Loki x (Mostly) Male Reader C...

By tsun-dou

100K 3.4K 680

This Loki x Reader collection happens to be a collection of Loki x Male Readers, Loki x Nonbinary Readers and... More

Sorcerer's Apprentice (Loki x Male Ace!Reader) Pt 1
Sorcerer's Apprentice (Loki x Male Ace!Reader) Pt 2
Sorcerer's Apprentice (Loki x Male Ace!Reader) Pt 3
Spellbinder's Wish (Loki x Male Ace!Reader) Pt 2
Spellbinder's Wish (Loki x Male Ace!Reader) Pt 3
Bookworm (Loki x Male Ace!Reader) Pt 1
Bookworm (Loki x Male Ace!Reader) Pt 2
Speed Dating? Definitely Not. (AoA Loki x Male Reader) Pt 1
Speed Dating? Definitely Not. (AoA Loki x Male Reader) Pt 2
Speed Dating? Definitely Not. (AoA!Loki x Male Reader) Pt 3
Speed Dating? Definitely Not. (AoA Loki x Male Reader) Pt 4
Let the Sun Shine on Us Once Again (Loki x Nonbinary Reader) Pt 1
Let the Sun Shine on Us Once Again (Loki x Nonbinary Reader) Pt 2
Let the Sun Shine on Us Once Again (Loki x Nonbinary Reader) Pt 3
Elementalist (Loki x Asian Male Reader) Pt 1
Elementalist (Loki x Asian Male Reader) Pt 2
Elementalist (Loki x Asian Male Reader) Pt 3
Elementalist (Loki x Asian Male Reader) Pt 4
Mutual (Loki x Nonbinary Reader)
Easy Read (Loki x Male Reader) Pt 1
Easy Read (Loki x Male Reader) Pt 2
After Everything (Loki x Male Reader) Pt 1
After Everything (Loki x Male Reader) Pt 2
In All Seriousness (Loki x Nonbinary Reader)
Look for It (Loki x Male Reader)
Truth Serum (Loki x Male Reader)

Spellbinder's Wish (Loki x Male Ace!Reader) Pt 1

6.9K 173 31
By tsun-dou

This was it. Today was Thor's coronation and you and Loki were honestly dreading it. It was only until recently that you had confessed to Loki about your love. A week ago if time worked that way. The halls were buzzing with einherjar and denizens. You hid in your room to avoid the mass of people, you didn't enjoy being around strangers after all. Dressing yourself in what seemed to be the finest armor, you stood rather proudly. "Admiring yourself, are we?" a deep voice teased. 

Instead of jumping like you would have in the past, you merely turned to face your lover. "Hi, Loki," you said, giving a loving smile. He reciprocated it and took your hand. 

"Come now, we have much to discuss," Loki said, as he dragged you out into the busy hall. You both had a rather casual and not very suspicious conversation, but really, you two were conversing in each others minds. 

"Do you think the plan will work?" your voice echoed in his mind.

"Don't worry, it will," he replied with pride. 

"Alright, but if it goes wrong... I'll take the blame." 

There was a hesitation in Loki's voice in your mind, "...Why?"

"I know how much this means to you and if you get in trouble, getting the throne will be hard." 

Loki looked at you with happiness. "Thank you, (y/n)," he hugged you tightly. You huffed in embarrassment and hugged him back.

"Your horns are so tall," you commented. "It makes me feel short." Loki laughed and patted your shoulder. The two of you dispersed and went their separate ways. You watched Loki walk off as you bumped into Sif. "Oh, sorry, Sif," you said. She only smiled at you and said it was fine. 

"Isn't this amazing though?" Sif started. "Thor, becoming the rightful king of Asgard." You cocked an eyebrow at her. 

"Rightful?" you inquired. 

"Of course you wouldn't understand, you've been around Loki more than Thor." 

"Loki needed a friend." 

She shrugged. "I suppose." 

You couldn't help but glare at her before walking forward. You had befriended Sif and the idiots three just to gain information, plus it was Loki's request that you did. So you had to silently fume and keep using a fake smile. They already thought you were great warrior, that's all they ever noticed. You noticed Loki walk out and take his place on the steps. You approached the bottom of the stairs, next to Frigga, she gave you a warm smile and you reciprocated it. The music began to play as Thor triumphantly walked down the hall with pride. He gave a hefty flip of his hammer and you had to restrain yourself from rolling your eyes.

"Thor Odinson, my heir, my first born," Odin began. Loki gave a small look of sadness before returning to his inscrutable state. "So long entrusted with the mighty hammer, Mjöllnir, forged in the heart of a dying star. Its power has no equal! As a weapon to destroy or as a tool to build. It is a fit companion for a king. I have defended Asgard, and the lives of the innocent across my realms in the time of the great beginning." 

"Do you swear to guard the nine realms?" Odin boomed.

"I swear," Thor responded.

"And do you swear to preserve the peace?"

"I swear," Thor repeated. 

"Do you swear to cast aside your selfish ambition and to pledge yourself only to the good of the realms?" Odin asked.

"I swear!" Thor yelled.

"Then on this day, I, Odin All-Father, proclaim you..." Odin hesitated. You restrained yourself from smirking. 

"Here we go," you thought to yourself. 

"The Frost giants!" Odin whispered, then slammed Gungnir down on the floor. The crowd began to murmur in confusion. Loki, Thor, and Odin then rushed down into the weapons vault. You glanced at Frigga as she ran off. Sif and the Warriors three then began to speak to each other in confusion. 

"What happened?" Sif had asked. You walked over to the group and answered her. 

"I'm not sure, but it was definitely something important." Hogun nodded and looked towards Sif. 

"Hopefully, it is nothing bad," Hogun said. All of you hummed in agreement. 

After the throne area cleared out, you, Sif, and the Warriors three caught sight of Loki and Thor and followed them. 

"It'll come. In time. If it's any consolation, I think you're right. About the Frost Giants, about Laufey, about everything. If they found a way to penetrate Asgard's defenses once, who's to say they won't try again. Next time with an army," you heard Loki's voice. Volstagg went in and yelped in surprise. 

"Exactly!" Thor said.

"What is this!?" Volstagg exclaimed, gesturing to the flipped table.

Loki ignored Volstagg and kept talking to Thor. "There's nothing you can do without defying father." Thor then gave Loki a rather knowing look.

"No! No, no, no, no, no! I know that look!" Loki said as Thor stood up from the stairs. You shot him a look with a quirked brow. 

"It's the only way to ensure the safety of our borders!" Thor concluded. Loki then stood up and confronted him.

"Thor, it's madness!" Loki exclaimed.

"Madness? What sort of madness?" Volstagg cut in as he was picking up some fruit. 

"We're going to Jotunheim," Thor said rather arrogantly. 

"What? This isn't like a journey to earth, where you summon a little lightning and thunder, the mortals worship you as a God! This is Jotunheim!" Fandral argued. 

"My father fought his way into Jotunheim. Defeated their armies and took their casket! We would just be looking for answers," Thor reasoned. 

"It is forbidden!" Sif exclaimed. You stayed silent and let it play out.

"My friends, have you forgotten all that we have done together? Fandral, Hogun, (y/n), who led you into the most glorious battles?" Thor asked Hogun.

"You did," Hogun responded. You gave a short nod in response.

"And Volstagg, the delicacies so succulent you though you'd died and gone to Valhalla?" 

"You did," Volstagg replied.

"Yes! And who proved wrong all who scoffed at the idea that a young maiden could be one of the fiercest warriors this realm has ever known?" Thor said to Sif.

"I did!" she said rather proudly.

"True, but I supported you, Sif," he pointed and turned to all his friends. "My friends, we're going to Jotunheim," he smiled. You promptly left with the group to get horses. Loki slipped off to tell a guard and joined you quickly after. After riding to the Bifrost, you watched Loki approach Heimdall. 

"Let me handle this. Good, Heimdall-" Loki started.

"You're not dressed warmly enough." Heimdall cut him off. 

Loki chuckled dryly, "You must be mistaken..."

"Enough!" Thor said, cutting Loki off. Loki shut his mouth and stepped back. "Heimdall, may we pass?" Thor asked. 

"Never has an enemy slipped my watch until this day. I wish to know how that happened," he said.

"Then tell no one where we have gone until we've returned. Understand?" Thor said as he passed Heimdall, with the others trailing behind him. 

"What happened? Silver tongue turned to lead?" Volstagg said as he passed Loki. The others laughed but you didn't find it funny. You stayed until everyone went in and walked beside Loki. 

"Be warned. I will honor my sworn oath to protect this realm as its gatekeeper. If your return threatens the safety of Asgard, the Bifrost will remain closed to you. And you'll be left to die in the cold waste of Jotunheim," Heimdall said ominously.

"Couldn't you just leave the bridge open for us?" Volstagg asked. You scoffed and went to answer but Heimdall beat you to it. 

"To leave the bridge open would unleash the full power of the Bifrost and destroy Jotunheim, with you upon it." 

"I have no plans to die today," Thor smiled. 

"None do." Heimdall then turned his sword and sent you to Jotunheim. All of you landed on the snow, the others beginning to shiver as you and Loki seemed to be fine. You all walked into an area surrounded by icy columns. 

"Where are they?" Sif asked.

"Hiding, as cowards always do," Thor replied boastfully. You muttered out a small ugh.

"You have come a long way to die, Asgardians..." a dark, gravelly voice echoed. 

"I am Thor Odinson," Thor announced.

"We know who you are," the king, Laufey said. 

"How did your people get into Asgard?" Thor asked. He stepped forward with rage. You watched cautiously, knowing Thor was going to make a wrong move.

"...The house of Odin is full of traitors," Laufey said, drawing it out for effect. 

"Do not dishonor my father's name with your lies!" Thor yelled. Laufey abruptly stood up and stepped forward. 

"Your father is a murderer and a thief! And why have you come here? To make peace? You long for battle. You crave it! You're nothing but a boy trying to prove himself a man," Laufey hissed. 

"Well, this boy has grown tired of your mockery," Thor said as he gripped Mjolnir. You noticed some frost giants were beginning to surround you. You gripped your battle axe with worry. 

"Thor, stop and think! Look around you. We're out numbered!" Loki hissed to Thor. 

"Know your place, brother!" Thor said, anger clearly overcoming him. 

"You know not what your actions would unleash," Laufey said. "I do." A long silence fell upon them. "Go, now. While I still allow it," Laufey said as he turned around.

Loki jumped to Thor's side and spoke for him. "We will accept your most gracious offer," Loki said with relief. The two turned and began walking away. 

"Run back home, little princess." A voice said.

"Damn," Loki said. Thor smirked and had Mjolnir slip through his hand. He then swung it and sent the frost giant who said it flying. You drew your battle axe as the frost giants charged at you. All of you fought, Loki looked as like he were in trouble so you quickly dashed in front of him as a Jotun grabbed your arm. The armor shredded away and you didn't pay attention to it. 

"Don't let them touch you!" Volstagg yelled then groaned in pain. You swung your battle axe into its head and it fell limp, letting go of your hand. Loki looked at you with wide eyes and you noticed his hand was bare as well. You looked down at your arm and saw it was... blue? It didn't look frostbitten at all. The color didn't go away and you raised your hand closer to your face. Your eyes went to Loki before a frost giant charged at you. Using your magic, you threw an ice shard straight at it. You then noticed Fandral yell out in pain as he was impaled by spikes. Loki helped him and Volstagg carried him. "THOR! WE MUST GO!" Loki screamed. 

"Then go!" Thor yelled, swinging at the frost giants. The group hesitated for a moment and then ran. You began to run quickly and looked behind you as a giant monster tailed behind. Unfortunately, it was cut short as all of you stopped at a cliff side. 

"Heimdall! Open the bifrost!" Volstagg yelled. There was no answer. A deep rumbling came as a dark clawed hand came from the cliff and the monster revealed itself. Before it hit all of you off the cliff, Thor shot through and the monster went limp as it fell down the cliff. Thor felt triumphant before turning around. The rest of the frost giants began to surround you. A bright light pierced the darkness and Odin appeared on his eight legged horse. 

"Father! We can finish them together!" Thor yelled happily.

"Silence!" Odin hissed. Laufey then appeared in front of Odin. 

"Allfather..." Laufey's voice said rather gravely. "You look weary." Odin ignored the comment.

"Laufey, end this now," Odin demanded. 

"Your boy sought this out." 

"You're right. These are the acts of a boy. Treat them as such. You and I can end this here and now. Before there's further bloodshed." 

"We are beyond diplomacy now, All-Father. He'll get what he came for. War," Laufey smiled. 

"So be it." Laufey then created an icy dagger but the Bifrost pushed them back as light beamed again. 

"Why did you bring us back?" Thor asked with anger. 

"Do you realize what you've done? What you've started?" Odin questioned harshly. 

"I was protecting my home!" Thor argued. 

"You cannot even protect your friends! How can you hope to protect a kingdom?" Odin said as he threw the sword to Heimdall. "Get him to a healing room! NOW!" You began to run out with the others, rushing to help Volstagg with Fandral. You and Volstagg took turns carrying Fandral, his blood staining your armor. 

You arrived at the castle and set him in a soul forge. "I'm glad I know these spells," you said as you murmured an incantation. Fandral's blood disappeared and his wound began to close up. What was left were some holes in his armor. You helped him sit up. "Better?" you asked. 

"Better," he replied. You helped him up and walked him to where everyone else was sitting. You sat him down in a chair and sat down on another chair and took some of your armor off. You rubbed your face with a sigh and Fandral yelped. "(y/n)! Why is your hand..." Fandral trailed off and the others stared at you. 

You looked at your hand once again and yelped in surprise. It was STILL blue. You continued to stare at it. "I don't think it's going to go away." 

Loki then walked in genuinely shaken. "Father has... banished Thor."

"We should have never let him go!" Volstagg exclaimed. 

"At least he's been banished, not dead. Which is what we'd all be if that guard hadn't told them where we'd gone," Fandral reasoned. 

"How did the guard even know?" Volstagg asked. 

"I told the guard," you said. Loki shot you a look obviously translating to "what are you doing". You looked down and feigned guilt. 

"What?!" Fandral exclaimed. 

"He told him to go to Odin after we'd left. He should be flogged for taking so long. We should have never reached Jotunheim," Loki said, adding to what you said. 

"You told the guard?!" Volstagg asked you with disbelief. 

"He saved our lives. And Thor's. I had no idea father would banish him for what he did," Loki argued. 

"Loki, you must go to the All-Father and convince him to change his mind," Sif then said. She caught you glancing at your hand every now and then. 

"And if I do, then what? I love Thor more dearly than any of you, but you know what he is. He's arrogant, he's reckless, he's dangerous! You saw how he was today. Is that what Asgard needs from its king?" Loki snapped and stormed off.

"Loki may speak for the good of Asgard, but he's always been jealous of Thor," Sif sighed. 

"We should be grateful to (y/n) at least. He saved our lives," Volstagg said. You smiled at him and muttered a thank you. 

"Laufey said there were traitors in the house of Odin. A master of magic could bring three Jotuns into Asgard," Hogun said, concluding that it was either Loki or you. He eyed you suspiciously. 

"Loki has always been one for mischief, but you're talking about something else entirely," Fandral reasoned. 

"You've been awfully quiet, (y/n)," Sif then said. "Any thoughts?" 

"I agree with what Thor said before he was banished. Laufey was lying," you said. "He must have a spy or someone working for him. But not traitors. He wants to get the suspicion off himself."

"Like you?" Hogun asked. You glanced at your hand again. 

"You saw me murder frost giants, I highly doubt I would be a spy," you said. "And, one of them would have been bound to recognize me." Silence settled in the room. "I only found out today..." you said before walking off. 

"He's hiding something," Sif said when she thought you had walked off. "But I don't think he would be a spy, but he is allied with Loki more than anyone." 

"Then we can't trust him or Loki," Volstagg concluded. 

"Not until he proves himself," Fandral added.

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