Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

>Kai’s POV<

Kai sat through all of his classes for the week, the first day all the new kids that were in his classes were introduced. He sat there and made sure that his eyes made contact with each one of them, even the girls. Sadly no one was his mate, at least no one that was in his classes.

At this moment he was standing with his friends waiting to go on the trip. It was a weekend trip that started Friday morning and ended Monday night. The trip was for history, Kai could careless about the class, but the chance to go and see new people made him want to go. Especially when they had a few hours each day to roam around the town, a town he’d never been to. He was sleeping with his friend and beta, James.

Tristan hadn’t talked to him for months now, but Kai didn’t mind, he wanted to get rid of past things and just find his mate.

The bus pulled up, and their teacher told them to get on the bus. The kids filled on, Kai and his friends managed to get to the back of the bus. The ride to the place was three hours long, so Kai planned on sleeping.

Resting his head against the window he closed his eyes, trying to tune out everyone who was talking on the bus. He soon fell asleep, waking before they got there. By that time the bus was noticeably quieter, Maybe some of the other kids had the same idea, Kai thought, holding back a yawn. He looked over at his beta, who was concentrating on a game on his tablet.

Checking his phone, Kai saw that they still had an hour until they got there, so he rested his head back on the window, and watched the trees go by. He wished that he could be running instead of being in this bus, it’d be so much faster then the bus, but alas he couldn’t let people know he was a werewolf.

A single tap on his should made him look at James out of the corner of his eyes. Seeing that James was showing him a picture he got up so he could see better. A smile crept across his face at the picture his friend had. It was of the two of them as little kids playing at a beach.

“How’d ya get that photo on there?” He asked, looking at his beta.

“I put it into my computer then emailed it to myself,” James smiled. “I wish were younger, it was so much more fun back then.”

“What’s different?”

“Life is just so much harder now with all these things getting in the way, and then are responsibilities to the pack.”

“What things?”

“School and stuff,” James averted his gaze a bit.

“Is there something you’d like to say?”


“Is it about me being gay?”

“Kai, its just-”

“I knew it, you don’t like me being gay,” Kai accused.

“Its just that you are put down by people, behind your back of course, but still. In the pack it makes you look weak, making me look weak.”

“So its about status?”

“Its about your safety, I don’t want you to get hurt, cause I know something will happen,” Kai wrapped his arm around his beta and gave a little squeeze.

“I won’t get hurt, not as long as I have you,” James laughed a little. “What?”

“Nothing,” James looked back down at his tablet.

“Excited for the trip?” Kai asked looking out the window.

“I know you are, its just an excuse to get out of school, and I have to protect you,” Kai shrugged.

“You don’t need to protect me.”

“That’s my responsibility though.”

“No, that’s what war wolves are for.”

“Well they aren’t here, now are they?”

“Fair enough, but you don’t have to take care of me,” James rolled his eyes. “You don’t, I’m perfectly capable of taking care of myself.”

“If ya say so, I remember you getting hurt when rogues attacked us.”

“Shut up, there was four of them, I couldn’t have taken them all down,” James nudged his alpha.

“And that’s my point, if I stay with you I can help if your out numbered.”

“Fine,” he leaned against his beta who wrapped an arm around him. Kai felt safe within his beta’s arms, he wished that he could have someone to do this too.

Feeling a bit sad he wrapped his arms around James and pulled him closer so he could cry into James’s shoulder, and that’s what he did, for the rest of the ride to the hotel.


>Kobe’s POV<

He sat reading the newspaper when a bubble went by lazily, giving it no notice he continued to read. He tried to continue, but soon was stopped when to many bubble were in his face. Looking down he saw the small pup with a bubble wand and a bottle right beside him.

“I’m going to have to guess you wont let me read until I pay attention to you,” Phoenix giggled and jumped up a bit.

“I like bubbles!” He exclaimed loudly.

“I can tell.”

“They don’t taste good though,” Kobe laughed and popped one of the bubbles.

“I’m sure they taste gross,” Phoenix giggled and stuck his tongue out.

“I miss Kai,” he got glum quickly. Kobe found it cute and sad, that the little pup had found his son as someone he cared about so much.

“I miss him too little guy,” Phoenix put his bubble maker on the table and reached up, meaning that he wanted to be picked up. Without hesitation Kobe lifted the little guy and held him in his arms. The pup let out a little whimper, Kobe rubbed his back and held him closer. “Its okay, Kai will be home in a few days, he’ll be perfectly fine, I promise."


I knew I could do it! Here's a new chapter! After about 4 or 5 months...hehe. I hope you liked it!

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