Chapter 5

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Thanks to beastlykiss I have a name for the kid. I hope you all like the name. So this chapter might be a little awkward, but I hope it doesn't feel that way, so here we go!

>Kobe's POV

Chapter 5

Months past by with the little guy. After two he was soon starting to catch what they were saying to him. Whenever Kobe would ask if he wanted to go for a run he would get all exited and run to the door. Likewise for food, Tatiana would yell to everyone that food was ready, the little guy would be the first there sitting up in a chair.

After three, he was starting to say little words, such as: no, yes, food, and den. He would start to answer small questions that the family asked him. The pup would tell them if he was hungry, by simply saying food. Kobe brought in a teacher for him, so that he could learn English better.

During his fourth month he could finally talk in semi-complete sentences, but he could understand everything that Kobe and his family said to one another. Kobe was watching him one day with his teacher, the two of them were looking through a picture book. The little guy yipped and started to point at the page.

"I saw this once," he said in his cute kid's voice.

"I don't think you have, this is a Phoenix," the pup was still looking at the picture of the red hawk.

"No, I saw it!" He declared.

"Was it red?" The teacher asked.


"It was probably a hawk then, they do look similar," the pup giggled and they continued to read the book. Kobe started to think of a name for the pup. The family had been for quite a long time now, but they could never figure one out though. The day passed by slowly for Kobe, but he didn't mind, he was watching the pup learn. The teacher closed the book slowly. "High five," she said, raising her hand, the pup high fived her.

"I want to be a ph...phe...."


"Ya!" He exclaimed and jumped up.

"Well sorry sweetie, but you can't," he started to pout.

"I wantta," he said quietly. Kobe smiled to himself getting up, he walked over to the pup and kneeled down to his height.

"You know that you need a name, yes?" The pup nodded, looking up at the bigger wolf. "Well, how about Phoenix?" The pup's eyes sparkled with happiness.

"Told you I could be!" He exclaimed happily.

"Alright, yes you did," the pup yipped with excitement as he ran up stairs to Kai's room. "He's a hyper little one."

"Ya he is," Kobe felt accomplished with the name he gave the pup, Phoenix.

"The name suits him too," Kobe looked over at her.

"How so?"

"Well one of the meanings of Phoenix, is a person who is remarkable in some aspect," the teacher said, "and he is defiantly remarkable."

"DAD!! Can you tell the pup to leave me alone!? I'm trying to do homework!"

"Phoenix! Come here!" Kobe yelled to the pup, he came running down the stairs.


"Want to go for a run!?" The pup yipped happily and bounded for the front door, Kobe quickly ran after him and closed the door behind him. Both of them changing quickly into their wolves. They sprinted through the neighbourhood and for the forest. Kobe had to stay a trot, since he was faster then Phoenix, by quite a bit. The pup was yipping the whole time, the family would go for runs with Phoenix all the time, and he loved it.

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