Holding Onto You (boyxboy)

By ArmchairPhilosopher

2.4M 91.4K 66.9K

"So you're blind?" "Yes" "Well just so you know, I'm hot." Hunter has been blind since he was two and has be... More

Holding Onto You (boyxboy)
Holding Onto You Chapter 1
Holding Onto You Chapter 2
Holding Onto You Chapter 3
Holding Onto You Chapter 4
Holding Onto You Chapter 5
Holding Onto You Chapter 6
Holding Onto You Chapter 7
Holding Onto You Chapter 8
Holding Onto You Chapter 9
Holding Onto You Chapter 10
Holding Onto You Chapter 11
Holding Onto You Chapter 12
Holding Onto You Chapter 13
Holding Onto You Chapter 14
Holding Onto You Chapter 15
Holding Onto You Chapter 16
Holding Onto You Chapter 17
Holding Onto You Chapter 18
Holding Onto You Chapter 19
Holding Onto You Chapter 20
Holding Onto You Chapter 21
Holding Onto You Chapter 22
Holding Onto You Chapter 23
Holding Onto You Chapter 24
Holding Onto You Chaper 25
Holding Onto You Chapter 26
Holding Onto You Chapter 27
Holding Onto You Chapter 29
Holding Onto You Chapter 30
Holding Onto You Chapter 31
Holding Onto You Chapter 32
Holding Onto You Chapter 33
Holding Onto You Chapter 34
Holding Onto You Chapter 35
Holding Onto You Chapter 36
Holding Onto You Chapter 37
Holding Onto You Chapter 38
Holding Onto You Chapter 39
Holding Onto You Chapter 40
Holding Onto You Chapter 41
Holding Onto You Chapter 42
Holding Onto You Chapter 43
Holding Onto You Chapter 44
Holding Onto You Chapter 45
Holding Onto You Chapter 46
Holding Onto You Chapter 47
Holding Onto You Chapter 48
Holding Onto You Chapter 49
Holding Onto You Chapter 50
Holding Onto You Chapter 51
Holding Onto You Chapter 52
Holding Onto You Chapter 53

Holding Onto You Chapter 28

34.2K 1.1K 1.1K
By ArmchairPhilosopher

Vincent's pov

"Heather." I called out on Thursday morning to get her attention as the bell rang for first period.

She left her friends and joined me as I walked to class. "Hey Vince, looking for your handbag? He's not here today. After our little talk last night, he got so freaked out that he refused to leave his bed this morning and made an excuse to my mum that he has a flu from going out in the cold last night. From the way he looked, I don't think he had any sleep last night. He must have been thinking of all the nights he's going to spend with you." She nudged me with a suggestive smile on her pretty face. She looked different today, happy.

"I told you it wasn't the right time to tell him. He's probably made up his mind that he's never going to let that happen to him." I told her as we entered Math class together. I sat down and she sat next to me.

"No way, his body is craving for more remember." She said in an imitating voice that made me smile. "But you won't even be able to rip off​ your shirt and show him your body to tempt him, you're going to have to work a lot harder to get him between the sheets."

"It'll be worth it." I replied honestly. "But first I want him to be my boyfriend. Which of course can only happen if we end our other relationships which is so hard because we don't want to hurt Finn and Brian which is why we came
up with a brilliant plan to get them together so that we're all happy
at the end and you are going to help us."

"What on Earth Vincent, you have more drama in your life than my whole cheer squad put together." Heather said and I sighed.

"I know." Just then I saw that asshole Kevin walk in to class. "Why do
you hang out with that piece of shit Kevin? I'm going to give him a new face one of these days. I'm just waiting for him to open his mouth and I'll close it forever."

"He's like a magnet to my squad, he doesn't leave us alone. He thinks
he's going to get lucky but obviously I'm not interested and neither are any of the other girls." She said, annoyed.

"I know someone who you might be interested in." I told her and she laughed.

"There's no boy in this school that has me looking twice."

"Not even Ryan?" I asked her and she pretended like his name didn't have an effect on her but I saw that it did ever so slightly.

"That boy can dream." She said as class started.

"Mark, I met this really hot girl yesterday, I should give you her number." I told Mark as we sat in the cafeteria during lunch.

"Why do you think I want anyone's number? I can find a girl myself." He replied.

"I just thought that maybe you've decided to move on since you're
chances with being with the person you like are over." I pointed to where Alex, Tyler and Sarah were sitting and a boy was sitting next to Alex and he had his arm wrapped around him and they kissed every so often as they all laughed and talked while they ate.

Mark turned to look and when he spotted them, all the colour from his
face vanished and he got a murderous look on his face. He balled his fists and tightened his jaw.

"Getting angry now is not going to help. You had your chance and you
blew it, now you can either forget Alex or fight for him. He obviously
couldn't have gotten over you that fast." I held his shoulder trying to
cool him down.

"I'm not angry, I don't care who Alex dates. Why would I care. I'm not
gay Vince and I feel nothing for Alex, nothing. I don't know where you
get your stupid ideas from." He denied, putting on a fake smile.

"Mark how long are you going to deny it and deprive yourself. Look at
me Mark." He looked up from cutting his apple. "Your parents want you
to be happy."

"My parents want to be proud of me." He told me, sounding more like he's trying to convince himself then me.

"Your parents want you to be happy." I insisted trying to drill it in his brain.

"You don't know anything Vince. Besides you're one to talk. You like
Hunter but you're not dating him. How does that make you any different
from what you're claiming I am?" He shouted, abandoning his apple and
pointing his knife at me.

"Hunter knows how I feel about him and at least I'm not denying who I
am. If I want to be with a girl I'll be with a girl and if I want to
be with a boy I'll be with a boy but I'm not going to pretend."

"Hey bro, maybe you should check that out." Ryan said, sitting next to
Mark and pointing at Alex's table.

"Don't bother Ryan it's no use, he's not going to admit that it affects him. Let him live in denial and regret for the rest of his life.

Mark threw his knife on his tray and got up. "You guys don't know
anything. I don't care who Alex dates and the sooner you guys realize
that the better." With that he left the cafeteria and I shook my head.

"He's so stubborn." I told Ryan taking a bite from my sandwich.

"He needs time, he'll come around." He said as he dug into his own meal.

"Hey Vince." Brian said as he put his tray of food down and sat next
to me wrapping his arm around me.

"Hey my dear." I replied. I gave him a long kiss and it felt so good.

"My parents are not going to be home this weekend. They're going tomorrow and they'll only be back on monday so I have the whole house
to myself." He leaned in to whisper in my ear. "Maybe we could make the most out of an empty house if you know what I mean." I looked at him
and he lifted his eyebrows suggestively with a mischievous smile.

"Are you serious?" I asked him in slight shock.

"Yeah I'm serious?" He replied excitedly.

"This is not one of your sexual innuendos right? You do mean what I
think you mean. You want me to make you scream so the neighbors hear?"
Does he finally want to let down the wall he's built between my hands
and his body?

"Even louder." My eyes went super wide when he said that. Okay
seriously who did Brian go to for advice on how to keep me happy,
because that person definitely knows I love empty houses.

"What did you eat for breakfast that got you unable to resist my irresistible body?" I asked and ate another mouth full. Tyson and Grayson had joined our table and they started talking to Ryan about our upcoming game.

"It's not just about your body or sleeping with you Vince, I want to
spend time with you and get close to you. I feel like we're drifting apart. I mean we're together for so long and we haven't even been on a date." He said and I almost choked on my food.

"Date? You mean fancy clothes and formal hello's and candles and
arguments on who pays the bill? No way. Sorry Brian I just don't do
dates. We are not going to go on dates." I told him assertively.

"Vincent stop being such a prick." Brian whined.

"You called me a prick?" What's wrong with him.

"I want your prick." He said using an apologetic and flirtatious tone.

"Oh you do." I pulled him close loosing my anger and kissing him all
over. "It's so much better then all those hours wasted in stupid dates. Tomorrow is going to be a night we never forget. This weekend is for you and me baby. Get ready to be blown away."

"Literally?" He had this wicked smile on his face.

"What are you saying dude. In your dreams. The only one who's going to
have his mouth full is you. It's not my scene. In fact you'll have
more then just your mouth filled." That smirk came to my face and his
turned into a frown.

"You are such an idiot. You just know how to spoil everything and make
everything so unromantic." He started eating his food clearly indicating he didn't want to talk to me.

"What do you expect? I haven't gotten laid since school opened in
August, it's now November. I'm Vincent Stone, that is a record for me.
So now when you finally decided to stop playing hide and seek with your body, I'm obviously going to want to get you in bed without going through a date first and not because I only want to sleep with you I promise. I'm not a date person Brian, but you'll get to know everything about me by spending a night with me. And you won't regret it because when we're done, you're going to love me even more." I told him, honestly hoping he understands.

"Fine no date but dinner by my house. You're not going to just walk in
and push me against the door and start ripping my clothes off and
leave a trail of our clothes right up to my room while attacking me with your lips. We're going to take things slow and make every moment perfect." My mushy boyfriend said and I wanted to rip his clothes off​
right now and show him what a perfect moment is.

"Fine." I painfully agreed. "But don't make anything fancy. In fact just order pizza and there's no need for dessert, you're my dessert."

"Don't worry my dear, dinner won't take up too much of time. And besides, we have the whole weekend." I kissed his smiling lips.

We both finished eating and there was still ten minutes for the bell to ring.

"Let's go." I took his hand and started pulling him out of the cafeteria.

I led him outside and all the way to the hill where I first kissed Hunter and pushed him against the tree.

I kissed him gently, savoring the moment and trying to get as much of
him as possible.

He turned us around and pushed me against the tree. "You know, everything is better if you have a little practice." He went on his knees and put his hands around the top of my jeans. "What say we start now?"

I pulled him up and wrapped him completely in my arms. "As much as I
want you to make me feel amazing, I want it all, for your sake, to be special because I know how much this all
means to you and it means a lot for me as well." He smiled in the most
beautiful way when I said that and it made me so happy.

"I love you so much Vincent. I don't know how I got so lucky to have
you in my life. And whether we're together for a few more days or
months or even forever, I will always be grateful for every moment I
spend with you and I hope every day that forever is how long I can
call you mine." Brain told me and his words struck me.

Am I that amazing in his eyes that he's already planned to spend the rest of his life with me. "I don't know what the future looks like Brian but I always want you to be a part of my life. You're not getting rid of me, ever." I kissed him, enjoying every second.

"It's so weird without Hunter in class right? It doesn't feel like we only know him for a few months, it's like he's always been here." Brian told me, pulling away from the kiss and leaning on the tree next to me.

"Yeah it does feel like I know him my whole life. But sometimes I feel like I don't know him at all. He hides so much of what he's feeling and pretends everything is fine. Sometimes I don't know how he feels
about something. After all he's been through, he's the strongest person I know. I don't know how he manages to do it." Hunter really is amazing.

"You're right. He didn't let his blindness stop him from anything and
despite what happened with his brother, he managed to be happy and
enthusiastic and full of life. He really is strong." My just as amazing boyfriend said.

"Like you." He looked confused and I nodded. "I'm serious, you're
strong as well. You managed to go through so much without once
snapping and doing something you regret. You also deprived yourself of
so much without once blaming anyone. I'm the lucky one to have gotten you. I've had it easy my whole life. My biological parents abandoned
me and I could easily have been brought up in an orphanage or on the
streets but I got saved by two people who love me more than I could ask for. I've had money, a warm house, a loving family, good education, amazing friends, I've got nothing to complain about. But I know that if I had to go through anything like that, I would break. I'm not so strong Brian. I can not imagine losing my brother or my eyesight or having my parents regret adopting me. Does that make me selfish?"

"No, it doesn't make you selfish Vincent. There's nothing wrong with
only wanting good for yourself. Because wanting good for yourself
means wanting good for everyone else." Brian said, leaning into my
arms. "And I hope will all my heart that good things always come your

I pulled him closer. "Our way."

Just then the bell rang ending break.

I kissed him hard and while we were lip locked Brian pushed me backwards trying to get me to class.

"I don't want to be late." He managed to let out through our kiss.

"I don't want to go." I rushed out before fiercely kissing him making
him enjoy it so he stays.

"Vincent let's go." He insisted.

"Why? Class is boring, especially since Hunter is not even there to lay eyes on you know." I whined and the look on Brian's face made me realize what I said. "Um what I mean is you know, I need to be Hunter's eyes because you know why so yeah I meant that and not that I lay eyes on his body three quarters of the time in class and speaking of class we're going to be late if we don't hurry." I laughed innocently.

"Vincent you are such a bad liar." Brian replied as we rushed to
class. "You know if someone had to ask you 'Hey Vincent, who are you
dating?' You're reply would immediately be Hunter and then on second thought you would say 'Oh actually I mean Brian. It's just that I
think of Hunter all the time so his name is the answer to everything.
What do want for dinner? Hunter, how was school today? Hunter, where
do you see yourself in ten years? Hunter.' I'm sure you also say his
name in your sleep and I don't even want to imagine why."

"Alright I get it and that's not true. I don't think of Hunter all the time, I think of you most of the time and I dream only of you." It's true, mostly.

"Oh please tell me something believable." He argued but I knew he
wasn't angry.

"You are my boyfriend and no one else." I told him seriously and he smiled.

"That's assuring." He laughed.

We had reached class and I stopped him from entering.

"Brian I have a responsibility towards you as a boyfriend but Hunter is also my responsibility. Honestly I don't think he'd survive a day in this place without knowing that I'm keeping an eye on him. And I know that I didn't quite stick to just being his guide and got a little too close to him, in every sense of the way, but after what
happened yesterday I've decided I'm not going to kiss him anymore. The
last time I kissed him was yesterday when I met him at the mall and
it's going to remain being the last kiss. My lips are all yours. Everything of me is all yours. I promise. This will do all of us good. It's what Finn wants and it's what I want as well."

I know that Hunter and I decided that we want to be together and get Finn and Brian together but until then we will not kiss, hopefully.

"I understand Vince that Hunter is your responsibility and I'm really
happy that you've made this promise. I trust you completely. I love you captain." He kissed my cheek and we entered sitting down and getting through class and the rest of the day.

I parked across Hunter's house and pulled out his stack of classwork
and homework I collected in each class. I passed my fingers over the
top piece of paper feeling the bumps that made up his braille words.
How he managed to read this amazed me. I take so much advantage of
being able to read with my eyes that even the thought of having to
feel what I want to read actually makes me scared.

I cleared my head and got out of the car locking it and headed across
the street to the front door. I rang the bell and a few seconds later
Heather opened the door.

"Well hello there beautiful, long time I never check you out. What say we go up to your room and I..."

"Hunter is freaked out of his mind." She cut me off and I put all flirting aside.

"What do you mean?" I asked her, not sure what the problem was.

"I'm sorry Vince but I think Hunt is going to remain a virgin forever." She said, ushering me in and closing the door.

"Are you for real? I'm telling you again this is your fault. I told
you it was too soon to tell him but no, the birds and bees where making so much noise in your ears that you just had to get rid of them and now he's left wondering how on Earth people survived all these years after doing such a monstrous act." I scolded her and headed up the stairs.

"Oh please he's not an underage kid who needs to stay away from adult
talk. He'll get over it and when he's jumping every willing person in
college he'll figure he can survive." She justified herself as we reached Hunter's room.

She stopped at the door and looked at me with pleading eyes.

"What do you want?" I knew her too well.

"My mum didn't go to work today because Hunter stayed at home but once I got home and Hunter managed to convince her that he's fine, she took a cab to dad's office and once he's done with work they're both going to San Francisco to visit my aunt and they'll only be back tomorrow." She sounded way too excited.

"Yeah so." What did she want me to do.

"Mum's car is here." She said in a very obvious tone. "And you're here to look after Hunter so can I go, please."

"And what will I get in return?" I asked her already knowing I'm not going to refuse her.

"Alone time with your boyfriend."

I shook my head smiling and Heather winked at me as she opened Hunter's room door.

"Hunt you're awake?" She asked entering the room and I followed her.

"I'm awake Heather." He replied and I wanted to argue with Heather
that he perhaps may just be like a little kid.

"Do you plan on leaving your bed before tomorrow's sunrise?" She
continued her questioning, pulling his drapes open and popping up a
window letting the cool air enter.

So that's the window Finn played Romeo through.

Hunter didn't know I'm in the room probably because after gym when I
took a shower the smell of my cologne got washed away.

"No, I'm never leaving my bed or even my room." He told her wrapping
himself further I'm his sheets.

"So should I call all the boys to you?" Heather asked him suggestively
with a cute smile on her face.

Hunter blushed like I'd never seen before and hid himself under
everything on his bed.

Heather turned to me confused, probably wondering why I didn't make my presence known and she was about to question me on it but I put my finger up to my lips to silence her and mouthed no and she got the

"Well you're going to have to get up eventually so just get over it.
It's not that big of a deal anyway. Maybe the first time yeah but
after that it's like a stroll through the grocery store, you fill your basket up and then you empty it at the cash register." She casually told him making her way out.

"Get out of my room." Hunter screeched not wanting to talk about the topic that's giving him nightmares.

Heather laughed as she left the room shooting me another wink.

Once she shut the door I was about to tell Hunter that I'm in his room
when he started talking to himself.

"A stroll down the grocery store? I hate the grocery store, I hate any
store. Which means that something that's suppose to be pleasurable and
nice will be just one more nightmare and torture." He groaned falling
back on his bed and closing his eyes.

I went close and bent down by his bed and he opened his eyes lifting his
head a little and trying to figure out if he can really feel someone's presence, eventually deciding it must be his imagination and resting back on his pillow.

"Get out of my head Vincent." He murmured and I smiled, my heart
feeling all sorts of good stuff knowing that I've made my way into his

He picked up his phone from his night stand and I quickly pulled out my phone and put it on silent in case he called me although I don't think he wanted to speak to me right now until he got over his shock.

I was right because he called Tyler. "Hi Tyler how are you?"

"Yeah I wasn't feeling so well." He calls being sleep deprived for one
night not feeling well? Oh well.

"I'm feeling a little better but a visit from my friends would be
great." He laughed that sweet laugh of his that melted my insides.

"What, you guys are outside my house? I knew you would come. Heather will open and come right up."

Oh crap I need to hide. I very silently made my way to his closet and
the door was open so I entered the spacious room and closed the door
halfway so I still had a view of him.

A minute later Tyler, Sarah and Alex entered the room and gave Hunter
a very loud and very dramatic greeting causing me to roll my eyes.

"Oh my poor baby, don't worry we're here now so you'll be up and about
in no time." Tyler comforted Hunter like a big mother hen.

"I don't want to be up and about, I don't want to ever leave my room."
Hunter whined, seriously bringing out his four year old self.

"Why not my dear, what wrong?" Sarah asked, sitting next to Hunter on
his bed. Alex and Tyler joined her.

"I was told the worst thing yesterday." Hunt added on to the dramatic
show that I got to witness like a spectator in a theatre.

"What were you told Hunter?" Alex piped in sounding worried.

Hunter murmured something that I didn't hear.

"What, are you serious?" Tyler burst out, his squeaky voice irritating my ears.

"Who told you about that?" Sarah asked him shocked.

"Heather and Vincent." He grumbled. "And now I'm freaked out of my mind. They told me stuff I would never have imagined. I still can't believe what they said. Please tell me that what they said is not true."

"Well it depends on what they told you." Alex told him with a cynical smile.

"I am not repeating any of it." Hunter rushed out, that blush still very much heated.

His three friends laughed getting in bed with him and making
themselves comfortable.

"It's all true my dear and it's not as bad as you think, or at least that's what we've heard. We are all virgins in this room." Tyler said trying to reassure Hunt.

I certainly am not. That card got played a long time ago.

"You mean non of you have been with someone like that before?"
Hunter asked wanting to confirm what he just heard.

"Nope. It's not so easy getting between the sheets with someone if you only want to do it with the person you love. Being promiscuous can get
you anyone but we're going to wait until we find that special someone
to make love with." Tyler replied and I almost scoffed loud enough to get me out of my hiding place.

I bet if I go to Tyler tomorrow and offer him a night of pleasure he'll agree before he even thinks of love. And that goes for Sarah and Alex as well.

"Well then I'm not going to fall in love with anyone so I don't have to go through any of that. Why would you purposely do that to yourself. I don't understand people." Hunter said.

"Well if a man and women don't do it, no babies will be born." Alex laughed.

"Damn Hunt we can't even let you watch porn. Listen to me my dear,
it's not a bad thing. And you will never be forced to do it with anyone. Your body belongs to you. You don't have to ever be pressurised to let anyone take advantage of you." Tyler assured him.

"I know but I'm just not ready for any of that. Call me childish but I think I'm still too young. I'm turning eighteen in April so I'm basically an adult but I don't think I need to do all that to prove it." Hunter argued.

"Oh Alex aren't you going to give Hunter the good news? Alex might
just beat us all to it." Tyler sprung up getting all excited.

"I have a boyfriend." Alex announced, a slight blush tinting his cheeks. "His name is Cameron and he's a Junior at our school."

"Wow I'm so happy for you Alex. I can't wait to meet him. But Mark..."
Hunter trailed not knowing what to say. "Actually forget it, as long as you're happy. I'm certainly very happy for you. How did you meet him?"

"Hunter you can ask me about Mark it's alright. Deciding to date someone who was not him was very hard but I did it and I don't regret. Cameron is amazing. Mark will always be my first love and I will always have a place for him in my heart but I'm moving on. The whole one sided love was just giving me heartache and gray hair." He chuckled but I could see the pain in his eyes. "Anyway, I met Cam about a month ago at my cousins house because he was doing an assignment with her and we just clicked. We started meeting in school and one thing led to another and now we're dating."

"Yeah he kept his rendezvous with his lover away from us, can you believe it?" Sarah complained jokingly, trying to sound angry but her beautiful smile gave her away.

Tyler folded his arms turning away from Alex. "I'm still angry with him."

"I told you why Tyler so stop fussing. Tell me if I'm fair Hunter. I told Tyler that I didn't tell you guys about Cam because I didn't know how he felt about me and I didn't want it to turn out like Mark where it was one sided so I waited until we were dating to tell you guys. I didn't want to embarrass myself. If Cam told me he didn't want to date me I wouldn't have even told you about him because I don't like it when you guys see me in pain. It makes me feel even worse. I hate giving you guys a reason to be sad." Alex admitted. Why can't Mark just stop being so gutless and date Alex. I need to knock some sense into him.

Sarah pulled Alex close to her and he seemed to love the feeling. "Don't be silly Lexie, your problems are our problems. We're only happy when you're happy. You know that your feelings mean the most to us. Tyler and I have always cared the most about how you feel. You always come first. And we want to go through everything with you, your pain, your happiness, everything."

Alex kissed her cheek and placed his head on her shoulder. "I love you." He told her gently.

"I'm sorry I kept it from you guys but now Cam is my boyfriend and I am
very happy." Alex told them, smiling.

"Like Sarah said, if you're happy then I'm happy." Tyler added, rubbing tears away.

"Me too." Hunter chipped in not wanting to get left out.

"I love you guys all so much." Alex burst out and they all laughed just being content with each other.

Maybe these three aren't so bad after all.

They sat and spoke for another fifteen minutes and also convinced
Hunter to come to school tomorrow and he was more excited to meet
Alex's new boyfriend to even remember why he didn't go to school

After they left Hunter pushed away his sheets and went to his bathroom. I left his closet and sat down on his desk chair pulling out my phone. I heard the shower go on as I went to Finn's number in my contact list and pressed call.

"What did coach have to say?" I asked when he answered.

"Just the usual. Did you meet Hunter, did you tell him I was stuck here?" He replied.

"He's in the shower, I haven't spoken to him yet. His three non-promiscuous friends just left." I snickered, thinking of Tyler's absurd theory.

"Huh." Came his reply.

"Nothing. Are you still at school?"

"Yeah, coach is making us do laps. He's not very happy that you backed
out of practice. We're going to be here for at least another hour." He sounded
annoyed. "Tell Hunter I'll see him soon."

"Yeah okay I'll tell him. Enjoy the rest of practice, bye."

"Yeah bye."

I cut the call and put my phone back in my pocket as I pulled off​ my
jacket and threw it on his bed. I made my way to his window to see Heather driving off in her mum's car.

"Home alone with Hunter, oh the possibilities." I smiled, contemplating going into the bathroom and taking full advantage of the situation.

I shook my head getting all fantasies out and sprawled out on the bed waiting for Hunter to finish.

Fifteen minutes or so later he came out with a towel wrapped firmly around his waist and as he made his way to his closet, I stared at him forcing myself not to pounce on him. When he closed the door behind him I fell back on the bed regretting not joining him in the shower.

He came out a few minutes later and my mind went crazy again. He only had his briefs on and in one hand he had some clothes while he used his towel to dry his hair with the other hand. When he was done he threw the towel in the hamper by his bathroom door and walked over to his bed putting his clothes on it. I got off the bed very slowly and tried to be as quiet as possible and I managed to escape without Hunter having any suspicion of my presence.

I leaned against the window as I watched him pull on fluffy blue socks. He stretched and rubbed his eyes. "Mum and dad are gone and Heather is in her room so I have the whole house to myself, oh the possibilities." He had the most adorable look as his mind wandered. I guess we both don't want this opportunity to pass.

He stood from his bed not bothering to get dressed much to my pleasure and made his way out of his room and down to the kitchen and I followed his every move. He opened a unit and felt around until he found a packet of chips and believe it or not he started smelling it. He made a disgusted face and put it back. " I don't know why mum buys cheese puffs, I hate it." He felt around again and this time he found Doritos which he once again smelt and he smiled satisfied as he closed the unit and made his way to the fridge. He had the whole house mapped out in his head which still amazed me. He opened the fridge and felt for the top door shelf and he counted down four shelves and took a can of coke from it before closing it. Watching him made my heart pain at how I take all this for granted and it made me so proud of him.

He made his way to the living room and sat on the two seater couch placed opposite the tv. Next to the couch was a table that had a radio on it which he switched on before popping his legs on the couch and popping his soda open. He took a long sip and placed it next to the radio and then dug into the chips munching away as he listened to the guy on our local station. This must be that Cal guy, or was it Kat.

"Next up we're going to enlighten our listeners with a super hit song that will get you all up and moving." The presenter said and Hunter on hearing this put the packet of chips down and got up on the sofa dancing ridiculously to the song and I had to press my hand against my mouth to keep my laugh in and when I finally managed to control myself I stood against the wall watching Hunter dance like crazy and feeling so content at seeing him so happy.

When the song and his little show ended, he rested back on the couch and finished his meal. Realising that Finn will be coming here in about twenty minutes I decided to make my entry. I went to the front door and slowly open it and sneaked out closing it behind me and ringing the doorbell. A minute later I heard Hunter.

"Who is it?" I hope he remembers he is only in his briefs.

"Hey Hunt it's Vincent." And I actually heard his squeak.

"Vince? Just wait right there, I'll be back in a second okay don't move." He quickly replied and I was a little disappointed that I wouldn't be able to see him without clothes again.

A minute or so later he opened the door running his fingers through his hair to tame it. He had pulled on sweatpants and a hoodie and looked so good.

"Hey Handsome how you're doing?" I flirted just to see him blush and I got a full box of tomatoes.

"Vince stop it, I'm not well remember." His blush deepened indicating that last night still affected him and I shouldn't say anything to make either of us remember what was spoken about.

"Relax I just brought your homework." And then I remembered I left it in his room.

"Oh thanks so much." He stretched out his hand and I walked past him entering the house once again.

"Forgot the homework, are you not going to invite me in?" I hoped he wouldn't mention Heather and look for her because that would just be a disaster.

"Of course, you're always welcome in my house and guess what? I'm home alone. Well not completely alone because Heather is in her room but mum and dad are gone for the night." Crap. I hope he decides to be a good brother and not disturb his sister.

I needed to keep him downstairs. I pushed him against a wall and pressed myself against him. "You mean no one is on this floor. No one will disturb us?"

"Disturb us doing what?" His blush deepened if possible.

"Do I really need to give you any more details?" I whispered in his ear even though we were alone.

He pushed me back lightly escaping from my hold. "What will you have?" He asked trying to change the subject as he made his way to the kitchen.

"You're more than enough." I told him as I followed him.

"How was school today?" He avoided even looking in my direction.

"Nothing different." I liked him so much more without all that clothes.

"Tyler, Sarah and Alex were here earlier. Alex has a boyfriend, can you believe it." He spoke over his shoulder as he rummaged through the same unit where he found his chips.

"I don't need anything to eat Hunter i'm just here to see you." He pretended like I didn't say anything and continued looking for who knows what.

"I can't wait to meet Alex's boyfriend, I'm sure he's really nice. Hey do you want coffee? Did you eat anything, were you at football practice? My mum and dad are gone to San Francisco by the way but I don't mind staying alone with Heather because she's the best sister in the world. Hey did you get my Math results? I'm so sure I did really well. Mum is going to be so proud of me. Well she's always proud of me but..." I silenced him with my finger on his lips and his eyes avoided me completely.

"Hunter what's wrong? Are you going to be like this around me all the time now? Why are you doing this? We don't have to talk about what we discussed last night and we can just forget about it and go back to normal. Why are you so jittery?" He didn't once look my way and seemed to be holding himself back from doing something.

"Vincent I..." He seemed to relax when I rubbed his cheek. "Ever since I got home last night I can't stop thinking about you. I've been feeling your presence all the time and I just want to kiss you and I don't know what else I even want and I want you to get out of my head but I also want you to be close to me. I'm supposed to be feeling all this for Finn but I don't know why you're so darn stubborn you refuse to give me any peace. You insist on being the only one I think about and I'm so sure you do it on purpose to make me fall in love with you but..."

I couldn't take it anymore and pulled him close fiercely kissing him and he kissed me back with so much force as if we were kissing after years. I pushed him against the counter and my hands explored him all over. His hands did the same to me and I was finding it impossible to control myself. We were breaking all promises and crossing all barriers but nothing could stop us now.

I pulled off my shirt and got rid of Hunter's hoodie letting his hands feel me all over. I kissed his shoulder going up to his ear and then going back to his lips. He opened his mouth and I didn't wait a second in letting my tongue do all the magic. His fingers dug into my back and I let out a growl pulling him even closer letting our bodies rub hard against each other. I lifted him up on the counter and he wrapped his legs around me getting closer to me and it caused a friction that made me loose control completely forgetting everything and everyone and getting completely lost in this moment. We continued kissing and grinding until we both let out deep moans as we orgasmed and then we were too drained to even move.

After a few minutes we pulled our shirts on and sat on the kitchen floor still trying to stabilise our breathing.

"So, how was it?" I dared to ask, not knowing if he was going to kill
me or thank me.

"What am I going to tell Finn?" He said rubbing his hands over his face.

"What are you going to tell me about what?" I turned to see Finn standing by the kitchen door and realized that I had left the front door open.

Well crap.

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