Colby Brock Imagines | REQUES...

By Ellie_Writes143

844K 17.1K 8.5K

Enjoy this collection of Colby Brock Imagines!❤ More

#1 | Colby Brock...Jealous?
#2 | Another Girl?
#3 | Just A Bad Dream (Colby)
#4 | Finally More Than Friends
#5 | Detention!
#6 | The Morning After
#7 | Angry Makeup Sex?
#8 | Adventures with Colby
#9 | Texting & Driving
#10 | Birthday Cake
#11 | Colby's New Girl
#12 | Mickey Ears
#13 | Make You Feel Better
#14 | Meet My Mom
#15 | You Owe Me A Drink
#16 | Scary Movie & Chill
#17 | Under The Table
#18 | That Time Of The Month
#19 | Labels
#20 | Nightmares
#22 | ICU's And Waiting Rooms (pt.1)
#23 | ICU's And Waiting Rooms (pt.2)
#24 | Shooting Star
#25 | 6am
#27 | Call 911 Now (pt.1)
#28 | WYD To Me?
#29 | Cigarette Smoke
#30 | Video Games
#31 | Bad Boy Meets Shy Girl
#32 | Brownies With Bae
#33 | Dinner Gone Wrong (pt.1)
#34 | Dinner Gone Wrong (pt.2)
#35 | Chill Out
#36 | The Lunch Room
#37 | Airplane Mayhem
#38 | His Ex
#39 | Please Change
#40 | Do It For The Vlog (pt.1)
#41 | Do It For The Vlog (pt.2)
#42 | Stressed Out
#43 | Sunday Candy
#44 | Cramps
#45 | Sorry Sam
#46 | Sorry Sam (pt.2)
#47 | Sneaking In (TFIL)
#48 | Hide In The Closet
#49 | Ouija Board (pt. 1)
#50 | Ouija Board (pt.2)
#51 | Peanut Butter & Jealous
#52 | Prank Gone Wrong
#53 | Long Nights
#54 | Life's A Beach
#55 | No Reply
#56 | No Reply (pt.2)
#57 | The Haunted & The Haunting
#58 |The Haunted&The Haunting(pt.2)
#59 |The Haunted&The Haunting(pt.3)
#60 | It's Time
#61 | Kidnapped In NY
#62 | Kidnapped In NY (pt. 2)
#63 | Kidnapped In NY (pt. 3)
#64 | 18 & Pregnant?
#65 | Guys My Age
#66 | Stargazing
#67 | Gangs & Guns
#68 | Gangs & Guns (pt.2)
Woah I'm Alive?
#69 | Gangs & Guns (pt.3)
#70 | Bet On Me
#71 | Sleepy Sunsets

#21 | Noises In The Woods (pt. 1)

12.2K 209 127
By Ellie_Writes143

Hi guys! This is Part 1 of Noises In The Woods!

Anyway... Vote, comment, and check out the imagine's song!

{Your POV}

Finally, after working our asses off for months, we decided to go camping. Sam, Katrina, Colby, and I, all started unloading the car as soon as we arrived at our camp site.

It was beautiful. We were completely isolated from the city and even the nearest main road was 30 minutes out from the forrest. As Sam and Colby set up our tents, Katrina and I began to look for the perfect campfire spot. Soon, the sky began to darken, the trees covered most of the sunset, and it was no longer shining down on us.

About an hour later, everything was set and the flames began to provide heat and delicious S'mores. We sat around the campfire and for the first time in what seemed like forever, we caught up and talked about life.

"Guys, honestly I'm really glad we did this. It's been a while since we all got together without the pressure of social media." Sam said, building his s'more.

"Yeah, I didn't think I'd be having this much fun without phone reception." I said.

"Right? Like, I haven't even touched my phone since it died earlier. And I couldn't care less either." Colby said, lighting his marshmallow on fire and waving it around as everyone laughed.

Moments later, "Guys! Did you hear that?" Katrina yelled as we all shifted our attention to the darkness of the woods. Frightened, she moved closer to Sam, hiding behind him.

"Relax, there's lots of animals around. We're in the middle of the Forrest, Kat." Sam comforted her. Almost as if on queue, the noise started up again, making me grab onto Colby's arm.

"There it is again!" Katrina tried to use her marshmallow on a stick as a weapon. Colby stood up and walked towards the noise, with a flashlight in his hand.

"Be careful, babe!" I whisper yelled, sitting by Kat and hiding behind her and Sam.

"It's probably just a squirrel, it'll be fine." Sam said to us girls as I noticed Colby squinting his eyes into the path guided by his flashlight.

I wanted to believe Sam, but something about it seemed off. I mean, this night had gone perfectly and exactly as planned. It was just too good to be true and something had to go wrong, right?

"I don't know, it doesn't sound like a squirrel to me." Kat said as Colby returned to his seat, his brows furrowed. I sat by him again, trying not to read too much into his expression.


It was now 12:21 and as the night went on, everything seemed to be back to normal.

"Hey, babe, I need to pee." Colby patted my thigh.

"Okay?" I said, not getting the hint that he clearly just wanted some alone time with me.

"So... You wanna come, or should I just get eaten by bears alone?" He joked.

"Ohh! Yeah, sure, let's go pee!" I got up excitedly as Sam and Kat laughed, catching on.

As we walked through the woods, darkness began to wrap itself around us, making me feel uncomfortable. The farther we walked, the more scared I got. I held tighter and tighter onto Colby's hand, until he realized something was up.

"You're not afraid, are you?" He came around behind me, stopping us as he put his hands on my hips. "You know what's funny?" He wrapped his arms around my waist, still standing behind me.

"What?" I asked.

"Someone could literally jump out of the woods right now and kill us... And no one would even be able to hear our screams." Colby said, his cold, minty breath hitting my neck.

I spun around, gasping. "Shut up!" I glared, causing him to smirk. "You have a dark mind." I said to him as he pulled me close, allowing for our body heat to keep us alive.

He grabbed my face and kissed me, sending chills down my spine. I trailed my lips down to his jawline, and towards his neck. From the corner of my eye, I could see him make that same squinty-eyed facial expression towards the trees and darkness. I quickly stopped and looked up at him, seeing his face dripping with concern.

"It was nothing. L-lets go, alright?" He grabbed my hand tightly, keeping me as close to him as possible on our way back to the campsite.

We spoke nothing of it and saw that since Sam and Katrina were in their tent, maybe we should get some rest in our's too.

"Are you okay?" I asked, worried as we laid in our tent with blankets protecting us from the cold.

"Yeah, I just have a lot on my mind, that's all." He said, turning away from me. I wasn't convinced, but I wasn't about to start an argument now. Besides, it was almost 1 in the morning and we were exhausted.

A couple hours later, I woke up to the same strange noises again. It was still dark and freezing cold outside. "Colby, babe, wake up."
I said, turning to face him.

There was only one problem.

Colby wasn't there.

I opened the tent, running outside as I frantically looked all around me, at my surroundings.


No one.

My breathing became rapid, and my temperature dropped. I shook, desperate to find Colby. I didn't know how to react. My body let out an incredibly loud scream, waking everybody else up.



Make sure you vote and leave a comment!

Updated author's note: will be posting a part two soon. 👀


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