Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

>Kai’s POV<

Kai sat on his bed watching James doing something with the TV in their room. “Want some help?”

“No I’m good.”

“What are you doing?” James brought his head out form behind the TV to look at his friend.

“I have no idea,” the two boys laughed together.

“Then what are you doing back there?”

“Confusing you, and it seems to be working splendidly,” Kai rolled his eyes at his beta.

“Your getting dusty, that’s what’s happening,” James brushed his hand through his hair and shook off the dust. “I wonder how the pup is doing.”

“I’m sure he’s doing fine, he’s probably getting pampered with your parents.”

“My parents don’t spoil me, if I work then they’ll get me things, the more I do around the pack, the more I’ll get if I ask, of course I have to do a lot,” James shrugged.

“Doesn’t mean the pup isn’t being pampered.”

“Other then his room, he really isn’t, the English teacher doesn’t count though cause he needs that,” James nodded, Kai laid back on the bed and sighed.

“You miss him still though,” James laid down beside his friend.

“I don’t miss him, I’m just wondering if he is doing okay,” James poked his alpha.

“You miss him,” Kai rolled his eyes and ignored James. “That’s so cute! You miss the little guy.”

“I don’t miss him.”

“You miss him,” James continued his assault.

“Your going to miss your hand if you don’t stop,” Kai growled lowly. James poked Kai in the face, moving his cheek, Kai sprung up and pinned his beta underneath him. “Stop. Poking. Me.”

“You know I’m into guys right?” James joked with a laugh.

“Why are you being annoying?”

“Cause I can, why are you pinning me down?”

“Cause you annoying me,” James shrugged and looked up at Kai. “Will you stop poking me now?”

“Nah, once you let me go I’ll continue,” Kai lowered down and growled at James.

“Don’t,” Kai let go of his friend, who started poking him rapidly in the stomach. Kai swatted at James’ hands, which only made James go faster. Kai shoved James backwards and stepped back. “James your really annoying me now, so stop.”

“Oh come on, I’m only playing around.”

“I’m not in the mood,” James smiled brightly.

“Cause you miss the pup?”

“I don’t miss him, now stop,” James shrugged and sprawled across Kai’s bed. “And get off my bed.”

“No, I’m comfy,” James grabbed his pillow and cuddled with it.

“James, come on get off,” James shook his head, nuzzling the pillow.

“Your pillow smells like you and someone else,” James looked at his beta with a smile.

“Its his smell probably.”

“You mean the pup?”

“No, Tristan,” James put the pillow back.

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