Chapter 2

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If anyone was wondering, the flower is a anemone. I put it there since the flower means: Refusal, Abandonment, Forsaken, Estrangement, Expectation, Loneliness, Fading hope, Sickness. So perfect for the book! Enjoy chapter 2!

>little boy's POV<

Chapter 2

He woke up the next morning and crawled out of his new den. His back had completely healed from yesterday, so he decided to do some exploring today. He went to the wolves' den and was met by the invisible force again. He started to bang and push against it. The male came over quickly and seemed to pull on something that made the force go away. The boy walked in hesitantly, the male said something, that was of course lost. The boy only looked up at him, he started to move further into the den, sniffing all the while.

The male watched him for a few minutes, then went into the room that smelled like food. The boy continued to search through their den, it was just so much different from anything he had ever seen before. He finally made it back to the food place, he sniffed out the food, but it was either to high up, or in some tall-shiny-cold-thing. The man was sitting on one of the pieces of wood, the female placed him in yesterday.

He went over to one of them and sniffed it, he then tried to get onto it. He got on top and saw an apple in the middle of the massive piece of wood. The boy reached for it but couldn't get to it, he stood on the thing he was sitting on and reached for it again. His fingers just touched it, he hopped a bit and grabbed a hold of it. He went back to sitting, and started to munch away at the apple.

The female soon came out and said a few things, the boy was to concerned with the apple in hand to take notice to their strange language. He felt a hand ruffle his hair, he rubbed against the hand, then went back to eating the apple. The women and man started to talk to each other, he just ignored them and finished the apple. He placed the apple on the big piece of wood and looked at them both, they smiled at him and the women grabbed the apple and put it in a weird looking thing, when she opened it, the smells hit his nose. It smelled terrible!

He jumped off of the piece of wood and walked back to go outside, he stopped at the weird hill. He could hear a weird and loud nose coming from up there. He started to climb up the hill until he got to the top. The sound was coming from around here, he remembered the chamber closest to him was the chamber he woke up in yesterday. He moved down the tunnel until he came to the entrance of one chamber where the noise was coming from. He looked for a way in, but couldn't find one.

He pawed at the long piece of wood, nothing happened. He noticed a something coming out of the wood. He grabbed it, it was cold to the touch, he pulled on it and it turned a bit. He pulled on it harder, lifting his feet off the ground. The piece of wood moved enough so that he could see into the chamber.

It smelled like the smallest of the three wolves. He dropped to the ground and walked further into the chamber, the sound was the loudest here. The young pup looked on top of the massive bed thing, the youngest was there not moving. He lifted himself up onto the bed, the noise was coming from the youngest. Seeing that the search was over, he jumped down and left the chamber and went back down the weird hill. The women and man were still talking, they stopped when they saw him climbing down the stairs.

The pup smiled and went back out to his new den. He stopped and felt for the force, seeing that it wasn't there he left their den. He ran over to the tree and climbed it. From his new vantage point, he could see more of these weird dens, other people were walking around already. He whimpered a bit at the strange new world he was in.

Some yelling from inside the den brought his attention back. He jumped down and walked slowly into their den. The youngest seemed angry at something, and the female was annoyed. He stayed away from them, thinking a fight would ensue. The male was sitting quietly near them. The young wolf just watched the two of them argue, the women said something, then the youngest turned and looked at the pup. The pup coward at the glare the youngest was giving him.

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