My Guardian Dragon

By Supermaxywaxy

326K 9.4K 2.2K

This is an Avengers/ HTTYD crossover. It's also an x reader. Y/n is Hiccup's twin sister. She woke up in a f... More

"Back Up" ▫️ Chapter 1
Shrinking▫️Chapter 2
Drawings▫️Chapter 3
Tell me▫️chapter 4
Life to the fullest▫️Chapter 5
Lessons▫️Chapter 6
Toast▫️Chapter 7
Taking sides▫️ Chapter 8
ROAR!!!▫️ Chapter 9
Temper▫️ Chapter 10
Hydra▫️ Chapter 12
Screams▫️ Chapter 13
Super sorry
Astrid?▫️ Chapter 14
Friends▫️ Chapter 15
Ruffnut! Tuffnut!▫️ Chapter 16
Blank▫️ Chapter 17
Hiccup▫️ Chapter 18
No!▫️ Chapter 19
Birthday▫️Chapter 20
Riddles▫️ Chapter 21
Earth▫️ Chapter 22
Asgard▫️ Chapter 23
Hugs▫️Chapter 25
Betrayal~Chapter 26
Flying▫️ Chapter 27
Pinky Promise▫️ Chapter 28
Short▫️ Chapter 29
Babies~Chapter 30
Play pen~Chapter 31
Useful~Chapter 32
Ocean~Chapter 33
Chase~Chapter 34
Portal~Chapter 35
Happy Mothers Day!
Nightmare~Chapter 36
Wake Up!~ Chapter 37
True Viking~ Chapter 38
Leaving~ Chapter 39
Fourth of July!
Home~Chapter 40

Y/N!!!▫️ Chapter 24

4.8K 172 64
By Supermaxywaxy

~Hiccup's POV~

"L-Loki? Like the god of m-mischief and lies?" I stutter. How can this be?! LOKI?! He's just a myth! A god!!!! Loki stared at me. "Yes, that is me. Now, where did you intend to arrive?" He asked me.

I mentally calmed myself. "I intended to find my sister, y/n. A couple months ago she went missing and we haven't found her. Then, my friends started disappearing." I explained, scooting closer to Toothless.

Loki thinks for a second. "You said her name was y/n?" He questions. I hesitantly nod in reply. After a couple seconds he smirks. "I may know where she is." He says, sort of smugly.

My eyes widen. "What?! How?! Where is she?!" I ask excitedly, then I pause, realizing that he is the god of lies.

"She is currently with my idiotic brother and his friends. I assume your other friends are also with them." He says. I think for a second, they form some courage.

"How do I know your no lying?"

"Really mortal? I am telling the truth."

"And how do I know that?"

"Do you want my help or not?!"

"Yes! Yes, I do! But, you are the god of lies. I do not know if you are tricking me."

He sighs. "Fine. I will make a deal with you. I will bring you to them, and if you aren't satisfied then......then I will bring you back home. If I am telling the truth, you shall give me a sample of your dragons plasma." He said, eyeing toothless. I look down at my friend who looks back up at me.

I think about it for a second before looking back up at the God. "Yes, I agree to the deal." I tell him. "Great." He says while smirking.

~Time Skip~

Loki brought me to a place where it can take us to where
y/n. "Wow." I mumble as I look around at everything. "Stop gawking and come." Loki says sternly. I look at him and nod.

~Time Skip~

I found myself in the middle of a field with Loki standing next to me. "Okay. Where's y/n?!" I ask him. "She is here, I promise you. Though, I do need my brothers permission to enter the building, and unfortunately, I can not just walk up to the building. The people here are not very fond of me." He tells me. I furrow my eyebrows and turn to him.

"Then what am I to do?" I ask.

"Just stay here. I will make a call to my brother. Then, I can teleport us into the building."

He turns and takes a small, weird building out of his pocket. He presses some things on it, making it light up. My eyes widen in wonder.

After a couple minutes of him angrily yelling at the metal box, he finally put it away while he mumbled some curses. He turned to me, "okay. We were allowed inside." He tells me.

Almost instantly, I found myself standing in the middle of a large, fancy looking room, toothless standing next to me.

Many people stood around us, staring. There were only 2 women of the many men. One had shoulder length red hair, with skin tight clothing. The other had long, reddish-brown hair. I looked over at all the men.

The first was tall and well built with dirty blonde hair.

Another had brown hair, with sort of a short beard. He was also well built, but not as much as the other.

The third also had brown hair, but no facial hair. He wore nice clothing. He looked sort of fidgety.

The next stood tall and proud with shoulder length blonde hair. He wore a sort of royal looking clothing. Is he THOR?!?!?!?!

Another had light brown hair, also with no facial hair. He wore black and purple clothing and held a bow and arrow.

The last man stood close to the corner of the room. He had shoulder length brown hair, and seemed to be almost glaring at everyone.

It was quiet until the second man I had mentioned spoke up. "Hey, I kind of recognize you. Your y/n's brother right? What was your name? Hm...happy? No, hunter, no...hi- hi-"


"Yeah! That's it!" He exclaimed, taking a step closer to me.

"Y/n? You know her, where is she?!" I exclaimed excitedly. "Chill, she locked up in her room. She been like that for a couple days." The same man said. I held up the axe I have been holding.

"You locked her up? Give me my sister!" I growled. The first man i had mentioned took a step closer and held up his hands cautiously.

"Calm down. We didn't lock her up. What Tony meant was that she has been staying in her room for a while, rarely leaving it." He said calmly. I nodded and lowered my axe.

"Baby Brother?" I heard someone say from behind me.

I turned to see y/n entering the room with Astrid, Ruffnut and Tuffnut following behind her.

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