Unexpected Love - an intercul...

By LeonieHerrgesell

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There was a fine line between love and hate, you heard that cliche all the time. But no one told you that the... More

How it all started:
New assignments and more hate
the assignment with the devil
A agreement between enemies and a bridal breakdown
Bridal dresses and other sparkling things
Parental pressure and other desasters
A pleasant dinner and other revelations
From enemies to best friends - A sisterly bond
The happy bride and the torn sister
The problematic situation of being judged by your sister
The silent promise made by a brother
The unexpected knight in casual attire
The aftermath of being a hero and a fight between best friends
The unconvincing statement of my best friend
The denial of a hint of attraction
The unwanted butterflies in my stomache
The concerned and worrying best friend
The start of the horrendous project
The start of a friendship and the usual fight between enemies
The reconciliation between best friends
The indecisive best friend and the consequences
The threat from a best friend and the proposition of a sister
A talk between friends and the failure of the knight to act..
Is this the end of a possible friendship?
The realization and the betrayal of a best friend
The threats of the Queen Bee and the discussion between friends
The silence between best friends and the happiness of the bully
The courage of the outsider and the announcement of a teacher
The start of the play and the reunition of best friends
The chemistry between two and the jealousy of the third wheel
The moment that changed everything
A heated argument turned romantic and intensive
The girl that came between best friends and the fallout of them
The unwanted audience and the bonding of enemies
The dance between almost lovers and the suggestion of the teacher
The unwanted feelings and the talk between siblings
38. The meeting between nearly lovers and a wordless confession
A cherished moment and the usual banter of enemies
The fight between buddies and the curiosity of the enemy
The estrangement of friends and a surprising proposal
The confusing question and the quality time between siblings
The almost fight between best friends and the unexpected turn of events
The first date and the moment of truth
The Happiness of two and the start of a new friendship
The start of a new friendship and a sweet moment between almost lovers
The wanted almost confession and the distraction
The unexpected turn of events and the swoon worthy statement
The start of a relationship and the evidence of a hidden connection
The feeling of jealousy and the increasing confusion
First confrontation between lovers and the decision of the third wheel
A sweet moment between two persons and cultural differences
The start of something and the comforting warmth of a sibling
A fateful dream
The observing friend And A Magical Moment
A night out and unwanted feelings
57. Denial and other confusing feelings
58. An understanding between friends and the almost confession
The Aftermath Of The Almost Confession
The realization and the promise

Can this be the start of a romance?

269 14 7
By LeonieHerrgesell

Here is the next chapter of my story unexpected love. I am curious what you think and about your opinion. Please let me know what you think about this part. The picture show once again Samarpreet and Jasmeet. In the lower picture is Enzo. What do you think about these characters?


The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched - they must be felt with the heart.- Unknown

Jasmeet POV:
Aryan was proud of me, as soon as he found out that I had really phoned Shawn and I had made a step towards being civil with Shawn. He and I continued to talk like always for nearly an hour. Once I hang up, I knew that he was right. Despite having already a confirmation letter, I still needed to perform well. This meant in practice for me to ace my assignments in history class; something, which was in my opinion nearly impossible.

The evening was uneventful; I just had dinner with my family and talked to my sister Samarpreet before I went to bed. Once I told her about Enzo being chivalrous and standing up for me, she told me in a strict yet loving tone:

"My dear sister, be careful. He is the best friend of Shawn; he might be just like him. You should not try to explore these feelings. I know that it is tempting, as this is the first boy to interest you and to notice you. Aryan is right; I am sure that you will find someone amazing once you start to attend University! Forget Enzo as soon as you can. Morever, he stood up for Aryan as well; so do not think that this was only meant for you!"
It surprised me how well my sister knew me; I had not even mentioned that I was in a way interested in Enzo and that his behaviour intrigued me. Nontheless; the moment I heard her words, they somehow stung and hurt me in a slight way. I did not know back then why these words affected me so much. However, I would soon find out the reason for these feelings. I agreed with her:
"Yeah, I have to keep my distance now. I do not want to develop any kind of feelings towards him. It is senseless and has no future; I am positive. You are right, Samara. He is Shawn's best friend and therefore I should not meddle with him or interact with him. It is very likely that he is very similar to him. I mean how hard will it be to avoid him? The school is so big and we do not have so many classes together!"
My sister nodded approvingly: "Yes, this is exactly how you need to approach this whole situation. The best way is to dodge him and try not to look up when you see him. Ignore him; this is the most effective way! Boys usually stop contacting a girl when she ignores him. In addition, you should try not to seem like the girl who pays no attention to a boy only in order to make him want her even more. Just be casual and relaxed! Then everything will be fine!"
Subsequently we continued to make some smalltalk and she told me about her shopping trip. Her wedding was going to be very big, and as a result, she had to organize pretty well in order not to cause any casualties on her big day. Karan called her as well, and informed her that he would come back to London, which meant that they would be able to meet before they got married. It was a custom for the bride and groom, not to see each other before their big day for one week.

After Samarpreet left my room, I did my usual routine which consisted of taking a shower, washing my face and brushing my teeth, and went to bed. When I slipped into the comforting covers of my bed, I realized how tired I really was. Very fast, I fell into a deep slumber. I had an interesting dream:

I was in school and I walked through the corridors. Suddenly I saw Enzo, who came to my side, took my hand and kissed it. It was a beautiful to feel his lips against my fingers and it ignited in me a fire. Then out of sudden, Shawn arrived and told Enzo to back off. It seemed somehow that he was jealous or something like that. As a result, he hugged me tightly. This made me perplexed and surprised me as well. Then a voice pulled me away from this strange yet beautiful feeling.

"Wakey Wakey, my dearest sister! It is time to go to school. You do not want to be late, right?" I heard a voice from away. Slowly I woke up, and I saw my sister sitting next to my bed. This was not usual; normally she slept longer, and never got up before seven oclock. I rubbed my eyes, an attempt to get the sleep out of them. I groaned:"Samara, why are awake so early? Not that I do not like this, but this is so not you!" She answered me by throwing an outfit at my face. Was this now the usual routine for her to pick out my outfit for the day? I examined the clothes she gave me and I gave her a thumb up. It was a ripped blue jeans and a white top completed with a grey cardigan. She had a good taste and I was impressed that she was able to give me exactly the clothes I liked to wear. Once I pulled them on, she started to make my hair. She convinced me to braid the upper part of my hair and to leave the other part down. The minuted she completed this, she examined her work carefully and complimented herself: "You look great dear. Now you can have breakfast and go to school!" Leave it to Samarpreet to compliment herself, I thought to myself.

"Now where is your knight in shining armour?" screeched Nathalie when I arrived at my locker. I dreaded this moment, I knew that something like this would happen. It was just sheer luck that she did not have any class with me yesterday. She added then with an evil laugh: "It seems like he forgot you!" Her friends who stand beside her joined in the laughing. Like always, a small crowd formed around us, consisting of greedy students who were in need of kind of a drama to make their day more exciting. She started to push me and I fell on my butt. I attempted to get up but she gave me another shove. I prepared myself mentally that I would again hit the hard floor; however this never happened. Strong arms encircled my waist and prevented me from falling. I looked up to find out who was my saviour and caught the glance of two brown eyes. These two belonged only to one guy, Enzo Morales.

Something ignited that moment; it was as if the dream came true and there was a connection between us. His deep eyes watched me attentively and it seemed that we were alone at this instant and I got lost in the depth of them. I felt like a heroine in a movie whom the hero had just rescued, and only the dramatic music was missing to create the typical scene.

However, this was not a movie and we were in my high school. The loud scream of Nathalie startled both of us, and he nearly let me fall but he caught me in the last minute. "What is going on with you too?" interrogated Nathalie in an angry tone but did not give us a moment to explain anything, she said then to Enzo in an angry demeanor:
"I assume Rhiannon has told you that we will no longer excuse your behaviour. You just made yourself another enemy! Watch your back from now on!"
She threw her brown hair over the shoulder and strutted with head high to her class. Just then, he realized that I was still in his arms and I struggled to get up. He helped me to stand on my feet and looked at me questioningly. I assumed that he wanted me to say something. My head turned bright red and I stuttered: "Tha-aaann-kkk y---ooouuu, Ennnzzzzzo!" The boy in front of me also got red and replied my shyly:
"Jasmeet, you should stop getting into these situations. But you are most welcome. I have the slight feeling; I should be near you in order to prevent more of the bullying to happen!"
Once I processed his words, I replied him in a confident tone: "Enzo, this is really kind of you. Nontheless, you heard Nathalie and her minion Rhiannon; you should not hang out with me or save me always. You just created yourself an enemy. You did a noble thing by helping me twice now. I am thankful to you! Nevertheless, I would advise you to keep your distance! I do not want you to risk your status for me. "
Enzo looked at me shocked and I could detect a slight hint of hurt as well. Somehow this made me feel bad and I hoped that someone would get me out of this uncomfortable situation.

"Jasmeet, how are you? I heard the rumor buzzing around that you got yourself again in a complicated situation!" screamed Aryan, who arrived later today; he came just in the right moment to save me from this akhward minute. I knew that I should not be harsh to him, but I did want to keep my distance in order to be able to refrain myself from exploring what was really between us. I sensed that if I did not, then I would be in serious trouble and might have been hurt also.
"Oh hi, Enzo. Thank you for helping Jasmeet again! You really seem to be in the right moment at the right place!" he told the boy with whom I just had a moment of romance. The only reaction Enzo showed was a nod and then he disappeared into the crowd in order not to be late for his class. I stared at his retreating figure and I had a lump in my throat. What was this, I asked myself. Normally this should not affect, I told myself;

With crossed arms my best friend interrogated me in a strict attitude:
" Jasmeet Hailee Kaur, what was this? Do I detect a hint of romance blossoming? I told you to watch your back. Try to avoid him from now on. I know he seems like a nice guy; but do not trust him!" After he finished, I stared feeling guilty at the floor. "Jasmeet, where is your voice? Please answer and tell me that you understand what I mean!" he urged me then to reply him.
I answered him:"Aryan, I know you are right. I even told him that he should keep his distance. The only thing is, he seemed slightly hurt! I feel like I inflicted this pain."
"Jassy, this is not your responsibility. I know that you feel something for him; I can see it in your eyes. But I urge you not to give in these feelings! This is better for all of us."
I nodded agreeing half-heartedly and promised him nontheless:
"Aryan, I will follow your advice and keep my distance. I mean as I told Samara already; how hard will it be avoid him?" He wiggled his head to show me his approval and we walked to my class. However, fate had other things planned for us and I could not know back then that the exact opposite would happen.

So what do you think? Was Jasmeet too harsh to Enzo of did she do the right thing? What do you think will happen? Please do leave comments, I am really curious. Would you act in the same way or would you try to get to know Enzo?

Sarah He.

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