By SanC-Rylie

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"Who is he?" I ask Debra- the first friend I've made on my very first day here at St. Alexander high. "He see... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
New Story
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Stories chapters
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Interact with the author
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Still Here
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34- Part 1
Chapter 34- part 2
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Author's note
Chapter 37
Author's note
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
22 Things About Me
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Book 2: Prologue
Book 2:Chapter 1
Hey Guys
New Book
Book 2:Chapter 2
Book 2: Chapter 3
Book 2: Chapter 4
Author's note
Book 2: Chapter 5
Important note
Author's note
Newest mafia novel

Chapter 3

19.5K 655 185
By SanC-Rylie

"It looks... almost scary." I said as mom dropped me off at the new school.

"I can't believe I'm hearing that coming from you." Mom chuckle "When since do you find anything scary?"

"Since today," I said still sitting in the car and refusing to get out "Just look at the place and all these kids, I bet they're all jerks."

"Well that shouldn't be anything new to you, you've been living with similar ones for over ten years." she responded "And you saw them everyday yet you mastered that so well, public high school should be a breeze for you now. You'll have no problem with academics since you've been taught most of what they're going to be teaching again here, they even moved you up a grade so you should be fine."

"In academics maybe but what about surviving socially? What do I do? I have no idea how to behave around these people, I wasn't taught that." I said to her.

"Cassie you're worrying for nothing. High School will be just like boarding at the organization, you behave normal, follow the rules and everything will be just like going to school at the organization" mom said to me "Well except that you won't be taught how to fight, fire guns, handle weapons and such. Don't show that part of you and try to blend in, you'll be fine Cas."

"I don't know... You know I can't believe I'm saying this but I think I'd rather still be at Cleaner's institute." I sighed.

"You need to get accustom to the changes Cassie, you'll eventually get over it. Now get out the car, you're not the only one who has a first day," mom said to me "I don't want to be late for work."

"Can't I just swing by with you and hang around, you know try to learn the ropes instead of being here? I have graduated high school level already." I said to her "So why not get me in the officially working world?"

"Two reasons: one, you're still a minor and two, you still have a whole lot to learn for example following orders and learning to stick with your cover. Come on, get out, go to school." mom said leaning over to open my door "I'll see you at three or if I can't make it, Harvey will. Now have a good first day, good luck."

"Yeah thanks." I mumbled in a sarcastic tone before getting out the car.

"Don't do anything I wouldn't do okay?" Mom called to me.

"Wouldn't dream of it." I responded rolling my eyes and shutting the door.

Giving me a smile, mom shake her head at me and drove off. I sighed as I started making my way to the school's entrance.

Cassie's first day outfit

As I walked I tried not to make it obvious that I was new and hadn't seen a real high school yet before. The parking lot was huge with kids hanging out there as well as some sitting on benches and going different places. I have already gotten my class schedule and a map of the school picked up before. Harvey and mom made sure to get all that so I wouldn't have to go through the trouble of trying to figure where the hell to go or what to do. Even though they had already picked up everything I needed,they told me that the principal had suggested that I see her so that she could assigned someone to show me around the school so I wouldn't be lost on my first day. Not that I was going to do that, I already had the map and I was still some minutes early since school starts at 8:30 am and now was only 8:06 am. I still had 24minutes to try finding out where my first two classes before lunch were located and it's not like I had any other way of killing time. Plus I heard that since it was a first day back to school after there was going to be a general assembly where they'd welcome new and returning students.

I used the map to navigate my way to where the gym where the assembly was going to take place was located, next I tried finding where my first class of the day was located, that was a bit more challenging and took longer since I had to be searching for the numbers and I was supposed to be at the east wing but I mistakenly ended up going to the west wing- the classroom turns out to be my homeroom as well. At least I had figured out where I was supposed to be for the two first schedules. By the time I went back down the hallway and decided to check out my locker it was announced that students should now make their way to the gym.

I made my way to the gym and took a seat at one of the benches near the back which was slightly emptier than other places, however it wasn't long until that area was also full. I took out my phone and started playing with it as they waited for kids to sit and settle down before addressing us.

After minutes of waiting, we were finally asked for our attention. They went over some rules of the school, welcome the new comers and wishing us a fun and successful journey here at St.Alexander High school. They also welcome back the returning students and reminding them to be in their best behaviors throughout the school year and also relayed to us about events that would be taking place in the school etc before we were being dismissed to find our respective classes.

Thankfully I have had the time to seek out where the first class would be located which so happened to be my homeroom. When I entered the classroom there were quite an amount of kids already inside but the room was still mostly empty, the others must be on their way. Most of the kids that were already present were huddled in groups talking and laughing, I guess this was them catching up after the holiday. I went over to the other side of the room that had lesser people and took a seat in the fifth row right next to the window. It was best I choose that seat so I could pretend to be looking outside instead of focussing on the kids in the class and make them recognized me as the new girl or something.

I was looking outside at students walking about to and from their different whereabouts. I was forced to look back inside when I heard a girl hurling an insult sat beside me on my right. It took me a second to realise that the classroom was now practically full.

"I'm sure your father didn't mind! A$$hole!" The girl yelled at someone across the room before turning to me and noticed me looking at her. "Sorry about that, but that asswipe gets on my nerve."

"No its okay." I shrugged. I didn't even hear the entire insult.

Looking at her clearly now I could see just how gorgeous she was, she was an absolutely stunning beauty and her makeup was 'turnt' and on point but what really caught my attention was her bright long turquoise colored hair. It was my first time ever seeing anyone with their hair this color and even more I didn't know this was something that would be acceptable in school, I thought schools were really strict about wearing natural hair colors. Somehow she seems different and I really liked her hair.

"You must be new here." turquoise hair girl said to me.

"Yeah." I nodded.

"Figures... I'm Debra by the way, Debra Lindsey." she said to me.

"Cassie Snow." I introduced myself to her.

"Short for Cassandra?" Debra asked.

"Yeah." I nodded once again.

Pictures of Debra

(Kylie Jenner)

"Is that your real hair?" She asked looking at my curls with visible fascination.

"It is." I nodded.

"It's gorgeous by the way," she said to me "I totally love your curls."

"I like your hair too." I told her "And the color is..."

"I know, weird, freaky..." Debra cut me off by saying.

"No, I was about to say it's different," I told her "It's not every day you see someone with a head full of turquoise blue hair. Different is actually good, its refreshing."

"Wow. And I think you just totally become my new bff." Debra chuckled "You just complimented me, that's something I haven't heard in ages especially since I've started coloring my hair, everyone usually just think of me as a freak."

"There's nothing wrong with being different and expressing yourself the way you want." I said to her.

"And it just got real," Debra chuckle "You Cassie are officially my new best friend."

I couldn't help but laugh at her dramatics. I like this girl already. I really didn't thought I'd get along with anyone here so soon but Debra was something else.

"So I need to ask are your contacts medicinal or for fashion?" She asked me.

"Huh?" I asked confused.

"Your lenses? I really like the color, they're beautiful." she said pointing to her own eyes.

Oh, that's what she meant. She too thought I was wearing contact lenses.

"I'm not wearing contact lenses." I chuckle.

"You're kidding me right?" She said in shock.

"Nope, these are my real eye color," I said to her "But I always get the same reaction from people when they found out."

"Omg, I honestly didn't think it was possible. It's not something I've ever seen before." she said to me "I don't mean this to be an offense but I didn't think black persons could have naturally green eyes. I usually only see that trait in white people
or people who are mixed, you look mixed, are you?"

"Uhm, not that I'm aware of." I told her.

I honestly don't know if somewhere along the line my supposedly biological father may have been mixed and that was where I inherited the rare green eyes but from what I have learnt about my mother's family, they were all black coming down. I always guessed that my biological father was a black man too. We had no idea who my real father was because of the situation how my mother had gotten pregnant with me but most likely he was some sort of criminal maybe considering. I didn't like to think about that or wonder about where I got my eyes.

"You're a rare beauty Cassie and don't think I'm gay because I said that," Debra said to me "Its just the truth, you are really pretty and I bet guys go crazy about those eyes huh?"

"I have no idea about that," I laugh "But thanks."

We talked for a few more seconds before our teacher came in and demanded our absolute attention. After going over the whole welcome back process and what she expects from us throughout this term she proceeded to asked about any new students in the class. I didn't make myself known, I just sort of kept my head down so she wouldn't see my face and recognized that I'm new. There was no way I was going to be standing in front of the class and introduced myself and give a run down of my life to everyone. Like what the hell would I say?
'Hi everyone, my name is Cassandra Snow. I grew up at this place where it's somewhat like an orphanage and a boarding school combined and they thought us how to gather information, fight, kill or just how to 'clean' out the criminals from society?' Hell no! I wasn't going to raised my hand that I was new. Debra didn't say anything or gave me away for that matter, as soon as the teacher started the class telling us about the curriculum and syllabus for this semester she told me how she understand and she too hated that type of unwanted attention I would have gotten if I had acknowledged when she said new students should raised their hands.
Just as the class door opened and all our attention was now on the guy who had entered-a really cute guy at that- the bell rang signalling the end of the class.

"Mr. Cavelli, how nice of you to finally show up at the end of the class. You're not only late but you missed the entire session." Mrs. Malcolm said to him before turning to us "Class is dismissed kids, please remember to read the page 16 and 17 of the English text book."

"Mr.Cavelli it's the first day of school and you already start it off bad."

"Ms.Malcolm, would you believe it if I told you I got lost along the way?" The guy chuckled obviously messing with her "It's not like I missed anything life changing is it? I'll see you next class miss."

The way he just winked at her and head back through the door just proves how rude that was.

"What class do you have next?" Debra asked me as we walked through the door.

"I think its biology," I said to her as I reached into my pocket to pull out the schedule "Yeah, I have bio with a Ms. T. Hawkins. I have no idea where I'm supposed to go now."

"No worries, I have the same class next." Debra smile at me "We'll go together."

Going down the hallway I spotted the guy who had came in late a few minutes ago along with some others and they were being extremely loud, but what caught my attention was that he and his friends seemed to be teasing some other kid, they were keeping a book away from him throwing it to each other as the poor guy tried desperately to get it.

"Who is he?" I ask Debra- the first friend I've made on my very first day here at St. Alexander high. "He seems like such a jerk."

"Yeah, that's Tyler Cavelli," she replied "The typical high school rich popular hot boy, the one who thinks he's all that because all the girls want to be with him. You probably know his kind- the cliché highschool bad boy."

"No I really don't know, " I told her "Its actually my first time in highschool- my first time at any school."

"Are you serious!? You've been homeschooled all your life?" Debra asked in surprise.

"Yeah." I nodded.

"Wow, I can't even imagine that." Debra responded shaking her head "Anyway that's Tyler and the one with the long hair is Lucan."

"He's cute." I said to her.

"Yeah he is, in fact the all of them that hang out together are hot, but they're all jerks; especially Tyler and Lucan... Their parents are business partners and friends so you know they are also good friends too but..."


The bell went off causing Debra to stop what she was about to say.

"I'll tell you more about them on our way to class" Debra said hooking her arms with mine "Come on"

Pictures of: Tyler

(Andrea Denver)


(Enrico Ravenna)

"So you were saying about Tyler and his gang?" I urged Debra as we made our way to the bio class.

"Oh yeah... As I was saying they're all a$$holes and considering that they practically run the school and they're only juniors that's saying a lot" Debra said to me.

"But why are they really like that, I mean what is their story?" I asked.

"What story? They don't have much of a story except that when you have money and come from well known business parents all that power gets to your head" Debra said to me "They can practically get away with anything here because Daddy pays big money and make lots of donation and contribution to the school building up and development"

"So that gives them the right to act like jerks?" I asked.

"Yeah, none of the staff here or principal isn't going to risk upsetting the biggest sponsors to the school by punishing their kids" Debra said to me.

"So that's the type of injustice that goes on here?" I asked "wow, these are the type of things we need to clean out"

"What?" Debra asked.

"Nothing" I said shaking my head "So all those guys are kids of rich persons".

"Yeah you could say that" Debra nodded "Tyler and his siblings- the Cavelli's- they're family businesses are very well known, they own hotels, clubs restaurants, stores etc around the country. Lucan's parents have a few as well but they're mostly partners with the Cavelli's"

"He has siblings that goes here as well?" I asked.

"Yeah the twins, Jovanni and Alexandra- they're sophomores. They're in the same class with my sister" Debra told me.

"You have a sister?"

"Yes, I have two sisters. Mila is my younger sister she's the one that's in class with the twins and my older sister Jhenelle she's 25 she lives in California now" Debra told me as she find some seats at the center of the class.

"That's cool" I said to her "It's just me"

"Honestly you should be thankful... Mila gets on my nerves most of the time" Debra said to me.

"Well if it isn't Marge from the Simpsons" this blonde girl said smirking as she passed by Debra "Blue hair this term? These different colors, Is it like a disease that spreads?"

"Yeah maybe but definitely not one of the types you have. The good thing is that my color hair are the only type of diseases thats spreading quite rapidly" Debra said to her "Unlike you, you're type of diseases ranges from chlamydia, syphilis, gonorrhea...wait do you even know what I'm talking about?"

"Oh shut up smurfette" Blondie scoffed before walking passed us.

"Truth hurts doesn't it!?" Debra called after her laughing "B*tch."

"Who the hell is she?" I asked Debra already not liking the girl.

"That's Madison Alveranga, Tyler's slutty on and off plaything." Debra said to me "I wouldn't call her his girlfriend, she's everyone's play thing. When it's not Tyler, its Lucan. I don't know how someone can be that disgusting- the guys are friends for Christ sake. And Lucan was even more of a moron for hooking up with her - but he's an ass so..."

"Wait, why do I feel like there is something between you and Lucan?" I said to her.

"Trust me, there is nothing going on between Lucan and I." Debra scowled "I don't count the past as legitimate anymore."

"Oh wait, so you guys were a thing then? I had no idea." I said to her "That's why you know so much about them."

"Keyword Cassie were, as in the past," Debra responded "I'm not that stupid anymore."

"So wait, that girl Madison is she the reason you're not together anymore?" I asked her.

"Not the only reason. Lucan is a jackass by himself I've already told you that." Debra replied "But the b*tch back there is a whole other story, I won't let her get to me, she'll get what's coming to her soon."

Picture of Madison

(Taylor Momsen)

Tried giving you a longer chapter than usual and pictures of the characters so you'd have a better idea of how they look. What do you think about them? Hope you like the chapter and don't forget to vote and comment.

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