Bound By Blood


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14 Year old scottish girl Eilsa witnessed her parents brutle killing and now was living in an orphanige, unti... More

Bound by blood.
Chapter 1 - Eilsa's Story
Chapter 2 -Tom's story
Chapter 3 - Difficult Eilsa.
Chapter 4 - Going to a new home.
Chapter 5 - Finding Loki
Chapter 6 - Meeting Russell
Chapter 7 - Grumpy Grown ups
Chapter 8 - Change
Chapter 10 - Skip school
Chapter 11 - Tears start to fall.
Chapter 12 - Different Opinuns
Chapter 13 - Forgiveness
Chapter 14 - Can I trust?
Chapter 15 - Scottish tricks
Chapter 16 - An ounce of memory.
Chapter 17 - Unwanted Aloneness
Chaoter 18 - Frustration
Chapter 19 - Run
Chapter 20 - Lost and Found
Chapter 21 - She's Unbelievable
Chapter 22 - Trust
Chapter 23 - Airport
Chapter 24 - Fight the Fear
Chapter 25 - Meeting the Avengers... Cast
Chapter 26 - Just Doodling Spiderman
Chapter 27 - Run
Chapter 28 - Losing all demonds

Chapter 9 - Jonny

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Ok ok chapter 9, with the lovly Jonny played by Jonny Depp, but when jonny depp played Wade walker from cry baby. Pic on side. I know hot right <3 Ok so speling not to great towards the end, so if you dont understand anything then just comment below. I will be continuing from the last point because it was getting to long in comparesent to the other chapters. So bare with and Enjoy.... 


Chapter 9 - Jonny

Eilsa's POV.

"Don't wake up, wont wake up, can't wake up, no no don't wake me up." My alarm went of. I unlocked my iPod and switched of the alarm.

Arg. I got up but then imediantly sat back down again because of the haziness. After I regained balance I slowly stood up and walked to my closet. I decided on wearing ripped black jeans and a black button up t-shirt, I rolled the sleeves up and looked in the mirror.    

For some reason the school didn't have a uniform, well at least I didn't think it did.

There was a sudden knock at the door which made me jump a bit, I walked over to the door and opened it with a sigh.

"Yeah?" I asked Tom who was standing in the doorway with some clothes in his hand.

"Here's your uniform." He said in a sleepy voice.

"Oh great." I said sarcastically, I was so happy before I had to where this, what even is this?

I closed the door on Tom who was holding his head as if he had a headache. I heard heavy foot steps walking away so I decided to put on the clothes.

It was a white shirt with a tie which I hung around my shoulders. I left my ripped jeans on, I'm not wearing a skirt, ever. I put on my leather jacket and batman convers. 

I quickly walked out my bedroom door and through the hallway, I didn't want I talk to Tom, he should have talked to me about the school first.

"What do you want for bre-" Tom started but I walked out the front door and slammed it shut.

I walked down the street, the hard rain smashing down on to my leather jacket, where had Tom got to, normally he would come after me. Argh why do I care.

Just then a black car that looked familiar started to slow and drive beside me. The window of the car got rolled down.

"Get in the car." A stern voice which I recognised to be Tom said.

I ignored the car and kept walking forward not wanting to be in the same car with him.

"Hey pretty lady, where you heading?" A strange man asked who was walking towards me.

Oh god what was he wanting. Toms car suddenly stopped and Tom go out in a hurry he grabbed my arm and pulled me towards the car and away from the stranger, he opened the car door and shoved me in, Tom quickly got into the other side after yelling at the stranger for being a pedophile.

"Why did you walk out?" He asked.

"Because." I answered staring out the window in boredom.

"Come on, tell me." Tom pleaded pulling my shoulder so I would look at him.

"Because you annoyed me." I confessed holding the bridge of my nose with a sigh.

"How?" He asked looking from the road to me.

"You didn't ask me wether I wanted to go to this school or not. Your changing every thing." I said with a heavy sigh, resting my head back in the head rest and closing my eyes not wanting to talk to him.

"I'm sorry." He said patting me on the  shoulder. "But things are going to change, and you have to deal with that." He said but in a sympathetic tone.

I just nodded  not wanting to reply to him. The car started to slow and then came to a stop out side a rather posh looking building.

There where some stone steps leading up to a front gate which had a golden sine in top which read: London high.

Oh great a school that is named after the city it's in, I don't get names like that, what are they going to forget where they are.

I sighed looking up at it and grabbed the handle if the door to open it but was stopes by Toms hand in my arm.

"Here, I got you a bag." He said pulling a black shoulder bag which had some metal spikes on it. "If you don't like it we can get a new one." He said, when did he get this?

"It's fine." I mumbled getting out if the car again, I felt everyone's eyes in me.

"Do up your tie." He said leaning out to grab the door behind me. I sighed and shock my head at him, I closed the door but soon after he undid the window.

"I'll pick you up at 4:00." He said thinking that's when school ends.

"School ends at 3 dip shit." I mumbled he shock his head in understanding but scowled at me for my language.

I walked away and up the steps, I turned to see a group of people in leather jackets like mine all staring. One stood out in particular, he had his thick hair comes back in a "cry baby" style, love that movie.

I turned away from their stares and walked on up through the main doors, I stood at the reception desk and waited for someone to come. No one came so I started to ding the bell to the tune of 'iron man' by black sabbath.

Soon a woman came with a green dress and bright red hair. She looked at me annoyed by my bell dinging if that's a thing, and took a seat behind the desk.

"Can I help you?" She asked with a fake smile.

"Yeah, I guess, I'm the "newbie"." I said sarcastically fiddling with a sheet if paper as I leaned over the desk.

"Oh miss Eilsa." She said shocked at my appearance, I guess my name doesn't matchup appearance. "Um here is the map of the school and you diary. This is your lesson sheet and if you want I can get you a 'Gide buddy' to help you round the school." She said handing me things, yeah like I'm the person who wants a "Gide buddy".

"No, I'll survive." I mumbled walking away from the reception desk.

First lesson was Art. I can deal with that, I rather like art.

I found my way to art and walked into the classroom, fashionably late, well judging by the teachers annoyed face it wasn't fashionable.

After I had to humiliate myself by introduction myself to the whole class by saying that my name was Eilsa and in here because someone made me go. I got a few laughed and a massive disappointed look from the teacher, eh guess you can't please them all.

I was told to sit down at a desk which, suprise suprise, was next to the reincarntion of Wade Walker from cry baby. I sat down after a sigh, he looked at me but after awhile looked back down at his drawing.

I peeped at his work, suprisingly it was rather good, don't judge on looks right. His drawing was of a toned motorcycle. I smiled and then looked at a blank sheet I had just been handed. We had to draw something we love, he drew a motorcycle, good idea but now I have to think of a new thing.

I started to sketch two people, my paretns.

After the lesson was finished I gave in my work and then walked out of class to geography. Once I eventually got there I was aloud to sit where I wanted which was at the back of the class.

In all five of my lessons, the mistirious Wade look alike was in all of them. This was starting to bug me seeing as I had no idea on what his name was. It was now the end of the day, I walked out of school but was emidiantly greeted with the lovely, reacouring British weather.

The rain, which supprisingly I have always liked, pelted down yet again on my leather jacket. Tom's car wasn't there so I decided to sit on the steps and wait.

It started to get late but the rain still didn't stop in fact it was getting harder. The sky was getting dark and just when I was about to walk home a car pulled up at the traffic lights, but not one ive seen before. It was back with flames sprayed on the side of it. A couple of girls that i'd seen before leaned out and where singing along to the music, the Wade look alike was singing to but then when he looked at me he seemed to stop. The traffic lights went green and the car drove of.

I laughed to myself and put my head in my hands, they seemed my type of people, to bad I get socialy anxious around new people.

Then when I was about to leave yet again, the Wade look alike, as he is now known, walked around the kirb. He walked over to me with a smile.

"Hey." He said, why was he talking to me?

"Um, hi." I replied not really understanding his presence.

"Why you waiting around here?" He asked sitting down beside me. Ok starting to feel awkward.

"Well I was about to go but you came." I answered trufully, I felt rather confedent around me.

"Well ok, what where you doing here in the first place?" He asked, I decided to annoy him cause thats just what im good at, I don't know why but I just felt like it.

"I go to school here." I answered smirking at him. He made a sexy chuckle and then sweeped his perfect hair back.

"Come on, you know what I meen." He whinned.

"My ride hiched." I answered. "And you?" I asked,.

"Well I was driving past-"

"I saw you sing." I interupted with a giggle.

"Yes, and I saw you here, I thought something had happend, ive seen you all day you haven't talked to anyone, I wanted to know if you where ok." He blabed out quickly.

"Ok then, I guess that's a good enough excuse. Well I better go home." I said trying to get away, I felt myself blushing so I guess it was time that I should go before I make myself anymore embarresed.

"Ok, would you like me to walk you home?" He asked laughing a little.

"No im fine Wade." I said, wait ohhh shit, did I just call him Wade, oh dear oh help.

"Wade?" He asked with a smirk on his face.

"Um, well y-you see... You remind me of Wade Walker from Cry baby." I blabed out, trying to not look like an idiot.

"Oh, yeah yeah, no not seen it." He said making me laugh. "I'm Jonny, not Wade by the way."

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