She was Lost, but He Found He...

By lost_girl_forever_12

389K 9.4K 2.3K

Jackie has always been a little lost, but thanks to Peter Pan and his crew things will soon change. What unus... More

She was Lost, but He Found Her (Peter Pan OUAT)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Update info
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Update info
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Another Update, sorry

Chapter 16

7.8K 194 39
By lost_girl_forever_12

Chapter 16

Well it has been about a month since we left Neverland. I usually just stand at the front of the ship and stare out at the sea. That is my time to think and get thoughts out of my head.

Everyday I would think:

I guess Peter truly doesn't care about me.......

Should I join the Pirates?

What has my life come to?

I never asked for any of this....

I then knew what I needed to do.

I walked over to Hook's cabin and knocked on the door.

"It's open." I heard him shout.

I opened the door and walked in. I saw him slouching in his chair, polishing his hook.

"Yes, Jackie?"

What I told him next made him sit straight up in his chair.

"I want to be a member of the Jolly Rodger."

He handed me a sword.

"Welcome aboard."

He smirked.

*Peter's POV*

It has been a month she has been missing. I have no idea where she went or what happened to hear. I figured it was Hook. The hard part about ships sailing between realms is that it is impossible to track them down.  I have been going crazy. I need to see her, I need her to be with me.

It can be months before we find her. I would fly everywhere, that's if I could. I learned that the island is slowly dying, which means I am too. The magic is draining out of everything. I can't use a lot of magic at one time, or I shorten my life even more.

Felix walked over to me.

"I just learned some news from your shadow."

I glanced at him.


"The description of the two newest crew members of the Jolly Rodger."


"One is a teen, maybe 18 years old, strong and ambitious."

We should may be concerned a little about him.

"And the next is a female teenager, swift on her feet, and powerful."

It couldn't be.... she would never betray me like that.

"Is it Jackie?" I eventually was able to say that out loud.

"Most likely, Pan. I'm sorry."

"It can't be her, maybe my shadow got the wrong information."

"We have the location of the Jolly Rodger, but it will take us awhile to reach them."

"Then we better get going."

Finally, after five months, we spot the Jolly Rodger.

I have been resting a lot, hoping my magic will be strong for awhile.

 When we reached the boat, the sun was starting to set. I signalled for the boys to get in positions to attack. I did an invisibility spell on myself. I flew up to a sail and looked around, hoping to see Jackie. 

Hook and some of his men came out from under the deck. I undid the spell, giving the signal. The boys put on their hoods and climbed up the sides of the ship and started fighting the pirates. I told them to leave Hook for me. 

I saw him and flew down to him.

"Ah! Peter Pan! What a pleasant surprise-"

I pushed him up against a wall.

"Where is she?"

"Look around, you will find her." He smirked.

I ran around the ship, looking at all the pirates. I see one fighting like I do. I ran over and pulled off the hat off of the pirate.

Long locks fell down.

She looked into my eyes with despair.

*Jackie's POV*


"Yes Jackie, it's me."

I wanted to hug him, but then I remembered what Hook said about him not caring about me. I got so angry that I threw a punch a him. He wasn't expecting it; he stumbled back a little. I knew that he wasn't going to fight me back. I kept going at him until I fell on my knees, tears running down my cheeks.

I couldn't look at him.

"You don't love me."

"What? Of course I do-"

"You don't care about me."

"That's not true-"

I stood up and kept swinging at him.

"Then why didn't you come get me sooner?" I looked at him with an emptiness in my eyes.

He didn't have an answer. He looked like he was keeping something from me. 

I shook my head in disbelief and turned away from him. I started to walk away until he grabbed me and pulled me toward him.

I struggled a little and he caught me off guard.

He planted a passionate kiss on my lips. I threw my arms around his neck. 

But suddenly, I had a sharp pain. I fell onto the ground. I looked and saw an arrow in my side. I was losing a lot of blood and I noticed my veins were turning black. Dreamshade. I knew I wasn't going to last much longer. Peter supported my body in his lap. 

"Hey, everything is going to be ok." He brushed my hair out of my face. He looked tense.

"Peter, I know its dreamshade." I said weakly. "At least, I get to spend my last moments with my favorite person in the world."

He smiled, and I saw tears building up in his eyes.

"Shhh don't cry." I wiped his cheek. "Maybe its just better this way."

"I love you..." A tear ran down his cheek.

It was hard for me to say this, it felt like my air was being taken away. 

"I love you too." I smiled up at him.

He grabbed my hand and held it very firmly.

I whispered in his ear with my last available breath, "Kiss me one last time..."

His lips pressed against mine. I held on to him for as long as I could. All I saw was his face against mine, starting to get fuzzy, and then darkness.

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