Babel's Magic-Khadgar FanFic

By threeandthirteen

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A very rare find indeed, a Khadgar fan fic. Based a year after the movie a nightmare has plagued our poor mag... More

Nightmare Journal
Throne Room Torrents
Behind Barrack Doors
Drunken Distraction
Night's Babel
King's Command
Fledglings First Flight
Cliffside Arrival
Big Mouth
Blood Letting
Up In Smoke
World's Apart
Demons in Stormwind
Pretty Soap?
Girl Talk
Trust Effigies
Torn Between
Lock Tears Blood
Crushing Magic
A Magi's Virginity
Lothar's Solution
Go To Bed
Good Night My Magi
Startled Before Noon
Old Gods, Find Me
Our Misunderstanding
Spring Night Nightmare
Voodoo Magic
Fel Gore
No Potions, Only Swabs
Little Talks
Lost In Thoughts and Apprehension
Don't Leave Before Dawn
Surpassed Calling
Equilibrium Amongst Factions
Growing Together

The Prince and Princess

118 0 0
By threeandthirteen

"Varian, Adariall, sit down now so help me-" freezing in their tracks both the ten year old boy and his twelve year old sister skidding to a stop near the furthest window in the dinning hall. Taria's brown eyes narrowed, deepening her threat to her children while pointing at their designated spots at the table.

"Listen to your mother little ones, she's an ornery one when she's tired," Lothar, with stein raised to his lips winked at his niece and nephew before taking a swig of beer.

"Teehee," snickering like fiendish hyenas the kids fluttered over to their uncles side pestering Taria for them to get to sit next to their uncle during dinner.

"Please mom, Varian got to sit next to uncle last time, its my turn!" Adariall a spitting image of her mother stuck out a pouty bottom lip while hanging off the edge of Lothar's chair arm. Of course the King offering no support whatsoever as he sipped at his beer and leaned back in the heavy wooden chair with little sprites teetering on either arm of his chair.

"I told you we have guests," Taria rubbed her temple having repeated the same thing what felt like a million times just in the past few hours.

"Mom we already know the mage and uncle go on missions," Adariall exacerbating her distress by groaning.

"We already know Sir Khadgar, mom!" Varian piping in as he turned around leaning against his uncles chair just as heartbroken as his older sister.

"The Guardian isn't the only one joining us tonight children," Taria tiring already of the long day moved past both kids and Lothar, discreetly flicking her brother in the back of the head with a side glare to him.

"But mom-" Both groaning in unison with broken hearted tones.

Lothar glanced over at his sister, one sliver of a hair from popping a blood vessel over the disturbed ritual of dinner time, "Your mothers right," Lothar set his beer mug down half drained and pushed away from the table, "Tonights guest is someone very very special, she can make green magic-"

"But we've already seen the magic tricks uncle-" Varian complained even as his mother divulged a nasty look at the children acting so erratically, a curse when the woman spent too much time away from her kids and the nannies were pushovers.

"Oh not like her magic," Lothar knelt down to their level. Holding out a hand the King traced a circle in his palm with both kids watching intently, "She can make entire villages and castles, monsters and dragons, all with just a flick of a wrist. She even made two of your mother before."

Wide eyed they looked over at their mother, who wore a smug grin as Lothar baited her kids with some little reward that would be for nothing just the illusion they'd behave, "That she has children, even your witty uncle couldn't tell us apart."

"Really??" Adariall looked amazed at her brother then back to her uncle, "Could she do us??"

"Can she make three of me!" Varian hopped up excitedly.

Adariall pushing her brother aside to ask Lothar for more, "No three of me I'm the oldest!"

Shrugging nonchalantly Lothar slowly stood back up, "I don't know, she might not even want to come with young adults acting like heathens."

"Where will she sit if you're both fighting over chairs?" Taria whimsically posing her question in a faked distraught tone while moving a few of the dinning chairs around.

Lothar frowned and nodded towards his sister with arms crossed over his tunic, "It would be a shame if I just had to let the Guardian know no one wanted to meet her and just went back home."

"No!" they cried out shaking both their heads wildly protesting the idea.

"We'll sit where you want!" Adariall announced.

"We'll be good we promise!" Varian adding to their bargain.

Sparing his sister a look, Taria mimicking the played off worry look, Lothar glanced back to the children and gave a shrug, "I don't know now, you two aren't even sitting like your mother asked. Just griping more and more, our guest is going to think all of Azeroth is like that."

Frantic both children scrambled to find where their mother had insisted they stay seated some ten minutes ago, "Up by your mother you two," Taria redirected their failed attempts to pick at random the seats that the adults wanted them in. They scurried over to their assigned seats just as a handmaid entered relying the message that their guests were awaiting their call into the dining room.

"Stand up children, you always bow to our Guardian," Taria prompted her children up and as told since they could walk, both Adariall and Varian stood beside their mother. Lothar smiling at the mother hen his sister always became and then beckoned the maid to allow the company in.

Confounded King and Queen starred floored when what they saw come in beside Khadgar was a delicately dressed Fain. Gown sweeping across the floor as she walked, parts of her body Taria didn't even think she'd see on the grown woman. Lothar trying to refocus his eyes lingering on the hugging fabric around her hips and stomach. A feminine silhouette but nothing skinny like his sister, the Royal family standing agape seeing the fairly brash warlock disguised in an elegant gown like she'd stepped right out of a fairytale.

"Lady Fain," Taria was the first to come away from her boggled expression and embraced the younger woman in her arms, "You look absolutely breath taking love, look at you." Taria turning her around, inspecting every inch and hem that clung to the woman's fuller shape, "You look like royalty my dear." A proud glimmer in her brown eyes as Taria squeezed her hand until Lothar broke in for his bit of attention.

"You're wearing a dress?" The king cocked an eyebrow at her with green eyes looking her up and down.

"I'm wearing a dress," Fain raised her arms in a shrug, the subtlest smile dancing on her lips as Lothar stepped back to gawk at her. Behind them Taria greeting Khadgar with a hug and pleasantries.

"Stormwind looks good on you little monster," His bearded lips peeled back into a full blown smile and that was all it took before Lothar and Fain folded their arms around one another in a close knitted embrace.

"It took a little getting use to," Fain's smile staining her face as Lothar let her go, brushing her hair back with a warm hand as he saw her slate eyes gaze over at the mage who was squatted down producing an icy rose for the eldest daughter and a frozen blue shield with the face of a lion for her younger brother.

"Varian, Adariall come here and meet our guest," Lothar called over to this kids, his arm slinging around Fain's shoulder and nestling the warlock under his arm.

"Manners," Taria could be heard in passing as the kids whisked past her.

Wired with delightful curiosity it was hard but Anduin and Adriall were able to dial it back as they approached the mystery woman beside their uncle. Excited pupils darting to their uncle for a clue and Lothar tipped his head to them in a curt nod.

"My name is Adariall Wrynn," first went the older girl, she lifted her pastel dress and curtsied to the stranger, "I am the first daughter of Queen Taria and King Llane, pleased to meet you."

"M-My name is Varian Wrynn and I'm-" less rehearsed than his sister it took a prod from Adariall in his side before Varian was able to regurgitated his introduction, "I'm Varian Wrynn and son of King Llane and Queen Taria, heir to the thrown."

Proud of her kids Taria spared Khadgar a apt grin and the mage nodded in agreement at how good the kids were getting at introducing themselves to people. However the mage was less interested in the kids honestly and more invoked to watch how Fain reacted to the youngest individuals she'd seen so far in Azeroth and their sudden swamping to her without hesitation. Not once had Khadgar actually spared a thought about Fain around or with adolescents.

The unwavering expression on her face worried the mage a little as both kids fell silent, starring wide eyed up to the woman they'd been to stoked to meet. Fain remaining still as her slate eyes flickered between one to the other. A nail biting few seconds as Fain kept motionless even with the children's prying eyes honed in on her. Instead of opening her mouth, the woman knelt down in her gown to eye level with the young ones. Varian and Adariall stone still in a trance as they stayed focus on Fain's movements waiting for her to do or say something.

"My goodness I've never met a prince or princess before," The twenty something year old feigned a disheartened expression, raising her hand to her mouth with a coy gasp, "Don't, don't you bring gifts to princes and princesses? Oops, I don't have anything-" Fain frowned as she patted down her thin gown, no way a present could be hidden in such a subtle dress, "Ah, wait-" She shook her head and beamed a smile at both of them, "I think I have something to please such a beautiful princess and dashing prince."

Gawking in favor of whatever she was about to do, Adariall and Varian latched hands together and starred at Fain excitedly while the women stood back up and took one large step back. Lothar moving from the warlock's way to retrieve his beer, Taria smiling as she watched her kids enthralled with Fain and Khadgar, he stood fixed on Fain's interaction with the Queen's kid. Her fluidity and natural affinity for engaging the young ones making the mage blush a little conjuring up thoughts of Fain doing the same but for her own.

"Hmm no nothing in this flimsy thing," returning back to showing the kids she had nothing in her gown, looking in both sleeves, kicking her feet out from under the hem and patting herself down, there was no avail to what she was promising them, "Maybe this dress is the issue?" Cocking her head to one side Fain grinned when both kids eagerly gazed on, "Where I come we don't wear things like this, we prefer something more functional." Winking at them Fain clasped her hands together, signing something no one knew in one fluid motion. In a blink her solid form slushed to the ground in a familiar black mass.

"Wow!" Varian and Adariall hooted, both kids jumping back astonished at the sudden dissolving trick, "Where? What?! What did she do?!" Adariall's mind blown as her brother ogled the rippling black 3D puddle at their feet.

"Watch close, she's not done yet," Lothar interjected, smirking into the lip of his beer knowing exactly what the woman was doing.

From that crawling figureless conjuring, angles and limbs began appearing. The prince and princess about loosing their minds as the black mass coagulate into something they could identify.

"An owl!!" Varian jerked away from his sister to rush up to the great grey owl. Wings spread the bird stood nearly as tall as the ten year old boy with a wing span three times his height.

"Varian don't-!" Adariall grabbing at her brother but it was for nothing as he came face to face with the nocturnal predator.

Grand yellow eyes locked onto the young prince. Frozen in his tracks like a mouse, Varian rethought his rush when the talons, nearly three or more inches in length, clicked against the stone floor. Gulping hard the prince blinked with goosebumps pricking all over his skin.

Those yellow eyes blinked and in one motion the bird's head swiveled it's characteristic 180 degrees with a distinguishable wink.

"Wow!!" Broken from his fear Varian knew it responded just like the woman had and he became ecstatic. Reaching out Fain's avian form closed it's eyes and bent it's head down so the young boys hand could meet the soft downy feathers of the bird's head.

"I wanna pet her! Don't hog it Varian!" Adariall, after seeing her brother not become the giant birds next meal, bustled past her brother to ogle the monstrous bird. They reached over every inch of the feathered body, stroking and measuring up and circling the owl before them in utter wonderment.

"I think they like you little monster," Lothar commented with a smile matched by his sister and mage, the adults watching as Varian and Adariall bantered about everything from the human sized wings to each razor sharp talon. Only met with a calm demeanor as the owl cooed softly in it's throat and let the kids feel and examine the avian body.

"Now I think that's quiet a bit for Lady Fain, I'm sure she's not use to having so much attention especially by little ones," Taria, after a hearty seven minutes of letting her kids fiddle along with her guest began ushering them towards the fact it was dinner time, "I certainly know she and the rest of us would like to eat."

Pouting a bit neither of them wanted to test their mother and loose the opportunity to play and ask more of the warlock, "Can you turn back into a person too??" Adariall's brown eyes grew big recalling the nasty black mass she'd seen.

Flushing out both wings, Varian and Adariall jumped back with a small start. It was only for the distance needed as speckled wings folded in tight. Then tighter and tighter, until what resembled an owl became the same goopey black mixture it was before. Stoked to see it in reverse, the kids grabbed hands excitedly waving them a little as something became of the goo.

Beside himself Khadgar watched with a smile he thought would break his face it was so big. He couldn't help it though as Fain's body, light rosy dress included, reamassed from the goop the owl had melted into. Adariall's and Varian's only response was to latch onto the woman's waist and smother her with tight hugs and praise. From another world it was a fondness he'd not found in other woman, seeing Fain hug the young prince and princess back, smiles abundantly rampant on the trios face, the mage found himself jumping a little when Lothar's voice broke through his thoughts asking about something else.

"Mage, for the last time, would you like a glass of wine," Lothar enunciating each word clearly as he saw Khadgar' attention return to the present and not his thoughts.

"Oh- Oh no, no thank you my King I wouldn't if Fain-" Khadgar began shaking his head.

"She's having some," Lothar shot his friend a grin, Khadgar not hearing the moment before when she'd been inquired for a beverage. The King only grinned when he saw Khadgar trying to gather his thoughts but the man nodded and looked over to one of the maids, "The Guardian will have a glass as well, make it a small glass thought will you." Green eyes winked at Khadgar who only grew flustered at the small snicker Fain made at him.

"Come sit now children, your meal is getting cold as are the rest of ours," Taria heralded the little ones to the seats she had for them. It was hard but they both were able to peel themselves away from Fain at their mother's request. Adariall sitting next to her mother at the head of the table, Varian on the side with Khadgar and his sister near him. Leaving Fain to be seated across from Khadgar and beside Lothar.

Pulling out the chair for her, Fain gave Lothar a questionable look. He only smiled and motioned for her to sit. Catching on Fain scooped the length of her dress under her bottom and took her seat beside the King. Lothar helping her scoot in when her eyes caught Khadgar's keen brown eyes watching her from across the table. Blushing hard, cheeks surpassing the color of her gown, Fain tried to hide her shy smirk. Lothar taking his seat beside her drawing their attention away from one another. Then the filing in of maids with plates stacked full of food and even more with glasses sloshing over with fragment wines to place in front of each of the older patrons.

Eyes reasonably sized like the dinner plate one maid sat down in front of Fain, the warlock gawked at the plate abundant with foods fresh and smelling of wondrous spices. Seeing everyone receive their plate and digging in, Fain sat stunned in front of her plate. Not reach out or even fidgeting to touch the savory dish. What snapped her out of the food induced trance was Khadgar bumping his foot against hers. Sending a jolt through the woman while she tore her eyes away from the meal.

"Go on little monster, eat," Lothar, tearing into a piece of meat from his fork, winked at Fain and nudged her side coyly, "You don't have to steal here." The King's comment landing a sly look over at the mage. Who in turned adverted his eyes while raising the half full wine glass to his lips disregarding his comment.

Excited chittering over at Taria's end of the table as the children shared stories of something they were both ecstatic about. Their mother in the middle mediating the entire debate over the very important adolescent subject.

Unable to hide her smile Fain returned her eyes back to the plate in front of her. An urgent grumble from her stomach when the savory scent wafted up to her. Cautious though Fain picked her fork up, both prying eyes of Lothar gnawing down on his meal and Khadgar sipping on his wine didn't leave the woman who poked the slab of meat with her fork.

"It's bore," Lothar smug look playful before another bite of the tender meat.

Astounded Fain almost set her fork down, "You mean-?!"

"No Fain, he means pig," Khadgar, grin plastered on his face from ear to ear at her gullibility, even took a bite from the main dish.

"Ooooh..." foolish about her first thought, Fain with a tentative hand chunked herself off a piece of meat. Bringing it up to the fair candle light in the dinning hall, studied the fully cooked cut of pork muscle. Like she'd done many times before with the food of Azeroth, she could not help but sniff it. Earning a good chuckle from the children watching the strange woman. Taria hushed them to eat their meal.

Fain smiling a little nervous after the kids giggling, she proceeded to place the cooked pig in her mouth. One chew and euphoria melted her senses, "Oh my-" Mouth watering Fain held her hand up embarrassed as she chewed the larger than expected hunk of meat, "Oh this is so good!"

Everyones face lit up with the warlocks enthusiasm for the meal. And that carried out through all of dinner and even the sweet persuasion of the kids insisting desert be served as a meal as well. A ploy to get more time with the newly discovered warlock they were so absorbed with. With such merriment going on Taria allowed the kids a belated bed time routine. Lothar swishing down his beer happily. And Khadgar watching as Fain blossomed breath takingly before the mage, the dour woman he'd stalked many nights before back to her room all for a fig pastry, now spinning tales of her travels. Of her home lands. Monsters and creatures alike. Nothing dying down, the fire pit even roiling as the evening proceeded on.

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