Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

>Kai’s POV<

Kai opened his eyes, he couldn’t see a thing, but he could smell his mate. Kirin had tucked Kai right up to his side. Kai nuzzled his mate’s side, slightly blushing with a smile. He had finally found his mate, but he wasn’t sure if it was right, he was an alpha he should be the top. Remembering last night, Kai rubbed his bum which was stinging a little.

A big hand clapped onto his ass and squeezed, Kai giggled and squirmed. “Let go, my bum hurts,” his mate started to rub his ass slowly.

“That better?” Kai nodded and kissed the big bear’s side. “Did you have a good sleep?”

“It was wonderful,” Kai rolled onto Kirin’s stomach and laid down. Kirin rubbed Kai’s head and moved down so he was holding the wolf’s ass again, cupping it with both hands. Kai wiggled up so that he was face-to-face with Kirin, leaning down a bit he gave his mate a kiss, wrapping his arms behind Kirin’s head. Kirin kissed back groping the smaller boy.

“Do you have a pack pup?” Kai smiled at his nickname and nodded his head. “So are you going to stay with me here? Or go back to your pack?”

“I’m on…a trip!” Kai jumped up and started to rummage through the clothes and blanks that had been tossed during their amorous activates the past night. Grabbing his pants he grabbed his phone out of the pocket and checked it. The messages were from his friends that he was with here, then they went to his parents and friends. Going to make a message to them all Kirin came up behind him and licked his neck.

“What you doing?”

“Informing my friends and family that I’m okay and I found my mate,” Kai said raising up a bit and rubbing his back against Kirin. He sent the text explaining that he was okay and that he had found his mate and spent the night there.

“How about we go back to bed and spend some more time there,” Kai nodded his head and grabbed his underwear.

“I’m going home,“ Kirin grumbled a bit and went back onto the bed, grumbling under his breath. Kai pulled his underwear on, and turned to his mate. “Kiry why don’t you come back home with me?”

“Cause I enjoy this house, and I want the bed that we mated on,” Kai smiled and climbed onto the bed.

“Well how about we come back and get your bed and all your stuff and move it all into a new house near my family and we can stay together?” Kirin grumbled and pushed Kai off of him getting up.

“Fine,” Kirin started to put some clothes on, not paying attention to his mate. Kai whimpers and touches the bear’s back.

“Are you mad at me?” Kirin turned on his smaller mate with a small glare.

“Why would I be?”

“That’s exactly what I’m thinking,” the bear turned away from him. “Kirin why are you mad at me?”

“Cause you’re my mate, you should be staying here, with me,” Kirin turned on Kai growling.

“Kirin, I’m an alpha, I need to get back to my pack, and I want you with me,” Kirin growled and shoved the smaller boy on the bed.

“Do you not like me? Is that it!” Kai whimpered.

“No I like you, I love you, you’re my mate, its just I have family and I want to see them,” Kirin leaned down and growled lowly. “I have a little pup back at my house and he really misses me, and I’m sure he’d love you.” Kirin’s face softened up a bit and pulled back pulling on his pants.

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