My Personal Trainer《BTS JIMIN...

By misshobie

311K 11.8K 9.1K

Please read the authors note (^ω^) Especially if you're Jimin biased~ Most impressive ranking #9 in btsjiminf... More

Author's Note
Chap. 1: Jumped
Chap. 2: Personal Trainer
Chap. 3: First Battle
Chap. 4: The New Jimin
Chap. 5: Truce
Chap. 6: Feelings ╮(╯3╰)╭
Chap. 7: Backfire!
Chap. 8: I'm Over It
Chap. 9: Open Your Eyes
Chap. 10: I Quit
Chap. 11: You what?
Chap. 12: And The Winner Is...
Chap. 13: Same Old Ex
Chap. 14: Paralyzed
Chap. 15: On The Contrary
Chap. 16: I'm Back
Chap. 17: Give Us A Try
Chap. 18: Power Couple
Chap. 19: My Name Is.. ㅠ.ㅠ
Chap. 20: Build Up
Chap. 21: Distracted
Chap. 22: Say That Again?...
Chap. 23: No Bond Whatsoever
Chap. 24: Rematch
Chap. 25: Bullet Wound
Chap. 26: Fading Away
Chap. 27: Almost Broken
Chap. 28: A New Hyung
Chap. 29: A Tall Stranger?
Chap. 30: Mine Forever
Chap. 31: Hidden Secrets
Chap. 32: Truth Revealed
Chap. 33: Wicked Witch
Chap. 34: Heart
Chap. 35: 22nd Anniversary
Chap. 36: 미안해
Chap. 37: Dance Like We're Making Love
Chap. 38: Wrong One
Chap. 39: Missing
Chap. 40: ¡FOUND!
Chap. 41: Shot Down
FINAL CHAPTER: A Second Chance


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By misshobie

-Jina POV-

Jimin was fast asleep this morning along with our son, Milo. I decided to leave for my therapist appointment a little earlier than planned.

Afterwards I'll probably do a little grocery shopping and get home no later than 3pm. Until then I hope my husband doesn't cause any dilemmas, his condition is only getting worse and it's honestly driving me mad.

Sometimes I think of divorcing him... but yet I remind myself it isn't his fault he's like this.

Jimin is sweet, then soft, then aggressive, stubborn, abusive, and the worst person on earth by the end of everyday.

It's no ones fault though. What happened, happened.

I just hope there's a way out, and time for Jimin to recover before it's too late. I mean, our son is deathly afraid of his own father after Jimin tried to hurt us.

Oh god I don't even want to remember that horrid night.

My therapist was on time and he called me in so we can have our session, I took a deep breath and began explaining how my past week had gone.

"What week it's been," I said, "Jimin makes it impossible to even sleep in our own house now. He wakes up crying randomly, or wakes up and walks around the house- but that's not the worst part."

"What is then?" My therapist asked.

I sighed, "He sometimes wakes up and writes down things..."

"What kind of things?"

"Like... as if the Jimin I know is crying out to me." I said as calmly as possible.

My therapist raised an eyebrow, "Do you have evidence of these writings?"

I nodded and handed him the crumbled up papers I had in my hands.

'Caught in a lie
Pull me from this hell
I can't be free from this pain
Save me, I am being punished'

My therapist looked confused, just as confused as I was when I first discovered these notes.

Jimin has a ton of them.

"All of these notes are what your husband has been writing?" My therapist asked.

"..yes. What do you think they mean?"

He read them over again.

'With your sweet smile
Tell me
Tell me like you're whispering in my ear
Don't be like a prey'

'It continues even when I run away
I am caught in a lie'

'Caught in a lie
Find me when I was pure
I can't be free from this lie
Give me back my smile'

He took a deep breath and shaked his head, "I think this may be good...."

My face lit up, "What? Really? Wait how?" I asked anxiously.

"Uhh.. well I'm not sure I'll have to analyze these first. But for now it's appropriate to say that Jimin might be able to recover."

I gasped, "Really?! You're not saying this to hide that he's crazy right?"

He chuckled, "Why would I?"

"Because he--"

"Jina," he interrupted, "I promised you that I will help you bring back your husband no matter the circumstances are." He reminded.

"...but Dr. Lee, it's been over 2 years now. Jimin and I have... well.. this is just a lot to handle." I admitted, "After I survived cancer, I never imagined the toll our lives would take. My son isn't dealing with this situation so well either..." I cried.

Dr. Lee gently placed his hand over mine, "Jina keep it together." He said, "The day you came to me you swore you'd do anything to help your husband, your family. Remember?"

I sniffled, "It's just getting hard to keep that promise Dr. Lee. Especially after all we've been through.... Jimin is just... not him. I mean, first my little brother passes away...and then--"

"But you must remind yourself why Jimin isn't himself, Jina. Don't forget."

"How could I? I remember that night like it was yesterday..."

Dr. Lee leaned back in his seat and folded his hands, "If you don't mind, would you tell me how it all happened again?"

"What? What for?" I asked a bit confused.

"So you can remind yourself why you always come here every Saturday."

"I come here for Jimin and my son." I said.

"For who else?"

I sighed, "..myself."

"Exactly, now act like I know nothing about what happened. Tell me like it's the first time I'm hearing this." He instructed.

"But what if I can't finish it? You know I hate the ending."

"Then keep it to yourself."

I've kept a lot to myself lately, so it isn't a problem.

"..ok." I whispered and leaned down on the sofa and closed my eyes.

I took a deep breath before I started.

I can do this. It isn't like this is the first time I'm telling this horrific event that changed our lives forever.

" all started after my birthday.." I began


Jina had a wonderful birthday celebration the night before. All of her friends were there, even her little brother, Jungkook, was there in spirit. Jimin and his friends had dedicated a song to her as well and as usual, Jina was grateful for the life she's holding on to.

The next morning she woke up in the arms of her husband, Jimin, who she loved more than life itself. Clearly.

Jimin has stayed by her side even while she was fighting cancer, he did whatever he could to help her fight the battle, and they won. Jina was as good as new and it only made their family grow closer than they already were.

That day they had plans to go out camping with their friends Hoseok, and Taehyung. The others couldn't make it because they had lives of their own.

Their son Milo wasn't going to tag along because he thought camping was lame. So he stayed behind despite that Jina was upset. But of course Jimin assured her it'd still be a fun and safe trip.

Jimin and Jina picked up the two pals and they were all on their way.

On a snowy night.

Hoseok: Is it me or is the weather getting worse?

Jimin yawned, "It's you, scared kitten."

Jina giggled.

Taehyung: I can't wait to make a fire. It's my first time making one did you guys know?

Jina: Aww~ you sound so excited.

Taehyung: I am! I never been camping before.

Jimin chuckled, "Are you serious? You've NEVER been camping before?"

Hoseok: Why do you gotta say it like that?

Jina: Yeah why?

Jimin: I'm just asking.

Taehyung: Have you forgotten that I was an orphan? I never had the privilege to go sleep in the dark scary woods.

Jina nudged Jimin, "Yeah. He did. Apologize, babe." She said since she was also an orphan once.

Jimin sighed, "Sorry.."

Taehyung: I'm over it but thanks.

While they drove up the snowy moutain, the car started to bump and shake a little.

Hoseok: Woah! Jimin drive carefully!

Jimin: I am, just relax. There's a few bumps on this road.

Jina looked out the window and noticed something was off about the mountain.

"Jimin, are you sure you're on the right mountain?" She asked.

Jimin: Yes. I've gone camping a bunch of times. I think by now I know where to go.

Jina: I think you made a wrong turn..

Hoseok: Wrong turn?!

Taehyung: That's it. We're all going to die.

Jimin snickered his teeth, "No I didn't? I have the map right here!"

Jina snatched it, "Gimme that." She said and skimmed through it.

Hoseok: Please tell me Jimin is going the right way! I am too young and hot to die!

Taehyung: I don't care if I die. I'll reincarnate.

Jina gasped, "Jimin you did make a wrong turn! We're on the wrong mountain! This mountain is dangerous!"

Hoseok: Fuck. Now I'm scared. Oh my gosh guys I don't want to go camping anymore.

Jimin: Relax, Hoseok! I'm sorry it was my mistake. I'll just turn the car around.

Taehyung: So no camping?

Jimin: Sorry bud. Next time.

Taehyung: *crosses his arms* This is all your fault, Jimin!

Jimin: What?

Jina: Tae stop it. You can't blame Jimin either, it's dark out and it's hard to see. He's just human.

Jimin smiled at his wife.

Hoseok: Can you hurry! I hear something that doesn't sound normal.

Jina: What do you hear?

Taehyung: Oh come on. How dangerous can this mountain be?

Suddenly, the group of friends heard a really terrifying sound of big rocks and pebbles gliding down upon them, it made the car tremble as well.


Everyone gasped.


Everyone began to panic and scream as Jimin made a quick U turn and drove down the mountain full speed.

The horrifying avalanche was right on their tails, unfortunately they couldn't compare to the speed that the rocks were tumbling down with.

They all screamed when they saw a big piece of rock hit the rear end of their car, making Jimin lose the handling.

The car flew off the road of the mountain and everyone inside went into deeper panic. The car was tumbling and crashing down the stiff rocky mountain while they all screamed.

By the time the car came to a stop, everyone was injured and knocked out.


-Jina POV-

"...and then what happened?" Dr. Lee asked as I was telling him my story.

I remained silent as I tried my best to get to the ending.


"I... I uhm.. Jimin.." I whispered.

"Jina wake up now." Dr. Lee said.

My heart raced as I thought about what happened as soon as the car crashed

"Jimin..." I squealed.

"Jina, please. Wake up."

The blood, the bruises, every single moment of that night came rushing through my head.

".. Jimin.." I cried.

Dr. Lee got up and approached me, "Jina, get up."

All I see is the smiling face of my husband before the natural disaster.

Then I see his face afterwards.

It's almost like he was taken from me by an evil twin.


I gasped as I sat up breathing heavily.

Dr. Lee caressed my back, "It's ok, you're alive. All of you are."

I hugged him and cried more.

He embraced me, "Jina, it's ok."

"No it's not." I told him and pulled away, "All of us survived except for Jimin!"


"He's alive but to me he's dead!" I exclaimed.

"Jimin suffered a traumatic brain injury." He reminded.

"WHY?!" I cried hysterically and started hitting my therapist, "WHY HIM!? WHY JIMIN!"

He sedated me, "Jina hold it together!"


The stranger living in my house is a crazy psycho path. All he's doing is sucking the life out of my soul and destroying the beautiful future I once pictured.

My therapist grabbed me and held me tightly as I slowly stopped hitting him and controlled my temper.

"How are you feeling right now?" He whispered.

I sobbed, "....Jimin is gone.."

Dr. Lee sighed and looked me in the eye, he had no words to say. He looked saddened for me.

Before I even thought about continuing, I grabbed my purse and left the office.

During my shopping for groceries, I felt clueless, dumb, empty.

I have no idea what ingredients to take home with me. I don't know what Jimin wants for dinner tonight. Usually he eats whatever I serve him, but lately he's been picky, and rude.

It's like the evil twin takes over his life more and more by the second. My husband is no longer the way he was before...

I miss him.

..Jimin, will you ever come back to me?

Sometimes I like to think that Jimin is trying to communicate with me through the strange notes. I know it's an unusual idea to think of but what are the odds?

Is it even possible?



I turned around and saw Taehyung, approaching me with a soft smile.

Kim Taehyung.

The orphan boy I met when I was just 17, also the boy Jimin was jealous of. Now, he's one of my closest friends I've come to know.

"Hey, what are you doing here?" I asked and hugged him.

He pulled away, "Oh you know. Just getting some dog food for my dog. What brings you here?"

"I'm just grocery shopping for dinner tonight." I said.

"Cool. What do you have in mind?" He asked.

"I was thinking--"

My notification ringtone went off, disrupting my conversations with Taehyung.

I sighed, "One sec."

Taehyung nodded and took a step back so I can check my message.

'From Jimin: Where are you?'

Uh oh. I think he's starting to get impatient. Yet again, I don't know if he's asking because he's worried, or upset.

I didn't reply and put my phone away a bit annoyed.

"Everything ok?" Taehyung asked.

"No. You know how things are." I told him and continued to roam around the market.

He walked beside me, "Any improvement?"

"Ha. I wish." I said, "Unfortunately no. No improvement at all."

"Not even a little?" He asked.

When he asked that I thought about the notes and what Dr. Lee said.

"...well there might be a little improvement but I'm not sure yet."

His eyes lit up, "Really? Oh that's great news!"

"I don't know if it is, Tae." I said and looked at him, "Never within the time I've been with Jimin, did I think I'd ever be miserable with him."


"I'm miserable living with Jimin. I wish he had never gotten a brain injury. IT SUCKS." I admitted.

Taehyung got startled.

"Yeah. I said it. It fucking sucks to have a husband who literally forgot EVERYTHING. He doesn't remember who I am sometimes. Not even his son! He's a complete stranger to me." I continued.

Taehyung looked a bit surprised hearing my confession.

"...sometimes I wish I had died of cancer so I wouldn't be trapped in this misery."

"Ok stop right there." Taehyung spoke up, "In case you've forgotten, you AND Jimin, both had to deal with Serena Song."

My eyes widen slightly.

"Remember, Serena Song? The crazy bitch that nearly killed you both? The girl who caused you to get a heart donation? The one that made me kidnap Jung--"

"I don't need to be reminded about everything." I muttered.

"Yeah, that hoe." He said, "You forget that before all these issues, SHE was your main issue. And she was fucking scary."

"What are you trying to say?" I asked.

"Basically, you and Jimin have made it past the craziness already. This shouldn't be anything new.

I scoffed, "Well, in case YOU'VE FORGOTTEN, you were in that tragedy with US. You nearly died. Remember?"

He chuckled, "But I'm alive. I thanked mother nature for sparing my life. I moved on."

"Easy for you to say. You didn't forget half your life." I argued, "Do you even know what Jimin forgot?"


"Exactly. He forgot about ME. He thinks I'm dead sometimes. He gets awful hallucinations that make him very sad. Jimin is slowly turning into a monster, Taehyung. I am trying to do anything I can to prevent that. I don't want to give up on him because..." my voice cracked.

Taehyung frowned, "Jina..."

I covered my face and held in my tears, "'s just so fucking hard.."

My best friend pulled me into a tight hug and took a deep breath. I hugged him back as I burried my face in his chest.

"...I know." He said, "I'm sorry.."

"It's ok.." I said as my voice trembled.

Taehyung had nothing more to say. After I calmed down, I said goodbye and headed home.

Jimin was watching t.v. when I arrived, he didn't say hello or even waste a glance on me. He simply acted like I wasn't there.

Once I reached the kitchen I began to prepare dinner, I did look back at Jimin a few times just to check on him, but when I looked back a fourth time..

He was standing right in front of me.

I gasped and jerked back, "Jesus christ Jimin, you scared me."

Jimin blankly stared at me for a few seconds and then took a bite of his apple.

"...I'm making your favorite. In case you're wondering." I said.

He chewed as he stared into my eyes.

Those eyes used to be the eyes I admired, now they're the ones I fear.

"Jina." He said.

Every time he says my name, it doesn't excite me like it used to.

"Yes, Jimin." I said.

"Dr. Lee called." He told me.

"Oh. What did he say?" I asked.

"Nothing. I hung up."


Jimin harshly threw his apple to the ground, I didn't flinch or anything, I just stood there. Ready to fight in case he tried to hurt me again.

"Are you seeing another man? Who the fuck is Dr. Lee?" He asked angrily.

Ok, before I take this any further, I must remind myself to use my words carefully. Otherwise this could end ugly.

I gulped, "Jimin, Dr. Lee is my therapist. You've met him before remember? We went together to cope with our trauma--"

"I don't remember shit. Why are you cheating on me? What did I do?" He asked.


"Just tell me what I did wrong. I'll fix it! I can be better just for you."

This is heartbreaking, I know he tries but as much as he does, nothing gets resolved.

"Jimin I'm not seeing another man." I assured, "You're the only man I need in my life.."

"Are you sure?" He asked and held my hand.

No. But if I say no, you'll get worse. It's like we're both caught in this lie.

"Of course." I said and hugged him, "You're my everything."

I held in my tears. As much as I think I've fallen out of love for him, deep down in my heart I know I love him unconditionally.

Jimin smiled and hugged me back gently, "You're my everything too, Jina. I think I'd die if I was to lose you."

I hugged him tighter, "Don't you say that. I'm not going anywhere ok? I'm here. With you."

He kissed my neck and nodded, "I know. I haven't been the best lately but here you are.... I feel so far away, yet you always come my way. It repeats all over again."

I pulled away and looked at him, "..what did you just say?"

Our eyes locked, "I am still the same person I was before. I am here, the same person I was from before, but an overgrown lie is trying to swallow me whole."


"Save me, Jina. I'm being punished." He nearly cried.

"Save you from what? Jimin I don't--"

Suddenly he let go of me. I remained silent as I witnessed his expression change right before my eyes.

"Why do you keep lying to me?" He asked a bit aggressively.

"No one's lying to you, Jimin." I said as calmly as possible.

"No? Hmm. Well what a shame. You're lying!" He yelled and pushed me.

"Jimin don't put your hands on me!" I warned.

Milo walked in suddenly and gasped, "Mom? Dad?"

"Go to your room, sweetie." I said, "Mom and Dad are just--"

My son ran and put himself in front of me.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"You're not going to hit Mom, Dad." Milo said.

My heart beated against my chest. This reminds me of the days my little brother Jungkook used to defend me from Jimin.

It's only making me more insane.

Jimin smiled, "Aww... look! Milo is trying to be the next Jungkook."

"Jimin don't say his name." I told him.

"Dad you need to stop." Milo told him, "What the fuck is wrong with you?"

"Do you really want to know what the FUCK is wrong with ME?" Jimin screamed and threw my son out of my way.

"MILO!" I cried and glared at Jimin, "You fucking psycho! You swore you'd never hurt our son!"

"Well how was I supposed to remember!? I'm fucking sick!" He said and grabbed my wrist.

"Jimin I'm warning you." I said as I stared him down, "You don't want to do this. I will fuck you up."

He laughed and yanked me closer toward him, "Look at you! Trying to hide your fear."

"I'm NOT scared of you." I told him.

"Lie." He said and let go of my wrist, "You know damn well you are."

Our son Milo sat up and stared at his Father with eyes filled with fear.

"Jimin stop." I begged.


"..because this isn't you."

"Then who am I?" He asked, "Am I more than a famous kick boxing champion? Tell me."

My heart was racing so fast it almost hurt, but I tried my hardest to remain calm.

Jimin smirked, "You know? I wonder how long it's going to take you to accept the fact that the love we once had died out. It burned. It's not there anymore."

Tears welled up in my eyes, " don't mean that."

"And how do you know? I mean, you're going around seeing other men."

"For the last time, I am not." I reassured.

"Heh. Just keep lying to yourself Jina. Why don't you leave? Why is it taking you forever to divorce me once and for all? You won't have to deal with me anymore."

I've had enough of this. For some reason, what he just said striked a nerve in me. I know the real Jimin would never want that to happen, it's time for this evil twin of his to go.

"Well? Got anything to say? Or are you thinking of another lie to throw at me?" Jimin asked.

"The one lying to themselves is you, Jimin." I argued, "You're the one who can't seem to wake the fuck up and remember that the only person who has been down for you since day one is STILL HERE."

He raised an eyebrow.

"When are you going to accept the fact that you're fucked for the rest of your life?" I said, "Do you really think I would ever lie to you? What makes you think such a thing?"

"That doctor called--"

"Jimin you suffer from PTA. Do you know what that means?" I asked.

My husband suddenly grew furious.

"Post Traumatic Amnesia." I reminded, "You forgot about half your fucking life, including your family. Yet here I am, being the loyal wife I swore to be towards you."

Jimin couldn't find words to say.

I chuckled, "So who's the liar again?"

My husband looked away from me.

I didn't say a word as I watched him closely.

He seemed to be crying silently, as if he's realizing something.

Should I be concerned?

" remind me of my wife."

My sons eyes widen, "Dad?"

Oh no. Not this.


"She was my fallen angel..." he began, "My savior, my friend. We went through so much together before she... died of cancer.."

"I'm right here." I cried and turned him around, "Jimin I didn't die. I survived. You helped me fight it. Remember?"

Jimin was crying, his eyes and his nose were red, "Jina... Jina why are you torturing me like this?"

I cried, "Jimin stop this!"

"You stop!" He cried, "Why do you have me caught up in a lie?"

I shaked my head and put my hands over my ears, "Stop! What lie?! This is crazy!"

"Why are we suffering?" Jimin cried and held both my wrist, "Tell me! Tell me why!"

"Jimin just stop! How many times are we going to go over this?" I asked him, crying hysterically.

"Just come back to me!" He begged.

"I can't!" I yelled and pushed him off me, "I can't do this anymore! I'm done going over the same shit again! Every single day we relive the same nightmare!"

"What are you talking about?" He cried.

I pushed him aside and ran for it, I don't know where I was running to but I didn't look back.

My husband cried out to me but I still didn't look back, I wanted to escape from him.


Jina had officially hit her breaking point, as did Jimin.

Jimin didn't hesitate and ran after his wife, he ran after her because he wasn't going to lose her again. Or so as he thought.

As it was said, after the accident they got in to, Jimin suffered a brain injury and half his memory was gone.

Jimin sometimes forgets that Jina didn't die, he believes she's always with him in spirit. Which can definitely drive someone mad after a while.

Poor Jina can't take much more.

All she could do was run.

Her husband, Jimin, stopped running once he saw a car ready to run over his wife.

"JINA!" He screamed at the top of his lungs

His wife immediately stopped and turned around to look at her husband, she completely stood oblivious to the car that drove by behind her. She didn't get hit.

However, Jina saw a car going for Jimin. Before she could even cry out to him, he was hit.

"JIMIN!" Jina cried at the top of her lungs.

Was this unfortunate? Or for the best?

Jimin was immediately rushed to the hospital, and once again everyone was in panick. Especially Jina, this time she was in doubt, this time she really thought she was going to lose Jimin.

But perhaps not?


-Jimin POV-

I suddenly woke up and found myself in a white room, everything was white, even my clothes were white. My hair was nearly white but it was blonde...

Where am I?

"Hey, Jimin."

I gasped.

That voice... it's..

"Jungkook.." I whispered and slowly turned around.

He was smiling at me, just like he used to.

If I can see him, then that means..

My eyes widen, " I... dead?"

He giggled, "No."

Jungkook would've been around his twenties by now, it's been years since he passed.

"You're just in a temporary coma." Jungkook told me, "But you'll awake soon."

"What happened to me?" I asked.

"Hm? You don't know?" He asked.

I shaked my head no.

Jungkook sighed, "Well... you got hit by a car."

"And I'm alive?!" I asked, "How did I get hit?"

"Does it matter?" He asked.

"Yes!" I said and suddenly remembered something.

The avalanche.

The tragedy.

My wifes smile before I disappeared.

Everything is coming back to me quickly, it's so fast I can't process it all in a second.

But for some reason, I can hear Jina? She's crying...

"Jungkook where's Jina?" I asked.

"I knew you'd ask. Follow her voice." He said and started to walk away.

"What? Wait!"

"You put your family through a lot of pain, Jimin." He told me, "When you wake up, all we be forgiven and you'll be free."

"Free?" I retaliated, "Free from what?"

Jungkook noticed that I really didn't know what was going on, instead of explaining, he simply smiled and said, "The lie."



"She saved you. You won't be punished anymore." Jungkook said.

"How is this making sense to me?" I asked.

"Go, before it's too late." Jungkook said and turned around.

"Where are you going?" My voice echoed.

Jungkook descended into the white light, and then everything went black. I felt like I was floating in air, being taken to another universe.

All I can hear is Jina screaming, Milo crying, a loud beep, it was crucial.

But not as crucial as the pain I suddenly felt in my chest.

I screamed really loud it hurt my throat.

At last...

I'm free from this Lie.


-Jina POV-

After work I went to visit Jimin in the hospital.

Ever since the car accident I've been seeing him in a coma everyday, hoping he'll wake up soon but... the doctors continuously tell me he has no chance of making it this time.

When Jimin got hit by the car, he flew into the air and landed dead.

His eyes were open..

All I remember afterwards was doing anything possible to save him.

I feel like I failed him.

I'm sorry Jimin, I'm sorry my love, but this Lie we live isn't working for me anymore.

You were always there for me, and you did anything to save me, but now I think it's time we let go.

This is harder than it is but... Jimin I cannot continue living this lie that came out of no where.

I feel trapped, I feel like I'm wasting time.

I know you would want me to do this. I don't want to but.. I can't keep hurting us like this.

Again, I'm very sorry my love.

May you Rest In Peace.

I took a deep breath and looked at the doctor that stood beside me, "Let him go. It's for the best.." I said as my voice cracked.

The doctor looked a bit stunned, "You're not gonna think about it? This is Park Jimin we're talking about."

I looked at him dead in the eye, "My husband has been long gone even before the accident. Cut him off."


"I've made my decision, now do your job."

The doctor seemed hesitant, but he sighed and nodded.

I looked down at the floor as he walked over to Jimin's bed and started to shut off the machine that kept him alive.

A very strong, cold, hard feeling overwhelmed my once warm and kind heart. I held in my tears and forced myself to move on and stick with my decision.

The beeping sound that signifies his heart beat stopped beating every second and made a loud beep sound that literally drained out my soul from this earth.

My eyes were swelling up in tears.

The doctor left without a word and closed the door behind him.

I can't even turn around

He's gone..


The boy I saved long ago, the boy I turned into a man, the boy who sacrificed everything for me, the boy I fell in love with is now... gone.

I sobbed and covered my mouth.

Tears streaming down my cheeks.

What have I done?

Why did I just..

...kill him.

"Jimin I'm so sorry.." I cried and dropped to my knees.

"I'm sorry!" I screamed and cried hysterically.

I'm taking this to my grave. I'll never be the same after this.

I cried and cried until I couldn't feel anything anymore, the sad reality of my life was eating me alive.

Why does this hurt? Why does death exist?

Why couldn't we escape the Lie sooner?


Someone crouched down beside me and hugged me as tight as they could.

I cried and covered my face, "I can never escape this lie.."


Now I'm hearing things.

"Just go away." I cried.

"Jina I'm still here."

I stopped crying.

My body is shaking.

"I'm awake."

This can't be.

I'm dreaming.

Ever so slowly I lifted my head and locked eyes with the one and only love of my life.

Park Jimin

I gasped and dropped backwards.

Jimin rose to his feet in his hospital gown.

"J..Jimin?!" I exclaimed.

"Jina.." he whispered in a whimper, "Jina I'm back.. it's me.. the real me."

I couldn't believe my eyes. I couldn't believe anything that was happening.

"Jimin I-- you're dead." I said.

"No." He said, "Jina I don't know how this is possible or why I'm alive but.. it's me. I'm free. I escaped the lie."

The lie..

I slowly rose to my feet but didn't approach him just yet.

Jimin stood a few feet away from me, staring at me intensely trying to figure out what I'm thinking.

This is a little frightening.

Jimin took one step toward me as did I.

I feel like I'm going crazy but if this is real then I honestly can't deny the fact that I'm overwhelmed in a good way.

It's so strange.

Jimin and I stood centimeters away from each other and stared into each other's eyes for a few seconds.

His gaze is soft and his eyes dilated as they stared into mine, we both softly smiled.

I caressed his cheek gently, "Are you really back?" I asked softly.

Jimin held my hand against his cheek and nodded, "Yes Jina, I'm back. I'm sorry it took me forever.." he said as his voice cracked.

I couldn't help but sob and pull him into a hug.

Jimin embraced me and cried with me.

The doctor walked back inside and nearly screamed his heart out.

Everyone soon couldn't believe that Jimin woke up, that he didn't die.

Neither could I but.. I guess miracles do happen.


As time went on, Jimin got back into boxing to continue his career while Jina stood by his side the whole 9 yards.

Their son Milo was soon to follow into his fathers foot steps after high school.

No one, including Jina, expected Jimin to EVER get his life, and family back.

Everyone was sure that he was just another unfortunate soul.

Though there were other plans for him.

Once Jimin became world wide champion, Jina announced that she was pregnant.

A huge celebration was thrown and Jimin couldn't have been any more happier to be alive.

It's like once he returned, everything went to back to being the way it was.

Was there an angel to thank?

Indeed there was

Jeon Jungkook was their guardian angel, and it was he who watched over his sister and Jimin the entire time.

It was also him who caused the tragic accident which caused Jimin to fall into a coma, but who could blame him? He was only trying to help.

Now he will in no doubt watch over their new baby, who turned out to be a boy.

Jina gave birth to a baby boy and named him after her beloved Little Brother, Jungkook.

Jungkook Jr. was a blessing to the family, and a sign that good things would come their way.

Miracles do happen, but they're rare. As for Jimin and his family, a miracle is a huge blessing.

Who would've thought?

"You and I are a mircale.
A myth.
A legacy.
We are forever."

•• THE END ••

Authors Note • Ok READ here, I've gotten countless request to make a book 2. I know many of you desperately want me to continue this, but you know what? I don't think I can because as much as I try to think of a way to continue this, it's almost impossible. Im not gonna lie to you guys and myself and put out a story that will most likely lose its plot. I want to put a part 2 but it's gonna have to be way better than the first book :'(

I mean.. if y'all want a book 2 so bad leave some ideas :,D I promise to credit all of you <33

Deal? No? Ok..

Thanks for reading!

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