Game Changer

By ray_xo

741K 18.4K 6.3K

Sophie Cooper is part of the social Elites at Ridgevale High, being friends with them since freshman year. Th... More



10.4K 326 46
By ray_xo

I thought finding something to wear which would firstly, cover the huge cut on my leg and secondly, not be so tight on the bruise on my chest, would be easy.

Well... I thought wrong.

All my dresses end above the knee, and the shirts that go with my skirts are either tight or show skin.

I sigh and pull out a pair of high waist skinny jeans and a white halter top which isn't tight. I settle for those and a pair of wedges which give me a few extra inches.

After a refreshing shower and getting changed, I put my usual make up on and leave my hair loose trying to cover most of the bruise on my forehead because theres no doubt I'll be questioned about my injuries today.

Of course I can't cover the cut on my cheek or lip but I can at least hide the others. Alex told me that if Courtney questions me about what happened- even though she knows- I should act oblivious and not accuse her although I know it really was her fault.

After grabbing an apple for breakfast I climb into my car, not having to worry about saying goodbye to my mom since she already left for work.

Once I arrive, I cut the engine. I take in a deep breath, encouraging myself to not let this situation get the best of me. I tell myself that I can't let Courtney get to me. I open my eyes and apply a layer of lip gloss before climbing out of the car and slinging my bag over my shoulder. After locking my car, I head to my locker like usual while trying to ignore the stares that follow me as well as the inappropriate comments that flow out of the boys' mouths.

While packing my bag I try to remember I have any assignments due this week when I sense a presence behind me. I can immediately tell who it is and the perfume that I catch a wiff of only confirms my suspicions. I slap a smile onto my face and turn around to face a seemingly innocent Courtney.

The urge to hit her that overcomes me is unbearable and I have no idea how I manage to avoid giving into the urge. "Hey Courtney." I grit out. She gives me a perfect smile, her white teeth a striking contrast to her ruby lipstick.

Her eyes drop to my appearance before meeting my eyes and I already know where she's heading at. "Why are you wearing jeans today?"

"I felt like a change" I mutter feeling frustrated at how innocent she's acting.

"And those cuts? Where did you get them from?" She asks, gesturing to my face, with no concern whats so ever. Any other person would have missed the evil glint in her eye however, I certainly do not. I push my hand to my locker, slamming it shut and causing a bang to echo through the hallway. She doesn't flinch though.

"You know exactly where I got them from." I hiss lowly as I glare at her. I've never hated Courtney so much since I've known her, and trust me, this is not the only thing she's done to me that is worthy of my anger, but for some reason I feel like this time she has pushed it too far. People get raped at clubs. I could've been a victim of that...

"Oh but I do." She growls back, "And because you were a coward, I had to pay up two grand." Her eyes narrow into slits.

I know Alex told me not to say anything, but it's too late now.

"I don't give a shit if you had to pay up, you sold me out. You deserve to pay." I say looking at her- who now looks furious- feeling proud that I actually stood up for myself. For once. It's not because I'm a shy person or I lack confidence- because I don't- I just knew my place in the Elite and with Courtney all too well. I knew what I would get myself into if I went against her.

If you knew your lane in the Elite, you would be okay. Being in the Elite meant sacrificing who you were and the freshman me thought that was okay.

I know better now.

"Look Sophie, I don't know who the hell you think you are," She laughs humourlessly, "But I run this show and I'm tired of you messing around with the performance. You've always known your place, I suggest you stay in it." She scorns before brushing her skirt and checking her watch. "I'll see you around, Sophie. And if you can't get your shit together, don't come for lunch." She says coldly before turning her back to me and walking away. I stare back at her retreating figure, my eyebrows scrunched together in confusion and my hands balled into fists.

What just happened?


If I said that the Elite weren't constantly glancing at my cuts, I'd be lying. Chris, Ashleigh and Kelcy asked me numerous times about them but I just shrugged their questions off. I wasn't in the mood to have to come up with a lie to cover Courtney's ass. Now that we're currently sitting at our lunch table, they all- except Courtney and Logan- turn to face me.

"Okay Soph, are you going to tell us what happened or not?" Chris cuts Courtney's blabbering off.
I look at all of them who look at me expectantly however, Courtney has a warning look on her face as well as Logan who I assume knew about her dirty dealings, too.

I sigh, " I told you guys it was nothing; I was drunk and fell. Thats all." I say easily, waving a dismissive hand and opening the cap of my water bottle.

"Why didn't you call one of us?" James asks.

I wipe my mouth with the back of my hand, placing my water bottle down. "Maybe because you guys were all just as wasted?" I ask in a 'duh' tone.

"Who took you home?" Ashleigh inquires.

"My mom." I say quickly.

"Your mother?" Tyler asks incredulously, eyebrows raised at the bizarre idea. I nod at him and Logan raises an eyebrow at me. "And she was happy that you were drunk and hurt?" Megan adds with a sarcastic tinge to her words.

"She grounded me for a week." I snap. "Which means I can't be doing anything this week." I say.
They all look at me in disbelief.

"Since when have you ever cared about your mother grounding you?" Kelcy asks and my eyes snap to hers.

"I don't know if you're blind but if I had to tell my mom the truth, you'd all be thrown under the bus so you're lucky that I didn't answer her interrogation and accepted her means of punishment." My voice is laced with sarcasm and it makes Kelcy glare at me although the rest of the Elite are already moving on to the next topic.

"Am I supposed to thank you for that?" Kelcy retorts and I scowl at her.

"No, you're supposed to stop asking me questions when you don't genuinely care."

My words make a sliver of hurt flash through her eyes before it's masked over with annoyance. Chris calls me at that moment, gaining my attention and I'm thankful for that.

"Yeah?" I respond.

"Your bag is in my car. I'll give to you after school." He says and I nod.

"That's fine,"

Chris nods at me before continuing his discussion with James and I ignore Kelcy's side glances, pretending to be listening to Megan and Courtney's conversation. However I can feel Alex's staring at me from across the cafeteria and as much as I want to glance over at him, I refrain from doing so. Luckily the bell rings shortly after and I lift from my seat quickly saying goodbye to everyone and making my way to English class in an attempt to escape the frustration the Elite cause me.

Once we're in class, Miss Rosely begins her lesson and I take note of how none of the Rebels are in class yet.

They're hardly ever on time.

"Friday is a Macbeth pop quiz so make sure to st-"
Miss Rosely drones on before she is interrupted by her class door opening and the Rebels strolling in with laughter.

"You're late." She scolds them, a frown etched onto her face.

"Thanks for stating the obvious." Alex responds with an eye roll.

"Can I have an explanation?" She snaps, ignoring his comment. Nina steps forward, clapping her hands in excitement.

"Well, we saw a unicorn in the hallway but it was crying- candy if I may add- so we went to ask it what's wrong, and it said it couldn't find Rainbow Town Central. So, we being the helpful people we are, decided to help it. Which took some time making us late." Nina answers sarcastically, a wide grin on het face. The class laughs at her snarky remark although Kelcy, Chris and James don't and instead seem irritated. My lips quirk up at Nina's sassy answer.

My teacher rolls her eyes at them. "Just sit." she scolds them. They all sit down with amused looks and hushed whispers.

"If you're going to make a noise in please get out." She snaps at them, shutting them up. I almost laugh out loud at the pout Martin sends her way. As she begins her lesson, I can't help but wonder how long it'll take for me to move from the Elite... Hopefully not too long.


On the way to Sunny Smiles I decided to stop by a nearby shop the shop to grab some Rascals. I know, I'm a Rascal-addict. I then proceeded to head to work where I found myself feeling relieved knowing that I could have some peace.

After greeting Kathy upon entering, I head to Lucy's office since I want to speak to her about how the interviews are coming along. I knock and after hearing a faint "come in" I open the door to see Lucy on her computer. Her beautiful red hair is up in a messy ponytail, while she wears a simple grey top and jeans. Her thick rimmed glasses accentuates her freckles and makes her nose look pointy.

"Afternoon," I greet while closing the door behind me.
"Afternoon Sophie, how are you?" She asks, taking off her glasses and folding her arms across her chest.

"Well and yourself?"

"Very well thank you." She answers "Take a seat sweetheart." I do as I am told and take a seat opposite her.

"I'm sorry you have to work on your own right now." She apologises, rubbing a hand over her face.

"Don't worry, I can handle it. But on that topic , how are the interviews going?" I ask.

"Not too well. I haven't found the right person just yet. But I have a few this week so I'm hoping I'll find the right person." She says with a smile.

"I'm sure you will. If you need any help, please let me know." I answer.

She smiles at me, "Thank you sweetheart, I will do so if needed." I smile back at her and stand up, wiping the imaginary dust off of my legs. "I think I should leave you to it." I chuckle. She laughs along with me as I head to the door.

"Why have you being coming early lately?" Lucy asks just as I grab the doorknob. I halt turning around slightly.

"I like it here." I answer honestly.

"Well you're always welcome," She answers, grinning at me widely.

"Thank you," I say, walking out the door as Lucy continues with her work.

I make my way back to Kathy like I do every other day to find Alex talking to her and making her laugh. "Hey," I greet.

"Olá," He greets back. He eyes my attire carefully before looking back up to my eyes and I ignore the action, turning to Kathy instead. "How are you?" I ask Kathy.

"Tired," She laughs,
pushing up her black glasses.

"Kathy!" I hear a muffled voice call. Kathy stands up with a playful roll of her eyes and makes her way over to Lucy's office, leaving Alex and I alone.

"So, how was it with Courtney?" Alex asks me, making me look away from Lucy's office.

"Well, I wasn't able to stick to the plan because I kind of flipped a lid at her this morning."I answer sheepishly and Alex shakes his head.

"As long as you don't mess up the arrangements." He counters and I nod.

"Did they ask about your cuts?" He asks.

"Yeah, they did." I say.

"What did you tell them?"

"That I was drunk and fell."

He chuckles, "Good choice." Why does he have to laugh like that? A light from the parking lot catches my attention and I look over towards it to see a differnt car pulling in, one however, which is familiar to me.

"Did they eat it up though?" Alex asks. I squint my eyes trying to make out who it is, "Yeah," I answer, not really paying attention and moving from behind Kathy's desk.

"Didn't they ask who picked you up?" He inquires while watching me.

"Yes." I answer, looking back to the parking lot and seeing a tall muscular figure making its way to the door.

"And who did you say was the one to pick you up?"

I look harder this time and as the figure gets closer, my heart hitches in my throat. "Chris!" I almost shout.

"Chris?" He asks confused. "Why would you say that?"

"No! Chris!" I exclaim, pointing to the parking lot where Chris is a few metres from the door.

"Oh shit," Alex mumbles. We both look around frantically trying to figure out what to do.

This is it. I think. He's going to see us and the drama I was trying to avoid is going to happen. I am awoken from my thoughts when Alex gets down on the floor and crawls behind Kathy's desk silently. I sprint behind Kathy's desk and pretend to be filing when I hear the door open and close. I look up to see Chris in a white shirt holding a... bouquet of flowers?

"Chris?" I ask as naturally and surprised as possible

"Hey Soph." He says, gazing around the room.

"What are you doing here?" I ask, rounding her table.

"I just came to apologise, " He says while handing me the colourful bouquet of flowers which give off a beautiful aroma. I take it perplexed and look at him unknowingly, "For what?"

"For being a douche and getting drunk and not being able to drive us home." He says with guilt as he rubs his hand over his face. I laugh at his sweetness,

"Don't stress Chris. I wasn't upset anyway." I reassure him by hugging him. Although he hasn't suspected anything about Alex being in the same room as me, right now, I still don't feel any less nervous about this situation. I look down at the flowers which are absolutely beautiful- the daisies, orchids, lilies and roses are arranged in a beautiful pattern making me smile.

"Thank you," I say holding the bouquet up, "They're beautiful and smell absolutely magnificent."

He chuckles. "A pretty bouquet for an even prettier girl." He smiles while looking down at me. Why is he being so complimenting? I playfully roll my eyes at him finding his flirty joke amusing. Alex scoffs beside me and I freeze hoping that Chris did not hear it. However, when he furrows his eyebrows I know that he did.

"Is someone there?" He asks, trying to look over the desktop. I stand in front of him trying to block his view. "Of course not Chris," I say hastily.

Chris is about to look over once more when Kathy walks out of Lucy's office, giving me an excuse. "Oh look, Kathy's here!" I state a little too enthusiastically. She pushes her glasses up and smiles at me before her eyes meet Chris's which makes them widen.

"Uh Kathy, Chris. Chris, Kathy." I introduce. They both shake hands and as she makes her way over to her table she notices Alex however, she merely frowns before looking back up at Chris with a forced smile, obviously confused as to why Alex is hiding. "Anyways, I should get going." Chris says eyeing the table suspiciously.

"Yeah, thank you." I say gesturing to the bouquet at which Kathy's jaw drops to the floor as she admires it. He chuckles, "No problem. Bye Soph." He winks at me. Once he's out the door, I turn around and narrow my eyes at where Alex is still hiding behind the table.

I'm going to knock some sense into this boy for almost blowing our cover.

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, so please let me
know what you think :)

Also... My best friend said I should enter my book into the
Watty's which I am considering (even though I don't have a lot of reads) so if you vote, comment and share my story you could
really help me win :D

You guys are amazing!

Lots of love xoxo


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