The Speedster and the Telekin...

By mabaronlovesbts

11.8K 154 2

After the events of the black hole in Central City, the Flash was considered the hero of the city. But over t... More

Book 3!!!


162 3 0
By mabaronlovesbts

It's been weeks since we sent Reverse-Flash back to his timeline. Barry and I had gotten the apartment and we were packing some of the things in our rooms to take to the apartment and my queen-sized bed. Most of the things were at the apartment now, but we still had to buy a lot of things to make the apartment homier. "I wish the apartment was already furnished so we didn't have to buy a lot of stuff." I say as I pack my clothes into a box. "It would've been easier, but at least we get to chose what we want in our apartment." Barry says and I nod. I fill up the box, then tape it shut and move it aside. I look around my room to see that most of it was now empty, especially since the queen-sized bed was now gone. "You ok?" Barry asks kneeling next to me on the ground. "Yeah. It's just shocking, you know?" I ask looking into his green eyes and he nods as he wraps his arms around me. "I know." he says kissing my temple and I smile at him. "Ok. I think that's enough packing for the moment. I want some coffee." I say to him as we stand up. "Two Flashes, coming right up." Barry says as he walks out and I chuckle. I grab another box and pack some of my things in there. I suddenly hear the doorbell ring and since no one was home, except me, I had to answer the door.

I open the door to see Iris dressed in a leather jacket with a faux fur collar, a white button up blouse that showed off part of her black bra, short denim shorts, black stockings, heeled black short boots, and purple hair extensions. "Ok, you have five minutes to tell me why your dressed like a skank." I say with crossed arms as I look at her with a straight face. "My baby brother is going drag racing tonight and I wanted to go to write a story on why it's dangerous." she replies and I raise a brow. "And to go there you need to dress like a skank?" I ask and she rolls her eyes. "Anyways, I need my best friend to come with me." she says and I hiss. "Sorry, Barry's out grabbing coffee for us before we finish packing. Come back later." I joke and she raises a brow as she puts a hand on her hip. "Tori, I'm serious." she says and I sigh heavily as I roll my eyes. "Fine. But if any guys at that drag race hit on me, you owe me big." I say and she nods. "I'll be out soon." I say letting her in and going upstairs. I change out of my casual clothes and put on a black bra-like crop top, a mini leather jacket, nude stockings, ripped denim shorts, and black heeled boots. I put on a dark red lipstick, curl my hair, pin it to the side, and put on my faux pearl earrings. I then head downstairs and look at Iris who smiles at me, "I appreciate this." she says trying to lighten my mood. "I better not be dressing like this again." I say to her as I put a hand on my hip. "Lets go." she says as I grab my phone and we head out as I tell Barry not to grab my coffee and to hang out with someone for tonight until I get home.


We eventually get to the location of the drag race and as soon as we walk on site, men start whistling at me Iris as we walk over to Wally who was talking with some guys. Wally looks at us with wide eyes then looks away. "What the hell are you guys doing here? Aside from trying to send me to therapy?" Wally asks us as he walks away. "I told you I did some research. I thought it would be a good idea for a story for the paper. Plus, I thought this would be a great way for us to really get to know each other." Iris replies to him. "She forced me to come. I was perfectly fine at home, packing my stuff to move into mine and Barry's new apartment next week, but she dragged me into this." I say with crossed arms. "Excuse me, but I want to know what's so great about this that you won't let go, bro." Iris says playfully punching her brother's arm and I pinch the bridge of my nose as I shake my head. "Do me a favor and never say that again." I say and she rolls her eyes. "No one here is eager to get their picture in the paper, you got me?" Wally asks her. "In which part of the paper? The part where they put the mug shots or in the back, in the obituary section?" she asks him with furrowed brows.

"Yo, why don't you just take a page out of your dad's book, let me do what I'm gonna do, ok? I don't need a big sister." Wally says and I widen my eyes.

"I know, you're gonna need an undertaker." Iris says and I just stared between the two siblings.

"I could've stayed at home having a nice coffee with my boyfriend as we packed for our apartment, but no. I had to be dragged along to this." I mutter to myself.

"Last race of the night, people. Our reigning champ, Tail Lights!" a man says and I look to see him with his arms slinged around two skanky girls and that's when I hear horns being honked and people cheering.

Iris and I look around, then we look to see Wally as he walks to his car, "Oh... What? No "good luck?" he asks as he steps inside. Iris and I move away from the car and I stare at the man who was talking as Iris takes his photo. "You're gonna do a what I think you're gonna do?" I ask her telepathically and she nods then we walk away from the scene. "By the way, you still owe me." I say and she laughs.


After work the next day, I tried to finish off packing and I had finished all the packing in my room, and all that's left was to pack whatever Barry needed from his room. I suddenly get a beep on my phone and open it to see a link to Cisco's metahuman app from Cisco himself. I download the app and open it to see Barry in his Flash suit facing a man who was covered in black spots facing another man. Suddenly, the man's hand changed into hot burning tar and he shoots tar at the other man, but Barry saves the victim and faces the metahuman. I quickly get up and take a cab to S.T.A.R. Labs. "Ok, explanation, now! What is he?" I ask as I walk into the Cortex and stare at the monitors. "A meta who can turn into asphalt. I call him "Tar Pit." Cisco says and I roll my eyes as I look at the footage. I see Barry run to the fire hydrant as Tar Pit shoots his tar at Barry, but he speeds away making the tar hit the hydrant and water pours over him. "Oh, yeah! Team Flash!" Cisco says enthusiastically giving Caitlin a high five and holding a hand up for me to smack. I roll my eyes annoyed that I wasn't there to help, but happy for Barry. I smack Cisco's palm with a smile and he fist pumps making me laugh.

Barry speeds into the Cortex and into his regular clothes and he walks up to me, kissing my temple. "Alright, so Tar Pit--" Cisco starts to say and Barry interrupts him. "Tar Pit" that's what we're calling him?" he asks and Cisco nods. "Tar Pit, uh, was after one Clay Stanley. Stanley, as it turns out, is a suspected hitman that the C.C.P.D. has been trying to track for a while. But they haven't been able to make anything stick." Barry says and Cisco giggles at the pun while I sigh and pinch the bridge of my nose as I shake my head. "No pun intended." Barry assures Cisco and I look at the screen again. "Do we know why he was attacked?" I ask him with a hand on my hip, but Barry sighs. "Stanley wouldn't answer any of my questions. He was pretty scared." Barry replies and I furrow my brows in wonder. "When a hitman is scared, you know something's wrong." Cisco says and I had to admit that he was right about that fact. "Hey did you get an ID on our meta-human?" Barry asks him and he nods in confirmation. "Yeah, I'm running it through five different facial-recognition systems right now. So it should take a minute." Cisco says to us and suddenly, a picture of the meta pops up on the screen. "And there it is. Who's the best hacker in the world, people?" Cisco asks us, which he made a mistake in doing so. "Felicity Smoak." Caitlin, Barry, and I say in unison and I turn to look at Cisco. "What is wrong with you three? That's not friendship." Cisco tells us and I smirk at him. "But it's the truth." I say and he just narrows his eyes at me as I shrug.

"Our meta-human's name is Joseph Monteleone." Caitlin says and I look at the man's mugshot.

"Oh, he looks friendly." Cisco says sarcastically and I nod.

"Monteleone was reported missing... Surprise, surprise, the night of the particle accelerator explosion." Barry says.

"And what's the connection between Monteleone and the two victims?" Caitlin asks, but Barry just shrugs.

"I'll call Joe, have him run background checks on all three guys." Barry says grabbing my hand and dragging me with him.

"Ok, I'm gonna run some tests on the tar sample, see if I can find his weakness."

Barry and I start to walk out together, hand in hand, until we were suddenly stopped by Cisco. "Hey. You feeling ok, Barry?" Cisco asks Barry and I look at my boyfriend with furrowed brows. "Yeah. Why?" Barry replies to him looking at Cisco with a confused look. "You're going slower than normal. You clocked in at 1415 miles an hour." Cisco says and I just look Cisco. "How fast does he usually run?" I ask out of curiosity. "1500. Are you getting enough to eat?" Cisco asks Barry and I look at him with a frown. "Yes! Yeah, dude. I'm fine. Seriously. The difference seems negligible. Fast is fast, right?" Barry asks him and I sigh as we walk off again. Once we were in the elevator, I look at Barry worriedly as I chew on my lip as he just stands there looking at his phone. "Tori, I can feel your eyes on me." Barry says looking at me and I sigh. "Barry, what Cisco said has me worried. How am I supposed to stay relaxed when you could be sick, or something." I say. Barry grabs my hand and I look at him with a worried look still on my face. "I feel fine, Tori. I promise. Nothing's wrong." he says and I sigh, but nod. "Changing the subject, then. I finished packing my things in my room. All we need to pack is whatever you're gonna take in boxes." I say and he nods. "I can handle that." he says and I smile and nod.


We were all in S.T.A.R. Labs just waiting for Joe to bring us any info on Tar Pit and the two victims, so to pass time, I just watched videos on YouTube. "I ran background checks on everyone involved in this Tar Pit mess, came up empty. I mean, they all have records, but they're sealed, so... Can't read them." Joe says walking into the Cortex. "Well, that's because they're bound by ethics, Detective West." Cisco says and he starts typing on the keyboard. "How many felonies are we committing breaking into sealed court records?" Joe asks Cisco. "Three or four. No, five." Cisco says and I look at the screen to see the information on all three. "Well, they were sealed because the records are all juvenile offenses." Barry says and I cross my arms. "They weren't arrested together." I say looking at each and every detail on each person. "No, but look at this. They served in the same juvenile detention facility. Actually, Monteleone and victim one were bunkmates." Cisco says. "Who do we have shacked with vic two?" Barry asks and a mugshot of the man I saw at the drag race pops up. "Bronwen, comma, Clark. Well, good luck finding him, he has a ton of addresses, and I can't seem to find anything current." Cisco says and I widen my eyes as I start to tense up. "But I know a current one." I say and Barry turns to face me. "How?" he asks me and I turn to look at Joe, then Iris walks in. "Iris, we're gonna need to go to that drag race Wally's going to tonight." I say and she looks at me confusingly until I motion to the screen. "We'll explain on the way. Right now, we gotta get to that drag race." Iris says to her dad and I nod then turn to Barry. "I'll see you there." I say to him and he nods then kisses me before I catch up with the West's.

When we arrive at the location of the drag race, we get out of the car and Joe looks around the area. "Welcome to the wrong side of the wrong side of the tracks." Iris says and I nod. "So, where's Clark?" Joe asks and soon my eyes spot him by a car. "That's him." I say motioning to Clark standing by one of the cars that was racing. "There's Wally." Joe says and I turn to see Wally's car getting ready to race. The race starts and we watch Wally race until we see the car start to wobble. The road seemed to have bumps, but suddenly the asphalt starts to rise from the ground and I widen my eyes. "Tori, call Barry!" Joe says and I nod as I pull out my phone and dial Barry's number. "Hey, babe, let me call you ba--" I cutoff his sentence. "Barry, get down here now! Tar Pit came to the drag race coming after Clark. Wally's in trouble too." I say and then he hangs up. I look up to see Wally's car ride up the asphalt wave flipping it around and I suddenly feel a gust of wind and see Barry's streak. Barry gets Wally out of the car, but the car flies in the air heading straight for Clark, but Barry speeds over to him moving him out of the way. The car still flipped in the air heading for me and Iris, but I pushed Iris out of the way not using my powers because I didn't have my suit on. I turn expecting Barry to swoop me into his arms away from the glass, or for him to catch all of the glass. Instead a glass shard finds its way into my shoulder and I start to collapse, but feel Barry's arms catch me. "Tori!" Iris yells and I wince in pain at the glass shard wedged in my shoulder. "Get her to the hospital!" I hear Joe say and I was suddenly sped to the ER. "Tori, baby, you're gonna be ok. I promise." Barry says to me knowing that I'd hear it through telepathy, then the rest was a blur.

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