Silent Assassin

By HyperPiper247

143K 5.8K 786

She rose her dainty eyebrows in surprise at my answer, her small lips slightly opening in shock. "I never too... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Author's Note
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26

Chapter 11

4.2K 174 8
By HyperPiper247

I had previously planned on training since I haven't had done so for multiple days. Despite not needing it, I still wanted to distract myself from an image of my parents possibly forced to be experimented on.

I was surprised to find myself distracted, however, as I followed after the High Commander and the suspicious man through the hallway, passing transparent doors leading to gyms being used and shared by agents.

As nimbly as I could, I followed them at a safe distance, using my sensitive hearing and senses as an easy way to pursue them in the maze. Trying to listen for any sounds of conversation, I was a bit disappointed to hear only their footsteps, striding with a sense of purpose.

Hearing the footsteps stop, I halted as well, listening if they had noticed me following them, though only the door opening was heard.

I silently sighed in dismay, knowing that any chances of me hearing their plans, if there were any, had vanished since most of the rooms in the Society were soundproofed and I knew that if I get too close, I might get caught.

About to turn and look for an empty room to train, I stopped and chided myself for easily giving up. Turning back, I followed the path where I heard the footsteps thread earlier, stopping in front of a door not transparent like the rest. Instead, it had navy blue double doors, the color referring to agents of higher class who were allowed to train inside privately.

Reaching out a hand, I placed it on the surface, allowing it to scan my palm before pushing it slightly open. A crack through the two doors was seen, though there were no signs of either of the men inside through the tiny opening.

Hearing voices whisper inside, I tuned into my hearing, curious to know if my assumptions of them planning something might be right.

"-is dead", an unknown voice called out from inside, sounding court and monotone.

"Good", the High Commander's voice replied with a hint of a smile.

There was a moment of silence as I waited. It wasn't long until I heard a quiet whisper and I couldn't help but press myself to the door, trying to grab the remains of the sound. But before I could, the door was suddenly opened and I immediately stood up straight with my face obscured from any emotions as if I hadn't been caught eavesdropping.

The door was opened by the black haired man who stood blocking any view from inside with muscles clenching as if he was about to hurl himself towards me. Raising my eyes to meet his, I saw them narrow at me suspiciously, trying to decipher if I was a threat or not.

"Who is it?", the High Commander called out.

"Your companion from the elevator, High Commander."

"Is that so?"

I heard a pair of feet walk forwards and I strained not to remove my gaze from the man in front of me.

"Step aside, protector", A whisper found itself into my hearing and I watched as the man reluctantly stepped to the side with eyes glaring at my direction.

Now with the door uncovered, I could see the High Commander before me, still in his cloak and hood.

I bowed my head immediately, showing my respect. "Forgive me, High Commander, for intruding in your training. I thought this room to be vacant and planned to train inside. But seeing that it is occupied, I'll search for another room."

About to turn around to do so, I was surprised to hear the High Commander deny my suggestion.

"Nonsense. You can train inside and me nor my protector will distract you."

I stilled before relaxing myself, knowing that his suggestion was too absurd to be followed. "That's alright, High Commander. I can find another room to train in."

"No", I glanced up to his hooded eyes, surprised when I heard the firmness of his tone, "I insist that you train inside."

I bit my lip in irritation to prevent myself from speaking back, knowing to just listen and follow his order. As I turned around and stepped inside the room, I felt both of the Protector's and the High Commander's eyes on me. I shrugged the sudden instinct to run out of the room, and strode to a wall filled with weapons of all kind.

The private training room was huge, three times bigger than any normal training grounds. One wall, at the right side of the door, was divided into two: the lower part was filled with weapons chained neatly on its surface, and the top part was bare except for round targets to practice one's aim. On another wall, opposite the door, were human sized targets, intended for the Silent Ones to practice with.

Walking pass the first section of weapons, I gazed at the simple black designs of the knives before walking to next section, glancing at the swords uninterestingly. My eyes then stared at the arrows and bows chained at the third section of the wall, contemplating if I should practice my long ranged aim.

Before I could decide for myself however, I was stopped by the High Commander who raised a palm up in a halting gesture.

I removed my gaze from the weapons in front of me, having seen his gesture from my peripheral view, and turned around to face him with a blank expression. Though inside, I felt like glaring at him for, yet again, deciding my actions for me.

I breath out slowly to calm myself, reminding myself to look like his drunken slaves that follow his every command.

"Why don't you train with my Protector?", he motioned his raised hand to the man beside him, who looked at him with raised brows.

I bit back my confusion on why he would have suggested such a thing.

"Sir?", the Protector seemed to have the same idea since he voiced out my bewilderment.

The High Commander turned his head to face him. There was a moment of silence as the High Commander and his Protector appeared to be having a mental discussion.

I watched as the eyes of the Protector gradually dull into a hazy state. "Yes, of course sir", the Protector responded to their silent conversation.

The Protector gripped his bow and his quiver full of arrows as he contemplated for a moment before swinging them both from his back and dropping them to the floor. He glanced at the High Commander before walking forward to approach the chained weapons. I watched as he walked pass me, glancing in my direction with a strange expression, before turning to the swords lined neatly by size. His eyes flickered around for a moment as he tried to find a weapon of his choice before lifting a hand and unchaining a broadsword.

He raised the broadsword in one hand before swinging it expertly as he tested its weight. Seemingly satisfied, he nodded before lifting his head up to cast me a menacing grin.

I felt goosebumps at the back of my neck, though I remained calm as I returned his grin with my blank eyes.

He grinned a second longer before walking to the mat found at the center of the room. He stopped with his back facing me appearing as if waiting for me to follow him.

I felt the need to erase his grin with the surface of the floor, so with new resolve, I walked after him with dark intents in my mind.

Just as I a foot away from him, he suddenly twisted around, the broadsword slicing through the air, before he pointed its tip at my direction. Seeing that I didn't flinch when the tip was an inch away from my eyes, he smirked before slowly dropping his outstretched arm. He looked at me, his eyes glancing from my eyes to my twin blades.

I waited for a moment, testing his patience with a small smirk at the edge of my lips.

"Draw your blade, Silent One", the High Commander called out.

I gave him a glance at the corner of my eyes before sighing and grudgingly unsheathing one of my blades. Letting my arm fall limply as if my blade was weighty, I waited for the Protector to make his move.

"Start", the High Commander said with a hint of a smile.

Immediately, the Protector hurled himself towards me, swinging his blade to my torso. I quickly stepped to the side, dodging his blow before lifting my blade and hitting the back of his head with its butt.

He staggered away from the blow, clutching his head with his unarmed hand. Glancing at his fingers for a moment, he tried to locate any traces of blood from the wound. Seeing none, he lifted his head up to give me a glaring look, gritting his teeth as I returned it with my blank expression.

The Protector suddenly stared at his side, eyeing the High Commander with a pointing look. Not long after, the High Commander nodded his head slightly before glancing at my direction.

My head was strained towards the Protector, though my eyes were glancing at them. Seeing their exchange, I felt my eyebrow slightly frown though I quickly dropped it when the Protector returned his gaze to me.

The Protector's eyes darkened as he smirked at me, looking as if he knew something I didn't. His hands gripped the handle of his blade, readying himself to attack. Seeing this, I eyed him observingly, readying myself to parry and strike.

He quickly hurled himself towards me once more, swinging his blade to my side. Lifting my blade, I blocked his strike by twisting my blade to the side, my weapon upside down.

The sound of metal hitting was heard as it echoed around the room, and I resisted the urge to finish our fight with a turn of my blade around his and a slice at his abdomen.

I was surprised however when he grinned and suddenly forced my blade down. I stared at him blankly, collecting my thoughts and observation as I struggled against his power. A second ago, we had equal strengths, even as I had the impression that he was holding back, but now, he seemed to be grabbing the power he was holding back, surrounding himself with its presence.

With that observation, a thought resurfaced in my mind on whether his strength was his own, or if he had gained it through another way.

Jumping back from his blade, I narrowly missed it hit my arm. He didn't waste time and immediately ran after me, with resolve in his eyes. With quick reflexes, I dodged his jabs, watching and observing his movements for any opening. Finding one, I immediately stepped forward, ducked under a swing from his blade, and slashing his torso in one quick movement.

He howled in pain and rage as he shuffled back. Glancing at his wound, he lifted his eyes to show me his glare. My own eyes were blank as I glanced at the blood trailing down to the tip of my blade.

I stared up at him, bending my knees slightly as I readied myself for another one of his attacks. Not a moment after, he took quick steps forward and swung his blade to which I met with my own. Since his right foot was too close to mine, I lifted one of my own to stomp on it. He gritted his teeth, trying hard not to shout out loud.

Not helping myself, a smirk twitched at the edge of my lips as I pushed him back, letting him shuffle back once more.

He glared at me as an animalistic growl tore away from his lips. Tilting my head slightly to the side, I observed as he bared his teeth at me before stomping his way forwards.

Swinging his blade in blind anger, I was in deep thought as I dodged the lethal blows with quick reflexes.

The Protector seemed to be inhuman at the moment, striving only with animalistic instinct as he tried to hit me. I frowned when he brought the blade down to my head and I dodged, causing the blade to hit the floor. There was a cracking sound as the blade shattered into pieces, as well as a split in the tile where the weapon had hit.

My frown deepened as I stared at the blade. He couldn't have possible broke it since all of the weapons produced by the Society was made from a rigid material, making it strenuous to break. But for the Protector, he broke it like it was a thin piece of glass.

Gazing up at him, I saw him glare at me, his eyes darkening as he bared his teeth, not noticing that his blade had shattered. He swung his blade after a few seconds, seeing that I was near him. Knowing that the blade was too short to reach me, I didn't flinch as it passed an inch before me, breaking through the air as it moved.

The Protector's expression turned into confusion as he stared at me, probably wondering why I wasn't cut into two by that move. His animalistic features gradually turned humane as his rational thought took over his instincts.

His eyes glanced at the weapon in his hand before slowly widening when he finally noticed that it was broken. I observed him as he turned his head to look at the High Commander whose hooded head was turned to stare at the wall.

By the High Commander's action, he seemed to be silently furious at something.

The Protector's eyes changed as fear took over his surprised expression. I observed him as he closed his eyes, breathed in and out deeply before opening them to meet my gaze. He twisted the blade around in his hand before I saw its muscles clenched. With one quick flick of his hand, he threw it.

I followed the blade as it whistled towards me before dodging it. A heavy weight suddenly dropped down on me, causing me to drop down on my back with the weight straddling me. My eyes widened for a fraction when I felt the Protector throw a punch to my face.

I cursed under my breath when I staggered back, my cheek swelling and my ears ringing. Apparently, I was too focused on the broken blade flying my way to see him barrel his way towards me.

The Protector raised his fists before swinging them one after another. I did my best to dodge every one, noting that his strength has increased once more to an animalistic one.

I grunted out loud in surprise when he suddenly stomped on my foot. At my distraction, he twisted around to my side before unsheathing my blade's twin. My eyes widened a fraction when he placed it quickly on my neck and dragged my back to his chest, trapping me in place as he pinned both of my arms back. With brute strength, my grip on my blade faltered and fell to the floor.

Sensing his smug look, my blank expression hardened before I tried to elbow him to the gut in hopes of weakening his grip. He only tightened his hold on me, clenching his palm on the muscles of my arms in hopes of discouraging me.

"It seems that I have just won our little duel, ey little girl?", he whispered in my ear with a hint of a smirk.

I stiffened.

Sensing his ego rise, I finally laughed under my breath, knowing that it would make him angry and deflate his pride.

His smirk wavered, causing me to my laugher to increase. "What are you laughing at?", he gritted out.

I abruptly stopped my laughter before smirking, "You."

Having distracted him, I butted his forehead with the back of my head causing his grip to finally weaken just enough for me to grab one of his hand and pressed it down. He cried out in pain as I twisted the same hand to his back and turned him around. With his back facing me, I elbowed him at the center of his spine, causing him to fall on the ground with me on top.  The side of his face was pressed painfully to the ground as I leaned in close to his ear.

"I don't have time for amateurs like you".

I increased my grip on his hand for a moment before letting go and stepping back.

Watching him quickly struggle to his feet brought a smug smile at the end my lips. I quickly dropped it and gave him one last look before turning around to pick up my fallen blades. Having dropped down my defenses, I was surprised when I suddenly felt something slash across my back. I turned back just in time to see the Protector hit my head with the butt of my blade.

My back was stinging with raw pain and my head was pounding from the strength of his strike. I fell to the floor with my eyes closed, feigning unconsciousness as I followed my instincts and tuned into my hearing.

I heard the unmistakable sound of boots approaching my still figure and sensed a foot being lifted before I felt a nudge at my side.

"How tragic. She appears to be of no match against your strength", the High Commander commented from afar.

There was a moment of silence before the Protector spoke up. "About the fight... I'm terribly sorry, High Commander, to have given in to my anger."

"There is no need. Void can be a bit of challenge to all, striving to hit you in a part where your anger would surface."

"Yes. Thank you High Commander", there was a hint of gratefulness at his tune.

"Now, shall we talk about those test subjects you mentioned before we were interrupted?"

Test subjects?

"Of course."

"We shall have to talk outside, though. I fear that Void might awaken soon and hear our conversation", I heard the sound of the chair creaking as the High Commander stood up.

"Yes, High Commander."

The Protector's footsteps began to fade as he followed after the High Commander. The door closed afterwards and I waited for after few minutes before opening my eyes and sitting up.

I glanced around the room once before standing up. The pain in my back had disappeared and the pain in my head had faded into a dull throb, causing me to be thankful for once for my mutation.

Seeing my twin blades a few strands away from me, I slowly made my way towards them before picking them up. Observing both of them for any damage, I sighed in relief to see none, other than one of my blades splattered with blood. Sheathing the clean blade, I stared at the blood on the other, wondering where I could possibly clean it off.

I glanced around the room once, hoping to find a clean piece of rag or clothe. My eyes, however, immediately zeroed on the shattered blade lying on the smashed tiles of the floor.

Slightly frowning, I recalled how the Protector had easily smashed it with just a swing of his arm. My hand unintentionally rubbed on my cheek, remembering the Protector's strength behind his punches and hits.

His strength was quite questionable and inhuman. I wondered how he could have possibly achieved such animalistic power.

A thought suddenly appeared in my head as my eyes glanced back at the blade in my hand, narrowing on the red blood slowly moving down to the tip before dripping to form a tiny puddle on the floor.

If the Protector is indeed what I think he is, then Sam would be able to determine if it is true by examining his blood.


...Sorry for the, once again, late update...

I hope this chapter will be enough at the moment. But I'll publish the next chapter next week. At the latest.

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