Camellia Flower ● E.D

By dolanstyqe

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[completed] "Yeah. He's a bad boy, but when he smiles I only see the good in him." Camellia's Dad works in Ca... More

Chapter One ; Room 104
Chapter Two ; Wake Up Call
Chapter Three ; Short Shorts
Chapter Four ; New Daddy
Chapter Five ; Strike One
Chapter Six ; Treehouse
Chapter Seven ; 'Magic'
Chapter Eight ; Left off
Chapter Nine ; Bruises
Chapter Eleven ; Second Nature
Chapter Twelve ; Boyfriend
Chapter Thirteen ; Bad Boy
Chapter Fourteen ; Stay
Chapter Fifteen ; A letter
Chapter Sixteen ; Blood
Chapter Seventeen ; Camellia Flower

Chapter Ten ; Isolation

2.1K 57 26
By dolanstyqe

The rest of the day was a cycle of Ethan and I giggling at stupid jokes and stories. We played twenty questions and I learned more about him today than ever.

By the time it got to five o'clock Ethan needed a piss, so we both decided we would go back to the cabin and then go to the canteen for dinner. He jumped off the tree and I jumped off after him, into his arms. As soon as we got to the end of the trees we had to go different ways, no one could see us together. Ethan gave me a kiss on the cheek and gestured for me to walk out in front of him, I smiled and did so, he slapped my butt as I walked by and I turned around and raised an eyebrow at him. "What? Those yoga pants do wonders", he smirked

When we both got back to the cabin Ethan went into the bathroom whilst I sat down on my bed and opened up my laptop and a big bag of cheese balls I had in my drawers. Ethan came back in and looked at me, "are you not coming for dinner?" he asked.

"No, I'm not hungry enough", I mumbled through the handful of cheese balls in my mouth.

Ethan giggled and lay down in bed beside me, "Neither", he said as he reached for a handful of cheese balls.

"Movie?" I asked.

"Yeah sure", he replied, "this laptop is so cool".

"Have you never seen an MacBook before?" I laughed.

"They weren't released before I was in here".

"Oh. Well what movie do you wanna watch?"

"You pick, you probably know all the good movies", Ethan said as we both shuffled down the bed and laid against the bedpost.

I rested the laptop on my knee and found The Fault In Our Stars on some website. We were both pretty quiet the whole way through the movie, until it got nearer to then end and Hansel got sick. I started to cry even though I'd seen the movie a million times, I felt Ethan's hand slip into mine and squeeze it tightly.

When the titles started to roll and it had reached the end of the movie I looked up to Ethan, his eyes were glistening and his lips were quivering to hold back his tears. He looked down at the tear rolling down my cheek and rubbed it away with his sleeve, "babe, it's only a movie".

"Are you telling me or yourself?" I laughed at him.

"I'm not crying-" Ethan was interrupted by a firm knock on the door.

"Get under the bed", I whispered as I climbed out of bed and pushed him under. I opened the door to my Dad standing with a frown.

"Why weren't you at dinner?" He asked sternly.

"Not hungry", I shrugged as I pointed to the bag of cheese balls on the bed.

"Hm", he replied as he looked around my room, "Well the boys are waiting outside for you".

"Tell them to come in", I said as I tried to close the door on him. Dad nodded and left the room, I shut the door and crouched under the bed to see Ethan balled up in the furthest corner.

"Thank fuck he didn't see me", he sighed as he squirmed out.

"Well all the boys are coming in now so you need to go into your room", I told him as I ushered him out of the room.

Ethan pecked my lips and ran down the corridor and into his room just as the boys marched through the front door with Grayson at the front. Grayson looked at me with raised eyebrows and a smirk, he probably seen Ethan come out of my room and thought we'd been doing something dirty.


"Good night baby", Ethan said smoothly as he kissed the top of my head and held onto my waist. I smiled back at him and watched him as he walked to my room door. I've been here for nearly two weeks and I can officially say I'm in love with this boy. Everything he does makes me want to kiss him, but I can't. Only Grayson knows we're 'together'.

Ethan had just opened my door to leave when the cabin door flung open and boots marched up the hall, "Ethan Dolan?!" A deep and unknown voice hollered.

I scrambled to the door to see a middle aged, tall, broad, man standing in navy uniform in front of Ethan. The boys door was open and they were all watching as everyone stared at him in confusion.

The man grabbed Ethan's arms and held them behind his back, "What the fuck are you doing?" Ethan shouted. I reached out to Ethan's hands to help him but the man pushed me away.

"Ethan is being moved to an isolation room for having intimate relationships with Officer's", the man said. My heart stopped. Ethan's being moved? How did anyone find out about Ethan and I? I felt like I was going to be sick, my head hurt and my stomach had those bad butterflies bouncing around.

The boys door creaked open even more, I looked to it and Grayson was standing at the door staring at me with sad eyes, he mouthed sorry. I felt my face rush and turn red with anger. What the fuck reason did Grayson have to tell anyone about his brother and I? I charged at Grayson and banged my fist on his chest, I hit him again and again but he hardly flinched. Tears started rolling down my cheeks as I screamed at Grayson, "WHY THE FUCK WOULD YOU TELL ANYONE?", I gasped, "WHAT DID I DO TO YOU?"

Grayson grabbed my fist and clenched his jaw, "your Dad bribed it out of me, he knew something was going on".

"YOU FUCKING TOLD HIM?" Ethan shouted from the bottom of the corridor.

"I'm sorry, I couldn't help it", Grayson said.

"WELL THANKS MAN", Ethan spat as the man dragged him out of the cabin.

"ETHAN!" I shouted and ran to the door, but it was shut in my face harshly. Ethan looked back to me and mouthed, I love you. My stomach ached, I rested my back against the door frame and slid down it, I scrunched myself into a ball and started crying like a baby that was sent to the naughty corner.

I sat in the corner for what felt like years. The boys went to their room to go to bed and the cabin was left in silence, apart from the snorts coming from me trying not to cry. My eyes stung and my throat was painful. I pulled myself up from the corner and wandered into my room, I sat on my bed with my jeans and shirt on and stared at my wall in complete shock.


"Camellia? Camellia wake up", Dad's voice said. I shot my eyes open, Dad is standing over my bed with his arms folded. "We need to talk".

"Sure fucking right we do," I snapped as I sat up in bed, still wearing my clothes from yesterday. "Where the fuck is Ethan?"

"Ethan is spending time in isolation", he said.

"Are you shitting me? I know he's in isolation, where the fuck is it?" I folded my arms.

"Camellia stop cursing at me. You don't need to know where isolation is, you won't be seeing him".

"Well, I need to see him" I complained bluntly.

"He's in there for a reason".

"Are you kidding? I'M THE FUCKING REASON DAD", I shouted.

"And that's exactly why you are to go no where near him".

Dad was starting to piss me off. Why is he so oblivious to his own daughters feelings? Why can he not understand? "I LOVE HIM", I shouted. We were both taken aback by my comment, Dad stared at me as his eyebrows furrowed even closer together.

"Camellia, you can't love a boy like that".


Dad looked at me with disappointed eyes. He left the room and slammed the door closed, I heard him kick the wall outside in anger.

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