Possession ➸ Camren

By cabell0jauregui

721K 18.1K 11.9K

"Don't you get it, you're mine, the sooner you realise it the better." The first chapters are so bad but it w... More

Twenty One
Twenty Two
Twenty Three
Twenty Five
Twenty Six
Twenty Seven
Twenty Eight
Twenty Nine
Thirty One
Thirty Two
Thirty Three
Thirty Four
Thirty Five
Thirty Six
Thirty Seven
Thirty Eight
Thirty Nine
Forty one
Forty Two
Forty Three
Forty Four
Forty Five
Forty Six
Forty Seven
Forty Eight
Forty Nine
Fifty One
Fifty Two
Fifty Three
Fifty Four
Fifty Five
Fifty Six
Fifty Seven
Fifty Eight
Fifty Nine
Sixty One
Sixty Two
Sixty Three
Sixty Four
Sixty Five
Sixty Six
Sixty Seven
Sixty Eight
Sixty Nine
Seventy One
Seventy Two
Seventy Three
Seventy Four
Seventy Five
Seventy Six
Final Chapter

Twenty Four

11.1K 276 210
By cabell0jauregui

"Are you coming to the party?"

Camila furrowed her eyebrows at Dinah's question because she never even knew if there was a party.

"Dinah," Lauren hissed, shooting her a hard look.

"Lolo why didn't you want me to come to your party?" Camila frowned, turning to face Lauren who was stood behind her.

"We'll talk in the kitchen," Lauren told her before disappearing out of the room.

Camila climbed onto her feet before following her girlfriend, sitting on the island counter and Lauren stood in front of her.

Camila opened her mouth to speak but Lauren stopped her by placing a finger to her lips.

"I didn't want you to come to the party because I was scared," She admitted.

"Why, didn't you want your friends to meet you, am I embarrassing?" Camila squeaked, her face growing red.

"No no, that's not it," Lauren shook her head hurriedly, playing with the sleeves of her jumper. "It's just.. my friends are loud and brash and I know Austin took you to parties and I didn't want our first date to be at one," She rambled quickly, avoiding Camila's eyes.

"You should have told me though," Camila sighed, swinging her legs.

"I know, I'm sorry," Lauren mumbled guiltily, ducking her head and letting her dark hair fall over it.

"I want to go," Camila blurted out, knowing she'd regret the words later.

She hated parties.

"Camz no," Lauren shook her head but Camila nodded stubbornly.

"We are going, when is it?" She questioned and Lauren checked her phone.

"In three hours," She told the younger girl who clasped her fingers together.

"Perfect, I can go and get ready," She jumped off the island but Lauren caught her arm before she could walk away.

"It's not gonna be like your fancy parties, please don't put on a ball gown," Camila checked if she was joking but Lauren looked deadly serious.

She bit her lip anxiously. She didn't know what you were meant to wear to parties and she needed to make a good first impression.

So she chose the best option she could think of: Normani.

"We're going," Camila smiled happily as she met the other girls, "will you help me choose an outfit."

Normani's face lit up in a huge smile and she squealed before dragging Camila into her bedroom.

"Do you own any hot clothes?" Dinah questioned from her position of the bed and Camila shook her head.

"Don't worry, I'll find something," Normani assured her, grinning as she pulled out a short black skater skirt and a floral crop top with straps that crossed over her back.

Camila quickly changed into the outfit, running her fingers down the material of her skirt.

"Do I look okay?" She asked nervously and her two friends looked at each other before turning to face her, grinning.

"Time for makeup," Dinah squealed, pulling her into the bathroom and sitting her on the counter whilst Normani rummaged through her makeup bag that she stored here for moments like this.

"Tell me, do you want natural or do you want hot?" She questioned.

"I want whatever will make me look like someone Lauren would like," Camila answered.

She wasn't stupid, she knew that Lauren and her were complete polar opposites and she knew that Lauren looked like the type of girl to date hot models who had amazing bodies and were badass.

Not a scrawny, younger girl who was ridden with anxiety and had a past bad enough to scare any sane person away. And she wanted Lauren's friends to think of her as someone like them, just without the illegal part.

"I've never seen you wearing makeup," Normani mused as she started with eyeshadow.

"I don't wear it besides fancy occasions like dinner parties, I'm not very good at it," Camila shrugged.

"You don't need it anyway," Dinah told her and Camila thought about arguing but decided it would only cause a disagreement.

When Normani had finished, Camila jumped off the counter and looked in the mirror.

The girl staring back at her had a rose gold smoky eye, pink lips and an outsider would think she oozed confidence.

"You're amazing!" She turned around and beamed at Normani who flipped her hair.

"I know," She joked and Dinah rolled her eyes.

"Girl, stop helping build her already too big ego and go show your girl," She pushed Camila playfully and the Latina shoved her back before leaving the room. "There's no way she's keeping that on with Lauren around," Dinah said as soon as Camila was out of earshot.

"Yeah, I know."

"Hey," Camila broke the silence as she stood in the doorway of Lauren's room.

Lauren turned around to face her and Camila's eyes widened.

Lauren was wearing a pair of high waisted black shorts and a black bralette. Her makeup was dark and she had bright red lipstick on, her dark hair falling freely around her face.

She looked like the kind of girl that Camila would be scared to breathe near.

"Hallo," She smiled, her face lighting up when she saw her girlfriend, "you look gorgeous."

"Do you think?" Camila lifted her hands to her cheeks self-consciously.

"Definitely," Lauren nodded, sensing Camila's unsureness.

"Do you think your friends will like it?" She pushed and Lauren's face fell.

"Camz please don't hide under all that makeup, you're beautiful, you don't need it," She immediately understood all the makeup, stepping forward and holding onto Camila's arms.

"But I want to look like you," Camila whispered, frowning, "I want to look like someone who you should date."

"But you aren't me, I don't want you to be like me. Your Camila and your exactly the person I want to date, look at you, your beautiful," Lauren told her and a flicker of a smile appeared on Camila's lips. "So can we take all of this makeup off and make you look like Camz again?"

"Can I still wear some makeup?" She asked and Lauren kissed her cheek softly so not to smudge her lipstick.

"Of course," She smiled, taking Camila by the hand and leading her into the ensuite.

Lauren used the minimal makeup Normani had brought from Camila's house, after discovering she only owned dark colors, to apply a pale pink natural eyeshadow and a nude lip.

"There, you can look now," Lauren said and Camila looked in the mirror, smiling when she realised she looked much more like herself.

"Thank you," She smiled, running a hand through her hair, "what do you think?"

"I think you look absolutely adorable," Lauren declared and Camila pouted.

"I don't wanna look adorable I wanna look hot," She whined, jumping up and down frustration until Lauren caught her by the wrist.

"You look drop dead gorgeous Camzi, as always," She assured her and Camila calmed down, leaning into her chest and wrapping her arms around her waist loosely.

"You look like a model," She mumbled, causing Lauren to laugh.

"Not as half as much as you do, trust me," She replied sweetly and Camila blushed.

"Do you really think I look okay, is my outfit nice enough?" She looked down at her outfit but Lauren used her finger to lift her face up, making her meet her eyes which looked even greener with the dark makeup.

"Your outfit is perfect, and who cares if they don't like it. It's so you and you shouldn't change who you are because of others," She said seriously and Camila nodded.

Soon it was time to leave and they two of them walked out to be met by Dinah and Normani.

Dinah was wearing a skin tight khaki dress that made her curves look gorgeous and Normani was wearing a white two piece that showed off her abs.

They both looked like they belonged in a movie.

"Wow you look hot," Dinah whistled.

"Says you, Finah Dinah," Camila teased, pushing her shoulder.

"Um, excuse me, I'm cute too," Normani waved her hand to get the girl's attention and Camila laughed.

"You look hot too Mani," She told her, watching the older girl smile happily.

"Back to me, I'm hotter," Dinah pushed Normani away and Camila was in awe that she never fell in the heels she was wearing.

Now she looked, they were all wearing heels except her but she knew it was best she never because she could hardly walk in flats.

"Leggo," Lauren whooped, grabbing Camila's hand and pulling her outside.

"How are we getting there?" Camila questioned as they all left the house.

"We're walking, the road there is quiet and everyone at the party knows about you and I trust them to keep it quiet," Lauren explained and Camila nodded.

"Hey, have you told her about Lucy?" Dinah whispered loudly and Lauren glared at her.

"What's wrong with Lucy?" Camila asked, looking up at Lauren who was towering above her with the extra height of the heels.

"She's... she's had a crush on me for like, forever," Lauren sighed and Camila frowned, "but she's only my friend Camzi, I love you, not her."

"Well, you're mine," Camila told her, wrapping her arms around her waist and Lauren placed a hand on her back.

"I'm yours, cause I'm your forever, remember," She rolled her eyes playfully and Camila nodded in confirmation.

"Awe Mani, look at their glo up," Dinah cooed and Lauren flipped off the younger girl, not even bothering to face her.

They arrived outside the huge house much to soon for Camila's liking.

"Lauren," Camila's voice was practically a whimper as she hung back.

"They're going to love you baby, I'll be with you the whole night and we can leave whenever you want," The older girl assured her, kissing her temple before opening the door.

Camila's senses where immediately overwhelmed.

The sound of music, screams and laughter boomed and the strong smell of alcohol and weed hit her at once.

She blinked, dazed, until she heard the girls' name being screamed.

Three girls crushed into them and Camila inched her way backwards so she was on the outside.

"You need to come to the base more you bitch, I miss you," A girl exclaimed and Lauren laughed.

"Camila, come here," She reached for Camila's hand and pulled her towards her, wrapping an arm around her waist.

"This is Alexa, Vero and Keana," She pointed to each of them and Camila waved shyly.

"That one is a whore, we don't speak to her," Dinah shoved the girl who spoke earlier, who laughed.

"She's just upset because I beat her ass at dancing," She explained, "I'm Keana, nice to meet you."

"Come on Walz, I'll introduce you to the cool people," Dinah took her hand and Camila looked over her shoulder at Lauren who smiled reassuringly at her.

"I'll get us a drink," She called and Camila barely had time to nod reluctantly before Dinah had pulled her to a different room.

"Lucy, get yo ass over here," Dinah hollered and a small girl appeared in front of them.

"The girl who stole Lauren's heart," She smirked and Camila blinked, unsure of if she was being nice or sarcastic.

"The girl who stole my car," She replied, watching the grin that slowly spread on Lucy's face.

"You're cute," She nodded and Camila could have cried in relief that she wasn't mean.

"Here," Lauren appeared, offering her a red cup with a strong smelling liquid inside of it, "its not strong, I figured you haven't drank before."

Camila nodded, taking a sip and scrunching up her face as it burned her throat.

She looked around as she took in her surroundings. In the room she was in there was people mainly just talking and singing whereas the room she was first in everyone was dancing.

"Are you okay, you look a bit overwhelmed," Lauren told her and Camila leant up and pressed her lips to her cheek.

"I'm fine, I promise, I was just talking to Lucy," She looked around for the girl, furrowing her eyebrows when she found she'd suddenly disappeared. "I'm fine."

A few drinks later, Camila found herself in a kitchen full of strangers as everyone held a shot in their hands.

"Three, two, one," Someone called and everyone necked the liquid.

Camila choked as the pure vodka burnt her throat and she felt a hand patting her back.

"It's gross, huh?" Vero questioned and Camila nodded, "you can share my drink, it tastes nicer."

With that, she took the younger girl by the hand and led her to a bedroom where a circle of people were sat before she even had time to look for Lauren.

"Mila, Mila, we're playing never have I ever, come play," Keana chirped, pulling her down so she was practically sat on her knee.

As it turned out, Camila didn't know the rules of the game, which the people used to advantage for their amusement by telling her you had to drink if you hadn't done it.

And considering Camila had done practically nothing, she had drank her body weight after twenty minuets.

"Never have I ever used a sex toy," A random girl shouted and Camila, as she had being doing for the majority of the game, downed her shot.

She giggled excitedly and Keana and Vero smirked at each other because she was so drunk.

Camila, on the other hand, had never felt better.

Her head was slightly fuzzy and for once she felt the weight of the world off of her shoulders as she laughed with people she barely knew.

"Come dance," She whined, tugging on Vero's sleeve and the older girl sighed, giving up and taking Camila to the living room where everyone was dancing.

The music was so loud it sent shocks through her entire body and she could feel her heart thumping.

"Hey look, it's Lauren," Vero pointed to the raven-haired girl who was dancing with Lucy and Normani.

"Lauren," Camila shrieked, making her way over clumsily and Lauren held onto her waist, supporting her, "where did you go Lolo, I played a game."

"Have you been having fun?" Lauren asked and Camila nodded.

"I made friends," She whispered, not so quietly, and pointed to Vero.

"I'm glad, I told you they'd like you," Lauren smiled at her friend who was watching in amusement.

"Will you dance with me?" Camila pleaded and Lauren nodded, looking for Lucy but she'd wandered off to Vero, not paying attention to her anymore.

"I'm gonna find Dinah, I've lost her and it's scaring me," Normani half joked, making her way out of the crowd.

"Why is everyone looking at you?" Camila questioned, realising that nearly every pair of eyes were trained at the older girl.

"They're looking at us, 'cause they know who I am and they know who you are," Lauren told her and Camila hid her face in her chest, embarrassed.

"Look how cute they are," Someone shouted loudly and Lauren could make out Lucy leaving the room out of her peripheral vision.

She sighed, hating to see her best friend so upset over her actions. 

"Why are you sad Lo, don't you want to dance?" Camila frowned and Lauren faced her again.

"Do you wanna dance with Vero, I just need to go find someone," She said and Camila's face crumpled.

"But you said you wouldn't leave me," She pouted and Lauren rubbed her thumb over her cheek.

"It'll be two minutes, I promise," She assured her before making her way out through the mass of people.

"You know what you need, you need to get drunker," Vero slung an arm over Camila's shoulder, handing her another cup.

"I don't know, I've never been drunk before," She bit on her lip when Vero laughed because she passed sober a long time ago.

"Perfect, there's a first time for everything," She clapped her hands but Camila wasn't convinced.

"We like to drink with Mila," She suddenly sang at the top of her lungs and the brunette pulled a confused face.

"What are you doing?" She asked incredulously.

"'Cause Mila is our mate, and when we drink with Mila, she downs it all in eight, seven, six.." The entire room began to chant and Camila blushed in embarrassment, her mouth hanging open.

"You have to drink it loser," Vero shouted over the people and Camila rolled her eyes, knocking back her drink and everyone cheered.

"You're horrible," She shoved Vero's shoulder, who only shrugged, laughing.

"Who knew you could be so cool Walz," A familiar voice piped up and Camila turned around to find an obviously drunk Dinah.

As much as the Polynesian loved to party she couldn't hold her alcohol, even as much as she tried to argue that she could.

"Have you seen Mani, she's looking for you," Camila yelled over the music and Dinah blinked a few times before shrugging.

"Mani shmami, she's boring," She scoffed, "you are not, come to the garden with me."

Camila nodded, letting Dinah drag her to the huge garden which was filled with even more people all dancing, drinking or smoking weed.

One of the The 1975 songs that Camila couldn't quite put her finger on was blaring through the speakers and everyone was bouncing around like lunatics.

"Dance dance dance," Dinah shouted, grabbing Camila's hand twirling her around.

With the extra confidence boost from the alcohol, Camila had no problem signing and dancing to every song that played, drinking all the while.

As the night got later, more people piled into the garden and Camila tripped over someone's foot, colliding into Dinah's chest.

"I caught you," Dinah exclaimed excitedly and Camila giggled, her head still pressed to Dinah's chest.

"Thank you for not letting me fall, you're the best friend ever," Camila hugged her and Dinah swayed them side to side enthusiastically.

"You're my best friend Mila, I love you," She told her and Camila leant up to kiss her nose.

"I need to pee, I'll be one second," She grinned, pulling away from her friend and making her way into the house.

"Mani, hi!" She shrieked as she spotted sight of her other friend.

Normani spotted the smaller girl, catching her waist to stop her from falling over and holding onto her firmly.

"You're drunk babe," She laughed and Camila shook her head.

"I'm happy," She emphasised and Normani ruffled her hair, looking around the room for Lauren.

"Let me get Lauren, stay here," She told her, letting her go. She walked a few steps, glancing over her shoulder to make sure the Latina was still there only to find she had disappeared from sight. "For fucks sake Camila."

Camila walked up the stairs, stepping over passed out people and couples making out, staring in confusion at the many doors.

She heard the soft sound of sobbing drowned out by the music and frowned, opening the door and stumbling into the room.

"Go away Camila," A familiar voice cracked and Camila furrowed her eyebrows because she didn't want to leave Lucy crying alone on a bed.

"Are you sad?" She questioned, trying to stop herself from wobbling.

Lucy let out another sob and Camila clumsily made her way over to her, sitting on the bed and wrapping her arms around Lucy's waist.

Lucy considering pushing her away because she was the reason she was sad but decided against it, letting the younger girl embrace her.

"Why are you crying?"

"Because, the girl I love will never love me back ," Lucy explained and Camila frowned because she'd hate to not be loved back by Lauren.

"They're silly, you're very beautiful. Maybe they're just to stupid to see it," In Camila's drunken haze, she'd forgotten the girl Lucy loved was in fact Lauren.

"Maybe, or maybe they just love someone else," Lucy sighed and Camila wriggled onto her lap, patting her hair.

"They are missing out, I think you're great," She told her and Lucy smiled softly.

"You're making it really hard for me to hate you," She said and Camila met her eye.

"Don't hate me, I don't hate you," She shook her head. "I think you should go and find a pretty person and love them instead because the person you love doesn't deserve it."

"Maybe you're right, only if you come with me. You're smashed off of your head, let's get you back to Lauren," Lucy squeezed her hand.

"Oh yes, Lauren's my girlfriend," Camila beamed standing up and falling straight to the floor.

Lucy stood up, wiping her eyes before dragging Camila to her feet.

"Thank you, that was helpful," Camila giggled, bounding out of the room and leaving Lucy to rush after her.

"Camila, where the fuck did you go," Normani hollered, grabbing her arm and making sure she couldn't escape.

"It's okay, she was with me," Lucy spoke up and Camila nodded, the grin not leaving her face.

"Hi Lolo," Camila got distracted at the sight of her girlfriend, wandering off and wrapping her arms around her waist.

This time, Lucy never left.

"She's drunk as fuck," Normani told Lauren and Camila shook her head.

"I'm not," She insisted but the fact that she could barely form words told Lauren otherwise.

"Oh my god Camz, how much have you drank?" She exclaimed, holding the younger girl's face in her hands.

"Go outside," Camila said instead and Lauren sighed, gripping onto her hand tightly and walking with her to the garden.

"I'm not drunk," Camila repeated and Lauren nodded, deciding against disagreeing. "Where have you been?" 

"I was looking for Lucy, I upset her," Lauren sighed.

"Goodness, lots of people have upset her tonight. She was crying earlier," Camila exclaimed.

"Wait, did you say she was crying," Lauren's eyes widened and Camila nodded.

"I hugged her," She said proudly and Lauren rubbed her arms affectionately.

"She wasn't mean was she?" She asked and Camila shook her head.

"She was lovely, I think we're friends," She pondered, narrowing her eyes in thought until she felt a hand ruffle her hair.

"Of course we are Mila," Lucy smiled and Camila's grin spread from ear to ear.

"And you were scared they wouldn't like you," Lauren scoffed, pulling her into a hug and leaning her chin on her head.

"Thank you," She mouthed to Lucy who shrugged, brushing it off.

"She's cute, I'd keep her," She mouthed back before disappearing.

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