PeridotxMale Gem reader ( Def...

By XiaoShiao

71.1K 1.2K 328

Topaz is an irregular gem, made in the natural way that a gem is created on Earth but the process is unfamili... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1 ( One Lone Peridot)
Chapter 2 ( Gem mine)
Chapter 3 ( Spoils of war)
Chapter 4 ( Rock People)
Chapter 5 ( Things like me)
Chapter 7 ( Personality Pop)
Chapter 8 ( Concepts of sorry)
Chapter 9 ( One track heart)
Chapter 10 ( Percy and Pierre)
Chapter 11 ( Mars on Earth)
Chapter 12 ( Edge of the Universe)
Chapter 13 ( Peridaz)

Chapter 6 ( Gempathy)

4.9K 89 34
By XiaoShiao

Topaz's P.O.V.

I found myself outside of Steven and the other gems home, hours prior to actually realizing what I was. I was quiet. it was hard to know how to go about taking in all this new information. It didn't take Steven and Amethyst to noticed as I walked beside them to a place called a fry shop. I hadn't even noticed that during our walk that I had began to drift away from them. I suddenly looked up at the big blue sky, full of white puffy clouds and a giant yellow ball of light that shined down on me. I had been staring at it for sometime and my eyes began to hurt. Soon enough, I didn't know I was daydreaming until Steven's voice brought my thoughts back. Looking back at him, he and Amethyst had brown bags, filled with a steaming and strange smelling item. Amethyst seemed to already be putting them into her mouth.

Steven: That's the Sun.

He told me.

Topaz: It's really pretty and yellow but it makes my eyes hurt.

Steven chuckled.

Steven: Your not supposed to stare at it.

Topaz: Oh.

Steven: Here, try some fries. You might like food.

He said as he offered me the bag of "fries". I looked at it for a few seconds before pulling one out of the bag and putting it into my own mouth. Watching him and Amethyst, I began to chew slowly and the sensation of this act was very strange.

Steven: There you go, now swallow.

I did what Steven said.

Topaz: Where does it go?

Steven: Um....we'll talk about that later.

Topaz: So what's the point of it?

Steven: Well, humans do this to survive. It's called eating but not all gems eat like Amethyst.

Topaz: What exactly is a human Steven?

Steven: Hmmmm, I don't know how to explain it but human are the species of Earth, they aren't like gems. We don't come from the ground, we don't have powers either. We just have our own thing going.

Amethyst: I feel bad for you guys though. Not being able to shapeshift would be horrible but check it out, I'm going to be a cat.

She said before her body seemed to shrink and with a sudden light she was this small furry creature before me. She jumped into my arms and I pet her.

Topaz: Hmmm, very soft.

Amethyst: You can shapeshift too you know. All gems can.

Steven: Except maybe for Pearl. I don' think she understands the purpose of it.

Topaz: I can try.

I say, a little excited.

Steven: Just think of what you want to be. Don't stress about it. Let the idea come to you and it'll just happen.

He told me before his hand suddenly shrunk even smaller than his other one.


I tried my hardest to concentrate and do what Steven told me but it wasn't working.

Amethyst: It's not that you can use your powers it's just that you don't know how but don't worry, you struggle at first then it'll come to you in time.

Amethyst said before she reverted back into her old self.

We continued to explore Beach City and we passed by more and more humans. I knew I wasn't a human but gems appear as if we are made in their imagine and yet we are nothing like them. Still, humans don't seem bad at all. When I passed them, they waved and smiled and wanted to get to know me and I found myself wanting to be positive right back to them. This is what the others meant when they said that as a Topaz, I am exceptionally friendly.

Meanwhile, Steven and Amethyst seemed to be taking me to an area that was nothing like Beach City. It had less people and building but more vegetation. It was quiet and vacant, save for this giant red building right in the middle of nowhere.

Steven: This is the barn. I figured you might be able to stay here. If anyone can teach you to adapt to Earth, it's Peridot and Lapis. they recently just came here.

Right after Steven said this. I saw two green and blue figures running towards us in the distance. They seemed pretty excited to see us. or rather they ere excited to see Steven and Amethyst.

Peridot: I do enjoy your visits.

The green one said as she came closer. I remember her from before. She seemed surprised to see me.

Peridot: What's he doing here?

She didn't sound like she wanted me around.

Lapis: Another gem?

Steven: This is Topaz. He's cool now and he's our friend. I thought it would be ok if he stayed with you guys.

Lapis: Sure, it can get pretty quiet around here.

Lapis said.

Lapis: If your a friend of Steven then your a friend of ours.

Peridot's P.O.V.

Pulling Steven aside, I tried discussing the matters of the new gem.

Steven: What's wrong Peridot, you don't seem to like Topaz much.

Peridot: It's not that but...Steven, this gem has been isolated for some time. Just look at him, he's obvious defective. He doesn't even act like a normal gem.

Steven: That's why he needs us to guide him and you can do that Peridot. You were kind of the same way when you got here.

Peridot: I know but....

Steven: And look, Topaz and Lapis are already getting along.

Steven said as we both looked back at Topaz and Lapis.

Topaz: You can fly and your wings are made from water. That's so pretty.

Lapis: Thank you.

Steven: Just talk to him. You may understand him more than you think. You have to give him a chance to learn.

Amethyst had suddenly interrupted out conversation before I could give a reply.

Amethyst: Another barn mate. You guys are lucky. Topaz seems like he's going to add a lot of fun to this place.

Topaz's P.O.V.

I looked back at the Peridot with her short stature. I didn't know why she seemed to dislike me. The more I looked at her, I didn't understand why I was thinking of Pearl and how she felt. How she felt she was nothing but a Pearl. A servant to other gems above her. I was confused, not understanding how I could feel her emotions. I kept thinking, what would Pearl do in this situation and that's when my gem began to glow. It felt like it was changing, shifting into something. I could see Pearl's memories almost. They flashed so fast before my eyes, I could see what she saw, experienced what she saw including a pink lady who she adored. I didn't know what to do.

Topaz: Steven! My gem is doing something.

I called out before everyone surrounded me.

Amethyst: What the-

Steven: His gem.

Peridot: It....It changed into a Pearl.

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