Misery Returns

By Scrin245

3.1K 166 36

A young boy who never knew his parents or anyone else finally meets more of his own kind. But will this pack... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11

Chapter 7

186 14 8
By Scrin245

Chapter 7

>Kai’s POV<

Kai sat on his bed watching James doing something with the TV in their room. “Want some help?”

“No I’m good.”

“What are you doing?” James brought his head out form behind the TV to look at his friend.

“I have no idea,” the two boys laughed together.

“Then what are you doing back there?”

“Confusing you, and it seems to be working splendidly,” Kai rolled his eyes at his beta.

“Your getting dusty, that’s what’s happening,” James brushed his hand through his hair and shook off the dust. “I wonder how the pup is doing.”

“I’m sure he’s doing fine, he’s probably getting pampered with your parents.”

“My parents don’t spoil me, if I work then they’ll get me things, the more I do around the pack, the more I’ll get if I ask, of course I have to do a lot,” James shrugged.

“Doesn’t mean the pup isn’t being pampered.”

“Other then his room, he really isn’t, the English teacher doesn’t count though cause he needs that,” James nodded, Kai laid back on the bed and sighed.

“You miss him still though,” James laid down beside his friend.

“I don’t miss him, I’m just wondering if he is doing okay,” James poked his alpha.

“You miss him,” Kai rolled his eyes and ignored James. “That’s so cute! You miss the little guy.”

“I don’t miss him.”

“You miss him,” James continued his assault.

“Your going to miss your hand if you don’t stop,” Kai growled lowly. James poked Kai in the face, moving his cheek, Kai sprung up and pinned his beta underneath him. “Stop. Poking. Me.”

“You know I’m into guys right?” James joked with a laugh.

“Why are you being annoying?”

“Cause I can, why are you pinning me down?”

“Cause you annoying me,” James shrugged and looked up at Kai. “Will you stop poking me now?”

“Nah, once you let me go I’ll continue,” Kai lowered down and growled at James.

“Don’t,” Kai let go of his friend, who started poking him rapidly in the stomach. Kai swatted at James’ hands, which only made James go faster. Kai shoved James backwards and stepped back. “James your really annoying me now, so stop.”

“Oh come on, I’m only playing around.”

“I’m not in the mood,” James smiled brightly.

“Cause you miss the pup?”

“I don’t miss him, now stop,” James shrugged and sprawled across Kai’s bed. “And get off my bed.”

“No, I’m comfy,” James grabbed his pillow and cuddled with it.

“James, come on get off,” James shook his head, nuzzling the pillow.

“Your pillow smells like you and someone else,” James looked at his beta with a smile.

“Its his smell probably.”

“You mean the pup?”

“No, Tristan,” James put the pillow back.

“Why do you still have it?”

“Cause I love that pillow, even if Tristan has ruined it, I’ve had it forever, and I don’t want to get rid of it.”

“Ever thought of washing it?”

“I have, it never works,” James got up and yawned.

“So what are we supposed to be doing soon?”

“I don’t know,” Kai shrugged. “But I think we’re leaving soon.” The two boys waited in an awkward silence until the time that they needed to leave. Catching up with all their classmates they started to walk down the block towards a museum. Once they got in the teacher started to lead them through, drawling on about the different things in the museum. Kai was more interested in just seeing all the people, and hopefully finding his mate.

The group went through the museum at a slow pace. Kai looked at all the little things, finding nothing really interesting, his wolf didn’t find anyone interesting either. James stayed near his friend, and would nudge him if there was someone new around.

After two hours of wandering around, the class was finally allowed to go out and explore. Kai started to walk out of the museum with James close behind, as well as Casey and her boyfriend Matthew. The small group of werewolves made there way through the town, they all wanted to stop and go into places, but Kai kept trying to convince them that if they walk around today they can visit those places another day. Kai knew though that they all knew that he was actually looking for his mate.

The group finally pressured him to go into a burger joint that they walked by. Kai walked in behind his friends, the smell of fresh meat, vegetables, and fries hit his nose. The four of them sat down at a booth and waited for a waiter to come by.

“So nothing?” Matthew asked, looking at Kai. Kai glared at him and said nothing. A thin waiter came over to there table.

“How is everyone doing today? The menu is on the wall over there,” she said pointing to a board that was pinned up above where the waiters went in and out. “Would you like to start with some drinks?”

“Yes, I’d like a orange crush,” Kai said, looking at the menu-wall. The waiter wrote it down on a little note pad that she pulled out of her outfit. The others ordered there drinks while Kai looked at the wall. James nudged him making Kai look at his beta.

“Why are you in such a pissy mood?”

“I’m not,” he watched the waiter go into the kitchen.

“You seem like you are,” Kai only shrugged.

“I don’t think there is much of a variety of food here,” he stated.

“It is a burger joint,” Casey said, “what are you going to get?”

“Obviously a burger and fries,” Kai said resting his back against the back of the booth. “Not like there is much else.

“There, your being pissy,” James accused, pointing at Kai.

“I’m guessing that’s what everyone else is getting,” Kai ignored his beta. Matthew nodded along with Casey. The waiter came back with their drinks.

“Here you go, has everyone decided on what you want?” She asked, grabbing her note pad quickly. The group told her what they wanted, once done she raced off to tell the chief. James stared at his friend while Kai ignored them all. A slight vibration in his pocket made him become aware again. He grabbed his cell phone and answered it.


“Hi, the little guy wants to talk to you,” his mom said through the other end.

“Okay,” was Kai’s only response.

“I miss you,” was the first thing Phoenix said once he got the phone.

“I miss you too, I’ll be back in a few days okay?”

“Okay…I still miss you,” Kai smiled.

“Don’t worry I’ll be home before you know it.”

“But I want you home now,” Phoenix whined.

“Well I will be home soon, I have to go, see you soon.”

“Okay…bye,” Kai frowned a bit, Phoenix sounded sad on the other end.

“Bye,” with that Kai hung up his phone and put it back in his pocket, realizing that everyone was watching him. “What?” The three of them looked away, Kai was about to say something when the waiter came with all their food. Deciding to just leave it he ate his food, he finished first and went to get up.

“Where are you going?” James asked.

“I’m going to just walk around, I’ll see you guys back at the hotel later,” Kai squeezed out of the booth.

“What about paying?” Kai dropped some money on the table.

“There my half,” Kai quickly left before they could say anything else. He made his way through the crowds of people, sniffing the air slightly to make sure that if his mate goes by he won’t miss him. He made his way to the outskirts of the city, then hide away in the woods, making sure that no one was around he shifted into his wolf and started to run. Not paying much attention he just ran, weaving in between trees.

He stopped when he got to the edge of a hill, and let out a long howl. Stretching out he ran back down the hill, ready to go back to the hotel. At a light trot he made his way back the way he came. A weird scent crossed his nose, a scent he wanted. Kai turned slightly and followed his nose to a clear un wooded area. He sniffed around for the delectable scent.

Hearing a loud growl behind him, his hackles raised as he turned on the thing growling at him, he bared his fangs and got ready for combat. Seeing the large bear in front of him he was stunned, his wolf was telling him that the bear in front of him was his mate, but that couldn’t be possible.

“Hello?” Kai called out to the bear.

“You aren’t an animal,” the bear said.

“No, I’m a werewolf,” Kai slowly padded his way over.

“And I’m a werebear,” the werebear growled lowly once Kai got to close.

“Do you know what mates are?” Kai sniffed more, trying to inch closer.

“I know of them,” the bear raised up, making Kai raise up to show his own dominance.

“Well you’re my mate,” the bear growled louder, Kai tried to stay strong and dominant but he was waning. The bear got closer to him and sniffed him, going around Kai making sure to sniff him. Kai held strong and kept his tail and head high.

“Transform,” the werebear commanded as he changed into his human form. Kai glanced at him and changed into his human form. His mate was over two feet taller then him. With brown hair and a pair of wonderful eyes, his right eye was yellow while his other was brown. Kai kept his head up high and tried to look as powerful as he could. You’re an alpha! You’re an alpha! Kai chanted in his head as his mate walked around him again. Kai was only happy that they were both fully clothed, he wouldn’t have been able to allow his mate to do this if they weren’t.

His mate grabbed him by the chin and examined him. “What’s your name?” The werebear stepped back.

“I’m…I’m Kai,” Kai’s voice cracked. The werebear cracked a smile.

“I’m Kirin,” Kirin stepped closer to Kai.

“I’m an alpha,” Kai squeaked out, Kirin laughed.

“Well if it wasn’t for me know how to pick up on when someone is an alpha I would have from your posture,” Kai blushed brightly, Kirin stepped closer and picked Kai up.

“I’m an alpha,” he squeaked out again in a near whisper.

“Well my little alpha, how about we go back to my place,” Kai blushed hard and nodded. He didn’t think of his friends or the trip anymore, all he wanted his mate, who was carrying him through the woods.


I hope you enjoyed!! I finally got this chapter out! It took me a few months...but I did it!! I'd love some comments from anyone who reads this, which I know is quite a few.

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