Unexpected Love - an intercul...

By LeonieHerrgesell

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There was a fine line between love and hate, you heard that cliche all the time. But no one told you that the... More

How it all started:
New assignments and more hate
the assignment with the devil
A agreement between enemies and a bridal breakdown
Bridal dresses and other sparkling things
Parental pressure and other desasters
A pleasant dinner and other revelations
From enemies to best friends - A sisterly bond
The happy bride and the torn sister
The silent promise made by a brother
The unexpected knight in casual attire
The aftermath of being a hero and a fight between best friends
The unconvincing statement of my best friend
The denial of a hint of attraction
The unwanted butterflies in my stomache
The concerned and worrying best friend
The start of the horrendous project
The start of a friendship and the usual fight between enemies
The reconciliation between best friends
Can this be the start of a romance?
The indecisive best friend and the consequences
The threat from a best friend and the proposition of a sister
A talk between friends and the failure of the knight to act..
Is this the end of a possible friendship?
The realization and the betrayal of a best friend
The threats of the Queen Bee and the discussion between friends
The silence between best friends and the happiness of the bully
The courage of the outsider and the announcement of a teacher
The start of the play and the reunition of best friends
The chemistry between two and the jealousy of the third wheel
The moment that changed everything
A heated argument turned romantic and intensive
The girl that came between best friends and the fallout of them
The unwanted audience and the bonding of enemies
The dance between almost lovers and the suggestion of the teacher
The unwanted feelings and the talk between siblings
38. The meeting between nearly lovers and a wordless confession
A cherished moment and the usual banter of enemies
The fight between buddies and the curiosity of the enemy
The estrangement of friends and a surprising proposal
The confusing question and the quality time between siblings
The almost fight between best friends and the unexpected turn of events
The first date and the moment of truth
The Happiness of two and the start of a new friendship
The start of a new friendship and a sweet moment between almost lovers
The wanted almost confession and the distraction
The unexpected turn of events and the swoon worthy statement
The start of a relationship and the evidence of a hidden connection
The feeling of jealousy and the increasing confusion
First confrontation between lovers and the decision of the third wheel
A sweet moment between two persons and cultural differences
The start of something and the comforting warmth of a sibling
A fateful dream
The observing friend And A Magical Moment
A night out and unwanted feelings
57. Denial and other confusing feelings
58. An understanding between friends and the almost confession
The Aftermath Of The Almost Confession
The realization and the promise

The problematic situation of being judged by your sister

324 15 9
By LeonieHerrgesell

here guys, is the latest chapter of my story "Unexpected love". I know that there are many filler chapters, but I think that you should get to know the different characters in order to understand their actions with the progression of the story. I hope you guys enjoy it and comment, vote for it. The picture shows the house, Gracie and Shawn.


Siblings  are the people we practice on, the people who teach us about fairness and cooperation and kindness and caring--quite often the hard way.- Pamela Dugdale

Shawn POV:

After having my fun with Nathalie, I drove to my house in an expensive part of London. I lived with my younger sister Gracie. Nathalie was for now providing me with an amusing time, but I knew that eventually she would bore me. She was beautiful but very shallow; she had no character and I was not challenged by her. I parked my Mercedes in the driveway and made my way to the door.

Upon entering I saw the empty hangers where usually the jackets of my parents hang, I became furious. I hated that my parents cared more for their business than for my sister and myself. My elder brother moved out of the house two years back and since then the house became even more silent. Most of the time they were on business trip to expand their company. As if it was not big enough already and we were not rich already.

I shouted: I am home. I heard a muffled response from the kitchen, which I entered after having crossed the long corridor. "Who needs a long corridor?" I thought to myself. What I saw made me chuckle: "Oh, Gracie. What did you do now?"

My sister had attempted to bake and cook at the same time. Everywhere were dishes and baking utensils. She looked up scoldingly and muttered furiously: "Well, I have to take care of myself, since you rather hang out with your latest whore! I know where you were. With Nathalie or Jasmine? So don't dare to start with your sentence!"
She hated that I was like that; I had every week a new girl by my side. Nearly everyday we would get into a fight because of my ways of living. I was the casual type; I did not do relationships. In her eyes, this was a cruel thing to do; she believed in love and tried to convince me that it did indeed existed. However, I did not listened to her.

Moreover, she always complained that I did not give her enough time and cared for the girls more than her. Moreover, she despised that I played with people and did not care about their emotions. Additionally she assumed that the girls were more important than she was. I knew that this was not true. I was not like that, I adored my little sister and I did not want anything bad to happen to her. Gracie was the world for me, as my parents did not have any special place in my heart.

They were never loving and caring parents; all they cared about was, to make much profit and to gain a high revenue.  It is clear that their non-existing care had turned me into a person who did not want to be involved with love as I thought that it brought only pain and not happiness. Despite Gracies best effort; she could not make me get emotionally involved with the girls with whom I hung out.

"Gracie, you know I love you right?", I told my sister. She just raised an eyebrow at me and retorted: "You have a funny of way showing this "love" for me. If you were true to your words, you will come tomorrow after class!" I gulped, I had to meet Miss Kaur for the project, I was positive that if I ditched her and did not show up, she would complain to Mrs. Mendes about me and this would result in me getting into trouble.

So I tried to explain:  "Gracie, I have a new assignment in my history class and I have to work with my colleague after school. I will not be able to come home on time!" Gracie who thought that I was lying scoffed: "Yeah sure, who would that anonymous partner be?"

I just said: "Jasmeet Kaur!" When I answered this, Gracies eyes nearly popped out of shock. She knew that she rejected me and that from that moment on we were enemies. I hid the part of me bullying Jasmeet, as I did not want my sister to think badly about me. I hated to keep secrets from her but I knew how furious she would be if she were ever to find out.

"Oh really, but you hate each other guts!", she exclaimed furiously, and added: " This is truly a disaster! How can Mrs. Mendes do this? She is crazy? She is a complete fool to pair the two of you!"
I replied her nonchalantly: "Well, our teacher apparently thinks that my only chance of getting into a top University is by working with Jasmeet. After all you know that she is the "brightest student in school" as quoted by Mrs. Mendes!"

My sister looked at me deep in thought and then told me: "Well if she is truly your partner, you should come here to work on your project. If not, I know you are lying to me. Althought that would be a bad thing to do. You know I hate liars!" I could not believe my ears, my own sister doubted me. Also the thought of bringing the hated girl to my home, made me cringe in anger.


so what do you think of Gracie? Do you like her or not? and what will Shawn do to make his sister trust him again? Or do you think he will just accept this?

please comment, vote and share this story if you like it :)

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