Love Prevails (Kris Bryant)

By Pentaholic2011

79.5K 1.2K 26

Kris has been in love with McKayla since middle school, McKayla doesn't quite understand the concept of such... More

1| Cutting It Close
2| Life is Hard
3| How Great It Could Be
4| Gone
5| Heart Locket
6| A Chicago New Year
7| Seperate Ways
8| Senior Prom
9| The Hardest Goodbye
10| Drafted
11| Call Up
12| Miss Me?
13| All Grown Up
14| You're The Brightest Star
15| Second First Date
16| Teenage Dream
17| What Could Have Been
18| Stay With Me
19| Seeing Red
20| Love Always, McKayla
21| Back To Life
22| Surrounded by the Best
23| This Is Life
24| This Roller Coaster We Call Life
25| The Art of Intimidation
26| Good 'Ol Hockey Game
27| What to Expect When You're Expecting
28| Big Bad Wolf
29| The Great Gatsby
30| Home Sweet Home
31| Mother Knows Best
32| Krismas
33| Nicky
34| Moving Out and Moving On
35| Valentines Day
36| Spring Training
37| The Return
38| No Limits
39| Year Long Retirment Party
40| Land Among the Stars
41| How Do You Do It?
43| Too Little Too Late
44| Family of Three
45| Welcome Home
46| Nice Surprise
47| Catching Up
48| On My Mind
49| Sweet Dreams
50| Story Time
51| Say Yes To The Dress
52| Biggest Fans
53| Chasing Cars
54| Now or Never
55| What Happens in Vegas...
56| Thankful
57| Christmas Miracle
58| Family Comes First
59| Mr. and Mrs. Bryant
60| Love Prevails

42| Old Friends

1K 18 0
By Pentaholic2011


Right now in the world of baseball the best two teams in baseball are the Cubs and the Nationals, who just so happen to be in town for what should be a exciting a four game series. I expect each and every game to be amazing and nothing less. The Nationals also happens to be home to Kris and I's best friend growing up, Bryce Harper.

Growing up in Vegas was great once you got out of my house, there was a lot of baseball talent growing up there and I'm happy to have a part in that. The two stars at the time were Kris and Bryce. Mike coached them both to be the best and here we are, many years later, proving that the two are still the best around. Bryce just landed at O'Hare and should be over here soon. We haven't seen him since last year when Kris won rookie of the year and Bryce won MVP and they were both given the key to the city. That was a cool moment to see two of my favorite guys get recognized for their talents. There's a knock on the door and I shoot up to get it. Well as fast as I could with a watermelon growing on the front side of me.

"Big Mac! You're so... big" he laughs as I hug him best I can. It was kind of awkward but really worth it.

"How's my favorite out fielder" I ask as he picks his stuff back up.

"I'm good. I missed you guys" he says giving Kris a hug.

"We missed you too Bry, come on in" Kris says letting him inside.

"Damn, this place is nice" he comments sitting on the couch. I hand him a water and sit in a chair across from him.

"Thanks. A lot of work went into here" I admit. We love what we got going on here.

"So Silk, you got a good team this year huh" he asks.

"I like to think so. We got a nice rotation and consistent hitters. It's hard losing Schwarbs but life goes on" he shrugs.

"Yeah. This is one of the many times in my life I wish I was playing with you and not against you" Bryce chuckles.

"Hey... we had some fun playing against each other in high school" I defend.

"Maybe you did. I don't think I ever reached first base when you were pitching and your team always beat mine" he whines.

"Yeah... like I said. Fun times" I joke. We catch up and talk about how different baseball is now from when we all played together. I missed hanging out with Kris and Bryce in the little league teams. Always making smile pull his hair out and reeking havoc on other pitcher. We were pretty tight growing up.

"So I actually wanted to ask you something" Kris starts pulling his attention to him.

"What's up" he asks.

"I was wondering if you would want to be one of my groomsmen in the wedding" he asks and Bryces eyes light up.

"Of course, you know I love you guys. I'm in" he smiles.

"So, when's the baby due" he asks me.

"Either next month or July" I smile. 

"You guys ready" he asks.

"On paper yes. The room is done and we have everything for the baby to bring her home. Only thing we need is the actual baby" Kris laughs. I watch him talk about how excited he was to be a dad and it made my heart race. To think I was worried he wouldn't want a baby yet.

We show Bryce around the house and take him to the backyard where there was a nice porch with a grill and a in ground pool. I wasn't sure if I was ever going to let him leave.

"Damn, you guys are going to be chilling" he laughs.

"Doubt it. When have you ever known us to chill" I laugh.

"Okay, you have a point" he admits. We all sit down at the end of the porch and look over the city. We reflect of how much has changed since those simple Vegas days, but sometimes change isn't that bad.

"Remember that one time all three of us went yard back to back to back and the parents on the other team complained that we had no business playing there. She went off on Mike saying we shouldn't be playing at such a high level in unconstructed play" Bryce says.

"Yeah... we were like 12. She wanted us to play with the high schoolers because it wasn't fair we played with our age group" I remember.

"Then dad told her that if her kid didn't suck so bad then maybe there wouldn't be a problem" Kris laughs.

"That was the first and last fight I've ever had to break up" I admit.

"Now look at us" Bryce sighs.

"Yeah... now look at us."


The Cubs sweep the nationals in thrilling fashion with a walk off Mother's Day home run. As history had it Kris' team tops Bryce's but they're still best buds at the end of the day. We see Bryce off before returning to out humble home. I was exhausted, even for a day game, and I was ready to hit the hay.

"Hey McKayla, isn't this your old address" Kris asks holding a envelope in front of me.

"Yeah" I say taking the paper slowly and studying it. It was addressed to me but my old apartment from when I moved to Chicago. I open it and read the first part of the letter.

It was a note from my mom apologizing for everything she's said and done to me. She was asking for forgiveness and I wasn't sure what to do. I just got everything in my life the way I wanted it, there's no room for her. I understand she's my mom and maybe she is different now, but I doubt she actually feels any different. Just a little bit lonelier since I'm not there. I was too exhausted to hash it out so I tuck the note away and find Kris before cuddling into his side.

"What was the note about" he asks.

"A problem for another day" I mumble as he runs his fingers through my hair.

"Do you need anything" he asks and I shake my head.

"No. All I need is you" I say before letting my eyes flutter closed.

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