Kurai Yoru (Darker Night)

By Freeze-kun

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You've gotten used on accompanying the heroes in their adventure. It's always fun, rainbows, cries and rain a... More

Copyright and disclaimer
Prologue: The Embodiment of Despair
Table of Content: Arcs
Kurai Yoru OS: Different Yet The Same
1: A Daily Life of A Demon Lord
2: Past Best Forgotten...
3: Got a Secret, Can You Keep It?
4: Sweet Revenge
5: A New Friend...
6: ...Then A New World
7: Broken Bird
8: Double Vengeance
9: Lingering Nightmares
10.5: A Caring Brother [AC]
Season 2 Prologue: Learn Fear
11: Let's Start Fresh
12: Just A Plaything
13: Tricks and Lies
14: Unsealed
15: Killing Death
16: What You Really Are
17: My Child
18: Her Tutor
19: The Genie's Wishes
20: Wrathful Heart Of The Emerald
21: Not A Lie
22: Consequences
19.5: Phantasmagorical [AC]
Season 3 Prologue: Equals
23: False Serenity
24: Purgatorial Trinity
25: A Monster
26: Hybrid
27: Simplest Tactic
28: King & Queen
29: Transition
30: Difference in Strength
31: Evil-Nice Girl
32: Happy Ending
Web-Novels' Commonly Used Japanese Suffixes
Info: Cast/ Informations
33: Loyal, To The Very End
34: New Dawn

10: Rebuilding Trust

95 20 37
By Freeze-kun


A lone blonde haired girl walked groggily across one of the wooden hallways. The moon shone down inside their house when she opened a sliding door, and the cool night breeze washed against her face. Outside the large, japanese-styled house, a pond with a single cherry tree can be found, and the whole premises is covered with a thick wall.

A thud sounded just behind another sliding door to her right. Mabelle was surprised by the sound, as she thought that everyone was already asleep since it's in the middle of the night. She just wanted to grab some milk, then the sound came from her parents room.

"Mama...? Papa...?" A young Mabelle whispered as she opened the sliding door.

Reya looked to her side, and saw the shocked face of Mabelle.

"M-Mabelle!" Reya stuttered.

"K-KYAAAA!" Mabelle yelled.

Reya was wielding her signature scythe, now drenched in blood. Two dead bodies lie on the ground, but Mabelle could clearly see their hair colors.

Blonde, and black. Just like his father's and mother's.

Mabelle tripped as she slowly crawled away from her sister, who, from her eyes, had gone mad and killed their parents. Her scary face was truly terrifying now that some blood is sticking onto it this time.

Without uttering another word, the blonde girl ran outside, away from the monster and murderer right behind her. She did not dare to look back, afraid that the killer might reach her and kill her like her parents.

She stumbled across the street, but she did not care. Her parents is dead, and her sister killed them.

She had to get away.

Or she will get her too.

She will kill her too.






=≠Flashback End(A few minutes before Sitri and Celleya started arguing)≠=

"KYAAA!" Mabelle yelled, as Reya suddenly 'attacked' her.

"Mabelle, calm yourself! They were--" Reya tried to reason with her, but the crying girl ignored her.

"No! Get a-away! Monster! MURDERER!" Mabelle kept on yelling as she swipe her left hand in front of her. She's stepping back frantically, making her fall down on the ground. "KILLER!"

The words were like a needle being struck into her heart. She didn't know her little sister was this traumatized by her.

"Listen to me Mabelle! Mabelle!" Reya tried to hug her again, but Mabelle just yelled even louder.

"GET AWAY!" Mabelle swiped her hands in front of her, and a dozen of armored skeletons rose from the ground. They were wielding different weapons each.

"Mabelle..." Reya looked at Mabelle, worry and concern written all over her face. She called her wings and stayed airborne, as she prepared to crush the skeletons.

Mabelle, still stepping back, now felt the cold hard cement of a building behind her. She gasped, as another memory came flying back to her.


"Mabelle, please, STAY THERE AND LET ME KILL YOU!" Reya's voice changed at the end. Her image at Mabelle's mind warped into a cackling, bloodied version of her.

"No, don't-- get, NEAR ME!" Mabelle kneeled down and clutched her head. She started shaking uncontrollably​, as tears refused to stop flowing down from her eyes.

Reya's image became distorted, and showed a tearful Reya. "No, Mabelle..." Her visage once again turned into a bloody one. "STOP BEING A WIMPY GIRL AND COME TO SISTER! KEHAHAHA!" Mabelle looked up as Reya's scythe came an inches away from her face.

=≠Flashback End≠=

"AAAAAAAAAAHHH!" Mabelle started yelling again, as a red aura covered her entire body. Her blonde hair flared up from the sheer energy she's exerting.

Right beside Reya, another energy exploded too. Looking to her side, she saw Sitri redirecting a powerful elemental attack, then flying after it. She barely saw Sitri muttering some words, then smiled. After that, he exploded, along with the projectile.

"GET AWAY FROM ME!" Mabelle shouted in front of her.

Reya gritted her teeth. She didn't anticipated it to turn like this. She just wanted to be with her sister. She just wanted to tell her the truth.

But, her sister despises her too much. Perhaps this is her karma. She was too scared to tell Mabelle why she killed their parents, fearing that her little sister will begrudge her even more. And so, she decided to keep silent.

And now, she's paying up for what she have done.

"Mabelle... Please listen to me, even just this time... Please." Reya looked down.

"Shut up! I don't want to hear you're filthy voice again!" Mabelle just kept on swiping her hands left and right, summoning even more undead knights.

"Come on, little Mae. Please listen to onee-chan..." A tear slid down from Reya's hidden face.

"Do not call me... that...!" Mabelle closed her eyes, and covered her ears. "You're a killer... My sister is gone!"

"I... had to do it." Reya chuckled. "Mom and dad always loved you, right?" Reya looked up, showing her teary face. Her lips quivers as she talks. "But, I know what they really wanted from you. It was your ability... They wanted to have your ability for themselves. They were even planning on killing you while you were asleep that night."

Mabelle's aura lessened, as her eyes widen in surprise. She looked up, seeing her sister's apologetic face for once.

"I didn't have any choice, they were going to take you from me! So I... I... killed them." Reya started descending upon the hordes of skeletons. "I love you, Mabelle. You're my cute little sister. And," Reya started disappearing into the countless of undead. "I will always... be your onee-chan." Reya said her final words, as a sword came flying towards.

Then suddenly, all of the angry skeletons vanished, courtesy of Mabelle raising her hand while heaving. She kneeled to the ground, tired after using her ability too much. She started falling to the ground, but not until a pair of soft, pale white hands stopped her descent and caught her.


The huge explosion rocked the whole city. Even just the mere shockwave resulted in a minor earthquake, and the wind that hit them felt like that of an angry storm.

Celleya hadn't moved an inch. The rain pelted her, but she didn't care, like always.

'Is... Is he dead?... Shouldn't I feel happy?... This what I've wanted my whole life... right?' Celleya smiled bitterly, then she cried. 'It has to be! Why am I so sad?! He's finally dead! He's gone!... Then why... am I crying...?'

"It's because you never wanted him dead," a voice spoke behind her. "you just wanted your older brother back, the way he had been when he was with you." Tamamo stood behind her, even though her tails is being drenched by the rain.

Celleya's eyes widen, and stood quickly. She looked at the fox girl, then yelled. "What do you know?!"

"Enough for me to say what I said, and will say." Tamamo defiantly glared at her. "I am Tamamo, the god of fate. I have some of my powers back, due to that brat controlling me, thus also tampering with my fate. I guess I should thank that kid." Tamamo whipped her hair to her side. "I can see your fate for about 10 seconds, to the future and the past."

"A... god?" Celleya gritted her teeth. "Then why don't I feel any--"

Celleya was silenced when Tamamo removed some seals that restrained her power. A violent, yellow aura surrounded the fox, as her eyes turned pure golden. Just the mere presence of the god was enough to floor the white haired girl.

And this was just 'some'.

Celleya kneeled in one knee, all the while gritting her teeth. This was the first time she met a god, and a powerful one at that. It almost felt like her brother's...


"Celleya, did you really think Sitri would do that to you?" Tamamo kneeled in front of her, then looked at her eyes.

Celleya felt the aura vanish, and looked down. Getting that Tamamo is talking about her past with Sitri, she answered. "I don't, but he already said it himself!"

"Baka." Tamamo knocked the Demoness' head lightly. "Sitri is a really good liar. You should have thought about that too."

Celleya's rubbed the spot where Tamamo hit her. "He... lied?"

"... You know what, I shouldn't be the one talking about this to you. Go talk to your brother." Tamamo stood up, and started walking away.

"B-But... He's dead..." Celleya stood with her.

"... Are you even his sister? Did you really think that measly attack of yours is enough for your brother? I think I even know more about him than you." Tamamo smirked as she turned to a corner and disappeared.

Celleya gasped as she felt a hand on her right shoulder. Then, a voice spoke behind her.

"Damn, I think only my head remained after that explosion, Celleya. Good thing I have regeneration. You're really strong now--" Sitri was interrupted with Celleya hugging him tightly.

Sitri gasp, then smiled. He hugged her back, returning her love with his.

"Celleya, I'm sorry." Sitri said in a low voice. "I... was stupid. I should have taken your personal emotions into account, and redid my plan back then..." Sitri's eyes disappeared behind his wet hair, and he gritted his teeth. "I'm really sorry."

The rain continued on pouring. "Onii-chan," Celleya let go, showing her pouting face to Sitri. "I will never forgive you!"

Sitri acted hurt. "Oh, it hurts! My adorable little sister rejecting my apology! I promise, I will do anything you want, please accept my apology!" Sitri bowed.

Celleya whipped her head to the side, still pouting. "Hmmph! I can only think of one thing, but it might be impossible even for the great demon Lord!" She stomped all the while pointing at the demon.

"Do not underestimate me, my sweet little sister. Tell me what it is, and it shall be done." Siri smiled genuinely.

"... W-Well then..." Celleya looked down, and spoke in a shaky voice. "K-Kiss me."

Sitri's eyes widen, then he slowly stood up. "Close your eyes first."

Celleya breathed in, then obeyed. "Please be gentle..." She muttered.

Sitri smirked, as he slowly leaned in closer to her...

And kissed her on the cheek.

"Done." Sitri cheekily whispered.

Celleya blinked, then she started fuming. "Onii-chan... Meany!" The little girl yelled as hard as she could. After she did, the rain stopped, and the clouds parted away, showing the countless stars and the full moon behind them.

"So Sitri really is a pervert." Reya suddenly spoke behind them.

"D-Doing lewd things with your own sister... Unforgivable!" Mabelle yelled while glaring at Sitri.

Sitri looked at the little girl besides Reya. "Hey Reya, who's that girl?"

"What? Don't Tell me your planning to get my little sister too?" Reya looked like she was gonna murder someone. "Try it. And your dead." Reya spoke on her former tone, the creepy one.

"Ooh? Want me to break you again? Maybe this time with your sister now?" Sitri smirked.

Reya responded by releasing some of her aura, a thick, gray air surrounding the fallen angel. Sitri did the same, his being a black and white.

Mabelle leaned in closer to Celleya, and whispered something. Both the little girl walked some distance away from the two battle freaks. "You're strong." Mabelle smirked.

"Of course," Celleya shot back. "I am the little sister of the devil himself, after all."

"Let me guess. You picked up that arrogant attitude from your brother." Before Celleya could reply, Mabelle raised a finger. "And, correct me if I'm wrong, but that's not your real self too."

Celleya stared at her. "Your awfully tacky, you know that?" Celleya said in annoyance, though she's smiling.

"Well, this is just me." Mabelle shrugged. "Why were you attacking me again?"

"I was going to kill brother." Celleya looked down.

Mabelle widen her eyes. "I was gonna kill sis too."

They both looked at each other, staring at the others eyes. Then, before they know it, they were smiling, and laughing together.

Back in the background, Sitri stared at his sister, a smile adorning his face. He did not notice it, but a single tear came out from his right eye.

"I missed you, Celleya." He smiled, while his right eye cried.


Meanwhile, on Light Year Academy...

"Woosh woooosh!" Ani grumbled as she stab the empty air in front of her with a knife. She's using the short knife like that of a sword from a fencer.

But then, the occupied girl suddenly stopped.

"... I feel like I missed something really important." Then she shook her head.

"Oh well! I'm having fun here, so I guess I'm okay!" She turned around quickly and without even looking forward, threw her knife to an apple... resting right above a tied and muffled Shirome.

"HHMELP MMMWEEE!" The ability wielder girl cried, as an another knife came plummeting to her, landing just a few centimeters away from her right cheek.

"I know! This is so fun, right Shirome-chan~?" Ani playfully said while winking.


A/N: And that ends the season 1 of Kurai Yoru. You've made it here! Thank you so much. I hope your still interested, 'cuz there's still a lot to come.

No previews since this is the last chapter for season one. :P. Well, except for one additional chapter.

Bye bye. ( ^~^)/

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