipeline behind me. I sigh, then I head back up to the Cortex.

When I get up to the Cortex, I see everyone around the screen to look at Barry's cells. I walk over to Barry and lean my head on his shoulder as his arms wraps around my waist. "You ok?" he asks me and I look up at him and nod. "It aches a little, but I'm fine." I say and he kisses my temple. "This is a sample of Barry's cells after whatever Harry did to them. As you can see, not only is it drained of the Speed Force, but it's also presenting itself as chromosomal damage. If Harry kept doing what he was doing, he could've taken you powers permanently." Caitlin explains as we looked at the DNA and I see Barry look at his suit. "Even Evil Wells couldn't figure out how to do that one." Cisco says. "Well, look. Somebody better send his ass back to where he came from or I'm gonna shoot him." Joe says, but I see something different in Barry's eyes and I know what he's thinking. "Amen." Cisco agrees to what Joe says. "No." Barry says turning around to face the trio behind us and I do the same. "What do you mean "no?" Joe asks him with crossed arms. "What would we have done, if we were in his position?" Barry asks and I nod in agreement. "What would you do if it were Iris, Joe?" I ask him trying to prove a point. "Cisco, when Snart kidnapped you, threatened to kill your brother unless you helped, you did. And none of us judged you for that. We still don't." Barry says and I nod in agreement. "Because when it comes to family, when it comes to the people that we all love, we're all vulnerable. None of us are above making a wrong decision." I say with a shrug as I shove my hands in my back pockets.

"He could've done it, he could've stolen, my speed, gotten away with it. None of us would've even known. But he didn't." Barry says and I nod.

"And now his daughter's gonna die and we're ok with that?" I ask with a shrug again.

"We can't just give up on her. We can't just give up on a world. This is a world of people who are facing death. I don't know, I mean, I may not be fast enough to beat Zoom yet, but... I'm not just gonna close the breaches and forget about it."

"We have to help Wells."

"Look, guys, I-- I was the one that trusted him first. I own that. I let him stay when literally all of you told me not to. So everything that's happened up until this point, it's on me. But this has to be a group decision." I bite my lip as I stare at the three as they all look at each other.

"We're in." Cisco says after a moment of just looking at each other and I smile at them.

We all head down to the pipeline and release Wells from his cell, "Come on." Barry says as Wells' cell opens and he walks out. "Well... I guess this is good-bye." Wells says and I shake my head. "No. It's not. I told you we're a team. Now you're a part of it. We're gonna help you save Jesse. We're not sending you through alone." Barry says and I smirk as I cross my arms. "We're going to Earth-2." I say and he nods. "Fine. Whoever's going needs to pack up." Wells says and Barry speeds away then comes back with my bag in his hand and his in the other. "Close all the breaches, in the meantime. We'll be leaving soon." Wells says and both him and Cisco walk out.

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