wrongfully convicted

Par cnichols8726

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One tragic day changes the life for 16 year old April Summers. Just when she thought nothing could change her... Plus

Wrongfully convicted
Chapter 1 my life is over
Chapter 2 The beginning of the end
Chapter 3. The Asylum
Chapter 4 Nightmares
Chapter 5 You got mail
Chapter 6 Confused
chapter 7 stricking again
Chapter 8 Safe
chapter 9 Home
Chapter 10 A new beginning
chapter 11 done deal
Authours note
Chapter 12 Confirmed.
chapter 13 holding together
Chapter 14 What A Blast
Chapter 15 Party
Chapter 16 Davids POV
Chapter 17 Dead End
Chapter 18 A sign
Chapter 19 confession
Chapter 21 Almost Normal
Chapter 22 back to school
Chapter 23 after school.
Chapter 24 David POV.
chapter 25 Results
Chapter 26 Injury
Chapter 27 The talk
Chapter 28 Accepted
Chapter 29 Repercussions
Chapter 30 Hes back
Chapter 31 Suspect
Chapter 32 Released
Chapter 33 New information
Chapter 34 A clue
Chapter 35 Surprise
Chapter 36 Trying to understand
Chapter 37 Over
Chapter 38 Everything happens for a reason
Authors note/Question/ Thank you
Chapter 39 Reaper revealed
Authors Note
Chapter 40 (Part 2)
Authors note
chapter 41 Johns Pov
Chapter 42
Chapter 43 This ends now
Chapter 44 Ending it all

chapter 20. David POV

265 11 1
Par cnichols8726

A/N: Please bear with me on Davids POV's they are not the easiest to do considering I am not a man. So I try my best to make them as manly as womanly possible.....Enjoy.


April told me about her parents and what happened, I felt so bad for her. I don't understand how another person can take the life of another. I cant even begin to understand what she is going through. It must be tough. She is really a strong girl. After my shower I just laid in my bed with thought running through my mind of how she must have been when she heard the news. She must have been so upset. I hated the thought of her hurting like that it makes me hurt. I don't know why but the way I feel with her is totally different then how I felt with other girls.

I woke up to a text from April asking what I was doing.

~Hey, just woke up, whats up with u?~ I sent back

~oh nothing just sitting home bored~

~well give me a hour and I will be over u wont be so bored.~ I laughed at the text I sent back, man the things I would love to do to her. Just the thought made my man stand at full attention.

~haha, ok see u in a bit~

I got up and got in the shower, made this one a little colder then normal. Had to get ride of the damn hard on had. I really don't know what it is about her that does this to me but man she drives me wild. It is so hard to not just act on the thoughts running through my head.

I finished with my shower and my fantasy of April, went down stairs and grabbed a power bar and some Oj and headed to her house. I parked the bike in her drive way and went to the door. Maybe if I'm lucky shes still in her PJ's. I rang the door bell and with in seconds she was opening the door.

"hey." she smiled.

"hey beautiful." I complimented her. She was beautiful in so many ways. Not a single flaw to her that I could see. Her hair fell perfectly, her eyes so blue, her body so well maintained and her personality completely different then what someone like her would have. She is not conceited in any way. She knows she is beautiful and does not flaunt it or brag about it.

"so lets see what we can do about your boredom." I teased moving her hair out of her face.

"ya and what makes you think you can cure my boredom?"

"oh, well I'm pretty sure I have a few things one being this really nice motorcycle that is just crying for you to get back on it." I said a little arrogantly

"oh, is that so? Is it the bike crying for me to get back on it or is it the driver crying for me to wrap my arms around him? She asked me

Well, that maybe true but I am not about to admit that to her, well not yet anyways. But I couldn't help but smile at her attempt to be cocky.

"so we going for a ride or what?"

"well that is a dumb question." she answered quickly.

She garbed her things and we where off. As soon as she wrapped her arms around me my body reacted to her touch sending so many emotions through my body. I decided to take her to my little get away place. I think she might like it there, I sure hope she does. We drove to our destination. I could smell her perfume or what ever it was she was wearing. Either way it smelt nice, She had her arms wrapped around my waist and her head rested on my shoulder.

I parked the bike and she got off. She removed her helmet and her hair just fell down her back.

"where are we?" She asked looking around.

"this is a little place I like to come every now and the to clear my head."


I headed down path and she followed. We finally made it the beach over looking the ocean. We walked down to the edge of the water and just watched as the sail boats coasted by. Out of the corner of my eye I seen something fly into the air and splash back down.

"hey look over there." I pointed to where I saw it.

she looked and her face lit up,"was that just a dolphin?" she asked

"ya, cool huh?"

"ya, I never seen that.

Now this place was perfect. I decided to make my move and I causally placed my arm around her waist.I waited for her to move it or move away, but she didn't and I was relived I didn't just make a ass out of myself.

"It's the best part of this place, well was the best part." I mumbled the last part mentally kicking myself for saying that.

"Was the best part?'" She asked with her eyebrows raised in curiosity.

I turned so that we where looking at each other and told her."ya it was, till I meet you."

She smiled, a full smile, I haven't seen very many of those but when I did it made me happy.

"are you real?" She asked me. Not quite the response I had expected,

"Ya, I'm pretty sure I'm real."

She just looked at me and we both busted in to a fit of laughter. I fell back to the sand and pulled her with me. She didn't resist or pull away so this was a very good sign to me.We laid there staring into the sky, well she was I was more staring at her but hey who's paying attention.She turned her head and looked at me. "what?" she asked.

"nothing, just looking at you is all." We both turn up to look back at the sky when two white dove flew by us. My father and mother told me that when people get married they some time release two pure white dove and any couple to see them is deemed to be together forever. It means love. I don't know if its true but hey I am not complain if I do get to spend the rest of my life with her.

"They are absolutely beautiful creatures." she said bringing me out of my thoughts.

"Just like you." I said as i brushed her cheek.Man I just wanted to kiss her so bad. Just when I was about to go for it something fell on us. April grabbed it and held it up and there in front of us was a black and white rose with something attached. April moved it so that we could see what it said.

"Soon April."~reaper~

Before I knew it April was on her feet and tears where getting ready to flood her eyes. She looked horrified, like she saw a ghost.

"can you take me home please?" She asked shakily.

"April whats wrong?" I asked

"David,there is a lot I didn't tell you last night that maybe I should have."

I stood up and took her into a hug and she buried her face to my chest as she cried.

"April, I'm here when you wanna tell me, I'm not going any where." I comforted her. I just cant understand who or what is made her upset but I will find out and I sure as hell wont let anyone harm her. I'm not walking a way from her, a day without her in my life is like a day with no water for a fish, life threatening. I took her face in my hands, she needs to know how i feel.

"April, I like you a lot, more then just a friend,I would like to be more then just friends." I told her as I placed a gentle kiss on her perfect lips.

"well lets go back to my house so I can tell you everything and see if you still feel the same way." She said pulling away from the kiss.

I took her hand and made the way back to my bike. I don't know what she has to tell me but I know for sure that it is not going to chase me away. If she needs me rather as her friend or her boyfriend I will always be there for her.

We made our way back to her place and I parked the bike. We went into the house and sat on the couch, I could tell by her face that she was having a hard time with this.

"April if you don't wanna tell me you don't have too."

"yes, I do, I like you and don't want anything to happen to you." She sadly said. Ya, I'm not a big bulky beefed up guy but I am in shape I do have some toned muscle and I also did martial arts for like twelve years so I'm not a wimp. She continued on.

"David, after my parents where murdered I was placed in a asylum they thought I killed them. After being there for about 4 months I received a letter from someone admitting to the murder and proving my innocents. That same person has also threatened my life he says hes coming for me he also took my sisters life. This person is dangerous, the cops know and are doing what they can to find him and keep me safe but I don't think they can or will find him. So pretty much I'm a walking target for this guy and anyone with me maybe too." she explained.

I just looked at her, What she had just told me made me feel all sorts of emotions. I wasn't sure if I was mad worried or confused. One thing for sure though is I know that I was mad. How can someone want to hurt her in any way. What the fuck is wrong with this person.

"now you see why I said we will see how you feel after you heard everything." She said.

I stood up, shit I don't care my feeling for her are the same, but one thing is for sure."Dammit, I will kill him." I said out load instead of to myself. I paced back and forth for a bit to help calm myself and to process everything she just told me. Ya most normal guys probably would have been running out the door by now. Call me crazy because I'm staying even if it may kill me.

I sat back down."April, I meant what I said. I don't care about your past or that some psycho son of a bitch is after you it does not change my feelings none. I still wanna be more then friends. I will always be there to protect you and so help me god if he lays one hand on you I will kill him." I told her.

She looked at me very surprised, I think she was fighting back tears but maybe I was wrong. After about a minute a smile formed on her face. "David are you asking me out?"

"well ya I guess so, not the way I wanted to but ya I guess I am. So will you be my girlfriend?"

she had the devilish look in her eye and i new I was not going to like her reply." hmmm, I gotta think about this." She said. My heart dropped, I was just shut down,

'Yes of course I will be your girlfriend." She happily said.

as soon as she said yes I grabbed her instantly and pulled her into a hug. "you just made me the happiest man in the state of California." I whispered into her ear.

When we looked at each other, I had to actually kiss her, the way I have been wanting to for some time now. When I did there was no hesitation she kissed me back. Man thank you god she said yes, I now have the perfect girlfriend. We just sat around the house flipping through the channels. I wasn't leaving until her aunt got there. Not after the rose incident. She hasn't said anything more about it and I was not bringing it up. I like it better with her happy then sad. Before I new it her aunt was home and I had to get home to help my dad. She walked me to the door gave me a hug and kiss and said good bye.

After I got home I sent her a quick text telling her I was home and would text her later. Then I changed and went to help my dad work on the project we been doing together. We are rebuilding a old 76' Chevy Impala. Its something we can do together so i don't mind.

After we worked on that for a few hours we went into clean up and ordered a pizza. I sent April a text to see what she was doing.  While I waited for Pizza hut to get here.

~hey stud at dinner text later.~

Oh, man  I loved it that she called me stud. She is nothing like any of my ex's or any of the other girls at or school she is 100 percent better.

At dinner I told my dad I finally asked her out and he was happy for me and so was my mom, well kinda my mom is really weird with me dating but my dad hes all for it, hes like a older brother ya know. I tell him everything. He was the first to know I lost my virginity. His exact reply was "glad to know my boys not gay" I about died when he told me that. After dinner I went to my room and played some COD black ops till April text me back.

I found my self thinking about today and what happened, the one thing that really bothered me was that rose. My grandma always told me that roses always had a meaning to them based on the color they are. I shut the game off and decided to Google what the colors meant.

First I looked up what a white rose symbolized. They mean purity and innocence, normally a sign of a new beginning that is why they are used in wedding. Hmmm ok that is odd. I then typed in what the black rose meant. A black rose symbolizes death and hatred. My heart sunk. So the two colors mean that there is a new beginning come but also death and hatred in there some where. These meaning really had me worried. I text April again telling her to get a hold  of me as soon as she could.

I waited and waited and there was no reply........

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