Broken ( teen wolf fanfiction)

By Syd_ginger

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Skylar is a strange gardian.She has more power than a full grown alpha. But when she tells her most trusted h... More

The mission
Meeting Packs
Can't Trust Them
Back to this Hell Hole
Lacrosse Game
Testing Lydia
Deserve a Good Time
Peace Making
Stealth Mode
Nightmares part 2
Show 'em whatchu got
Devil's Crotch
Author's Note

Jackson Troubles

164 5 0
By Syd_ginger

Skylar Pov.

I parked the jeep outside the preserve gate and slammed the car door behind me. I quickly climbed over the fence and shifted as I jumped to the ground, landing on my four paws with ease. I sprinted through the woods for a ways ten suddenly realized I have no idea where they exactly are. I paused lifting my muzzle and letting out a short howl signaling to the rest of my pack. I perked up my ears and waited for a response. Not long after I heard a short low howl coming from the northeast, not too far from me. I sprinted towards the howl turning dirt in my wake and loving the feeling of the cool evening breeze through my coat. 

I could start to hear the faint mumbling of the groups conversation. I slowed my pace, my paws padding silently in the dirt and fallen leaves. I think it's time for payback. As the conversations grew lounder I moved more stealthy in the treeline that surrounded the others. This is going to be so sweet. I peeked through some bushes at everyone in the clearing, scoping my target who was in human form flirting with his mate. I crouched down with my hackles raised, letting a soft low growl rumble in my chest. Everyone that was non-human immediately stopped their conversations and looked around them cautiously. I locked my eyes on my target and hurled out the bushes jumping on his back and tackling him to the ground. 

"AAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!" He screamed and looked up at me horrified unable to react. I quickly stuck out my tounge and covered him in the biggest wettest licks I could muster. I jumped off him shifting back in human form grinning cockily. 

" Why the hell would you do that to me!!! You nearly gave me a heart attack!!" Zack jumped to his feet whipping slobber from his face glaring at me. 

" Payback is a bitch." I smirked and crossed my arms over my chest. 

" Damn dude she really scared you." Riley said between laughter. 

" Okay sorry to spoil the fun  and games but can we get serious agian, please. God it's like all of you are puppies." Stiles yelled sarcastically. All of our grins quickly faded and turned to Siles giving him a cold hard stare. 

" Hey, easy on the dog jokes. Or I'll come over there rip out your tongue and shove it down your throat." Riley growled slowly walking over to the now frightened human. I quickly walked over to Riley and put my hand on his huge chest. 

" No. We have orders. No one touches the human. Even though he badly deserves it." I pushed him back a couple of steps then turned and scowled at Stiles. 

" Okay enough!" Emmett have us all the look to behave and turned to Scott, Stiles and Allison. I havn't even noticed her presence until I took a second look around the group. I kept my icy cold stare on her while the others talked. We can't trust her, she is with the hunters who are now hunting us and staring to get in the way of everything. Allison kept her eyes on Scott and Emmett clearly avoiding my gaze. 

" Danny's tablet wasn't in the car, which means that's why Jackson went after him at the club. He was trying to get the tablet." Scott explained to the rest of the group. 

" But if Jackson doesn't remember being the Kanima, then he's defiantly not going to remember stealing the tablet." Tyler pointed out. 

" Why would he steal the thing when he doesn't know what's even on it?" Stiles snapped. I could hear the frustration in his voice. 

" What if someone else took it? What if Jackson was supposed to be the distraction?" Kathrine suggested. We all looked around at each other.

" Then somebody else knows what he is." Emmett thought out loud. 

" Which means someone is probably protecting him!" Scott looked a little relieved at the thought. But why would someone protect him? I don't see the motive here. My brow furrowed as I looked down at the ground. 

" Good, then it falls with what the bestiary says, the Kanima seeks a friend right?" Allison spoke up. My eyes darted around at everyone who looked confused and stressed. 

"Okay, hold on so somebody watches Jackson video himself turning into the Kanima then erases part of  it so Jackson wouldn't know? Who would do that?" Stiles looked around the group for suggestions. Nobody said anything. 

" Someone trying to protect him?" Allison suggested. 

" Wait hold on you said that what you found online about the Kanima is that it goes after murders. What if that's actually true." Scott suggested. All of our heads snapped up at Stiles waiting for an answer. 

" No it can't be. It tried to kill all of us remember. I don't know about you but I havn't murdered anybody lately." Stiles said sarcastically. Stiles turned and rose his eyebrows at us. I can't believe he is asking us if we have ever killed anyone! Well of course we are trained to fight and kill our enemies but we havn't had an attack for fifteen years, that was when most of us were four or five. Emmett looked at all of us then crossed his arms over his chest and sighed. 

" No, none of us have killed anyone." Emmett answered. " Yet." Riley glared at Stiles letting a low growl rumble through his chest taking a step forward licking his lips. Emmett growled a warning and Riley backed off. I held a smirk from crawling on my lips. 

" I don't think it was actually trying to kill us." Scott turned to Allison. " Remember at Issac's house, it just went right by us didn't it." 

" Your right it just ran off." Allison nodded her head as she spoke. Scott quickly turned back to Stiles. " And it didn't kill you in the garage." 

" Well yeah, but it tried to kill all of us and Derek at the pool." Stiles said soflty.

" Did it?" Scott looked around at everyone. The rest of my pack nodded, I played back that night remembering every detail. Holding Derek in my arms, feeling his warm breath on my neck. Oh god no Sky! Stop! Stop that right now! I shook my head and replayed the way the Kanima attacked us. 

" Actually it didn't really go all the way after us. All it did was paralyze us. You'd think it would go for the kill when we were helpless, but it didn't. " I looked up and everyone was sitting and thinking in silence. 

" Yeah, but it was waiting for us to come out when the three of us was in the pool." Stiles argued. 

" What if it was trying to keep you in?" Scott looked from Stiles to me. I shrugged in response. Stiels eyes grew wider. " Why do I feel violated all of the sudden." 

" Because there is something else going on and we don't know what it is. We don't know anything about what's going on with Jackson or why someone's protecting him." " Know thy enemy." Allison suddenly inturupting. Everyone looked at her. 

"What?" Scott asked. Allison glanced at him. " Something my grandfather said." She explained. 

" You mean that crazy supernateral hunter?!" Brittney asked. Allison nodded. 

" Well we can't have these hunters finding out about our kind. That will just be more trouble for us." Emmett said determined. My body went rigid. I could feel my canines sharpening from ancxiety. I quickly bit down on my tounge piercing the skin. I quickly swallowed my hot blood before it would leek out of the corners of my mouth. Emmett is going to literally kill me when I tell him what else is going on.

" All right I got it. Kill Jackson problem solved." Stiles suggested. All of my pack nodded in agreement. 

" He risked his life for us. Agianst Peter, Remember that?" Scott snapped.

" Yes but what did we just find out. He got the bite from Derek. It's funny how he got exactly what he wanted by supposably risking his life for us. It's funny." Stiles said sarcastically. I rolled my eyes at him even though he did have a point. 

" It doesn't mean he's still not worth saving." Scott argued. And sadly Scott has a good point too. I took a couple steps back and leaned my back on a tree crossing my arms over my chest. This might take a while.

" There's always something with him though." Stiles said while gestureing at the police van parked a few yards away fom us. 

" He doesn't know what he's doing." Scott's voice was filled with frusteration. " So?" Stiles snapped. 

" So I didn't either!" Scott turned to Allison. " Remember when I almost killed you and Jackson?" Allsion nodded, looking like she dreaded recalling it. Scott turned back to Stiles. 

" I had someone to stop me. He has nobody." Scott said desperatly. 

" That's his own fault." Stiles continued to argue some more. Wow Sties really seem sto hate Jackson. 

" It doesn't matter. If we can save him, we have to try." Scott looked around everyone giving us a look that we have to understand where he's coming from. I looked around my pack then at Emmett. Emmett met eyes with me for a second then turned back to Scott.  " What do you want us to do?" He sighed out. 

The cold night air caught in my throat as I quickly follwoed Emmett to the preserve gate where I parked my jeep. I had did it. I told Emmett what else was happening with the hunters. After a lecture was scramed at me and a couple trees were knocked down and punched in peices everything was okay. I had to tell Emmett I was sorry and that I  will for now on think before I act and think of what effects it would have on my pack. LIke the keepers always said the pack is one, if one goes down everyone suffers. 

Right now the both of us are on our way to Derek's to try to convince Derek and his pack to move in with us. It sounded crazy and Emmett was not thrilled when the idea was suggested at all. I'm not even sure if Derek will even consider movng in with us. A small part of me hopes that he will. I shook the last part out of my head and jumped in the passenger side of the jeep.

The rest of the pack is helping Scott and the others keep watch over Jackson. We thought it would be better if just Emmett and I go, ten wolves might be too intamidating. Who knows when he'll turn into the Kanima again and totally destroy that van. Emmett got into the driver's sie and silently put the jeep into drive and pulled onto the freeway. 

    We pulled up to the little dirt lot outside the warehouse and parked next to Derek's sweet sexy black car. I am in love with that car, I am making a small goal in this mission to at least get a ride in it or maybe even drive it! I smiled at the thought of me in the car with the petal to the metal and driving far from here. That would be a dream come true. 

I got out of the car and followed Emmett to the open garage door. I wasn't even inside yet and I could already smell Derek's sweet scent. Then it hit me, I havn't even seen Derek since the night we danced! Oh, perfect just perfect.

I tried to ignore it the best I could, but it's becomeing like a drug to me. I shook my head trying to focus on why we were really here, to warn Derek about the hunters. We walked in and I could hear Derek, Issac and Erica in the broken down train talking. Emmett's arm swung out causing me to stop. I looked up at him, he had his fingures up to his lips indicating me to stay quiet. 

" So why do we need their help?" Issac asked. 

" Because it's harder to kill than I thought and we still don't know who it is." Derek answered sounding bored. They climed out of the train and walked across the wareouse, clearly not noticing our presence. So much fo useing your hieghtened senses. I rolled my eyes. These werewolves weriously need some real training. 

" And they do?" Isac asked, sounding clearly not convinced. 

" They might, which is why I need you to get on their good side." Derek said with more authority. Erica followed them out of the train. 

" Hmm, Scott, Stiles or one of their new wolfy friends?" Erica asked seductevly. Derek stopped at an old trunk then turned to her. " Either." 

" You know the full moon is coming Derek." Issac stated, walking up closer to him. Derek sighed and then turned to him. " I'm aware of that." Issac rolled his eyes and Derek turned back to the trunk and opened the lid. He pulled out huge chains and collars with spikes on them. I looked up at Emmet who just watched them intently. Erica picked a set up and held it in the air.

" My these look comfortable." Erica said sarcastically. I fought the urge to growl in annoiance. Derek took them from her hand and set them on the floor along with the others. 

" You said you could teach us how to change whenever we wanted." Issac snapped. 

" There hasn't been time." I could hear Derek get more short with them by the second. " But if you have to lock us up during the full moon that means you'll be alone agianst the Argents." Issac said with worry in his vioce. Derek closed the lid of the trunk and started walking over to the other side of the room. 

" They haven't found us." Derek said confidently. I fought the urge to scoff. "Yet." Issac looked down at the ground. " So how about we forgett the Kanima." He sugested. Derek turned on his heals to face the two werewolves. 

" We can't!!" He shouted angerly and very annoied. " There was something about the way Gerard looked at it, he wasn't afraid, at all. I don't know what he knows or what he's planning, but I'm sure about one thing we have to find it first." Emmet cleared his throat and and walked out in the open. Derek and the other two snapped their heads towards us. Derek's eyes glew thier vibrent red sending chills down my spine, he was watching Emmett's every move. I quickly shook the feeling off and followed Emmett to the middle of the room. Once Derek saw me his eyes turned back to normal.

" I think we have the answers to both your problems." Emmett crossed his arms over his chest and smirked cockily at the werewolves, but once his eyes fell on Erica his smirk faded and something flashed through his eyes. Something I have never seen ever on Emmett's face. Erica akwardsly broke eye contact then glanced at Derek. 

" What do you mean? You know who the Kanima is?" Derek scoffed sounding unconvinced. 

" We know who the Kanima is and what the hunter's next move is." Emmett said confidently. Derek rose an eyebrow. " Who is it and how could you possibly know their next move?" Derek snapped. Emmett turned to face me. " Why don't you ask the one who found out." Derek's snapped his head to face me, giving me a questioning look. I just hate being put on the spot like this. 

" I followed Allison's father, he talking with Gerard in their basement, they are looking for you-" Derek rolled his eyes. " Yeah we know they're looking for us, that's why we are here." Derek said sounding more bored. I glared at him, my teeth started to sharpen in my mouth. " If you would just let me finish." I growled. Derek eyes grew a little wider and he nodded for me to continue. 

" They have been searching the city by grid, in the next few days they are looking in this vicinity." I finished. Issac and Erica gave Derek worried looks. Derek let out a frusterated sigh looking down at the ground deep in thought. " Derek we have to go, we have to find a new place to stay." Issac said. 

" We don't have anywhere else to stay." Derek snapped. 

" Actually that's not true, our pack has decided to let your pack move in with us." Emmett made a pained expression as he spoke. He wasstill  not fond of the idea. 

" There are like ten of you. How could you possibly have room for four more people?" Issac asked with his brow furrowed. 

" Oh, trust me we've got room." I smirked. Derek looke at me for a long moment then at Emmett. " And all of your pack is okay with this?" Derek questioned. Emmett and I exchanged glances. 

" More than others." Emmett hesitated. 

" What is that supposed to mean?" Erica snapped. Emmett flinched at her harshness. 

" Riley and Kathrine didn't really agree with the idea, but I gave them orders, they'll follow them." Emmett said confidently. Derek rose an eyebrow at the both of us. " It would be better if you just tried not to cross paths with either of them." I shrugged. Derek didn't look to happy about it, but he doesn't have any idea of what else to do. Derek turned to Erica and Issac. 

" 'Start packing." He ordered. 

" We'll be waiting in the car." Emmett said while turning to walk out the door. I turned and followed in out the door. I hopped in the car as Emmett turned the radio on. I let out a sigh of relief. " Well that was eaier than I thought it was going to be. I thought we'd have to do way more convincing than that." 

Emmett snorted. " Yeah no kidding." 

We waited for about thirty minutes then Boyd pulled up and walked in the warehouse. Not long after all of the werewolves started carrying out Derek's belongings and that huge chest full of the werewolf collars. They piled their belongings into their cars and slammed the doors shut. Derek stood in front of his car and nodded at us. Emmett put the car into drive and we pulled out of the lot, leading them to our place. I let out a yawn and checked the time on my phone, I read 12:30am. 

Suddenly Emmett's phone started ringing and he digged around in his pockets looking for it. He pulled it out, read the name and answered it. " Hello?" As the person on the other line talked Emmett's eyes grew wide. " What?!" He screamed in the phone. Oh no that can't be good. Emmett groaned. 

" Okay we are coming to pick the rest of you guys up." Emmett pressed end and threw his phone down in the back seat. He slowed the car down and pulled to the side of the road. " Emmett what's going on?" I was almost too afraid to ask. 

" Jackson got out.  Scott and Stiles are going to the police station to return the van. We have to go pick up the rest of the pack, they all can't fit in just one jeep." Emmett rubbed the back of his neck looked frusterated ans stressed. Suddenly two cars are honking their horns impatiently. Emmett turned to me with a pleading look. I already know he is going to ask me to do something I do not want to do. I grimaced. 

" What do you want me to do?" I groaned. 

" I need you to take the werewolves to the appartment so I can go pick up the rest of the pack. I don't think Scott wants Derek to know about Jackson yet." He gave me a desprate look. I groaned and started getting out of the car. " You so owe me." I muttered under my breath as I slammed the car door behind me. I didnt even bother looing back behind me as Emmett sped off. Derek got out o the car.

" What is going on?" Derek asked while watching Emmett drive off. 

" Something came up with Emmett, he had to go do something. So he made me go with you to our place." I sighed out pausng in front of the passenger side door of Derek's amazing car. I glanced up at him and he let out a sigh. " Okay get in." I couldn't hold back the smirk as I got into the car. 

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