What Lies Below the Surface

By SarahCalian

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I'm a loyal princess of Nohr, but I've been locked up in a castle all my life. Then one day, my father, King... More

Prologue: The Ties That Bind
Chapter 1: Nohr
Chapter 2: The Gift of Ganglari
Chapter 3: Hoshido
Chapter 4: Mother
Chapter 5: The Path is Mine
Chapter 6: Going My Own Way
Chapter 7: Apparently it's Not 'Bottomless'
Chapter 8: Branded as a Traitor
Chapter 9: The Wind Tribe
Chapter 10: Delusions of a Peaceful Kingdom
Chapter 11: Beginning to Trust
Chapter 12: Mutual Enemies
Chapter 13: Accident
Chapter 14: A Slippery Situation
Chapter 15: An Unwanted Clash
Chapter 16: Orders to Kill
Chapter 17: Confessions
Chapter 18: The Rainbow Sage
Chapter 19: Hoshidans United
Chapter 20: Nohrians United
Chapter 21: Veiled Kingdom
Chapter 23:Hidden Strings
Chapter 24: Seeds of Doubt
Chapter 25: Betrayal
Chapter 26: Memories of Better Times
Chapter 27: Bonding and Separation
Chapter 28: Can I Trust a Puppet
Chapter 29: Blades Drawn
Chapter 30: The True Traitor
Chapter 31: Anankos
Chapter 32: Ceremonies Worth Remembering

Chapter 22: Nightmares in Reality

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By SarahCalian

I jolted awake, and I soon felt Takumi stirring beside me.
He then rolled over so he was facing me. "....ugh...you okay Kai?"
I quickly glanced out the window that was in the tree house, and I could tell the sun was startingto come up. Even though the Astral Planes were hidden, they still followed the rules of the regular world, in respect to time, which meant that about three days had passed since we got to Valla. There was a lot of recovery that needed to be done, and we planned to head out later this morning.
"...I just had a really bad nightmare..." I said as I sat up.
Takumi also sat up, and gently embraced me. "You want to talk about it?"
"I guess it wouldn't hurt," I said with a sigh. "So, I was at Castle Shirasagi...but I was clearly sided with Nohr. I had obviously just faced Ryoma in battle, as he was on his knees, supporting himself with Raijinto. King Garon had ordered me to kill him, but...I couldn't bring myself to do it. He's my brother, after all."
"Then what happened?" Takumi asked as he gently pulled me closer to him.
Tears were already coming to my eyes. "...the words are still so clear in my head...he said, 'I cannot fall into the hands of my enemy. So I...' he...he then paused f-for a moment as he...h-he thrust the R-Raijinto into his lower chest...th-there was so much blood...I tried to look away, but I couldn't...he then continued on, saying, 'fulfil a samurais final duty!' he then let out a battle cry a-as he thrusted it deeper... 'I'm counting on you...' I remember that he looked a-at me, with a final smile....then f-fell to the ground...I-I watched him kill himself..."
Takumi gently rubbed my back, trying to comfort me. "Shh...it's okay, Kai. Like you said...it was just a nightmare. You know I get nightmares, too. I know how you feel."
I sniffed, and burried my face in his chest, breaking down into tears. I couldn't hold it back any longer.
He gently ran a hand through my hair, trying his best to calm me down. "Kai...I promise everything is going to be okay...you know...there's something I need to tell you."
"Wh-what's that...?" I asked as I looked up at him.
"I love you," he said before gently kissing me on the lips.
I smiled, and kissed back.
"Feeling better now?" he asked as I rested my head on his shoulder.
I nodded, and gently ran my hand down his spine. "Yeah...part of me think it's because of what we did last night..."
"....how can they be related?" Takumi asked as he furrowed his eyebrows.
I sighed as I closed my eyes. "Well...I mean, we were both nervous."
"I'll agree with that, but how can nervousness be connected with a nightmare about Ryoma killing himself...?"
I sighed. "I don't know...it was just a thought..."
"Alright," Takumi said. "Anyways, we should get ready. Ryoma is coming in aboutan hour, remember?"
I nodded. "Yeah. Let's get ready."

About an hour later, I was finishing getting ready, and there was a knock on the door.
"Can you get that, Takumi?" I called out.
"Yeah!" he yelled form the other room.
When I walked into the main room, Ryoma was sitting in a chair, and I saw Takumi in the kitchen, making tea.
"Good morning, Kai," Ryoma said with a smile.
"Morning," I said as I sat down across from him, and Takumi came back in, and gave each of us a cup of tea.
Ryoma sighed. "...I assume the two of you already know why I'm here, correct?"
I nodded as Takumi sat down next to me. "Yeah. He proposed to me about, what, a week or so ago? Anyways, I said yes, but since you are the eldest, we need your concent to get married," I said as I took a sip of my tea.
Ryoma nodded as he tooka sip of his own tea. "Ineed. And I will gladly give you my concent," he said with a smile.
I slightly gasped as I took Takumi's hand in mine. "R-really...?"
Ryoma nodded. "Of course. I want the best for the both of you, and I'll support you. To be honest...Mother gave me a letter when you returned to Hoshido...and told me to open it if I started to doubt you, Kai...and it talked about how you aren't Sumeragi's child..."
Takumi slightly gasped. "Really? Mother gave me a letter...and she told me to open it if I started to worry about who I had feelings for..."

I wasn't really paying attention at this point, and started to space out.
Before I realized what was happening, I was thrown into a flashback of my nightmare. Only this time, I was Ryoma.
As soon as I had thrusted Raijinto into my lower chest, I cried out in pain, snapping back to reality, and I quickly broke from Takumi, and clutched my chest, doubling over in pain.
Takumi almost immediately grabbed my shoulder. "Kai?! Are you okay?!"
At this point, I wasn't able to respond, the pain overwhelming, so I closed my eyes. I felt blood trickling down over my hands. At the same time, it felt as if I had electricity flowing through my body, as if I had actually been stabbed by the Raijinto.
I then heard Ryoma speak up. "Gods...Takumi, you do realize she's bleeding, right?!"
I then felt Takumi take a piece of cloth or something, and move my hands so he could tie it over the wound before gently picking me up bridal style. "Yeah. The important thing right now is trying to figure out what's going on- and getting her medical attention.
I then opened my eyes, and looked at Takumi. "Takumi..." I said in a barely audible mumble.
He gasped, but gently kissed my forehead, and I could tell that he was trying not to break down into tears. "I-it'll be okay, Kai. I'm n-not gonna lose y-you...we need to keep o-our promises...w-we both need to make it through this w-war..."
Ryoma sighed. "Come on. Let's get her to the infirmary. Now."
Takumi nodded. "R-right."
At that point, I couldn't hold up any longer, and passed out, most likely from blood loss.


I had no idea what was going on. When I came to, I was in an open field.
I was about to get up, when I heard someone speak up.
"Oh, I'm so glad you're awake, Kai!"
I froze on the spot. The person who was talking to me...it was Mother! I then did the only thing I could. I quickly got up, turned to face her, and hugged her, trying not to break down into tears. "M-Mother!!! I...I missed you so much..."
She gently stroked my hair. "Same here, my dear Kai..."
A sudden realization hit me. "Wait...am...am I dead...?" I asked as I looked up at Mother.
She shook her head. "Of course not...though I would take what happened as a warning."
"A warning...?" I asked, very confused.
Mother nodded. "Yes. What happened to you...it was basically a display of Anankos's power....you need to be careful, Kai. There is very likely traitor among your ranks. Something of this intensity can only be done if Anankos, or one of his pawns, is near you."
I nodded. "R-right...thanks for the warning..."
"Kai," Mother said with a sigh. "I don't have much more time to talk with you...but there are a few more things I need to tell you, my sweet child..."
"What is it...?" I asked, wiping some tears off my face.
Mother smiled. "I'll always love you...I'm so glad you and Takumi are finally together. Also, know this; you will have to face me in an upcoming battle...I do not know when or where it will be, though."
I nodded. "Right. I'll...I'll be sure to stay safe."
Mother nodded and gently kissed my cheek. "I'm going to miss you, Kai."
I nodded. "Yeah...I...I guess this is goodbye...until we meet again..."
Mother nodded. "Yes. Please, be safe..."
I nodded and hugged Mother tightly as everything went black.


When I came to, I was where I expected to be the first time; the Astral Plane's infirmary.
I slightly groaned as I sat up, as my body was still aching from my...injury earlier.
It took me a moment to put together everything that had just happened. The fact that all of this was Anankos's doing...just blew my mind. Then something hit me. Mother said that there was a traitor among my group. I have no idea who it could be. Not in the slightest. But...how did she even know about Anankos? I mean, you can't talk about Valla outside of its border...and the spirit and/or near-death world, or wherever I was.
However, before I could think about it any more, Azura walked up to my bed. "Thank the gods you're awake, Kai."
It took me a few seconds, but I was able to find my voice. "Urgh...Azura...? Where's...Takumi?"
"He should be training with Ryoma," she said as she sat on the edge of my bed. "Takumi said it was so that they could keep you off their minds. Neither of them have felt...at ease why you've been out cold, recovering. However...that's not why I'm here. ...are you okay? What actually happened? Takumi told me Ryoma said it looked like...you were stabbed by the Raijinto, but he didn't do anything...I actually took a look at the wound myself, and it does look like you were stabbed with the Raijinto. I want to hear your account of what happened."
With a slight hesitation, I bit my lip. "O-of course, Azura. But...can I talk about..."
It took her a moment to figure out what I meant, but she then nodded. "Yes. Since we entered the Astral Plane while we were in Valla, we are able to talk about it here."
With a sigh, I told Azura everything that had happened, starting with the original nightmare.

Azura closed her eyes. "...you're lucky you survived, Kai. I wouldn't be surprised if Anankos tried doing something similar again, but I doubt it. But...what baffles me more is why I think the nightmare was what it was."
"What does that mean?" I asked.
She sighed. "Basically, I think that Anankos was able to come up with this nightmare idea based off of the choice you made a few weeks ago."
"You mean when I refused to join a side?"
Azura nodded. "Exactly. I think the nightmare was derived from events that could've happened if you had chosen to side with Nohr."
"I see," I said with a sigh.
Just then, I heard someone coming in our direction. "Hey Azura, how's Kai doing?"
There was no mistaking that voice. It belonged to Takumi.
Azura then quickly got up from where she was sitting as I spoke up. "Guess who's finally awake?"
Takumi then came into the room, and before I could react, he basically had me pinned down to the bed.
"Gyah! Takumi! Be careful..." I said with a sigh.
"Sorry," he said as he gently wrapped his arms around me. "I was just so worried...you'd been out cold for two days...you're our leader, and we can't move on without you."
I slightly smirked. "Oh, you better bet I'm the leader."
"Hm? What do you...o-oh....K-Kai!" Takumi cried out, his face flushing red.
I giggled. "Sorry. You left the opportunity, so I took-"
Before I could finish my sentence, Takumi drew me in for a kiss, and I didn't complain or anything, and kissed him back.
"Now we're even," he said as we broke.
I let out an annoyed sigh. "...anyways...where's Ryoma? Azura said you were training with him..."
"I was," Takumi responded as he sat up. "But, he told me that he wanted to do some meditation by himself. He does that a lot normally, seeing that he's a samurai, and well, samurai's need to keep their head clear."
I nodded in agreement. "Yeah. So, can I go and talk to him...? I need to tell him this isn't his fault..."
Though I probably shouldn't tell him who's actually behind it, and how I know, I added on as a mental note.
Takumi nodded. "Sounds like a good idea," he said as he helped me up.
"Oh, Takumi," Azura spoke up. "You might want to go with Kai. Due to everything that happen, we think it's very possible that we have a traitor among our ranks. She needs to stay safe."
Takumi nodded. "Of course."
And with that, we went to find Ryoma.

When we found him, he was sitting by sitting by one of the various lakes that sat on the fringe of the area that we used in the Astral Planes. He was sitting cross legged, and the Raijinto was in his lap.
I then spoke up. "Um...Ryoma?"
"Hm?" he then turned his head to briefly look at me, but quickly returned his gaze to the lake. "...if you're here to kill me, just do it and get it over with. I'd rather die in your hands then kill myself...it would only make you feel horrible...Takumi told me about your dream," he said with no emotion in his voice.
"Ryoma! This isn't your fault!" I said. "Our real enemy...Anankos did this! I...I need you to understand..."
"Why should you care about me, Kai? I, no- the Raijinto betrayed you. As its wielder, I am responsible for any damages or deaths that it causes."
I then broke away from Takumi, and went over to Ryoma. Without a single word or explanation, I moved the Raijinto, and quickly took its spot, now straddle-sitting in Ryoma's lap, facing him. "Ryoma. You need to listen to me!"
He slightly chuckled. "...why am I not surprised that you did this? Kai...I pretty much figured out that this wasn't my fault, but rather someone of a greater power. However, I couldn't help but think I was. You...you helped me see that it wasn't. Kai, there's something about you that makes you a great leader...and that makes others willing to trust in you, even if they don't think it's for the best. It's one of the reasons I decided to come and join you."
I smiled. "Ryoma, thank you."
He shook his head. "I should be the one thanking you. After all, you brought everyone together...all in all, I'm just glad that you're okay."
I smiled and hugged him, and surprised him by giving him a kiss on the cheek.
"K-Kai?! What was th-that for?!" he cried out as he went into a full-out blush.
I slightly giggled. "What? Am I not allowed to kiss my brother?"
"C'mon, Ryoma," I heard Takumi say with a snicker, "I've done that plenty of times before."
Ryoma sighed. "Sorry...I just wasn't expecting that. ...so in that case..." he then trailed off as he pulled me in for a kiss, but this time, on the lips.
I did kiss back, but I went into a full-out blush myself.
Ryoma let out a laugh. "Am I not allowed to kiss my sister?" he said in a mocking tone.
I glanced over at Takumi, and he too was laughing.
I sighed. "Alright, alright...you got me. Anyways...we should get ready to head out. We don't want to waste any more time," I said as I stood up.
Takumi and Ryoma nodded, and spoke in almost perfect unison. "Right!"

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