Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

>Phoenix’s POV<

The small boy watched from the second floor, inside Kai’s room, as the older boy kissed Kai. Phoenix felt angry, he didn’t like the new person, he smelled different, a more animalistic smell. The smell that would come off a feral animal, it made the little wolf scarred of him and scarred for Kai.

“Phoenix? What are you doing in Kai’s room?” Kobe asked from the door way. Phoenix looked back with a small frown.

“I don’t like him,” Kobe raised an eyebrow and walked into the room.

“Who don’t you like?”

“Him!” Phoenix pointed out the window towards Kai and the other boy.

“Why don’t you like him?” Kobe asked as he sat down on the bed, patting the little wolf’s leg.

“I just don’t,” the little guy looked up at Kobe and hopped into his lap.

“Well your going to have to start liking him,” Phoenix whimpered and curled up. “He’s going to be staying here for a long time.” The pup got up quickly and walked towards the door. “Where are you going?” Phoenix made his way down the stairs slowly, when he got to the bottom he went to the sliding door and opened it up. He walked outside and growled a bit as he walked up towards the two boys.

“Kai!” Phoenix whined slightly as he got closer, he looked towards the small pup.

“Phoenix do you want to join us?” The pup pouted a bit and stomped his foot.

“Kai,” Phoenix pouted again.

“Come here pup,” Kirin said, patting his leg, Phoenix growled in response. He could feel his wolf coming forwards, trying to protect him if he needed to.

“Phoenix come over here, Kirin won’t hurt you, I promise,” Phoenix looked at Kai then back at Kirin, growling louder. “Oh my god.” Kai got up quickly and charged at the pup, scooping him up into his arms. “That’s enough.” Kai carried him over to the bigger boy and sat down.

Phoenix squirmed and tried to get out of Kai’s hands, growling a bit. He didn’t want to be that close to the odd smelling boy. Kai rubbed the boy’s back trying to get him to calm down.

“Phoenix stop squirming around, Kirin won’t hurt you, I promise,” Kai tried to reassure the small pup. Kirin reached a hand out and stroked the small boy’s head, Phoenix in response growled louder, transforming into his wolf form, he snapped at Kirin’s hand, almost getting him. Kai smacked the pup, growling loudly at him.

“Phoenix don’t do that, that’s very bad,” Phoenix gave a small whimper, pushing back against Kai’s hand, trying to get away. “Phoenix you have to learn to accept Kirin, he isn’t going anywhere.” The small pup didn’t listen though, he was too preoccupied by trying to get away. He felt betrayed by Kai, he was only trying to warn him, he didn’t like how he was hurt for just trying to defend himself. Kai held him firmly, all that Phoenix could do was whimper and try to squirm his way out.

“Kai let go of the pup,” Kobe called out from the open sliding door.

“Dad he has to learn to like Kirin,” Kobe gave a warning growl. “Alright fine.” Kai released the small pup, who quickly ran over to Kobe, going between his legs to get inside. Phoenix hopped up the stairs since he was too small to climb them like he could in his human form. He hopped all the way up until he got to the top, there he quickly scurried into his room. Squeezing underneath the bed he hid there.

Phoenix whimpered and whined a bit, he wasn’t hurt physically, but he was hurt emotionally. He felt betrayed by Kai, the same person who felt like family to him. Phoenix had to remind himself that he wasn’t like them, they were used to living in places where they could survive easily. He had to survive in the wilderness for years, he was used to getting the feel of other creatures in the forest by using his sense of smell, none of them understood that so they didn’t know.

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